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A Bride by Arrangement (The Bride Series Book 2)

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by Vanessa Lee

  A Bride by Arrangement

  Vanessa Lee

  A Bride by Arrangement

  © 2015, Vanessa Lee

  All rights reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. The people and events are a product of the writer's imagination or have been used as fiction and are not to be considered real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, location, or organizations is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.

  To Kate.

  Thank you for your words of wisdom.




















  Chapter 1

  June 1st, 1793

  Justine Fletcher twisted her hands nervously. It was eleven in the morning and the vexing man who had threatened to call on her the prior afternoon had yet to arrive. Although Lord Darren Wellington had been the very picture of politeness at the Reynold’s ball, Justine knew that he was trouble. Her face heated as she recalled the way that his mouth had felt yesterday when he had taken the liberty of kissing the back of her hand. His sparkling green eyes has held her captivated as he tormented her senses. The man was ridiculously attractive and he knew it.

  She was presently seated in her mother’s sitting room, waiting on callers. Her aunts Lydia and Penelope were waiting with her. Justine’s mother, Lady Serena, was still in her sickbed. She had been unable to accompany her to the ball the night before, so her Aunt Lydia had stepped in to escort her. Her father, General Benjamin Fletcher, had insisted that she attend. He was so determined to marry her off to the first available suiter. She was just as determined to not to marry at all. Well, until she was ready, that is. The last thing she wanted was to end up in the kind of marriage that her parents had been suffering through.

  A high-ranking officer in the King’s Army, General Fletcher was not always present at home. When he was in residence, he ran a very strict and regimented house. Never one to show affection, his expectations and commands were given in a brisk tone that suggested he was not to be argued with. Everyone had their place and he demanded that all those under his roof perform certain household duties. The General strongly believed in doing your duty and not complaining about it.

  He viewed Justine’s main duty as marrying and she had yet to perform this obligation. Her father had tried to match her with his one of his favored Army officers, a man named Lt. William Brysen, but Justine had not taken to the man. Since the initial matchmaking attempt, she had continued to turn down every potential suiter that was brought before her. The General was going out of his mind in frustration. Justine knew her father really didn’t blame her for not agreeing to enter into marriage with a man if she did not like the idea of a match. He had made it clear that he wanted her married, in the event that something happened to him. So he continued his relentless campaign of bringing suiter after suiter before her.

  Justine felt trapped. Worse, she felt forced. She rebelliously fought against her father’s attempts to marry her off. Her only saving grace was Lady Serena. Her mother had been stuck in a loveless marriage that was lacking in affection for twenty years. Justine knew that her parents didn’t like to spend time with each other. Her mother came to Justine’s defense each time she refused a suitor, much to the General’s consternation.

  Unhappy in her own marriage, Lady Serena had always instructed her daughter to

  take her time in choosing a husband, one who genuinely cared for her wellbeing. Justine wanted that for herself. She wanted to marry a man who she felt a connection with. Someone whose company she appreciated. The more her father pushed her, the more she continued to deny the suitors he brought before her. She hoped that in time his efforts would cease so that she was not forced to marry in haste.

  Glancing at the clock yet again, Justine suppressed a sigh with great effort. The morning was crawling by, as always. There were never any visitors following her attendance at social affairs. When her father ordered her to attend these events so as to find potential suitors, she had made certain that no gentleman got the wrong idea. She was not on the market. Justine would not make the mistake of choosing the wrong husband because she felt that she needed to stop her father’s madness. She needed time to get to know a potential suiter while not feeling pressured.

  Pressure is exactly what Darren Wellington had placed upon her the day before. He had noticed her from across the ballroom and his attention had caught on her. Justine had shaken her head ‘No’ at him, so that he would know that she was not going to indulge him. The man had completely ignored her command to not approach her. He walked right over to her, and captured her with his sparkling emerald green eyes and devil-may-care grin. He had looked at her as though he wanted to ravish her. Surely it wasn’t done for a man to be as forward and intimate has he had been with her. He had gazed deeply into her eyes when he had taken her hand into his own and kissed the back of it. His warm touch had made her shiver and left her wanting.

  Her Aunt Lydia had been so excited that her niece had caught the attention of the brother of a Duke. Lord Darren had turned his charm on the older woman, who twittered gleefully at his attentions. Despite the fact that Justine had done everything in her power to make him aware that she was not interested in a courtship with him, he had asked her aunt permission to call upon Justine. Glowing with happiness, Aunt Lydia had granted his request to call on Justine the following day. Justine was still fuming at the thought. Darren had looked so smug in his triumph over her. He had taken great delight at besting her in their game of wills.

  Yesterday at the ball, Lord Darren had promised to stop by to see them in the morning. Although, that was before everyone realized that his brother, the Duke of Eastham’s, wife Lady Erica had been taken. Justine had been terribly afraid for Lady Erica. Having spoken with her on many occasions, Justine liked her very much. She felt enormously relieved when word had come that the Duke’s wife had been found. And that Lady Erica had indeed been taken by Seth Collins! The man had been such a respectable man of society and of great breeding. Well, Justine thought, I guess you never really know a person.

  Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Justine’s heart pounded. Oh no, please don’t let it be him.

  The butler, James, announced their guest. “Lord Darren Wellington to see you.”

  The three women rose to greet him as he entered the room.

  He smiled charmingly to both of her aunts as he bowed to them, “Ladies, please pardon my tardiness.” He then turned to her. She was instantly held captive in his gaze once more, as his sensual mouth grinned at her mischievously, tantalizing her senses. Bowing to her, he said, “Milady.”

  Darren knew that he was unfashionably late, but he had just returned home after a long voyage from the Americas. When he had arrived yesterday, he had discovered that his new sister-in-law had been kidnapped. A search party had been arranged and thankfully they had found her, unharmed. It had been a hell of a long night. He had taken some extra time this morning before leaving to call on Justine.

  As he washed and dressed for the day, he smiled as he thought about their encounter the day before. The lady had enticed him. All Darre
n could think about was the way that she had melted and gasped when he had pressed his lips against her hand. She had shivered at his touch. It had been all he could do to not take her into his arms right there at the ball and lean down to cover her tempting mouth with his.

  Justine was a beautiful mystery that he was looking forward to unravelling. She was glaring at him at the moment, but he had no doubt that he would eventually win her over.

  “Oh, Lord Darren!” Aunt Lydia welcomed him, smiling most graciously. “How lovely it is that you have made it this morning. We will, of course, forgive your tardiness. You know my niece, Justine. Please allow me to introduce you to my dear sister, Penelope.”

  Darren walked over to Penelope and took her hand. He bowed over it, saying, “Madam, it is my pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

  Fanning herself rapidly, Aunt Penelope responded, “Oh, my Lord, it is a great pleasure to meet you! And how wonderful it was to hear that your dear sister-in-law was located, and is now all safe and sound. We just received the news of her rescue this morning, didn’t we Justine?”

  Darren looked over at the woman in question, standing not too far from him. She nodded in answer to her aunt’s question and continued to look at him as though he were a tiger that was about to pounce on her. Darren chuckled to himself. He had a mind to do exactly that.

  Aunt Lydia took his arm and ushered him to the sofa on the opposite side of the one they were sitting on. “Come now Lord Darren, please sit down and join us for some tea and biscuits.”

  Darren allowed himself to be ushered over to the sofa and said, “Thank you, madam. I would love to.” He looked at Justine, who shook her head in silent warning at him. Darren smiled, absolutely delighted with her. Contrary to her belief, he was not going anywhere. If he had his way, Justine would soon be his wife.

  Her father was not just a General, he was a legendary war hero who had won great victories in the colonies, fighting against the Spanish and the French armies. Darren had admired the man and would be honored to call him his father-in-law. Darren knew that he must take a wife soon. He figured that if he was to marry, he might as well marry someone who made his blood simmer with desire. His father and mother had that kind of marriage. The old Duke and his wife had truly loved each other. Darren knew that it was their desire for each other, the great longing to be with each other, that had made their match an excellent one.

  He held Justine’s gaze now. She stared back at him, helpless to do anything else. Heat simmered between them. Oh yes, he thought. This is the desire that he was looking for. She started to pant, desperately trying to catch her breath.

  Aunt Lydia had been in the middle of saying something, when she heard her niece start to take deep breaths. She stopped what she was saying and turned to look at her niece. The poor girl looked deeply flushed. Aunt Lydia certainly didn’t blame the poor girl. Why, Penelope had nodded at Lydia to let her know that she agreed with how handsome Lord Darren is. Sweet Justine was so young and innocent. Even with all the men that had been paraded before her by her father, none of them had been as delightful as the man before them now. Aunt Lydia started to fan her niece.

  The motion caught Justine’s attention and she blushed even more at having gotten caught. Darren struggled not to laugh. He cleared his throat, trying to hide his amusement.

  Sitting up straight and clasping her hands in front of her, Justine took a deep breath to clear her head, and said, “Lord Darren, you must tell us of the daring rescue of your sister-in-law that you made last night.”

  A voice sounded from the doorway. “Ah, yes. This is something that I would be delighted to hear about.” They turned to see the General standing there.

  Darren rose to greet the older man and held out his hand in greeting. The General shook it and was pleased with the hand that he was shaking. The man had a strong grip and the calloused hand of a worker. He was a man worth his salt. The General liked him already.

  “General Fletcher, it is an honor to meet you, Sir. I am Lord Darren Wellington. I have only just returned from the Americas.”

  The General nodded at him. “Yes, I’ve heard that you are just arriving home from that Godforsaken place.”

  Justine called out to him, “Lord Darren was a pioneer, father. Aren’t you two supposed to be enemies?” Pleased with herself, Justine waited for the insults to start flying between the men.

