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The Billionaire and the Virgin: H's story (The Billionaires Book 1)

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by Gisele St. Claire

  “Carry on, please.” She said.

  I did. I carried on inch by inch until she had the majority of my cock in her pussy and then I began to move. I knew she’d get little from this fuck, so I rocked inside her gently until I felt my balls tighten and I spilled my seed inside her.

  I withdrew and pulled her into my arms on the bed.

  “You’re no longer a virgin,” I told her, as I grabbed a tissue from the side of the bed and wiped between her thighs, showing her the small bloody evidence of the loss of her innocence.

  “Thank fuck for that.” She said. “I know it’ll get better with practice.” She said.

  “Oh you can bet your sweet ass it will,” I told her.

  I woke her up again at 3am and 5am to ‘practice’ and this time, although sore, she came around my cock both times. At 6:30 am I woke up to find her warm mouth wrapped around my dick. She knew exactly what she was doing with oral sex. She may have been a virgin, but she wasn’t inexperienced in using her mouth to pleasure a man. By the time the alarm sounded for us to get ready for work, I wondered if I was going to have to pull another afternoon sickie to come home for a sleep.

  I stared at her as she tried to pull herself awake. Her eyes looked at mine and there was a clear fear in them. I knew what she was thinking. That I’d reject her again, tell her I’d made a mistake.

  “Amelia.” I said to her.

  “It’s okay.” She said.

  “No,” I stated firmly. “That’s not what I’m going to say. I’ll start again. Amelia, it has taken me a long, long time to believe I could ever have a relationship with someone else. I’ll be honest, I thought it would never happen again. But I feel something for you. It’s too early for me to think about what this means, but I’m not going anywhere. I want to explore it with you. I know we need to address the elephant in the room at some point because there’s a ghost to lay to rest. But, I’m ready and willing to try, if you are.”

  Amelia beamed at me. A big beautiful smile swept across her face.

  “Oh, I’m ready and willing alright.” She winked.

  Goddamn it, I had to have her again.

  We showered in our separate rooms and then headed down for breakfast from there. When I arrived, Amelia was already sitting at the table nursing a coffee with a fully cooked breakfast in front of her. I watched as Mary loaded up a plate with bacon, eggs and toast and passed it to me.

  “You’ll need that to help keep your strength up,” she said, and winked.

  I could have felt embarrassed. Mary had never witnessed any hint of a love affair or even the results of a one night stand in the apartment, but instead I decided to go with the flow and with the feeling of happiness - God, yes, happiness - that was coursing through my veins right at that moment.

  “Better add another egg and another couple of slices of bacon, Mary.” I said to her, and then I winked back.

  Chapter 11


  The next few weeks were heady. It was as if I was living in a dream. We spent every waking moment together, lost in a lust-fueled haze. I craved him inside me, he’d become my drug. I enjoyed work, but I enjoyed it more when Henry came into the office, locked the door and fucked me over the desk.

  Today I’d prepared a picnic for us to take over to Central Park. It seemed desperately romantic, and I hoped we would talk about what Henry had described as the ‘elephant in the room’, my sister. It was time. I was ready to learn about her, other than fleeting bits of information.

  After we’d eaten, we sat with our backs against a tree and Henry started talking. He was no fool, and he’d realized it was time to take things to the next level.

  “What do you want to know about Veronica?” He asked.

  “Just about you and her. I was too young to take in what she said. I want to know what she was like and what you were like together. You know, where did you meet, etc?”

  “We met in a bar. One of my friends was trying to pick her up, and she was having none of it. She said to him that he was wasting his time but that his blond-haired friend would have more of a chance.” Henry chuckled. “Luckily my friend was gracious and introduced us. That was it then, we started dating, then after a year we moved in together. I proposed to her on our two-year anniversary and we married on our third.”

  “You proposed in a restaurant, right, with musicians playing her favorite song?”

  “That’s right. It couldn’t have gone any better though I was stuttering trying to say the words. Luckily she accepted.”

