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Loosen Up

Page 4

by Robin Leaf

  “The easy thing would be for you to choose for me.”

  “I can’t do that.” I pictured him running his hand through his hair, like I was frustrating him for being difficult. “You need to choose someone with whom you want to do this.”

  “Honestly, Jase. This is your show.” I took a deep breath. “Let me ask you a question. Have you pictured this? Like fantasized about it?”

  It took him a while to answer. I was about to break the silence when he whispered, “Yes.”

  “Well then, who do you picture with me?”

  “Darla…” he warned.

  “No, tell me.”

  Again I was met with silence, so I waited.

  He grunted, “Me, alright? I picture you… with me.”

  I was stunned. It was my turn to hesitate. “Then why…?

  “It is not an option, Darla Maize.” His tone rang of finality.

  “Okay, since,” I mocked his tone, “‘it is not an option,’ who could you see with me?”


  “C’mon, Jase. Help me out here.” Nothing. “Okay. Would you prefer a man or a woman?”

  “Whatever you –”

  “No,” I interrupted. “I want to know what you prefer. Man or woman?”

  “A man,” he offered without hesitation this time. “I want to see you with a man.” He took a deep breath. “I want to see you ride a cock.” Holy Buddha, that one sentence soaked me, and I reached down to feel how slippery I was. I couldn’t help the tiny moan I let slip. “I want to pretend it’s me,” he said on a sigh, “so fucking bad.”

  I don’t think I was supposed to hear that last part, but I responded to it anyway. “You don’t have to pretend.” I whispered very quietly. “It can be you. I want it to…”

  “God, Darla,” he groaned, so out of control, so out of character. I wondered if he was touching himself like I was. “I really need this to happen soon. Please. I need to see you come.”

  “So find me someone, Jase,” I breathed. “If I can’t have you, then pick for me. I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll be with whomever you choose.” Goddess, please tell me why can’t it be you?

  “Okay,” he said as if he was in pain. “I will find someone.” And he hung up.

  Remembering that conversation helped to focus my mood on what was about to transpire. I leaned into Jase in the elevator, resting my head on his shoulder. I needed another close moment to remind me that he cared about me.

  The elevator dinged to indicate our floor, and he escorted me out into a darkened vestibule. We walked slowly toward the suite at the end of the hallway.

  “If at any point you want to stop this, Darla,” he said quietly, “just say so.”

  “Do I get a safe word?”

  He chuckled. “No, there will be no need. You just say you want it to end, and it will end.” He stopped our progress to place his fingers under my chin, and he searched my eyes. “Please, don’t kiss him.”


  He closed his eyes. “I’m asking you not to kiss him.” When he opened them, I saw pain. “I don’t think I can watch that. Can you promise me?”

  Seeing that look on his face, I’d promise him anything. “Yes.”

  “And remember, no names.” He cupped my face and pulled me to his chest, pressing my head against his heart with one hand, and wrapping his free arm around my waist. It was the same endearing position in which he first held me on the porch swing all those years ago. He hugged me a few times periodically over the years, but it had been a while since the last time. I felt precious and cherished whenever he held me like this. Safe. Like everything would be okay. He kissed my forehead. “Ready?”

  I nodded and smiled. “Are you?”

  He stared for a few seconds, nodded, and opened the door.

  It took a second before my eyes adjusted to the candlelit room. A few lamps were turned on, but the candles provided a romantic feel. This was a small suite, and the room had a sitting area and a bar. A large bed was stationed in front of the window. I thought suites had actual bedrooms off of the main room. Oh, well, what do I know of all hotels?

  I walked toward the bar and noticed a bottle of wine, open and breathing like my mother taught him to do. I read the label and saw it was a 2000 bottle of Merlot from my parents’ special reserve. I smiled.

  “My favorite vintage of our wine is the 2000, which is from the last year my brother and I ran the entire operation. It really wasn’t the best year for our grapes, but the memories I made with Dex make it special to me.”

  I grabbed a piece of pineapple off the tray and began to nibble.

