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Alphas Gone Wild

Page 18

by Unknown

  Dillie owned an internet advertising company that had a good steady business. That’s where he’d met Sara who owned a coffee shop outside of Blue Eye Missouri. She was looking to increase her business and they had gone out on two dates before she found out he was a wolf and he discovered her white wolf secret. They’d really hit it off before that point and Luke would swear sometimes he’d catch her looking longingly at the wolf she’d tossed away.

  Fan had met Skye when she became a customer of his firm. An accountant had been sick and he’d taken over the appointments for the day. They’d agreed to go out for a drink after work, but she’d called later and cancelled. “I don’t date wolves.” She had explained. He had wondered how she’d known until he found out about her connections.

  Ven owned a shop that sold motorcycles and any gear that you might want for rider and passenger. He’d met Sharon when she’d come in to trade her old bike in for a new one. He’d been hit hard, but he gave her a hell of a deal and they went out for a drink to celebrate. They went to Junior’s which was a local hangout for supernaturals, but the white wolves also hung out there. Sharon went to the bathroom and when she came back, she explained her policy on wolves and then she left.

  Roger was in real estate and he met Suki when he sold her a house. He’d been smitten completely and they’d gone out on several dates. He’d taken it slow which turned out to be a mistake, but how was a wolf to know? She’d dumped him immediately once she found out he was a wolf. She’d walked out of his life and it looked like she’d never looked back.

  All their stories were similar and all of them were drowning in heartache as the poor wolves inside them howled at the moon like they were the only lonely men in the world. It was no wonder they’d been drawn together, the six of them. Those six girls were close and they had brought their six rejected mates together. It was a sad brotherhood of sorts.

  The business? It was a resounding success and now it was time to move ahead. They knew Kimmie was the wild one that would take it and run with it. The only salve to their hearts and their pride had been that their females spent their nights alone. It was those lonely nights that would lure them into the perfect trap. Kimmie was the youngest of the group and the most enthusiastic. She also went out without the group the most, so it was easy to set her up.

  Luke and Paul had to be there to watch and see that the plan was carried out perfectly. The two girls that Paul had hired came in and sat near Kimmie and her new friend who were getting to know each other on a girl’s night out. They could hear Kimmie and her friend talking about work and the people they both knew.

  Cindy, a girl Paul had hired who looked like the girl next door type, spoke to her friend Lenny. “They have this place called Erotic Fantasies and my buddy Lily went. She said it was incredible. The guy was so fucking hot and he did stuff to her she’d only dreamed of before. She’s going to do it again sometime. She says she doesn’t care if it’s the same guy or not because she heard they are all incredible.”

  Kimmie and her friend had shut up and were listening to Cindy intently. “Hey where’s that place you girls are talking about?” Kimmie asked.

  Cindy gave her a card. “If you use the card when you book you will get a discount and I get a credit. I can’t afford a fantasy right now but if I get enough credits, well who knows?” She said to Kimmie with a wink and a grin. It looked like things were finally working out for the underdog …er wolf.

  As they watched Kimmie and her new friend who had just started working with her, hurry out talking about erotic fantasies in loud excited voices, Luke began to feel like the plan might actually come together. He and Paul knocked back a few more beers and then left for home in high spirits.

  His spirits began to fall a bit when a week passed with no word and no appointment. They met for a bitch session and all of them were feeling the disappointment by now. Ten days had passed with no results, other than that, business was booming. It was surprising how many couples decided to meet after their erotic experience and many ended up in relationships. They had done a good thing by starting their business and many lonely people from all kinds of backgrounds had found someone they could love that would love them back. They did make one decision and that was the business would continue regardless of how things turned out for any of them. They were helping others and making good money doing it. It was a win/win situation and if love wouldn’t visit them, well after this Luke knew he was giving up and settling for someone stable and solid.

  Not everyone would get a soulmate, sometimes you had to take what life offered you. Luke had no problem attracting the ladies, his problem was not wanting anyone but Sue Ellen. It was something that he might have to get over. If he couldn’t have his love he would learn to love another. He knew he couldn’t go through life alone, he just wasn’t cut out for it.

  At the two week mark, he started making a list of possible females to date. It was hard to think of being with another, but he was beginning to accept his mate would never want him. His wolf however, was going a bit crazy.

  He put the empty list down and got ready to turn in for the night. He told himself tomorrow he’d make an effort to flirt with a female, any female. It would get easier, but for now he’d just take baby steps. He sent up a quick prayer to the goddess to guide him in the proper path and he went to bed where he tossed and turned trying to get the sleep he desperately needed. Sometime before dawn he slept. It was just enough sleep that when he woke he was irritable and difficult.

  The first person he saw at work that day was Sue Ellen who was already on the elevator as he entered. Talk about bad luck!

  He nodded to acknowledge her. It seemed they had little to say to each other these days since she had made her opinion more than clear to him. He had pretended to move on and treated her like the barest of acquaintances. What else could he do when it ripped his heart out to see her after she had become so cold and distant herself? It didn’t matter since it looked like the last plan they would ever try had failed miserably and she would never be in his arms, his life, or his bed. The six of them had been foolish to think such a simple plan would work on such complicated females.

  He was the first to arrive on his floor and he stepped off the elevator without any further acknowledgement to her. If he did as he wished, he would have swept her into his empty arms and kissed her until she admitted they belonged together. In the old days he would have gotten by with such behavior, but those days were long gone. It was a new era that was upon them and it was one where females were beginning to claim the rights that human women had had for years. It was a good thing, mostly, but it took away what would now be his only way to claim the stubborn woman that had stolen his heart.