  “Why didn’t you have a large wedding? How come you just eloped?”

  “She didn’t want the fuss. She just wanted to be Mrs. Carter. She didn’t want a honeymoon either. Your sister was a workaholic. We married in the afternoon and if I hadn’t booked a hotel room, she’d have gone straight back to the office, I have no doubt in my mind.”

  I smiled.

  He told me many more things about her, her likes and dislikes, and how she said she wished she could spend more time with me. That she looked forward to me being older so she could show me the business and hopefully see a lot more of me. That she wished Henry had a young brother.

  “She loved you, Amelia. She might not have seen a lot of you, but she loved you. But, in some ways she was as much married to work as she was to me.”

  “Did that not bother you?”

  He shook his head. “No. I knew that from the beginning. It was who she was. Then we discovered she was pregnant. Things were about to change. We talked about her taking some time off from the business. I’d bought us a house back at the Hampton’s so she could be near family and your mom could help her with the baby. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t leaving her side, but I figured your mom would show us the ropes. We were clueless, none of our friends had children.”

  “And then she died.”

  “Yes. I was showing her the house. She’d had headaches and went into the bathroom. She didn’t come back out. I found her slumped on the floor.”

  His face showed the expression once again of a broken man, and I wrapped my arms around him. I’d been told how my sister had died, but to hear it from the person who found her was so raw and emotional. I couldn’t imagine being present in those circumstances.

  “After that, everything was gone. My whole future. Gone in the blink of an eye. After the funeral I threw myself into work, into Vee’s plans for world domination of the property kingdom. I didn’t want another relationship, so one night I ended up at the club. Then I bought it. It became my playground. A place I could get my needs met with no emotional involvement.”

  “Until Tiffany.”

  He moved from my arms and sat back against the tree.

  “Yes. Until Tiffany.” He sighed. “She gave me a hint that maybe it was time to move on, but, I don’t know. I couldn’t commit. I sent Brandon to her, and they lived happily ever after.”

  “Did that hurt?”

  “No. I was fond of Tiffany. She’s a lovely woman and Brandon is a great guy, but I didn’t love her. My feelings were confused at first, she was the first woman I had a prolonged relationship with in a long time, but it wasn’t a healthy relationship. Ultimately it was still about sex.”

  He turned to me. “Do you think that’s what I’m doing with you? Just fucking?”

  I looked across at him. “No, it doesn’t feel like that to me. Or am I wrong and you don’t feel the same?”

  I do feel the same. He said. “Amelia, I love you.”

  His words were so unexpected that I burst into tears. This time it was his turn to wrap his arms around me. “Amelia, my Amelia. I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He told me.

  “I-, I just never expected to hear those words from you.” I confessed. “Henry, I love you too. I think I have from the moment I saw you.”

  He kissed the tears away from under my eyes and across my cheeks and then his mouth landed on mine.

  “Let’s go home.” He told me.


  That was ex
actly how it felt, like I’d come home.

  We went back to the room that was no longer only his, but ours, and stripped out of our clothes. Henry kissed every part of my body, and he took it slow, almost worshiping my skin. He was showing me his love. Showing me that we weren’t just fucking. When he finally pushed into me, I wrapped my legs around him and we stared into each other’s eyes as we consumed each other with every thrust.

  We’d been together for three months when I woke up one morning and the room tilted when I tried to get out of bed. An overwhelming feeling of nausea came over me and I dashed to the bathroom where I emptied the meager contents of my stomach.

  “Amelia. Are you okay?” Henry followed me into the bathroom, concern etched across his features.

  “Yeah. Just not feeling so good.” I said and then I wretched again.

  I watched as Henry’s face paled. “Amelia, when was your last period?”

  Dread filled my stomach. I’d been waiting to come on. My cycle wasn’t regular and anywhere between twenty-seven and thirty-one days and I was on day thirty. I was waiting for it.

  “I’m due on any day, Henry. I’ll just have a virus or something.”

  “Wipe your mouth and then get back into bed and don’t move.” He emphasized the words don’t move heavily. He quickly dressed. “I’m going to get a test.”

