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Mikayla [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 19

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Hey, Franco, how are you? What’s going on?” Michael asked.

  “I have some info that just came through the department.” He heard Franco take a deep breath then release it.

  “What? What’s wrong?” Michael asked him.

  “Well, for starters, there has been a series of break-ins around the community and one woman was almost sexually assaulted. Her boyfriend arrived home from work early and the intruder freaked and escaped.”


  “Yeah, it seems that the brass had been trying to keep this info on the down low so the media wouldn’t pick up on it, but as I started talking to a few other guys in one of the other departments, they said there have been four similar incidents but no assaults.”

  “Shit! Any suspects or leads in the case?” Michael asked, wondering why Franco was telling him about this and figuring maybe he needed some CIA insight or something.

  “Michael, they all started out the same way. The women received phone calls from unidentifiable callers and numbers. Then it followed with break-ins at their homes or place of business.”

  Michael felt his stomach sink.

  “You think this guy may be stalking our Mikayla?” he asked, feeling the bile rise in his throat. What the fuck was going on here?

  “If this was Illeanna, I wouldn’t be taking any unnecessary chances. I don’t like what my gut is telling me, and I felt compelled to give you the heads-up. Have you heard from Leon or the other investigators yet?”

  “Damn, Franco, this is fucking incredible. I haven’t heard from them with any leads. The person who broke into her office didn’t leave any prints behind and nothing was left on the items found. Their next steps involve locating where the merchandise was purchased and taking it from there. But now after what you’ve told me, I don’t want Mikayla out of our sight. I’m going to give Douglas a call and tell him about this. He’s supposed to be with her now for lunch.”

  “I’m going to see what else I can find out about this suspect who’s breaking into women’s homes. At this rate, there should be some public announcement. As more investigators become aware of this, the media will get involved.”

  “That’s better for the community anyway. Women will take more precautions,” Michael replied.

  He said good-bye to Franco and took a deep breath as his phone rang again. It was his supervisor.

  * * * *

  “I could sit out here and listen to the music and watch the people walking by all day, Douglas,” Mikayla stated as she leaned back in the large cushioned chair after they had eaten lunch at Ficello’s.

  “I know what you mean,” Douglas replied, and Mikayla looked at him, expecting to see him watching the crowds of people walking by just like she was. However, he was in a dead stare at her. He looked handsome with his button-down blue shirt open at the top where she could see a dusting of hair. His skin was tan, and his green eyes looked bold and sexy. She felt the tickle deep within her belly that led straight to her pussy. Damn, did she have it bad. She was so in love with all of them. As the words hit her mind, she quickly turned away and sat up straighter. She cleared her throat and felt her palms begin to sweat. You fell in love with them. You idiot!

  She reprimanded herself and tried to ignore the need to tell Douglas and then to tell Pierre, Michael, and Antoine. She was totally head over heels in love with them and she hadn’t a clue if they were in love with her.

  “Mikayla, what’s wrong? Is something the matter?” he asked, filled with concern at her obvious change of demeanor. Shit, she needed a few minutes alone. Just enough to pull herself together.

  “Yes, I just realized that I need to head back to work because there is so much to do. I can probably spare another fifteen minutes or so, but right now I need to use the ladies’ room okay?” She babbled and he looked at her oddly then smiled as if he knew she was making up an excuse to part from him for a minute.

  He reached toward her. Taking her hand into his own, he brought it to his lips and kissed it.

  “You’re so beautiful, Mikayla. I love spending time with you like this. I love seeing the joy in your eyes while you’re relaxing. I wish you could play hooky because I’d play, too.” He winked.

  She smiled at him as he released her hand, and he looked around the restaurant.

  “I’ll grab the bill while you use the ladies’ room. That way we can have the fifteen minutes alone before you head back to work.” He winked again as if he had something planned, and her heart rate picked up. He was adorable, and she wished they had more than minutes and someplace private to go to so she could make love with him. The idea was so natural and spontaneous it added to her epiphany about being in love with them.

  * * * *

  Mikayla finished up in the bathroom, glancing one more time at her reflection in the mirror. She looked happy, her cheeks were flushed, and her nipples pebbled underneath the dress she wore. She wanted to get back to Douglas. She almost felt desperate.

  As she exited the bathroom, she looked down the quiet hallway. There was a man coming from the exit door and another man blocking her view of the exit toward the restaurant. As she headed back toward the dining area a hand came around her mouth and a strong, thick arm around her waist. She kicked and tried screaming best she could, but a cloth covered her mouth, muffling any sound. Suddenly the walls appeared as if they were moving, and her vision fogged. Then there was nothing but darkness.

  * * * *

  Douglas began to get concerned as he looked at his watch, and the waitress asked if he needed anything more even though she’d dropped off the bill fifteen minutes ago. He glanced around the restaurant and saw no sign of Mikayla. His cell phone began to ring as he got up and headed toward the ladies’ room. Glancing at the caller ID, he saw that it was Michael.

  “Hello?” he answered abruptly, his concern apparent in his tone as he felt his gut clench with trepidation.

  “Hey, Douglas, it’s Michael. Is everything okay?” he asked.

