A Bride by Arrangement (The Bride Series Book 2)

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A Bride by Arrangement (The Bride Series Book 2) Page 5

by Vanessa Lee

  Returning to the bed, he laid beside her. He took her face in his hands and said, “You are my wife Justine. You belong with me, do you understand?” Justine looked at him, unsure of what she should do. She still wanted to proceed to her aunt’s home, but she did love it when he touched her. He kissed her forehead when she remained silent. “Do you understand?” She nodded, seeking only to appease him for the time being.

  Happy with her acknowledgement, he grunted and captured her mouth with his, once more. His hot, hard body moved on top of hers, and she gasped at the shock of his body against her smooth flesh. Darren kissed her deeply as his hands moved all over her skin, touching her in places that she had never dreamed that anyone would. His torso held her legs open for him and his hand moved between her thighs. Her mouth broke from his when she felt his fingers caressing the sensitive flesh of her nether lips. “Darren, do not touch me there!” she cried.

  He shook his head at her and said, “Hush now, you will like this.” His mouth returned to hers once more as his hands continued to stroke and caress her. Her arms crept around his neck and her legs opened wider to accept his caresses. He was right. She did like this. Darren continued to rub against her sensitive core until she was writhing against him in stark pleasure, reaching for something that seemed just beyond her grasp.

  Darren removed his hand and guided himself between her legs. With one determined thrust, he was buried deeply inside of her. Justine cried out her pain into his mouth. Darren placed sweet, consoling kisses against her forehead, and nose. He braced himself over her, not moving. She knew that losing her maidenhead would hurt, but this was terrible. “Husband, I do not like this at all,” she gasped.

  “I am sorry for the pain, love. It will only be like this on this first night. Every time after that will feel much better,” Darren promised.

  “I want it to feel better now!” Justine rasped in pain.

  Darren looked down at her and smiled. She felt oddly reassured. He then withdrew from her and sank back inside. Justine’s eyes closed at the enormous wave of pleasure that washed over her. Darren tilted her chin up and said, “Look at me, love.”

  She looked at him and he withdrew from her again, thrusting back inside of her. His forehead started to bead with sweat and he looked strained. He thrust in and out of her in a rhythm that seemed far beyond his control. And with every hard thrust, she started to want for that certain feeling again, the one that Darren had driven her towards before. Suddenly, her world went white as shockwave after pulsing shockwave tore through her, bringing her crashing down in extreme pleasure. Darren shouted and she felt him spill his seed inside of her.

  His weight was crushing her, but she didn’t mind. It felt comforting to her, after what they had just shared. He rolled onto his back and gathered her against him. Darren pulled the covers over them, kissed her forehead, and said, “Rest now, love. We will talk in the morning.”

  Justine’s could not think of doing anything else. She was thoroughly spent. As she drifted off to sleep, the thought slipped into her mind that Darren had called her, “love.”

  Chapter 6

  Waking the next morning, Justine rolled over and blinked at the bright sunlight that was shining in through the windows. Darren had slept behind her the entire night, holding her close against him as he breathed deeply in his sleep. She had slept fitfully during the night, being unaccustomed to another person lying beside her in bed. At the moment, her husband was in the process of putting on his clothing.

  “Good morning,” he said to her, when he saw that she was awake. “Sleep well?”

  Justine sat up in bed and clutched the sheets against her chest. Her escape was going so well before Darren had caught up to her. She didn’t understand how he could be here. “How did you find me?” she asked.

  Smiling at her, Darren said, “Easy enough. We intercepted your driver. Upon questioning him, he was happy to drive me back here.”

  “We?” Justine asked.

  “Yes,” Nick answered. “Nick and Erica came to accompany me to find my new wife, who had chosen to run away from her own wedding.”

  Justine flushed. When she devised this plan with her mother, she knew that her actions would cause upset to many people. She was sorry that she had upset Erica and Nick, in particular. She genuinely liked them.

  “I’m sure that they were worried,” she said.

  Standing with his hands on his hips, he glowered at her. “Oh yes, they were indeed worried. As was I and so was your mother.”

  Justine waited to hear the list of the rest of the people who she had upset. Now that she had been caught, her husband would certainly drag her home. Everyone was aware that she had run away from her own wedding and she would have to face her family and friends. The consequences would be enormous. She would never be able to show her face in public, again.

  “I regret that I’ve caused worry to all of our guests.”

  Looking at her sternly now, Darren said, “Your mother and I found your wedding dress abandoned. Nick and Erica had followed us inside. We, and your servant Blanche, are the only ones who know that you ran off. It is in all of our greatest interests to avoid a scandal at all costs.”

  Justine drew in her breath. Darren was saving her from scandal. Why was he doing this for her?

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “I wasn’t doing it just for you,” Darren informed her. “Your actions would have subjected my brother and his business to scandalous gossip. I would not have his business ripped to shreds by gossiping fools.”

  Justine felt even worse. She didn’t realize that her actions would cause harm to so many people. “I am sorry for any inconvenience that Nick has encountered because of my escape.”

  “What about me, does your husband warrant your concern? I didn’t know if you had been kidnapped or worse. Do you recall how my dear sister-in-law was taken just three months ago?”