  “Your favorite fruit is pineapple?” he asked. “I would have guessed something more exotic, like dragon fruit or pomegranate.”

  “Don’t forget, Jase, I may have a big personality, but I’m fueled by simple tastes.”

  It smelled heavenly in here. It could have been from the candles, which were scented and faintly familiar, and upon further inspection of the room, I saw all the white flowers: gardenias.

  “Roses are pretty, but they seem so trite. Plus, they smell like my grandma. I like the smell of gardenias, honeysuckle, and jasmine better.”

  Here in this room, he represented every conversation we had where I casually threw out details of my preferences. He remembered them all.

  It was a tad unnerving. Not because I felt this was stalker-like behavior, but because this was the moment I realized the depth of his feelings.

  Tears welled up in my eyes.

  I turned around to see him across the room, his expression unfathomable. I was right. Feelings ran deep. We both stared intently, unable to speak for an immeasurable moment.


  The knock at the door interrupted any profound moment we might have had.


  “Drop Dead Legs” and “Black and Blue” – Van Halen

  Jase moved to the door, but paused and turned to face me. “Remember my instructions?”

  “No names. No kissing. I can stop anytime.”

  He smiled. “Good.”

  He opened the door to a man. I could tell he was older than Jase, probably late twenties, but I couldn’t tell an exact age. He was tall, though not as tall as Jase, clean shaven, bulky with muscles, and had dark hair. I mean, he was attractive, handsome even (although he couldn’t hold a candle to the other man in the room). And he was big like a football player, but there was nothing really remarkable about him.

  But this night was not about him. He was just a tool to get the job done, to do what Jase felt he could not.

  This was about Jase and me, our connection, and his command of me.

  I heard them talking, but I wasn’t listening to what was said. The man handed papers to Jase that he studied and then pocketed. The man whispered something to Jase, who turned toward me. I felt the other man’s eyes on me, but I couldn’t look away from the man who orchestrated this, the man I wanted to please. Both men seemed to be waiting for something.

  “Would you like a glass of wine?” I asked to the room, as I walked over an poured one for myself, keeping my back to both men. I downed it quickly and poured another. Right as I was about to take a sip, my glass was gently taken from my hand.

  That calming hand rested on my shoulder. “You can say no,” he whispered in my ear, lips resting on my temple.

  I took a deep breath and shook my head. “I’m good.”

  He kissed my forehead quickly. “Please, go stand in front of him.”

  So, I guess this is how it begins.

  I paused to look into Jase’s eyes, just to assure him this was about him, for him.

  He nodded. “Please,” came his polite request, more urgent than the first. He removed his jacket and sat casually in the high-back chair, knees apart, and loosened his tie. It was sexy.

  I walked over to the man, who was smiling at me, standing in front of the bed. I returned his smile, but immediately sought out the gaze of the man who ran this show.

>   “Turn to face me, D.” I did, giddy that apparently, I would be “D” for the night. I would hate for us to get confused as to whom he was addressing.

  Jase nodded, and the man began unzipping my dress. I never took my eyes off Jase, hoping he liked my surprise. I felt my dress release, slide off my shoulders, and hit the ground, revealing my pink and black lace bustier with garters holding up black thigh-high stockings over a matching thong.

  I was very happy with the response I received. He widened his legs and stared. Hungry. I noticed his pants got considerably tighter.

  “You’re breathtaking,” he murmured.

  I stood still, letting him look and take in his fill of me.

  No one had touched me or said anything, and I was wet from just that look.

  I felt breath on my neck. “The way he looks like he wants to devour you is so fucking hot,” was said close to my ear.

  I had to agree.

  “Are you wet?” Jase asked.

  I nodded. It was all I could do.

  “How wet?”

  I was about to answer when I felt a large hand slide up my thigh. I stepped wider, never taking my eyes off Jase, as his finger slid under my panties.

  “She’s soaked.” I moaned when his finger found my clit, which he circled once before removing his hand. He pulled me back by my hips and ground his hard cock into my ass. I leaned back into him, needing the support.

