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Alphas Gone Wild

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by Unknown

  Alphas Gone Wild

  Some alphas are too wild to tame, but our sassy heroines enjoy a beast in the sheets. It's feminine wiles and wanton shenanigans as each of these ladies comes up against the man of her dreams.

  Alphas Gone Wild features 11 sizzling hot tales of shapeshifter romance from NY Times and USA Today best selling authors.

  Touch of Alpha by Catherine Vale

  When Denver is given the chance to become Alpha of his clan he must choose a mate. Unfortunately, the obvious choice isn't the one his heart agrees with.

  Pack Justice by Michelle Fox

  Sabrina’s been a naughty werewolf, two-timing alphas from different packs. When her lovers find out the truth, they arrange for a little pack justice.

  A Cat’s Tale by Melissa Snark

  Alpha werewolf Jared wakes up in a vampire’s dungeon, swearing revenge upon the wily Siamese werecat who lured him there. To escape, he seduces the skittish puss and teaches her a hot, hard lesson.

  Wild for the Lion by Kristen Strassel

  After she’s claimed by a lion, Daphne must learn to embrace her wild side if she wants to survive as the only weredeer against Soldier Mountain’s jealous pride.

  Masked Desire by Crystal Dawn

  Heart-broken over his soul mate's unwillingness to mate with him, Luke plans to lure her into spending a night of passion to change her mind.

  Dragon’s Dewdrop by Ruby Glass

  When Rochelle discovers jewels scattered like dewdrops over her gorgeous employer's lawn, she plans to profit. In fact, the gems are a sign that he’s a dragon shifter – and that he’ll need her help…

  Cat Lover by Selena Kitt

  Sebastian and Katie are having relationship issues when her ex shows up to complicate things, but that’s the least of their worries, because Katie is finally changing—into something not quite human.

  Ravished by The Ice Palace Pack by Ariana Hawkes

  The Ice Palace Pack capture a young were-female as part of their winter mating rites. Delilah’s never been mated before, but soon learns the pleasures of being shared between so many smoking-hot males

  Harvest Moon by Tabitha Conall

  In a world where werewolves mate in threes, wolves Donovan and Eli find their mate in Maddy. But a mad wolf wants Maddy for his own. Can her mates keep her safe before she disappears forever?

  Getting Bear by Ever Coming

  Getting Bear is a stand alone erotic romance featuring a sexy werebear shifter determined to claim his curvy mate before her time in Greenville is over.

  Table of Contents

  Touch of Alpha by Catherine Vale

  Pack Justice by Michelle Fox

  A Cat’s Tale by Melissa Snark

  Wild for the Lion by Kristen Strassel

  Masked Desire by Crystal Dawn

  Dragon’s Dewdrop by Ruby Glass

  Cat Lover by Selena Kitt

  Ravished by The Ice Palace Pack by Ariana Hawkes

  Harvest Moon by Tabitha Conall

  Getting Bear by Ever Coming

  Desired by Alisa Wods

  Touch Of Alpha

  BBW New Adult Paranormal Shifter Romance

  By Catherine Vale

  Chapter One

  “Have you heard the news?”

  The giddy voice whispering in the farce of a confidential tone couldn’t belong to anyone other than Kayla Mills, and Violet winced, having intentionally chosen this spot far from the main lunch crowd to avoid company. She just wanted to be alone with her thoughts today, especially while she was still struggling to recover from yet another heated dream from the night before. It was the same as it always was – her and an old flame in the throes of passion, a flame that never really existed beyond friendship, a flame that even now caused her cheeks to flush and her pulse to quicken.

  Violet tried hard not to be annoyed as Kayla plopped onto the park bench beside her, void of an invitation. She continued to stare forward at the thick grove of trees.

  “Heard the news about what?”

  She could see the exaggerated eye roll out of the corner of her vision. Kayla was just a young pup, and at times, she couldn’t seem to control her melodramatic responses, and as usual she was a bit over the top in her excitement to share that latest gossip.

  “Storm passed away last night… it’s time to appoint a new Alpha.”

  “What? Seriously?” She hadn’t known their pack leader had died, but it certainly came as no surprise. He’d been ailing for quite some time, and the entire clan had been in a holding pattern for months, waiting for the change in command – to be given a new leader. She’d heard quite a bit about potential Alphas and, while there were plenty of strong members to choose from, she didn’t think too many of them deserved to get their hands on so much power. But there was one she knew was destined to lead them.

  Kayla didn’t give her a chance to reply as she continued, her voice rising from a whisper to an almost frantic cry, “It looks like they’ve been talking about it for awhile, and they’ve got a couple of candidates they’re considering as a replacement.” A sudden gasp from the girl’s mouth finally got Violet’s attention, and she turned to find a horrified expression on her face. “What on earth are you eating?”

  Violet looked down at the plastic container nestled on her lap and wrinkled her own nose. This wasn’t the most appetizing meal in the world, but it was necessary. “A green salad. Why, what’s wrong with my food?”

  Kayla made gagging noises as she bit down into a roast beef sandwich. “I would hardly call that food,” she said around a mouthful, “unless you’re a rabbit.”