  “No, I had not forgotten,” Justine whispered.

  “You could have fooled me,” he said, glaring at her.

  A knock on the door interrupted them. Darren had ordered breakfast to be brought to their room. Paying the maid, he turned to look at Justine, who was gazing longingly at the trays of fragrant food.

  “You must be starving. Come and eat your breakfast. We will finish our discussion after our meal,” Darren said.

  Justine wrapped the sheet around her and got out of the bed. She looked utterly delectable wearing nothing but that sheet. Her shoulders were bare and smooth, and Darren had the irresistible urge to bite at them.

  Clearing his throat, he said, “Have you brought any ladies’ clothing with you?”

  Justine shook her head, “I only carried the bare essentials. I assumed my aunt would have clothes for me to wear once I arrived at her home.”

  “Very astute of you,” Darren said dryly.

  Digging into the plate of fluffy eggs, Justine served herself a large portion and stuffed a bite into her mouth.

  His eyes widened in surprise.

  Blushing, she said, “Sorry. I must have worked up an appetite last night.”

  Darren smiled wickedly. “I’m sure. Well, eat up, then. Because tonight I will require even more from you.”

  “More?” she asked, sounding astonished that such a thing was possible.

  “Yes, more. As my wife, you will be expected to perform your wifely duties on a nightly basis.”

  Justine looked at him and blinked. In truth, she would not mind Darren touching her each night.

  “Finish up now,” Darren said. “When you are done, we will go into town and have some suitable apparel prepared for you. A dressing robe, as well. Although on your honeymoon, you are not likely to need it.”

  “Our honeymoon?” Justine asked tentatively. They had originally planned a honeymoon along the coastline.

  “Yes. I called off your hired carriage, he will not be showing up today. I thought that we might as well take advantage of this most delightful inn that you have secur
ed. That was most thoughtful of you, wife,” he said, smiling roguishly at her.

  Justine’s heart sank. She thought she might be able to sneak away and meet the hired carriage, but that had been ruined, as well.

  Darren picked up her men’s clothes and feminine undergarments from the floor. Handing them to her, he said, “Come now, let us go and see about your new clothing.”

  Taking the clothing from him, Justine walked behind the dressing screen to change into them.

  Darren grinned. “You know, that really isn’t necessary. I’ve already seen every delectable inch of you.”

  Justine flushed all the way to her hairline at the memory. “I would prefer to maintain some resemblance of decency, husband.”

  Darren’s smile faded as he rose from his chair. He walked over to her and kissed her hard and full on the lips. “Yes,” he said huskily. “I am your husband.”

  Justine was spellbound by the look in his eyes. He looked as though he wanted to carry her over to the bed and make love to her again.

  She doubled her efforts to get dressed faster.

  Darren chuckled and walked away to let her finish.

  The inn was located right on the main street in town. The innkeeper gave Darren and Justine directions to a seamstress down the road. Walking alongside each other, they made their way towards the shop. Justine was still dressed as a man, so Darren did not take her arm through his.

  Suddenly, two dirty, scruffy men rounded a corner and stood in front of them, blocking their way.

  Dammit, Darren thought. He didn’t have any protection on him, because he had been dressed only for his wedding when he had left for this place.

  “Lovely day, isn’t it?” one of the men said.

  “We’re not looking for any trouble,” Darren said, raising his hands.

  “Oh, but we are!” said one of the thugs. “How about ye fine gents hand over yer coin bags now?”

  Darren grabbed Justine’s elbow, prepared to thrust her behind him so that he could take care of this disgusting lot. When he moved to do just that, he bumped into a solid form behind him.

  “Top ‘o the mornin’,” Darren heard from behind him. He turned to see another troublesome looking man standing behind them.

  One of the men in front landed a blow to Darren’s mid-section and yelled, “I said give me yer cash, Govna!”

  When Darren doubled over, the other man grabbed his coin purse. The man who was behind them went to search for Justine’s coin purse.

  “Oh, look!” he cried out in surprise. “He’s a gal!”

  “Get off me, you lout!” Justine shouted.

  “That is a gal!” one of the other men agreed. “Grab her and let’s go!”

  Giving Darren a solid kick to the stomach and punch in the jaw, they threw him against the building.

  The burliest of the men threw Justine over his shoulder. She scratched and kicked him, while screaming for help. The men took off running down the cobblestone road, taking Justine with him. Darren saw them toss her in the back of a wagon and take off.

  Darren felt someone lift him to his feet. A middle-aged man stood there holding a gun in his hands. “There now gent, are you all right?”

  “Dammit to hell, they stole my wife!” Darren roared.

  “Yes, now. They had you both before we could get to you.”

  “Who the bloody hell are they?” Darren demanded.

  “Just a bunch of dirty riffraff that’s been hanging around these parts. We’ve been trying to get rid of them, but to no avail.”

  “I must go after her. Where can I find them?”

  “They’ve been making camp along the river bank,” the man said.

  “Thank you, my good man.”

  The man nodded “I’m Jacob Higgins and that’s my tavern,” he said, pointing to the building. He handed his gun to Darren. “Bring this back to me when you’re done. You only get one shot. Make it count.”