  The General shook his head, “No, daughter. These days, we’re mostly fighting the French and the Native Indians. It is a most dreadful time to be in the colonies.”

  Darren’s eyes dimmed. “Indeed, it is.”

  “Well now, that’s neither here nor there, seeing as you’ve returned home to the Crown.” He started to walk forward in the room, supporting himself on his cane. “James, please pour Lord Darren and I a scotch. We don’t need to suffer through this damnable tea business.”

  “Yes, Sir,” James replied, as he followed them into the room, stopping at the liquor cart to pour the scotch.

  The General sat down on the sofa and indicated for Darren to do the same. “Now,” he said, somewhat out of breath, “let us hear how you bested that coward, Collins.”

  “Oh yes,” Aunt Penelope agreed, “You must tell us everything! Who could imagine such a thing happening at a civilized event?”

  “Yes, my brother was quite upset when he discovered that his wife had been taken.” Everyone nodded and waited for him to continue. “We realized that Collins was no longer at the ball either and no one had seen him leave. Randall Madison knew where he must have taken her, since it was indeed Collins who had abducted Lady Erica.”

  “Ah yes, Madison is a good sort. Quite a brilliant fellow,” the General said, getting into the story.

  “Yes,” Darren agreed. “A large hunting party had been organized at the ball. We rapidly descended upon Collins’ country home, where two men tackled him and my brother freed his wife.”

  The General lifted his glass in honor of their victory, “Good on you, men! Well done.”

  Darren smiled and lifted his own scotch up to salute the rescue. “Thank you, General. That is high praise, I appreciate it all the more, coming from you.” Justine was smiling at him now. She had clearly enjoyed his story and was gifting him with the sweetest smile that he had seen from her, thus far.

  The General cleared his throat. “Lord Darren, might you accompany me for a short walk around the property? I think we might enjoy our scotches in a more open atmosphere.”

  Rising, Darren agreed. “Yes, Sir. That sounds like a wonderful idea.” Darren silently saluted himself. His goal had been to have a word with Lady Justine’s father, to ask for his permission to court his daughter. Darren had hoped that it wouldn’t be a long courtship. He wanted to get his marriage settled before he began to invest all of his time into trying to make his way in his brother’s rapidly growing shipping empire.

  He leaned down to offer the General his hand.

  The older man swatted it away and said, “No, no. The French may have put a bullet in my leg, but I will not give them the satisfaction of turning me into a weakling.”

  With that, the General rose slowly, and shakily to his feet.

  Not wanting to embarrass the man, Darren turned his head. His eyes settled on something far more pleasant. Justine’s lovely face had softened into a look of concern as she watched her father struggling to rise. A slow, steady rhythm strummed in his heart. Justine was a kind and caring. All of her courageous attempts to rebuff him had been her armor, of some sort. He was determined to find out why she had been so adamant to refuse him.

  Having risen to his feet, the General bowed to the women. “Ladies,” he said, “please excuse Lord Darren and I for our walk.”

  Darren bowed to them, preparing to take his exit.

  Aunt Lydia said, “Oh Lord Darren, thank you so much again for your visit. We have greatly enjoyed your company.”

  “Oh, yes,” Aunt Penelope continued. “We would love it so much if you would return
to call on us again, soon.”

  Darren bowed to them in acknowledgement. Justine shook her head at him slightly, letting him know what she thought of the invitation. He saw that he still had his work cut out for him. “Why yes, I believe that I will be stopping by again soon, since it is so agreeable to you,” he said.

  The aunts gasped in their great pleasure at Darren’s promise to return.

  Bowing to Justine who looked as though she wanted to kick him, he said, “Good day, Milady. I am looking forward to continuing making your acquaintance.”

  Justine bowed to him, because they were being watched and etiquette demanded that she do so. “Milord, it was such a great pleasure to see you again.” Her smile was sweet as honey, but her eyes shot daggers at him.

  Darren left the room smiling. Lady Justine was a temptation that was just too good to resist.

  Chapter 2

  Darren and the General carried their scotches with them as they slowly made their way around the property. Mindful of the General’s leg wound, Darren made the effort to walk at a much slower pace.

  “So, the Americas, eh?” the General asked, taking a strong sip from his glass.

  “Yes, Sir,” Darren answered.

  “What on earth possessed to you navigate to such a bloody place?”

  “Well, Sir, as you may or may not know, my father had run into a few problems when he was at the helm of our family fortune.”

  “Indeed, I did hear,” the General responded. “Gambling, was it?”

  “Yes, Sir. It is true, my father had a penitent for wagering on bad odds.” He looked down, lost in memory. “I supposed we never really acknowledged that there could be a problem. It had always been a favorite family tale, of how our father had won our mother by gambling. And they had a great marriage.”

  “Yes, a most fortunate event for your father. Your mother was a rather fine-looking woman, if you don’t mind my saying.”


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