  The girl was right, but Violet was tired of looking at the extra pounds in the mirror. In wolf form, she was beautiful – lean with a thick, soft coat. But for some reason, she couldn’t seem to get her human side to comply, and her size eighteen waist was becoming uncomfortable. Add to that the fact that the men of the pack didn’t seem to be paying much attention to her, confirmed her insecurities. But she couldn’t explain all of that to Kayla, who was barely out of puberty and still growing out of the wiry, gangly phase into what Violet was certain would be a stunningly beautiful woman.

  “So, who are they thinking of appointing as the next Alpha?”

  Of course, there was only one name she really cared about, but before Kayla could answer, a deep, rumbling voice caught her attention. It was as though Denver could sense her thinking about him and then suddenly appeared, standing just a short distance away.

  Turning her head, she watched him for a moment, struck by how handsome he was. It had been hard to keep her eyes off of him throughout the years. There was an unpredictable quality that made her shiver with just a glance from his impossibly blue eyes, and the sexy curve of his lips. She’d wanted to reach out to him more times than she could remember, to try and squelch the fire that threatened to singe her flesh if she got too close, and see what it would be like to finally make a move, to discover if there really was something real between them, but she hadn’t dared. Then, as the years went by, they had grown apart, and despite both being teachers at the same school, they barely spoke anymore, running in different circles, interested in different things. But one thing was certain: she’d never met anyone like Denver before, or after; the guys she knew were all predictable and safe, boring…Denver seemed anything, but boring.

  She watched the rippling muscles in his arms as he coached his students through a series of agility exercises, teaching them to use both their human traits, and their special skills as shifters. He taught them to be faster, stronger, and more adaptable to their environment. They literally lived in a dog-eat-dog world, and between herself, Denver, and a half dozen other teachers at the school, they were charged with preparing the youths for a tough life ahead.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised at all if coach was at the top of the list. He’s a powerful man,” Kayla mused next to her, though Violet barely heard her. “But there hasn’t been a lot of talk about it. I would guess Trevor would be a consideration, too, and maybe even Parker?”

  Violet pursed her lips. Parker was a fool who had everyone eating out of the palm of his hand, right up until his claws came out and he struck you across the face with them. If he’d made the short list for Alpha male, then there were too many members of this pack who were willing to buy the sheep suit he wore, and she would resolve to defect. There were other packs, up north, and she’d find one to take her in rather than sit here quietly under Parker’s thumb, abiding by his rules and need for power and control.

  But Denver…well, he was the real deal, the most loyal man she’d ever known, the most honest. He had an air of easy authority about him, but was never arrogant, and while he was gentle in his application of it, he was also confident and forceful, when necessary. No one disobeyed a command he gave, and rarely did they ignore a suggestion either. On top of that, the man was absolutely beautiful, sculpted in raw power and strength. In human form, he could grace the cover of either GQ or Men’s Fitness, with perhaps the most enviable physique of all the male shifters. As a wolf, he was absolutely fearless, a born hunter with unfailing instinct, and zest for life. He was also perhaps the largest wolf in the pack standing above them, emphasizing his power.

  “You know what the most interesting part about choosing a new Alpha is, don’t you?” Kayla’s lilting, sing-song voice told Violet the teasing words to follow would likely not be as amusing to her as they were to an adolescent girl.

  But humoring what was perhaps her best student, Violet looked at her and smiled.

  “What’s that, Kayla?”

  The girl actually blushed slightly as she gave Violet a Cheshire cat grin. “No Alpha can be unmated. So, whoever they choose as our new leader has to then choose a mate to be named into his new position.”

  The teacher in her was proud of Kayla for paying attention in Cultural Education, a course only taught here, in the school on their pack grounds, which had been, for safety purposes, designated a Native American reservation. It was true enough; wolves had inhabited this land far longer than men.

  But the woman in Violet cringed as bile rose to her throat. She gazed longingly at Denver again, a profound sadness engulfing her. They’d been close once, when they were younger, and that was when Violet had fallen in love with him. He’d had big dreams and aspirations, as had she, but she’d been unable to keep up the pace with the lifestyle he led, and eventually, they’d grown apart. It still stung, especially since they still spoke in passing and about school matters. Denver was always polite toward her, and that hurt most of all, to be treated like any other female in the pack, rather than as the intimately close friend she’d once been.

  Of course she believed Denver should be the new Alpha. There was no one in the pack as strong, no one with as diplomatic a mindset, no one as worthy of the position. But she couldn’t bear the thought of Denver choosing a mate. It would break her heart. After all, there was no chance she would ever be his choice, not with the plethora of beautiful, alpha females he ran with these days.

  As if on cue, one of said females swayed into the courtyard, and what little appetite Violet had left quickly disappeared. Ravenna had legs as long as most women were tall, and a dark, thick mane of hair that seemed to float like silk around a set of pouty lips and a patrician nose, topped by bedroom eyes so dark they were nearly black. Even in wolf form, she managed to be seductive and sensual, and Violet got the impression she was chasing the Alpha, whoever that turned out to be, with obvious intent.