  Nodding, I crawled back into bed. I felt drained, and no sooner had he left the apartment I’d fallen back to sleep.

  When I woke, Henry was at the side of me on the bed.

  “Are you feeling better?” He asked.

  “A little.” I shifted myself slightly, so I was sitting up. “Just feel so nauseous.”

  “You don’t have a headache or anything?”

  I turned to Henry, and he was trembling. “No, Henry, I don’t.” I placed a reassuring hand over his. “Let me go do the test and if it’s negative, you can call a doctor for me if it reassures you.”

  He nodded. “The test is in the bathroom. I bought three different ones, to be certain.”

  I sat in the bathroom, read the instructions on one of the tests and peed on the stick. Three minutes later the two windows showed me that the test was complete and that I was pregnant. The bathroom door opened and Henry walked in. “Well?”

  “I’m pregnant.” I told him, holding up the stick.

  “Oh, fuck.” He said, and he walked back out.

  It wasn’t the scenario I’d dreamed about as a child, that was for sure.

  Henry rang an OB/GYN, pulled strings, and got me an appointment later that day. I was found to be in excellent health with normal symptoms of early pregnancy. It wasn’t enough for Henry. He wanted to know if Vee’s brain tumor could be genetic, and if I, as her half-sister, could be susceptible. I totally understood his fears, but we already knew the answers. Vee had just been unlucky. There was nothing hereditary about it.

  The next few days were a nightmare.

  Henry tried to ban me from going to work. It was hard enough when struggling with morning sickness, without Henry constantly following me around. Despite my repeated reassurances that I was alright, he’d snap at me, that I should be resting. The apartment was becoming a prison.

  It was ultimately frustration and hormones that called time on things as they stood.

  It was a Saturday morning, a week after we’d discovered I was expecting our baby. Pulling on my robe as I sat on the edge of the bed, for once I didn’t feel as sick as usual and I decided to get in the shower and then have breakfast on the bedroom balcony facing the park. It felt like a better day.

  Stretching, I had risen from the bed and padded into the bathroom. As I walked over to the basin to splash my face, I accidentally kicked the trash can and it fell onto its side with a thud.

  The door burst open with such a blast that I screamed.

  “Fuck, Amelia, fuck. What was that bang?” Henry looked and saw the can on its side.

  “Sorry, if I woke you. I kicked it over, being half asleep.”

  “I thought you’d collapsed.” He spat out. “I don’t know why you’re smiling. There’s nothing amusing about any of this.”

  My temper erupted.

  “You’re dead right there isn’t, Henry. I totally understand your fears but you’re out of control. I’m not going to drop dead like Vee. I have a clean bill of health, you had me thoroughly checked out a week ago. Please stop fussing, you are driving me insane.”

  “Well, sorry I care.”

  “You’re suffocating me, Henry. I feel like utter crap most days and today I’ve woken feeling okay. I wanted to go enjoy some fresh air and breakfast, and instead I’m dealing with an angry, paranoid man. Has it crossed your mind that this overprotective macho alpha shit isn’t good for me, or the baby? Back the hell off, Henry. I’m not Vee.”

  “Do you get what this is like for me?” Henry shouted, his own temper having combusted. “We were happy. Everything was perfect. I was going to become a dad and then I had nothing.”

  “Oh my God, Henry. Everything was not perfect. You and Vee weren’t some kind of fucking angelic pairing. You were two people in a normal marriage. You’ve made her a saint since she died, Henry. It’s a lot to try to live up to. She was just a regular woman.”

  “We were happy that we were having our baby. We’d got our dream house. Life was so fucking cruel.”

  “Are you sure about that Henry? Or had you got your dream house? Because the Vee I’ve learned about wanted to work and wasn’t all that enamored about having children.”

  “Take that back.”

  “No. The truth hurts doesn’t it, Henry? You wanted her home didn’t you, and she didn’t want that. She wanted to work. So you bought her a house in the Hampton’s near family to try to make sure she was far enough away that she couldn’t work. Not until you felt she should go back.”

