A Bride by Arrangement (The Bride Series Book 2)

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A Bride by Arrangement (The Bride Series Book 2) Page 6

by Vanessa Lee

  Darren slowly turned to peer around the tree. One of the men was waiting with his hands on his hips. In a few moments, the man called out, “Horace! Did you find anything yet, you old lout!”

  When there was only silence, the man’s arms crossed over his chest. A few moments later he called, “Jessup! Go see what’s takin’ Horace!”

  “You go see what’s keepin’ him!” Jessup yelled. “I want to get started with the lassie, here.”

  “You’ll get your go at the lassie when you return with Horace,” Willie said. “Now, go get him!”

  “All right,” Jessup growled, as he made his way in the direction that Horace had gone. “Horace!” he roared. “Where the bloody hell are ye?”

  Way to sneak up on your enemy, Darren thought, rolling his eyes. Jessup was moving toward him like a bull down the path. Darren silently thanked him, as it removed a lot of the guesswork. Suddenly, Jessup was standing right next to his tree, and was about to yell again. Darren drew back the gun and sent the barrel flying across his disgusting face. The blow had only stunned him to his knees, so Darren drew back again and sent the butt of the gun crashing down hard on the back of his head. He honestly hoped that he killed the man; he was too wretched to live. Darren tied Jessup as well, in case he woke.

  Darren looked back to the camp and saw that the man who had been standing there before was no longer standing in front of the cabin. Darren slowly made his way closer to the camp, making sure to stay hidden behind the trees. He had just breeched the camp when the man reappeared from the cabin and was holding Justine in front of him. Her hands were tied in front of her. The vermin had a knife to her throat.

  “Hold it right there, ‘Govna!” he called. “I got yer pretty lady here and if you take one step closer, I am going to take my knife and slice her throat!”

  He heard Justine whimper, but he didn’t look at her. He would comfort her later, when they were out of this mess.

  “You don’t need to do that. Just give me the woman and I will be on my way,” he said, as he crept slowly forward.

  The man laughed hideously, and said, “Actually, I’m thinking that I will be keeping the woman. She is quite fetching to look at,” he said, as he leered wretchedly and nuzzled her cheek.

  Justine gagged and tried to push his hands away.

  “Easy now, love!” the man said. “You wouldn’t want me to cut you on accident now, would you?”

  Justine’s breath was coming in haggard now. “You are vile and repulsive scum! Get your hands off me!”

  “Oh, but it’s my hands that I want on you!” the thug said.

  During their exchange, Darren had crept closer. He was almost in range to get a perfect shot, without harming Justine.

  Just then, the man jerked back and held Justine tighter to him. “Now, stop right there! You move one step closer gent, and I will end this pretty lady.”

  “You do, and I will end your life within seconds, you damnable bastard.” Darren growled at him.

  The man laughed, moving back toward his cabin, dragging Justine with him.

  “Stop right there, or I will shoot!” Darren roared.

  The man kept moving, keeping Justine in front of him. Darren could not let him get into the cabin. He likely had a gun and he also had Justine.

  Just then, Justine lost her footing and stumbled. It looked like it was an accident, but then with her bound hands, she punched the man as hard as she could in his groin.

  Darren took the opportunity to shoot the bastard in the head, putting him out of his misery. Dropping the gun, he ran over to Justine and drew her against him and a fierce embrace.

  “Are you alright, love?” he asked.

  Justine was shaking against him. Darren held her as the tremors tore through her. He couldn’t even begin to imagine what she had been through.

  “Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” he asked, taking her chin in his hands, he tilted her face up to look at him. With all that she had been through, she still looked astonishingly beautiful. Her delicate features looked as lovely as ever and her luminous blue eyes stared at him in awe. He saw the bruise on the side of her face and wanted to kill the man all over again.

  Her teeth chattering, she said, “They hit me and they…they…” Darren nodded. It would take his wife a long while to heal from the ordeal she had been through at the hands of these men.

