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ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Love Fight (Bad Boy College Alpha Male Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Romance Short Stories)

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by Aubrey Moyes

  He sprinted across the street, lifting her body quickly and heaving it into the Dumpster that was wide open. He jumped inside and buried her underneath the refuse. He almost felt like that his life meant nothing. Karma was a bitch and one day it was going to come around and bite him where the sun didn’t shine. He uncovered her face for a moment and looked at that Angelic unblemished face. She showed no signs of being some criminal mastermind, but her life had already been planned out from the

  moment that she was born. Jamison wanted her to stand beside her brother and give him the necessary advice to keep him from going off half cocked and doing something that would bring the authorities or a rival faction down onto their heads.

  Jordan knew that she was better off this way. It didn’t seem all that long ago that he was innocent himself. He didn’t need much to live on, but he was conscious to keep some of his earnings in the Cayman Islands. He didn’t want any problem with the IRS. That was a three letter acronym organization that he didn’t want to fight. They were worse than any other government organization including the FBI, CIA or even the DEA.

  He jumped back out of the Dumpster and made his way back over to where Lila was shaking her head back and forth in obvious denial. “I did that. I took her life when she had barely begun living. I will most likely see her face every time that I close my eyes. It won’t be the first time that I’ve been haunted by images and it won’t be the last.”

  Chapter 4

  They drove off and soon were coming into the parking lot of where the swim meet was taking place. Tilley was in her first year of college and Raymond was a senior with the adoration of girls.

  “The main event won’t take place for another couple of hours, Lila. We have that amount of time to get into place and do what needs to be done. If we can catch him practicing on his own, then I will deal with him personally. I don’t like this any better than you do, but he’s the one that we really have to worry about. He’s the first born son and will feel a need for vengeance. I don’t know exactly who will take over for Jamison, but I have an idea that might make getting to him easier.” Jordan had been thinking about this for some time and the idea was simplicity in the making.

  They were soon in the darkened part of the bleachers with Jordan holding Lila close to his body. He wanted everybody to think that they were lovers and that they had just arrived for the swim meet.

  “Raymond, I don’t think it’s necessary for you to get any more practice in. I’m sorry; I forgot who I was talking to. It’s not like you’re going to join the others in the locker room. You’ve always had this thing about proving yourself to your father. I’ve no idea if he’s going to be here today, or leave you to stand and do this on your own. Either way, I know that you’re strong enough to handle just about anything. I’ve been your coach for the last two years and I’ve seen you go from the little boy to a man.” The coach felt like he was a den mother to those that he had coached. Raymond was something different and there was a damage that could only be seen by the way that he looked indifferent at everything around him.

  “I promise that I won’t overdo it. I just think that I can squeeze off another couple of seconds. I need that if I’m going to beat Chan. He’s the one that everybody thinks is the golden boy, but to me he is just another obstacle standing in my way. My father taught me never to take prisoners. I always do what it takes to make people think that I’m better than them. I want to see the fear in his eyes, as I beat him to the finish line in victory.” He had his dark hair slicked back from the water that he had from doing laps the last hour.

  “You don’t have anything to prove to me. I’ve always been your biggest fan. I consider myself to be a surrogate father for the one that didn’t really give a damn to show up for any of your meets. I know of his reputation and I would never speak ill of anybody that can find me in the middle of the night and make sure that I never say anything bad about them again. I’m just saying that I think that you deserve better. You have never been given a chance and I wish that I could change that for you.” The coach walked away with his towel around his neck and disappeared within the locker room to give one of his trademark inspiration speeches.

  Jordan watched as Raymond began to take a lap to the other end of the pool and then he dashed down to the pool edge. He stayed there looking at the form of Raymond coming closer. When his hand touched on the edge and was about to spring backwards, he was right there to grab Raymond by the head and force him below the water. He had him by the scruff of the neck and he was pushing on that nerve. He could only hope that the pain was enough for him to lose this struggle. He saw the bubbles and looked down into the face of a young kid that had a lot of fight left in him.

  For his part, Raymond was not about to go out this easily. He felt like he had to do this for his father and if somebody really wanted to kill him, then they were going to have to do a whole lot better than this. He struggled and the pain of those fingers digging into his shoulder blades were like some kind of pain that he never knew was possible. He forced himself not to scream. He reached up and grabbed onto the wrist of whoever had decided to come against him in this way.

  Lila watched from a distance and there was a part of her that wanted to look away. She wasn’t going to do that, because both she and Jordan were in this to the bitter end. This was the right choice, even though it probably didn’t feel that way to Jordan or Lila.

  Jordan could feel the two hands gripping his wrist and squeezing with enough power that he was close to losing whatever grip he had on the young man’s neck. The bubbles were coming quicker and then they were slowly diminishing. He had witnessed this type of thing before and drowning was not a good way to go. His lungs were filling up with water and whatever breath he had was now slowly being taken away.

