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Alluring Infatuation

Page 11

by Skye Turner

  I can’t imagine being eight years old and living with something like that. My heart breaks for him, but he is the happiest kid. He’s adorable with his bright red hair and twinkling brown eyes. His grin is infectious and I can’t help but smile around him.

  He tells me that while he can’t be a basketball star, he can be a musician and he wants to play the guitar in a rock band and be just like me when he grows up.

  His simple words rock my world. I am blessed to be able to do something I love every single day and I make a damn good living at it. I jam with him for a minute before Cruz pops his head into the room and taps out a beat on the tray table which Timmy tries to mimic. Before long, everyone is in this one room and we all sing one of our songs with Timmy accompanying us in his adorable voice.

  I’ll remember this forever. This is why I do this.

  It’s amazing to have fans. It’s awesome to have people appreciate what we do and love our music, but this… this eight year old boy who has faced more in his short life than most people face in eighty years… for him to say he wants to be like me. My heart is overflowing with emotion.

  I give Timmy and his parents my cell phone number and tell them to keep in touch before we leave.

  His parents follow me into the hall as he starts to nod off. They thank me for taking the time to spend with Timmy and tell me that I’ve just made his day and that he’s one of our biggest fans. I thank them for allowing me to spend some time with him.

  As we leave the hospital and head back towards the hotel to wrap our New York trip, I think to myself, “today was a long day, but it was probably one of the best days I’ve ever had.”

  We get to the airport early and have a little time to kill before heading home, so I take out my phone and text Melonie.


  Hey, you around?”

  As I wait for her to respond, I feel someone sit next to me. Looking up, I see my beautiful, yet exhausted, baby sister.

  Reaching out, I smooth her hair behind her ears. “Hey you. You look tired.”

  She smiles. “I am tired. I’m beat.” She laughs. “It’s been a long two days. This was a good trip though.”

  I nod in agreement. “It was. You need to sleep on the plane.”

  She rolls her eyes at me. “I know that. I’m trying desperately to stop myself from falling asleep right now. Who knew being six months pregnant would be so damn exhausting?!”

  I chuckle. “Well, you are incubating a new person.”

  She laughs musically. “How are you big brother?”

  I’m taken aback. What does she mean?

  She read my face. “I mean how are you? Have you talked to Dr. Bird this trip?”

  I frown. I haven’t talked to her. I’ve texted twice, but we’ve been so busy, I haven’t been able to call. “No. I haven’t had a real chance. I just texted her though.”

  She nods. “So, you and Kate?”

  My head whirls around and some of my hair escapes my tie. “Me and Kate?”

  “You two seem… close. She’s beautiful. And she seems really sweet. Pretty down to earth for being a Victoria’s Secret model.”

  I nod. “She is. But there is no me and Kate. There’s never been a me and Kate. We’re friends.”

  Her brow raises. “You don’t find her beautiful?”

  I laugh and shake my head. “Of course she’s beautiful. She’s gorgeous. Have you looked at her?!” She frowns. “She’s not interested in me and I’m not interested in her, Clove. We went on a blind date and there was no romantic connection. We’ve been friends ever since. She’s a great girl and she really is fun.” She’s clicking her tongue as she looks at me as if she doesn’t believe me.

  “Seriously. Do Blue and Liam have a romantic connection? What about you and Cruz?!”

  She coughs. “Ew, no. Liam and Blue are like best friends. Cruz is amazing and gorgeous, but no. I’ve never had feelings for him. Liam is my guy.”

  I smile. She just figured out her own quandary. “Exactly. Same with me and Kate. She’s awesome and hot, yet I have not and I do not want to sleep with her.”

  I laugh. Sleeping with Kate?! Yeah, ok. I picture Melonie naked and rumpled on the beach and I instantly get hard. Great, I’m sitting here talking to my sister with a fucking boner over her baby doctor.

  Her sexy as shit baby doctor that I really want to see tonight.

  I check my phone. Nothing from her. I type out another text, and hit send as I board the plane.