  Darren nodded. He certainly planned to.

  “Would you mind sending for the constable?” Darren asked.

  “It’s already been done, Sir. I wouldn’t wait, if I were you.”

  “Indeed not.”

  Justine continued to kick and scratch at the vile man who was carrying her away. She watched Nick rise from the blows he had received seconds before she was tossed into the back of a wagon. Screeching for help, she was violently cut off when one of the men backhanded her so hard that she fell back against the wagon.

  “Now Jessup, don’t be markin’ the pretty lady. I’m sure she’ll behave now. Right, miss?” said a particularly ripe-smelling man who reached forward to grab both of her hands. He tied them in front of her so tightly, that the ropes bit into her tender flesh.

  “You just sit tightly, missy, and we’ll have you home in a jiff,” he said.

  “Good thinkin’ to tie her, Willie,” said Jessup. “We don’t want her causing a fuss when we’re using her later on.

  Justine’s stomach lurched. Surely they did not mean to rape her?

  Willie slapped the back of his head. “Of course we be tying her, we don’t want her getting’ away, now do we?”

  “Nope, we don’t.” Jessup said, leering at her.

  Justine thought she was going to be sick. “You cannot keep me hostage against my will!” she said.

  “Actually, we can,” said Willie. Taking his turn to leer at her, he caressed her thigh. “And we will.”

  Justine jerked away from his disgusting touch. “My father is General Benjamin Fletcher. He and the entire army are going to murder every one of you when he hears what you have done! Let me go now and I will ask him to be lenient with you.”

  “Oh, no! Not the whole army!” Jessup said in mock falsetto. Laughing, he tried to grab her face for a kiss. “It would be well worth it for a go around or two with you.”

  Justine kicked out at him and delivered a hard blow to his groin. He doubled over in main, clutching his groin and howling. “The stupid bitch kicked me nads!” he bellowed.

  Willie grabbed her from behind and shoved her hard against the back of the wagon. “That’s enough, now! You settle down or I will let Jessup have his way with you right here in the wagon. And from the looks of things, it won’t go very well for you.”

  Justine looked over to see Jessup glaring bloody murder at her, promising retribution. Oh no, she thought. This was not going to go very well for her, at all.

  Chapter 7

  Darren rode hard in the direction that the thugs had taken his wife. He was riding a good horse, also belonging to Jacob Higgins. He certainly owed the man. Darren knew that the tavern keeper probably had his own reasons for wanting these criminals out of the picture. He had his own family and business to keep safe.

  Darren urged the horse to ride faster. He did not like the idea of Justine alone with those damnable swine. She was far too pretty, they would definitely use her. His gut cramped at the thought. He had to get to her before they had the chance. She might have upset him with her plan to run away, but she sure as hell didn’t deserve this.

  The violent events of the morning brought his mind back to the night that the savages raided his farm. Coming silently upon his land, they had slaughtered his farm hands. Bent on destruction, they had set fire to his house and barn. Darren had the cold sweats as he thought about the attack and how he had made it out of the house before the Natives had seen him. The smoke filled air aided his escape to the woods. He was powerless to stop them as they helped themselves to his possessions.

  He had felt terribly grieved at their assault. That very night, Darren had resolved to push aside all that he was thinking and feeling about the raid. There were still difficult undertakings ahead of him. He decided it was time to make the long, difficult voyage back to England. There was also the matter of swallowing his pride and returning home to his brother in defeat. His tail between his legs. Nick had welcomed him home and had made a place for him at Linnus-Campbell Industries. For that, Darren was immens
ely grateful. He had failed out there alone in the world, but he would show his brother that he could count on him.

  Darren was determined to not let his wife down either. He would find her and rescue her. This time, he would not stand by idly. He was better prepared to face the demons. They would all pay for touching what was his.

  Catching sight of the wagon, Darren slowed his mount. He needed to get closer to their camp, so that he could grab Justine and leave, but far enough away so that the men didn’t hear the horse. Up ahead, he saw one of the men haul Justine over his shoulder and he heard her scream. It was time to move.

  Getting down off the horse, he tied it to a nearby tree. Stealthily, Darren made his way behind a large tree, just outside of their camp. A quick assessment of the men showed him that they were all armed and he knew that he couldn’t take them all at once. Especially not while Justine’s life was also at stake. He decided that they would have to be picked off, one by one. Finalizing the details of his plan, Darren let out a loud, long whistle.

  “Who’s there?” came an irritated call. Darren silently waited. He knew they wouldn’t wait too long to see if there was a threat, considering that they had just taken a woman from town.

  “Horace, go see what’s crawlin’ around the camp,” one of the men instructed.

  Darren watched the man move towards him. When Horace was almost upon him, Darren turned his back to the tree, so as to not be spotted. He heard leaves and twigs crunching as the man continued to make his way towards him. When Horace was just beside the tree, Darren drew back the gun and struck him as hard as he could upside the head. The man went down with a thump, having been rendered unconscious. Darren quickly took the man’s jacket off and tied his hands behind him with it. He ripped the garment and also tied Horace’s legs to the back of his arms, rendering him immobile.


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