  Jordan felt that this wasn’t going fast enough and decided to something about it. He lifted the kid out of the water by the neck, until they were face to face. He punched him with whatever power he had left in his left hand. It was enough to stun the kid and then he continued to drown him, until there was nothing left, but that last bubble. Leaving him there, he ran up to the bleachers and grabbed Lila and made a hasty exit before anybody could realize that they were responsible.

  They stayed long enough to know that not even mouth to mouth resuscitation was going to bring him back from the brink of death. There was no way to hide the body and they were going to have to act quickly to get to Jamison before he decided to surround himself with a detail of security that was considered above reproach.

  Jamison sat there listening to his lieutenant Adam speak about business. He was nodding his head, but was really more concerned with why he hadn’t heard from the horsemen. He drank his tea and made the necessary notes to become one of the leading suppliers of new and fresh talent. He had taken baby steps at first, but then those that he was coming after decided to push back. He had sent Adam and a few trusted and loyal soldiers to take care of the matter for him. They had done what he had wanted and now he had a stranglehold on the flesh trade.

  “… needs to be taken care of immediately. Mr. Crane, you really do need to listen to me. I’m trying to tell you that you have a problem in house and that somebody needs to be sent to exterminate the rodent.” Adam looked at his mentor Jamison and it fell wrong to feel this elated. He enjoyed working for Jamison, but he really wasn’t given the proper respect. Had he been treated him better, he might’ve not done what he did. He had to wonder how long it was going to take before it would be over. Jordan was very specific about what to use. It took a bit for him to convince Jamison’s lieutenant that it was time for a new regime.

  “I’m a little preoccupied with something at the moment, Adam. You know what to do and it’s not like I have to spell it out for you. Make sure that they’re not a problem anymore and then we can get back to the business that is making us all a lot of money.” Jamison was constantly looking at his phone and then he started to become fuzzy around the edges. He dropped his pen and
put both of his fists up to his eyes to try to clear the cobwebs.

  Adam didn’t like the flesh trade and when he was in power, he was going to let these girls have their lives back. He wanted to tell Jordan to go to hell, but he couldn’t do that. Jordan had laid out how he could become the leader that everybody wanted. He didn’t have to settle for standing in Jamison’s shadow, when it was possible for him to take that power for himself. Adam questioned Jordan’s loyalty, but in the end he knew that the best thing for everybody was to take the appropriate action.

  “You don’t look very good, Mr. Crane.” He couldn’t stop giving Jamison the respect that he deserved. He might’ve been the product of his demise, but he still had a soft spot in his heart for the man that put him in this position. He was all about climbing the ladder and this position was becoming stagnant and stale.

  “I don’t… I don’t feel…very good.” His voice and speech was slurred and his mind was muddled, but he suddenly came to the conclusion that he had been drugged. He looked down at the tea and then up at Adam. He knew the truth like it was written across his forehead. “Tell me that it’s not true. Tell me…that he didn’t get to you.” All Jamison got for his query was the shrug of Adam’s shoulders.

  Adam watched, as he crashed down onto the table headfirst. He barely made the movement to get that teacup out of his way. Checking his pulse, he found that there was none. He motioned for Jordan and Lila to come out of the shadows. “I’ve made the arrangements. There’s a boat that is waiting for you to take possession of at the dock. Ironically, it’s Jamison’s way of escaping from the rest of the world. It’s now going to be used to get you out of here and give you a way to start your life over.” Adam had thought about going against his word, but it was after all Jordan that had shown him the way to the kind of riches and power that he never knew that he could get his hands on.

  Jordan made a quick check of Jamison to make sure that he wasn’t going to rise like the phoenix from the ashes. The poison was this very powerful cyanide. The foam around his mouth was a good sign that he had swallowed enough of the concoction to do the right amount of damage to his internal organs.

  “I know that it’s not a good idea to speak ill of the dead, but I’m glad that he’s gone. I’m also glad that those girls that are still out there will be given their freedom. I don’t even care what you do to those guys that have them in their possession. Whatever they get they had coming to them a long time ago.” “I had dreamed about this day for a very long time, but I never knew that I would actually see it come true. He was holding all the cards and now that power was given to somebody that could use it in the right way. He would still have a stranglehold on the narcotic and arms dealing, but the misuse of innocent young woman was going to come to an end.”

  The yacht was an amazing piece of machinery. Jordan was able to manipulate it in his hands like he had been doing it all of his life. He was wearing only his boxer shorts; a silk pair that he found was perfect for the kind of blazing heat that was burning down from above. They were docked off a nude beach in the Riviera.

  Lila in a very revealing yellow bikini was now standing wearing a pair of sunglasses and drinking a flute of champagne. She stood beside her husband and the excitement of being free was not lost on her. The projection of his weapon through that thin material was leaving no doubt that his love for her was a raging stone. “I never knew what paradise look like, but this really does feel like a dream come true. It’s been almost a month and I have this cute little baby bump. I never thought that I could love

  anything as much as I do this child.” Still having a mouthful of the champagne, she went down on her knees and fished through the opening to get at the hard and demanding object between his legs.