  “Come,” he said, reaching for the knife that the dead man had held at her throat only moments before. “Let’s remove these bindings.”

  She nodded, tears welling in her eyes. “Thank you Darren,” she whispered.

  He looked at her. She was still staring at him as though she wanted to throw herself against him. Darren kissed her sweetly on the mouth. “You are most welcome.”

  As he cut through the ropes that bound her hands, she asked, “What about the other two? Where are they?”

  Darren smiled, “Napping,” he said, helping her up.


  “The despicable swine are napping while they wait for the constable,” Darren said with satisfaction.

  Justine smiled radiantly at him and threw her arms around his neck, holding him tight. “Oh Darren, I am so happy that you found me. You wouldn’t believe all of the horrible things that they threatened to do!”

  Darren sat back and held her. Relief swam through him. It had been much too close. Even though they had not known each other long, she was already special to him. He breathed in the sweet fragrance of her hair and kissed the top of her head. Darren felt the heat of her press into him, her sweet bottom cuddled in his lap. It felt so good to hold her. His thoughts wandered to what he would do to her at the inn tonight. He had paid for two more nights and they would enjoy them.

  Just then, they heard a yell. “Hello! Is there trouble?”

  Darren looked over to see a constable making his way to the camp on horseback. He stood up and kept his arm wrapped around Justine. He was not letting her out of his sight, or his grasp, any time soon.

  “My wife was taken by these criminals,” Darren said. “The leader is dead there. Two more lie unconscious just beyond those trees.”

  “I say, good work,” the constable declared. He was familiar with these rats and had been trying to organize a band of men to help him get rid of them. The constable was beyond pleased that it had been done for him. Looking at Justine, he said, “Are you alright, Milady?”

  Justine nodded, and looked up at her husband, smiling gratefully. “I am, thanks only to my husband.”

  Nodding, the constable said, “I’ll see to this lot. Are you able to make it back to town?”

  “I have a horse, we will make it back alright,” Darren said.

  “Very good then, Sir,” the constable said as he headed for the two unconscious men.

  Holding Justine against him, Darren asked, “Will you be able to walk a short distance?”

  She nodded and they started walking away from the cabin. Justine suddenly stopped, and said, “Oh, Darren! Wait a moment.”

  She went back inside the cabin.

  His eyes narrowed, Darren wondered why the devil she would feel the need to go back inside the place where she would have experienced the terrible things that were promised to her. His face brightened when she returned with his coin purse.

  “I think this belongs to you,” she said, handing it to him.

  He smiled at her as he folded it into his jacket. “Indeed it does,” he said. Lifting her chin up to his face, he said, “As do you.” Leaning down to kiss her, he felt her press into him. He knew that he needed to get them out of there and back into their room at the inn, fast.

  Justine was grateful when Darren lifted her into his arms and carried her back to his horse. She held onto him and snuggled against his chest. Her head lay trustingly against his shoulder. Even though she had been through a rotten ordeal, she was so thankful that Darren had come to her rescue. If it had been any other man, Justine wonder
ed if he would have found them as quickly. Her husband had tracked them down and rescued her by himself. He had also made her captors pay.

  Despite everything she had done, Darren had come for her. As he held her against him now, she realized that he was not an emotionless man. She had seen the worry for her in his expression as he had faced down the man who held her captive. She didn’t know how such a thing could be possible, but one thing was certain: Her husband was not like her father.

  Lifting her head up slightly, she gazed at her heroic rescuer. His strong, handsome profile was dusty from the events of the day. His face was now fierce with determination to deliver her safely to the horse. He looked down at her and his beautiful green eyes sparkled as he smiled at her. Oh yes, her husband was filled with warmth. Even now, through her clothing, she could feel his heat, his comforting strength.