  Heading home. Be there about 9:30. If you get this and will be awake, let me know.”

  Everyone gets on and settled and before the pilot is done telling us our ETA, I’m asleep.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Momma and I have been shopping for a few hours now. We’ve both bought several outfits and new sandals and now we’re heading to get something to eat at our favorite Greek and Lebanese restaurant for a late lunch. I’m famished since it’s after 3PM.

  When we walk in, they point to our regular table and as we get comfortable, two Lebanese teas are placed in front of us. It’s busy in here today.

  The waiter walks over and since he knows us, he asks, “The usual? Mesa plate for two?”

  We look at each other and nod.

  We talk as we wait for the food. Momma tells me Daddy is playing golf today. I laugh. My daddy playing golf means he drives a golf cart and drinks beer. He can’t hit the ball to save his life, but he “plays golf” a few times a month with some of his buddies. I think they just like to get away from the women in their lives and saying they’re playing golf sounds better than saying they’re going meet up to talk and drink beer.

  She chuckles, too. “You should have seen what he was wearing this morning, Mel. It was a lime green shirt and some lime and white shorts with his socks pulled up to his knees. He even had this stupid little hat on. He looked ridiculous. It was all I could do not to laugh.”

  I laugh at the picture in my mind. Daddy is fit, he works out, but he’s pasty white and has little bird legs. I’m certain he did, in fact, look ridiculous.

  Our food is placed in front of us and we eat in silence for a minute. My mind drifts to Dade. It does that anytime I stop thinking about anything else day or night.

  I wonder what he’s doing right now. Is he thinking about me? Does he miss me at all?

  Jeez, get a grip, Melonie! He’s been gone for two days and five days before that, he hated you and you thought he was gone from your life forever. You sound like an obsessed stalker.

  Stop it!

  Momma is watching me curiously. “What’s going on in your head, Mel?”

  I shake my head to clear my crazy thoughts and smile at her. “Nothing. Just thinking about Dade.”

  She smiles. “Yes, I’m aware. So, tell me what’s going on? Did we do the right thing sending him after you the other night?”

  I nod. “Yes. We needed to talk. He followed me out and we had a fight, sort of. He took my phone and gave me his number and then made me text him so he could save mine.”

  She chuckles. “Ah, I like a headstrong man.”

  I mumble, “Well, you’d love Dade, then.”

  She smirks. “Ok, so did you two talk?”

  I nod. “We did. I went home that night since I was just emotionally drained and shocked at seeing him. He called the next afternoon and came over since I was exhausted after a difficult C-section that morning. The baby went into distress and the mom started hemorrhaging. It was scary as hell. I managed to contain it and both mommy and baby are ok now and I’m discharging them tomorrow as long as no issues come up.”

  Her eyes are alight with mischief. “And?”

  “And we had dinner. And talked.” I blush.

  She chuckles. “Talked, huh? With clothes on, Melonie?”

  “Jesus, Momma!” I cough to cover my embarrassment.

  “Sweetie, you’re almost thirty years old. You lived with Jake for a long time. I know you ha
ve sex. I know what happened on the island, not the details, but I’m a woman and I saw the way you two were looking at each other. I’m betting that more than ‘talking’ happened the other night as well.” She arches a perfectly shaped brow at me.

  My face feels like I was in the sun for three days with no sunscreen. Good lord. This is my momma. I can’t talk to her about this stuff… Not the details.

  She’s watching me and laughing lightly. “Mel, stop. I’m not an idiot. I just want you to be careful, ok?”

  I mutter, “You and everyone else.”

  She pierces me with a look. I squirm. “Seriously, I’m glad you two talked and did whatever you did, but what now?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. We haven’t talked about it and he’s been gone since the day after he came over. He’s been busy.” I’m playing with my fork.

  She calls my name. “Melonie.”

  I meet her eyes and smile sheepishly. She says sternly, “Busy or not. Has he called you?”

  Squaring my back, I answer. “Not really. He texted a few times, but we haven’t spoken or had an actual conversation. It’s fine, though. Really, Momma, it’s ok.”