  “I’m not complaining and the fact that you are insatiable is only an added bonus. I know that it might have something do with your raging hormones, but I’m not one to shine a light on any of that. You’ve had some interesting mood swings, but usually I just close myself off in the other room, until you settle down. I would say that if the boat is rocking don’t come knocking, but I think that would be a little crude.” Jordan looked down at the mirrored sunglasses. He couldn’t see her eyes, but her mouth was now busy at giving him that pleasure that he was never going to get used to.

  “I think you know that idle hands are the devil’s playground. I will never let you think that I’m taking you for granted. This will always be something that I covet and I don’t want you to forget that.” The vacuum seal of her mouth drew him across her tongue and to the back of her mouth. The way that he was nudging to gain entry to her throat was now rewarded by her letting him feel what she had taught to be the best at. “I want him and I never want to be without him. I can’t even take my eyes off of him even if I wanted to. This has all the makings of a good thing. I’m definitely going to do something about it. What’s going on between him and me is something epic. I don’t know if it can get any better than this, but I doubt it.”

  “If you’re not careful, you’re going to have something to clean up. I can’t think of anything else, but how bad I want you right now, Lila. We have some memories to make and there’s no reason to hold back. The night is definitely young and we should pace ourselves.” Jordan looked out at the sunrise. Getting the top of his cock blown off by the insistence of her mouth and that magical setting was better than anything that he had ever seen or felt before.

  Everything was coming together and the way that his balls had turned into grapefruits was a good way for her to know that she was getting the job done. She had submitted to many of his whims, including that of being tied up and used.

  Jordan was close, but he didn’t want to finish it this way. His thoughts were consumed by something else. He stopped her with his hand on top of her forehead. She looked disappointed, but that was going to change with the feel of his cock pushing aside the flimsy material of her bikini bottom. He turned her quickly, bent her over and stuck his head in between the cheeks of where he was going to bury himself in a second. His tongue stretched out to its maximum length. He used it to spear her.

  “I don’t think that its’ right that we put on a show for those on shore. I don’t see any way that I’m going to stop you. It’s not like I’m going to put up much of a fight.” Having an audience might be something of a secret aphrodisiac that I didn’t even know that I had.”

  “I’m down on my knees showing you how much you mean to me, but I think that the three words that you’re looking for is that I love you.” He saw her turn towards him with that pretty smile and those three words had definitely made her day. She reached back and pulled her bikini bottom to the side and held it there for him to get up behind her. His instrument slid effortlessly into her wet quim and the heat that surrounded him was like his personal haven away from the real world.

  He had stolen her away from a life that she didn’t want and was grateful to have the chance to let the past float away like it was somebody else’s. “I know that you love me, Jordan and that has never been something that I doubted. Give me what I want, or I might have to reach back and take it from you.” She felt him touch her lips and that

  was the moment that she went off. She screamed and saw a couple people that were lying near the shore raise up on their elbows to witness their own personal x rated movie.

  “I think… That somebody likes being watched.” He actually got a secret thrill out of putting on a show. He was putting on a performance of a lifetime. He had a hold of her hips and was driving into her body incessantly. They were screaming at each other to go faster and harder. People were standing on the beach shielding their eyes from the sun and giving them the respect of their undivided attention. “Fuck…you have no idea what this feels like. You have me at a loss for words and the only thing that I can do is moan with desire.” Jordan watched, as her lips splayed open and then closed in around him every time that he buried himself to the hilt. The first orgasm was only a teaser and before long she
was riding the wave of a multiple event.

  She felt the pulsing of his organ and could feel that vein throbbing out of control. Her pussy was greedy and it swallowed his seed, as it shot out of him in eight huge streams that made her eyes wide.

  He pulled out and stumbled back before grabbing onto the steering wheel behind him. They heard the chorus of applause and they walked naked and unashamed to the back of the boat to give a customary bow of appreciation.

  They saw that their show had brought forth the establishment. The lifeguards were on their way to intervene, but they were already gunning the boat and skipping over the waves into the sunset.


  Captivated by the savage seal

  Chapter 1

  “Nina, I’ve never seen you look more ravishing or desirable. It’s a good thing that you came out with me to shake things up a little bit. I’ve been worried about you. You seem to have lost something and you seem to be just going through the motions.” Nina looked at her best friend Susan with her long blond hair and voluptuous good looks and she wonders if she ever did attract a man like that. “That dress is going to knock any man out of their boots. I guess it’s true that a little black dress is a girl’s best friend. We all have one and now you can say you have one too.”

  “Susan, you know that this is not me. I’m not this risqué or erotic. If I were to step out of the doors wearing this, I would probably be arrested for indecent exposure.” Nina was looking in the mirror and she noticed that her dirty blond locks were the perfect contrast to the dark dress that she was currently wearing. It had a plunging neckline with ruffles to indicate more than what there was. It was short on the bottom and rose up to almost a scandalous amount. One wrong move in any direction and she would be putting herself out there for everybody to see.


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