  “Please remove her lingerie,” Jase requested. “But leave on the stockings and shoes.”

  I had to gain my bearings before I collapsed. I really wanted to bolt across the room and straddle the man who was sitting so casually in the chair. I hardly noticed what’s-his-name removing my bustier, that is until Jase sat up straight, startling me.

  “God dammit,” he whispered. “You are exquisite.”

  “I have to agree,” was said in my ear.

  My suitor, because I had to call him something, knelt down beside me and removed my thong slowly. I guess he had instructions from Jase not to block his view. He helped me steady myself as he lifted my feet and carefully maneuvered the panties around my shoes. His hand slid back up my thigh to my pussy where he collected some of my wetness. As he stood, he lightly dragged his finger up my stomach and circled my nipple. He leaned down and captured my nipple in his mouth, cleaning off the trail he spread there.

  “Damn, she’s sweet with a touch of saltiness.” He leaned to my ear and whispered. “I can’t wait until he tells me to eat you properly.”

  I closed my eyes and groaned.

  “D, what did he just say?” Jase asked.

  I just stared back at him, hoping my suitor would let me off the hook by repeating himself.

  “D… tell me.” A command.

  “He…” I squeaked, then cleared my throat. “He said he can’t wait until you tell him to eat me properly.”

  He blinked. “You liked that?”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  He leaned over, his elbows on his knees, casually letting his hands fall between them. “D, please undress him.”

  I turned toward my suitor and began to unbutton his shirt. I moved relatively slowly, sensing Jase would want the show. The tattoos that greeted me were intricate and beautiful, and if we were together under different circumstances, I would take the time to study them. Once I slid his shirt off his shoulders, I moved to his belt, carefully sliding it out of the loops. I unfastened and unzipped, taking a moment to reach inside and squeeze his cock through his underwear. Wow, it was considerably large. Feeling naughty, I leaned forward and licked around his nipple, taking a little nip before I let his pants fall.

  “D,” Jase reprimanded. “Underwear, too.”

  I glanced at the face of my suitor. “He’s so bossy,” I teased. He chuckled.

  Taking the waistband in my hands, I moved it around the head of his cock, already poking out of the band, and leaned over to slide his underwear down his pretty impressive thighs. I flat-tongue licked up the tip of his cock, a surprise for both men. That got a hiss from one and a muttered, “Damn,” from the other.

  “You liked that?” I asked the room.

  A hand cupped my cheek. “Yes, a lot.”

  I looked up at my suitor and kneeled down on the ground. Carefully, I wrapped my hand around his cock and stroked forward, bringing it to my ready tongue. I licked again, swirling the tip a couple of times before doing it again.

  “D, take his cock between those beautiful lips. Suck him slowly.”

  This dirty talk from the man who would blush when I made a crude joke. I liked this Jase.

  I did as directed, taking him as deep as possible, pulling back slowly, letting my lips drag along his shaft.

  “Yes, like that. Again.”

  I did it again, giving some tongue on the underside of his cock along with a hefty bit of suction. I established a slow rhythm, even reaching up with my free hand to cup and fondle his balls. I risked a look over at Jase, who was watching intently, a look of transfixed reverence on his face. I felt powerful having both men in my thrall. I increased my speed just a tad with two fast pulls and one slow one, my hand stroking in time with my mouth.

  “How does she feel?” Jase asked.

  “Amazing,” he panted. “Not gonna lie, her mouth is…” he stopped talking and hissed. “Shit, this is the best…” he threw his head back and thrust forward, “…ever.”

  My hand cupping his balls moved back, and I slid my fingers along his taint, testing, pressing, and teasing. I touched his crack, moving upward. “Holy fuck,” he whispered and tightened his ass. I guess that’s a no.

  “What?” Jase asked.

  “She is going for my asshole.”

  “If you don’t like it, tell her.”

  “I love it. But if she goes there, I’m going to come right now.”

  I removed my hand from his ass and pulled my mouth off his cock with resounding pop.