  Pursing her lips, she stares at me and reads my face. “Ok, then.”

  Her gaze is drawn to the TV over our heads. Her mouth drops open and her hand flies to her face.

  I turn quickly to see what’s captured her attention. TMZ has just come on and Dade is on the screen. He’s surrounded by beautiful, perfect looking women and his arm is linked with a gorgeous redhead. I recognize her from the cover of the underwear catalog in my living room.

  I gasp.

  They are laughing and walking down the street seemingly oblivious to the paparazzi following them. Standing up, Momma turns up the volume.

  “Dade Rodrigue the bassist for Bayou Stix. The pair was spotted hugging in the gym of the Gramercy Park Hotel on Thursday before they attended Avenue with several other Angels. They danced until the wee hours of the morning, but left separately. They were spotted again the next day at Bayou Stix’s sold out Central Park concert and the two visited local children earlier today at Morgan Stanley’s Children’s Hospital. The band and a few models spent several hours there signing, reading, and singing with the patients and staff. Three days together. Are they back on?”

  Cell phone photos and some video were flashed across the screen throughout the commentary. My stomach drops. I see why he was so busy.

  I’m not going to cry. I’m not. He has no reason not to hang out with that model.

  Momma turns the volume back down as a commercial comes on and sits heavily. She looks at me. I try to smile. “It’s ok, Momma. Really. We are not exclusive. We aren’t even seeing each other. I don’t know what we are, but he didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t be mad at him. Ok?”

  She nods. “I know you aren’t. But I don’t want to see you hurt. You be smart about this. Promise me? You’re my baby girl. I know you’re a woman and a smart one, but he’s a rock star. They don’t live by the same rules as us regular people. Just be smart, ok.”

  I smile. She’s right. What the hell am I doing? I am not and I have never been willing to be with anyone who is also clearly with other people.

  Yet, we’ve made no promises. I can do this. If he even wants to continue to see me, I can do this. I very much want to see him. Something about him just pulls at me. I’ll just see other people, too. I know I won’t sleep with anyone else though. I can’t do that.

  I just can’t fall in love… I’m an adult. I can handle a mutually beneficial arrangement with an attractive, fun man.

  Momma grabs the check before I can. We have small talk on the way back to her car, and after we say our goodbyes and embrace, I head back home. I think I need to go out tonight.

  Calling up a girlfriend who’s just gotten divorced, we make plans to meet up tonight. I’ll meet her around nine and a good time will be had.

  When I hang up, I throw my phone in my purse.

  Once I get home, I snuggle on the couch with Peanut for a bit and read a few chapters of the new Nora Roberts book on my Kindle.

  About seven, I head into the bathroom to get ready. Tonight is a night for drinking and carefree fun. Walking into my closet, with my towel around me, after my shower, I search through the contents. I want to be sexy, but not skanky. That’s not me. And tonight is certainly about fun, and drinking, lots of drinking, but no hooking up.

  I settle on my favorite little black dress with my black boots. I towel dry my hair and then add some product to stop the frizz and let it dry naturally creating loose waves. My makeup is sexy, but understated, light everywhere with a really dramatic smoky eye. I add some pink glitter liner to really make my eyes pop and finish with pink gloss for my lips. After slipping on my dress and boots, I fasten my gold hoop earrings and watch, and I check myself out in the mirror.

  Not too bad, Mel.

  I look fucking hot. Sexy, yet aloof.

  Checking my watch, I head out the door. Mustangs is a little way across town and plays some great dance music, but also country. I find a spot in the back of the lot and make my way to the door. Tonight there’s a live band. I enjoy this place since there aren’t really kids here. It’s more the professional type over college kids. The drinks aren’t cheap, so college kids tend to stay away. Perfect for what I want to deal with tonight.

  The bouncer waves me in immediately and gives a low whistle. I smile my thanks. It’s nice to be appreciated. I enter with a little extra bounce in my step.

  Laurie is already here. I can see her in a booth across from the stage. I make my way towards her and motion to the bar to tell her that I’m getting a drink. She’s sees me while she’s talking to a very good looking man in a suit and she nods.