  “Hold on a minute,” Douglas said as he covered the phone with his hand and saw a woman exit the ladies’ room.

  “Excuse me, was anyone else in there with you?”

  “What?” she asked, concerned.

  “I’m sorry, I mean my girlfriend went in there a while ago and I’m worried,” he told her.

  “Oh, I didn’t see anyone else in there. It’s small, too, and both stalls were empty.”

  “Thanks,” he replied then talked to Michael again.

  “I heard. Where is she, Douglas?” Michael yelled into the phone, and Douglas knew that this was going to be bad news that Michael had and was connected to Mikayla disappearing. Fuck, did she really just disappear? What the hell happened?

  “What happened, Douglas, don’t leave any details out,” Michael told him and Douglas explained what had happened.

  “Where are you?”


  “Stay put, I’m calling Leon, Franco, and the other detectives. Look around the hallway and near the back door. See if you find anything. I’m headed out now.” Michael hung up the phone.

  Douglas ran his hands through his hair and felt the sickening pain hit his gut. He shouldn’t have let her go to the restroom without him. He could have stood outside the door and waited but he didn’t. He was too caught up in the moment and the realization that he was in love with Mikayla. Now she was gone, and he hadn’t a clue as to what happened to her. She wouldn’t have just left. She wasn’t like that. She knew she was in danger and that someone was trying to scare her. They were all taking shifts covering her, offering protection until the police figured out who broke into the office. Fuck! I’m an idiot. I let her down!

  * * * *

  Leon and Franco showed up first. They closed off the hallway leading to and from the restroom and the exit door. The lighting was poor so they had multiple flashlights looking at the rug for any signs of struggle or evidence. Patrol officers and detectives were questioning patrons and people nearest to t
he outside exit door. About twenty feet away were a few sets of benches. They were casing the neighborhood.

  “Look at this. It looks like a piece of jewelry,” Franco stated as he held up a small circular gold piece.

  “Let me see that.” Douglas stared at the item.

  “This is from Mikayla’s earrings. She was wearing these gold dangling ones, with little gold circles and tiny hoops.”

  “Are you sure?” Michael asked.

  “Yes, definitely.”

  They continued to look around and Douglas felt helpless. They hadn’t a clue as to where she was or who had taken her.

  Then Michael and Franco filled him in on the multiple break-ins around the area investigation, and he nearly fell against the wall as his vision blurred. This couldn’t be happening. This wasn’t happening to them when they finally found the woman they had waited years for.

  Douglas bent over and held his face in his hands.

  “This is all my fault. I should have never let her head to the bathroom alone. He’s going to kill her because of me. I told her that I would protect her and look what I’ve done.” He carried on until he felt Michael place his hand on one shoulder and Franco placed his hand on his other shoulder.

  “Don’t beat yourself up over this. We had no idea this person was even out there. We still don’t even know if this has anything to do with the suspect conducting the break-ins. It could be coincidental. We don’t know what happened. We need to reorganize and regroup. I need to gather a team and start stepping up the investigation quickly,” Michael stated, and Douglas was shocked by Michael’s composure.

  “How can you be so fucking calm at a time like this?” Douglas yelled at him, causing Franco to take a step away.

  Douglas stared at Michael, wondering if he even loved Mikayla.

  “Because I have to be or she could wind up dead and out of our lives forever.” He placed his phone to his ear and called in his team.

  Chapter 13

  Everyone gathered at the police station to set up a command center. Michael, Franco, and Deputy Leon Rue were searching for Vincent Lukon. They were now in his main office talking with his secretary.

  “I haven’t seen him since yesterday evening. He hasn’t returned any of my calls. He didn’t show up for any of his appointments, and his cell phone just keeps going to voice mail. I was really concerned, but he had been acting strange since his nose was broken in a bar fight.”

  “That’s what he told you? That he was in a bar fight?” Michael asked.

  “Yes. Isn’t that what happened?” she asked, and Michael began to say something, but Franco cut him off.

  “He isn’t at his home. Is there another location that Mr. Lukon likes to hang out or stay at? Any girlfriends or secret places for him to go and relax?” Franco asked as he leaned down on the desk and smiled at the pretty young secretary. Michael laughed. Franco was trying to get information from her, and she was falling for his charms.

  She lowered her head and blushed as she kept her hands on her lap.

  “Come on, sweetie. You said you were worried about him. You can tell me, doll, it could be the difference in saving his life,” Franco whispered, and she quickly looked up.

  “You think he’s in danger?” she asked, and this time Franco looked around then whispered to her.

  “Sugar, he could be in a heap of trouble an’ ya can make a difference in saving him, a pretty young woman like you. Now come on and tell me where he’s at,” Franco stated, laying on the thick Cajun accent good. Michael had to try really hard to maintain a straight face. Franco was good at questioning this young woman.

  “I really shouldn’t tell ya, but since you’re the law and all and since you say Mr. Lukon could be in some sort of bad trouble, I’ll tell ya.”

  Michael felt confident as she handed the address over to Franco.

  As they were leaving she stood up and touched Franco’s shoulder. He turned and they all stopped walking.