  “Should I stop?” I asked, pumping his cock slowly with my hand, licking aggressively up the underside.

  “Yes, please, stop.” He smiled and helped me stand. “Damn, woman. I’ve never wanted to come in less than a minute from just a blow job.”

  I reflexively looked over to Jase, who had his trademark smirk on his face.

  “Did you enjoy watching?”

  He did not answer, but he leaned back, almost laying down in the chair. I noticed his cock was standing at attention through his pants, making me wonder if he was wearing underwear.

  “I think he did,” my suitor answered, placing his hands on my waist. He looked to Jase for instruction.

  “Play with her breasts. Let me watch.”

  He turned me to face Jase as he stood behind me. Both hands cupped my breasts, massaging slowly. His hands were so big that my entire breast fit in one. He began pinching and pulling lightly on my nipples. I threw my head back onto his shoulder.

  “See if she likes it… rougher.”

  Damn if he didn’t comply. I cried out and rubbed my thighs together when he tugged and twisted, just slightly on the edge of painful. It felt marvelous.

  “Keep it up, but play with her pussy, too.”

  Holy fucking shit, this was getting so damn hot.

  As soon as he touched me, I moaned, long and hard, and threw an arm behind me around his neck. He gave the same attention to my clit, rubbing, pinching and twisting.

  “D, tonight you will come at least three times. The first will be from his hand, and I see it won’t take you long. Am I right?”

  I nodded.

  “Answer me with words, D.”


  “The second will be from his tongue and the third will be around his cock.”

  “I can come sooner with a finger in my pussy.”

  I heard a chuckle. “You heard her.”

  No resistance was found as he did as he was told, palming my clit at the same time like a pro. I moved my hips in time with his hand, groaning as he hit a really good spot. Two strokes of his fi
nger later, I saw stars. He kept up the onslaught, drawing out my orgasm, holding me up so I didn’t crash to the ground as I gasped for air. I’m sure I looked like a ridiculous fish out of water.

  “Fuck, that was amazing.” My eyes shot open to see Jase still leaning back in his chair, his tie removed and the first few buttons undone on his shirt.

  “Unbutton your shirt all the way, please,” I requested, surprising myself.

  “No, D, you don’t get to order…”

  “Please. You don’t have to take it off, I just want a peek. Give me something in return, J.”

  His glare softened. “Very well, then.” He slowly unbuttoned his shirt one handed. I watched with rapt fascination while he exposed the skin smattered with a very light dusting of hair. He worked out, I could tell, with the toned chest and nicely ridged stomach. I about bit my tongue when I was greeted with a very sexy trail of hair just below his belly button disappearing into his dress pants.

  “Wow.” I wanted more. I wanted to drag my fingers then my tongue from his collar bone to his navel and all parts in between. I did not understand how Jase could look at me fully naked and resist touching me and tasting me when the only thing holding me back from approaching him was the large man who still had me in his arms.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to gain composure.

  “Sit on the bed. D, please face me and straddle his lap.”

  I’m not sure what he wanted to accomplish from this position, but we both complied.

  “Grab her knees and open her up for me. I want to see her pussy.”

  Rough hands wrapped easily around my knees and spread me, leaning me back against a warm chest, and a hard cock nestled along the crack of my ass. I was put on display for Jase.

  “Dammit, D. You are absolutely perfect.”

  He kept staring, but I needed someone touching me. Instead of asking the guy behind me to do it, since his hands were busy holding my knees apart, I decided to do it myself. I cupped both breasts and thumbed my nipples, watching Jase for his reaction. His eyes flashed, but his expression remained stoic. So, with my right hand, I reached down and circled my clit moaning loudly.

  “Fuck,” came from behind me. “You are so sexy.”

  I circled again, dipping my finger down into my pussy quickly, circling my clit repeatedly, all the while looking into Jase’s eyes. I dipped one more time, throwing my head back. I locked eyes again with Jase, and I removed my hand and placed my soaked finger into the mouth of my suitor, who sucked it clean.


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