  “Did you hear me?” Kayla’s tone was irritated. She’d been expecting a response, and Violet looked back at her with a sad smile.

  “Yes, I heard you, and I see you’ve been paying attention to all that you’ve been taught. I’m proud of that.”

  But Kayla’s face fell. “Yeah, well not that it really matters. I have no chance of ever mating with an Alpha. I’m too young now, and by the time the new leader falls, I’ll be old and gray.” She brightened almost instantly, though, and Violet nearly laughed out loud at the emotional theatrics of a teenage girl. “But you’d be perfect, Violet. You’re just the right age, and you’re one of the prettiest women I know. Plus, you’re strong and smart.”

  It was a kind thing for her student to say, but Violet felt deflated at the thought. The truth was, she didn’t hold a candle to someone like Ravenna, and the only man she wanted probably didn’t even consider her a viable option for anything more than an associate at this point.

  “That’s sweet of you, Kayla. Now, you should run along and get some exercise. The full moon hunt is only a few days away, and you want to make sure your muscles are loose and ready to go.”

  Reluctantly, Kayla walked away, and Violet watched her, knowing that one day, Kayla would be a raving beauty. Of course, people had thought Violet would be as well, and look what had happened to her. With a sigh of regret for what could have been, she closed up the mostly uneaten salad and put it back in her bag before heading toward the building and her classroom, where she was sure several of her youngest students would be waiting for the spelling test she’d promised.

  Chapter Two

  Standing back, Denver crossed his arms over his chest and watched his class as they ran off into the woods with strict instructions to stay to the path and make three laps, shifting to wolf form for the second, and back again to human form for the third. They were all good kids, and most of them were getting the hang of changing form at will with few hiccups. He took pride in his work; it was his life.

  At least for now.

  Taking a deep breath, he leaned against the side of the building, his mind wandering to the meeting he’d been invited to last night with the pack elders. He’d known they had an eye on him, but the confirmation had rattled him, and now he felt like his whole world was turning upside down, quickly spiraling out of control, and while it thrilled him, it also secretly frightened him. Becoming Alpha Male would be an honor that also came with many burdens and responsibilities, and he just wasn’t sure he was ready.

  Denver glanced over to where Violet sat, chatting it up with one of the bright young girls who seemed to idolize her. They’d been close once upon a time, and since Violet was a bit removed from the politics of the pack, he wondered if he could talk freely to her, as he once had. She had always been one of the most honest, trustworthy people he knew, and he really missed the idle fun they’d had together, before adulthood and responsibility had gotten in the way.

  He took a step toward her, but paused as another familiar scent assaulted his nostrils. Each wolf had his or her own brand of scent, and some were more unique than others. He couldn’t miss Ravenna’s smell, though, as she approached with a confident strut that reminded him of a bird of prey rather than the beasts they were. Her hair flounced around her shoulders in long, luxurious dark waves, and while he didn’t particularly find her to be the most attractive woman in the pack, he couldn’t help but notice her impossibly blue eyes that shone wild and bright.

  Her broad smile revealed perfectly aligned white teeth, surrounded by flawlessly painted red lips. “Hello, Denver.” Her voice was like warm honey, and Denver couldn’t tell if it was something she’d learned to do or just a natural inflection in her tone. “How are you today?”

  He cleared his throat, a little annoyed at the interruption, just when he’d made a decision to take a big, uncomfortable leap of faith and talk to Violet. Still, he greeted her warmly. “Hi, Ravenna. I’m good, thank you. What can I do for you?”

  She tapped her chin with long fingernails, painted in the same shade as her luscious, full lips.

  “Well, Serena felt ill this morning, but insisted on coming to school anyway. I was worried, what with our grandfather…” She trailed off, her eyes brimming with tears, and Denver wince
d. It had slipped his mind that Ravenna and Serena had come down from Storm’s line. His death last night had been hard on the family, and he hadn’t taken any compassion on Serena today. Though, admittedly, she hadn’t seemed any worse for the wear.

  Her voice shaky, Ravenna continued, looking up at him through long, dark lashes, “Anyway, I just wanted to come by and check on her, see how she was doing now.”

  Not knowing what else to do at this point, feeling like a heel for his lack of compassion, he offered Ravenna a sympathetic and encouraging smile. “To tell you the truth, she’s holding up well, acting like her usual self. She’s off on a run with her classmates now. They should be rounding the first lap in a couple of minutes before they shift and make a second round.”

  For a moment, Ravenna’s eyes glowed amber, and her scent grew wildly strong around her. Denver knew, if given the choice, Ravenna would live most of her time on four legs, and it was regrettable they couldn’t do that and still maintain the secret of their existence. But it faded quickly as she regained control and gave him another grin, this one smaller and much less bright. “I appreciate you looking out for her, Denver. That’s why you’ll have my full support if you choose to become Alpha.”

  Denver swallowed hard. He didn’t want to discuss politics with Ravenna. She was too close to the elders, her lineage directly from an Alpha, who had been bred from the line of a previous Alpha before him. In fact, the only reason the decision wasn’t automatically passed down to one of Storm’s descendants was because his son was too old and had never shown the level of leadership required, and he had no grandsons.


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