  Her father had always been so cold and calculating. If he had been the one rescuing her today, he would not have held her after. He would not have comforted her and asked her if she was alright. The General would have told her to get up immediately and follow him back to his horse on her own two feet. Although her father wasn’t a mean man, he didn’t have any idea how to deal with a woman’s delicacies. Having been surrounded by men his entire career, he didn’t have the time or the inclination for feelings and emotions. He hardly ever offered his daughter a kind word or even a hug. From the time she was a young girl, she had faced his endless criticism. She knew the General was just trying to do his part to make her a better person. But it had made her downright miserable.

  She didn’t feel miserable with Darren. He didn’t make her feel cold and unwanted. He set her on fire. She craved his touch and he loved touching her. His warmth and his strength reassured her. When he looked at her, she felt wanted and cherished. The knowledge that he cared for her healed every ache in her heart.

  When they reached the horse he set her down on her feet. He went to untie the rope that bound the horse to the tree, but she stopped him. Stepping in close, she slide her hands up his chest and gazed up into his eyes. His emerald gaze heated at her touch. Lifting her mouth to his, she whispered, “Thank you,” and stepped on her tip-toes to press her lips against his mouth. This time when she thanked him, she was thanking him for more than rescuing her. His arms came around her waist and he pulled her tightly against him. She sighed as he deepened the kiss, her arms going around his neck to pull him as close to her as she could get. Lifting her against him, Darren pillaged her mouth, delighting her and making her burn with fierce desire. She writhed against him, hungry for his mouth and the feel of his hands on her.

  Darren ended their kiss, breathing hard. “You’re welcome.”

  Chapter 8

  Riding back into the center of town, they were greeted by cheers. Darren was seated behind Justine on the steed with his arms wrapped tightly around her. A man stepped forward from the group that had gathered to meet them and Darren handed him the pistol. “I thank for you for the use of your horse and gun, Higgins,” he said.

  “I’m glad to see you put it to good use,” the tavern keeper said. “What about the riffraff?”

  “The leader is dead and the other two will deal with the constable when they wake.”

  Cheers sounded all around them. Darren dismounted from the horse and received pats on the back from several men.

  “They’ve been hanging around here, giving us trouble for months!” said one man.

  “Glad to not have to deal with that dreadful lot,” said another.

  Justine beamed at Darren, she was so proud of him. Her husband had not only rescued her, but he had saved all of these people from being terrorized by those men. He had the heart of a champion.

  Darren helped Justine down from the horse, as Higgins said, “Let us have a drink in honor of this fine hero!” The cheers sounded again.

  Justine, still in her men’s clothing, leaned into Darren’s side. She was filthy and anxious to take a long, hot bath to wash away the events of that day.

  Looking down at her, Darren said, “Another time, gentleman. My wife is in need of a hot bath and a change of clothing.”

  “Another time then, hero,” Higgins said, taking his horse back from Darren.

  Nodding at him, Darren wrapped his arm around Justine and guided her forward. Thankful yet again for his strength, she leaned into him. The crowd of people that had gathered moved aside as they walked towards the inn.

  More cheers greeted them once they reached the inn. The innkeeper expressed a special thanks to Darren. His own son had been badly beaten and robbed by the gang. He ordered up a hot bath and their best meal to Darren and Justine’s room. Justine went up to the room to wait for the buckets of steaming water to be brought in and Darren saw about some clothing for her. He asked the innkeeper’s wife if she wouldn’t mind obtaining some day and evening apparel for his wife. The grateful woman happily took the money from Darren and left for the errand.

  Alone in the room, Justine sank into the hot, steamy bath water. She was reaching for the soap, just as the door opened. Withdrawing her hand back into the bath, she blushed as Darren entered the room.

  “I was just having my bath,” Justine said.

  Darren closed the door behind him. Setting the package he was carrying onto the bed, he turned to smile at her. He began removing his clothing.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “We are very dirty.”

  “Yes, but…”

  “But I am probably more dirty than you are,” he said with a grin, removing his boots.

  “I am almost done, I will be quick!”

  “There is no need to rush, love.”

  “Darren! You cannot think to bath with me,” she said, scandalized by the thought.

  “Oh yes, I certainly can,” he said, as he gently pushed her forward and got into the bath behind her. Pulling her against him, she gasped at the contact of his skin against her bareback.