  “Where’s this coming from, Amelia? Did she tell you this?”

  “No. My mom told me about her fucking diary.” I told him. “She wrote that she didn’t want the baby. That it wasn’t the right time. She’d not told any of us she was pregnant, did you know that?”

  Tears fell down Henry’s cheek. “You’re a liar. And so unbelievably cruel, and now you’re carrying my child. What a goddamn fucked up mess.”

  He turned and walked out of the bathroom. I heard him get dressed and then he left the apartment and I sat on the bathroom floor and wept.

  He was right, what a goddamn fucked up mess.

  Chapter 12


  I got in my car and drove. My mind knew where I was going. I had Ralph’s address in the Hampton’s and I knew where it was. I immersed myself in driving. I blocked out everything that had happened, something I had had far too much practice in, and I didn’t stop until I pulled up into his driveway, hoping to God he was home.

  Ralph answered the door and stood there for a moment staring as if he couldn’t believe who was on his doorstep.

  He walked out of the doorway, and put his arms around me, slapping me on the back.

  “Well, I never. Henry. I guess you got my letter then?”

  I nodded.

  “Well, come in, come in.” He said, gesturing inside. “Hey, Belle, honey. We have a visitor. Could you fix some fresh coffee?”

  I walked inside and found a heavily pregnant woman standing in the hallway. She was small, with medium length dark-brown hair and a welcoming smile on her face. “Hey, I’m Belle.” She said, moving forward to shake my hand. “Henry.” I told her.

  Her expression changed to one of recognition and surprise. “Well, it’s lovely to meet you, Henry. Now you go through to the living room with Ralph and I’ll make us some refreshments.”

  “I don’t want to put you to any trouble.” I said, nodding towards her condition.

  “I’m pregnant, not unable to move, honey.” She laughed and waddled into the direction of what I presumed to be the kitchen.

  I followed Ralph into the living room. “I’m sorry for turning up
unexpectedly.” I told him.

  He shook me off. “Hey, we’re not doing much these days other than relaxing and waiting for our daughter to appear. It’s great to see you, son.” He said. “But I’m guessing there’s more to your visit than a reunion, boy?”

  I sighed and then starting from the beginning I told him about me and Amelia.

  He nodded throughout.

  “You don’t seem all that surprised about me and Amelia?” I questioned Ralph.

  “I’m not, son, and I think you’ll probably get the same response from Connie. Amelia’s a determined young woman and Connie’s found many a love heart drawn with your initials in it over the years. When she left supposedly to get a career in Manhattan, we knew she was on her way to find you. Connie’s been waiting for the fallout, though she was expecting a brokenhearted Amelia returning home, rather than a romance, to be honest.”

  He patted my arm. “Now, with my sincerest apologies, what the hell are you doing here when you’ve left an emotional, pregnant woman at home? I know one thing. Connie finds that out and she’ll kick your ass from here to Colorado, boy.”

  “Things were said. Amelia told me about a diary that said Vee didn’t want the baby.”

  “Oh, fuck. I knew Connie should have burned that thing. I’m sorry you had to learn that, son. She was coming around to the idea. She called us both the morning you went to the house. We’d not had a chance to tell Amelia before we found out she’d died. She was so excited about the baby then. But there seemed no point in telling Amelia once she had passed. What good would it have done?”

  “She was. She was happy that morning. I know she was. That morning the baby had kicked. She said it was like it had suddenly all become real. That the baby in her stomach was alive, and a combination of the both of us and she got excited. Amelia was right about the house though. I had tried to be domineering and get Vee away from work, but also I’d moved near to the babysitter, Connie, the grandma-to-be. I knew we’d not keep Vee at home for long. I was having an office fitted out so she could work from home as much as possible and I’d planned to take a year off myself.” I sighed. “Deep down if I admit it, I knew she wasn’t ecstatic about the pregnancy. I just figured once she met the baby, it would all fall into place. A mother’s love.”


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