  The bartender is extremely attractive. He’s very buff and his tattooed arms are showcased in his tight black t-shirt with Mustangs across the front in red. He winks. “Hey pretty lady, what can I get you?”

  I check him out. He really is fine. His head is shaved, but he’s one of the few who can pull the look off. I smile at him. His smile widens. “Hey, yourself. I’ll have a double Crown.”

  He whistles through his straight white teeth. “You sure you can handle that?”

  I laugh and wink. I decide to play along. “Oh, I can handle a lot.”

  Slapping the bar, he laughs. “Hot damn, you’re a live one. Ok then, a double Crown coming right up. On the rocks?” I nod in affirmation.

  As he pours my drink, I look around the bar. It’s not too busy yet, but there’s a line forming outside the door. He comes back with my drink and places it on a Mustangs napkin. “I’m Scott. You let me know if I can get you anything else.”

  Handing him my card, I smile. “Nice to meet you, Scott. I’m Mel. Start me a tab?”

  He winks and smiles. “Sure thing.”

  He stares at me with his deep eyes until the guy next to me gets his attention, “Hey, buddy. Yeah, she’s pretty, but how about you take my order. I’ve been standing here for ten minutes.”

  He looks at the guy. “I doubt that.” He winks at me again and turns to the suit. “What can I get you?”

  Smiling and feeling pretty freaking spectacular, I wiggle my fingers and walk to the booth and realize more than one set of eyes follows me.

  Laurie is alone at the table now and slides over as I reach her. “Well, well. Look who got sexy Scott to talk to her.”

  I laugh and hug her. “He is sexy. How are you, girl? You look amazing.” And she does. Her jeans are just tight enough to show her curves and her black halter top dips just low enough to showcase her amazing boobs. She’s wearing black peep-toe heels.

  She grins. “I’m great now that I’m free from my ex-loser. You look freaking fantastic, Mel!”

  We chit chat and catch up a little while the bar fills up. Scott sends the waitress over once and we order refills on our drinks. The band starts up and the dance floor comes alive. Laurie grabs my hand and says, “Come on. Let’s dance.�

  We dance and drink and have the best time as the band plays covers of pop, rock, and country. They’re great. I dance with a few guys, but when they get a little too handsy, I move away. It’s a good night.

  Laurie and I always had a good time together. She motions to me that she’s thirsty and points to the bar. Conversation is impossible out here. I nod and she heads through the crowd with me following her.

  As we reach the bar, she leans over the top and breathes heavily as she tries to catch her breath. It’s hot out on the dance floor, so we’re both glistening. The female bartender starts to walk over and Scott holds out his hand to stop her and says he’s got us. She gives us a once over and rolls her eyes before walking to the other side of the bar.

  Scott comes at us with two waters. I open mine and drain half the bottle. He chuckles. “Thirsty?”

  Laurie is watching the play between him and me with a peculiar expression on her face. When she sees me watching, she masks it and smiles at me. Whatever that was, it’s gone now.

  “Thanks. It’s hot out there.”

  He nods. “Yeah, you two were really getting it. You had quite a crowd around you. Y’all want another drink?”

  I look at Laurie and shrug. It’s her choice. She nods. Scott smiles at both of us and leaves to pour our drinks. She watches him walk away.

  Oh, ok. Now I get it.

  “So, Scott is really sexy.”

  She sighs. “Yup. He is.”

  “Does he know how you feel?”

  She looks at me sharply. “What?”

  I laugh. “It’s as plain as day on your face, girl. Does he know?”

  She shakes her head. “No. I’ve known him since middle school. I’m not his type.”

  I look her over. “Yeah, I can totally see that. You ugly hag, you.”

  She busts out laughing. “Yeah, well he doesn’t even know I have tits.” She points at her bust. “And it’s not hard to see.”

  I laugh and roll my eyes as he sets the drinks in front of us. “On the house.”

  He winks at both of us as he makes his way down to fill the orders at his packed bar.


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