  “Um, I’m not sure if this has anything to do with where Mr. Lukon is, but…”

  She was acting awfully shy and they were wondering what she was hiding.

  “Was there something else, doll?” Franco asked and she turned a shade redder.

  “Come on, honey. If ya think it will help us find your boss, share it with me,” Franco pushed.

  She took his hand and led him toward Lukon’s office.

  “I found something under his desk this morning when I dropped a folder on the floor,” she stated as she led him toward Lukon’s desk.

  Franco saw the box and something red hanging out of it. Franco bent down to take a look, using the back of a pen from his shirt pocket.

  His eyes widened in surprise.

  “What is it? Michael asked

  “Some items similar to what was found in Mikayla’s office, including some pictures. Look,” Franco said as he stood up, and Michael looked at the items.

  There were photographs of Mikayla with each of her men and then alone at her desk or with a client. He then cut out the faces and had glued them to pictures of naked women. They were similar to the items found on Mikayla’s desk.

  “Fuck! He has her. He’s the one that left the stuff in Mikayla’s office,” Michael said and Franco nodded.

  “Let’s go and let’s take this with us.”

  Franco thanked the young woman, and they all headed out of the office as he told them the address of Lukon’s private getaway spot.

  “I know where that is. Follow me and we’ll get there in less than twenty,” Deputy Leon Rue stated.

  “I’ll call the sheriff on the way. He’ll want to meet us there,” Michael stated then pulled out his cell to call Sheriff Eloi Lafont.

  * * * *

  “There’s something bothering me about the way Mikayla disappeared. I mean we’re assuming that Lukon took her, but she’s really tough and she broke Lukon’s nose like nothing. Could she have possibly known the person at the restaurant and went willingly?” Franco asked as they drove.

  “I don’t think so. What about her piece of earring and the fact that she was enjoying her lunch with Douglas? Mikayla wouldn’t just get up and leave like that unless she was forced to,” Michael stated.

  “They could have used something on her. Perhaps there was more than one person or if we are dealing with an expert, he was prepared to take her in a public location,” Deputy Leon added as they stopped at a red light.

  “I thought we ruled out the suspect involved with the other break-ins now that we saw that box in Lukon’s office. If that wasn’t incriminating enough, he’s now missing. It’s our only lead and hopefully that’s where Mikayla is. She only had that one ex-boyfriend, but Ellena told me that he was a jerk and had treated Mikayla badly then left her for another woman. The guy had to be a fucking asshole to do that. Mikayla is gorgeous,” Deputy Leon Rue stated then heard Michael clear his throat.

  “I’m sorry, Michael, but she is, and I was just adding my opinion,” Leon added.

  “No problem. I didn’t even know about the ex-boyfriend or what he did to her. It explains why she’s kind of distant and hesitant to commit,” Michael said.

  “You guys will change her mind. It was just one bad experience. I mean look at Angelique with Eloi, Armand, Marcel, and Remi,” Leon stated.

  “And look at Illeanna, with me and my brothers. That took some serious convincing and under intense circumstances,” Franco added.

  “I hear what you’re saying. What’s bothering me about the way this went down appears as if the person only half planned it. I understand that another suspect involved with break-ins and one attempted sexual assault is being looked at. But the way this went down it’s like he or she totally worked out their plan to capture her right down to the exact second of abduction, but in such a busy place in the middle of the day and so quietly and discreetly? I just can’t wrap my brain around it and I honestly don’t believe that Lukon could be capable of this,” Michael told them.

  “Well, hopef
ully Lukon will be at his little hiding place, and we can get some concrete answers. Right now it appears that he is our number-one suspect and definitely responsible for the break-in at Mikayla’s office. How else would he have pictures and items like the ones found at her office unless he was the one responsible,” Franco said just as they pulled up onto a long private road leading to Lukon’s getaway location.

  * * * *

  As they neared they saw Eloi, along with Michael’s team, preparing to infiltrate the house. A quick glance around and Michael could see that Julien and Louis Boudoux were there to assist. Their brothers, Johnny and Gustave, were back in Orchidea keeping Mikayla’s sisters abreast of the situation and under guard. Armand, Marcel, and Remi were there in Orchidea, too. They weren’t taking any chances with the other sisters.

  Michael shook Eloi’s hand.

  “Thanks for helping out here. What do you know about the residence and the neighbors?” Michael asked as he glanced around at the two other homes about a half an acre away on either side of Lukon’s.

  “We had some detectives check them out. The residents haven’t seen or heard anything strange. The one neighbor said he thought that Lukon had left two days ago. That was the last time he saw him,” Eloi informed Michael.

  “Okay. So let’s get my team some information on the house and move in slowly. As far as we’re concerned, Lukon is in there, he’s our suspect, and he has Mikayla in there against her will. That means slow and easy,” Michael stated.

  He looked around at everyone’s faces. These were friends he had known for years. They were family, and technically if he and his brothers got their way, they would truly be family when they got Mikayla to marry them. He took a deep breath then spoke to his team.

  * * * *

  The sound of a car speeding up the driveway drew their attention just as the agents and detectives slowly entered the house. Eloi stopped the vehicle.


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