  “Now, where is the soap? You smell terrible, love,” he gently joked, as he reached for the soap.

  “Give it to me, husband! I will wash myself,” she demanded, absolutely horrified of the thought of him washing her.

  “No, I will wash you,” he said seductively against her ear, as he lathered his hands. Dropping the bar, he brought his soapy hands against her breasts. His warm, wonderful fingers squeezed her and caressed, as he washed her. Sighing, she relaxed against him.

  “That’s it, love,” he said. “Lie back and let me touch you. You will like it.” Picking up the soap once more, he lathered and brought his hands down to her shoulders. Sliding his hands down he washed her stomach. He lathered the soap along her long, pretty legs, caressing and massaging as we went. She became breathless as his hands massaged her feet.

  Picking up the bar once more, his hands made their way to the center of her thighs. Justine stilled and waited to see what he would do. His hands cupped her sex, moving over her delicate skin, caressing, massaging, and rubbing her. Justine moaned and her head went back against his shoulder. Kissing her neck, Darren continued to stroke her, and pluck at her aroused nub. Justine spread her legs wider, hooking her legs over his, giving him freer access. Her bottom moved against his groin, unable to control the movement of her hips as he stroked her. She clenched her thighs around his as he continued to drive her towards sweet release. Justine’s hips were rocking furiously against him now, with every caress of his teasing fingers, as her head lolled back and forth across his chest. With one final pluck of her sweet bud, Justine gritted her teeth in extreme pleasure as her climax ripped through her.

  Darren kissed her cheek and held her, as she shivered in the delightful aftermath. Justine was feeling a lot better. The nerves that had been plaguing her after the horrible day she had experienced had simply fallen away.

  Darren picked up the cup that was sitting on the table next to the bath. “Let us see to your hair.” He soaked Justine’s hair, slowly pouring hot water over her head with the cup. He
lathered her hair with the soap and worked his hands through the damp tresses. He massaged her scalp and Justine arched against him, reveling in the feeling of immense pleasure that his hands brought her, as he continued to wash her. Darren reached for the cup and began to slowly pour water over her head. Justine washed her face, as her husband continued to rinse her.

  When she was clean, Darren turned her around to face him. She sat on her knees, straddling him. Giving her the bar of soap, Darren said, “I’m dirty wife. Wash me.” He lay back against the tub, spreading his arms wide. He watched her patiently, smiling with invitation.

  Justine gazed at his muscular chest. His skin was brawny and sprinkled with dark hair. He looked incredibly mouthwatering, even though he was dirty. Lathering her hands, she brought her hands against his chest. He smiled at her encouragingly. Justine caressed him as he had done to her, moving her hands all over his shoulders and arms, his chest. He drew in his breath when she moved over his hardened nipples, so she caressed them again. His burning gaze bore into her as she teased them. Moving lower, her hands slid all over his chiseled stomach, loving the feeling of his taut skin.

  Looking into his burning eyes, Justine asked, “Should I go lower?” she whispered breathlessly.

  Darren answered her in a slow, deep voice, “No. We will not make it through the bath.” Placing the bar of soap in her hands, he said, “Wash my hair, wife.”

  Trembling, despite the warmth of the bath, Justine washed her husband’s hair. He must have loved it when she massaged his scalp with her soapy hands, because he groaned and arched against her. She felt his hot, hard rod against her midsection when they connected.

  He grinned at her, “Don’t worry, it will hold. Now, rinse me so that we may finish.”

  She rinsed him, pouring the warm water all over him. Her mouth went dry as she watched it cascade all over his spectacular form. Justine was sorry when all the soap had been washed away.

  Rising himself out of the water, Darren held his hand out to her. He helped her out of the tub and gently dried her off, before drying himself. Justine’s eyes widened as she saw how long his erection stood. It was no wonder she had hurt so much when he had made love to her last night. He was enormous. Right now, he was looking at her like he wanted to make love to her, again.


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