  He remembered his decision to start by flirting with some females and he tried. It amazed him how readily they reacted to the slightest encouragement but he wasn’t ready for that. He’d just admitted to himself that he had to move on, but to actually date another female, that was far too big a step so soon.

  It was a relief to be done with his day even though he usually loved his work and got great satisfaction from it. Today was different and he wondered if his personal situation would sour all aspects of his life but he decided he wouldn’t let that happen. He might not be able to control some parts of his life, but he could decide how he would react to that.

  He went home and got ready to meet the guys. They would sit, drink a beer and try to cheer each other up. This latest failure wouldn’t sit well with any of them. He couldn’t say who would take it the hardest since they all had been committed to doing anything to claim the mates that refused to be caught. He wondered if he had done something bad that the goddess was punishing him for because he couldn’t imagine a greater punishment than this.

  He was the last to arrive, but he usually was since he had scheduled appointments which the other guys didn’t usually have. It seemed his success was measured with more work while theirs was measured with less. He could take on an assistant to help
, but as bleak as things looked, time off to wallow in self-pity was the last thing he needed.

  He could feel the buzz of excitement running through the guys before he reached him. Dare he hope the females had taken the bait? The rowdy feeling of celebration suggested they had. Paul waved madly to get his attention and in seconds he would know what was going on.

  “The plan is a go. Sue Ellen will be the first one. Congratulations Luke, she’s as good as yours!” Paul said.

  Euphoria shot through him followed quickly by doubt. It was true that wolves were known to be exceptional lovers almost to the point of being addictive. It was also true that as soulmates there were additional attractants, a term used by wolves when discussing mating, at work that would lure her in and bond her to him.

  Having said that, there was her stubborn nature and some kind of family resistance to the thought of mating a wolf. The prevailing theory was that it was based on a family memory from ancestors who were forced to mate unwanted partners. In their dark history, many white wolves had killed themselves to escape sadistic mates who resorted to torture to keep what they considered theirs. Some escaped taking with them any offspring and blended in with humans in big cities where wolves hated to go. That was the accepted theory anyway although the whole truth might never be known.

  His brothers in this cause sat around him celebrating but he thought the battle was still far from over. He would be devastated if he came this far only to lose her because nothing he did could convinced her to bond with him. His wolf whimpered and that was the saddest thing of all. A proud alpha reduced to such a pitiful state by a female. Nothing else could bring his strong wolf so low. He’d fight a bear without a second thought, but facing his female in a winner take all mating game, that shook his tough as nails wolf to his very foundation.

  “Hey Luke. You should be happy. A chance at love is better than nothing at all, which is what we had before.” Dillie the optimist, pointed out. Luke had to admit he was right and if all his eggs were in one basket, he’d best plan to make that one tough basket.

  He would approach this like any fight, because once Sue Ellen knew what he was after, she would fight against it with everything she had. She’d be a worthy opponent, strong, smart and beautiful. He would be distracted by her beauty and her delightful scent that washed over him every time she was near and begged him to come closer. She had never understood the torment being close to her had put him through because if she had felt even a fraction of it she would have melted in his arms the first time they met.

  The building had been new then, two long painful years ago. He thought she’d been around thirty and she hadn’t known right away what he was when they had dated. She’d played hard to get and had told him she wasn’t the type to just fall into bed with just anyone. He’d been understanding, just like a complete fool. He was sure they’d been close to consummating their relationship when she had found out she was a white wolf. She’d backed off, not because she knew what he was, but because she was no longer sure what she was. By the time she came to terms with her own identity, she had somehow discovered his. It was over that quickly and it seemed she didn’t even want to be friends.

  He’d resentfully compared it to an illness, like she thought she might catch being a wolf from him. She avoided all contact and kept a distance from him that everyone had noticed. They all assumed he’d done something bad, but all he’d done was have his heart broken because he’d been too much of a gentleman to push her out of her comfort zone and take her when he’d had the chance. He was done with that, it was all’s fair now and she would see how a wolf denied behaved and she would love every minute of it.

  His wolf howled in agreement. This had been a long time coming and there was no doubt it was his final chance to claim what was his. He would take her slowly in every way a male could possibly take a female. He would claim her and she would submit, it would be the most wonderful feeling in the world and he would finally be complete.

  Chapter 3

  Mating Magic

  Luke was filled with an excitement that he could barely control as he slipped on the mask and took a final look. He wondered if she would guess that it was him behind the mask and costume. If she did would she be tempted to continue anyway? He hoped she would with all his heart and soul because he knew deep down, that she was the only one he would ever be truly happy with. He had tried to imagine his life with someone else and simply could not do it. He grabbed his hat from the chair as he left, he would put it on later when he arrived at the hotel.

  He made good time getting there, he wouldn’t ever keep her waiting. His whole body thrummed with energy and he knew that even if they never saw each other again, this night would be worth more than any other night for the rest of his long life. He pulled into the parking lot and made his way to the room number he had been given. He stood before the door ready to knock yet reluctant to do so. All his earlier doubts assailed him, but he knew it was do or die because he was sure he couldn’t survive without her in his life. He also knew to give up without trying would be something he’d regret forever.

  He knocked on the door trying not to give the impression of either weakness or excess aggression. He took a deep breath and tried to prepare himself for anything. When she opened the door his eyes nearly popped out of his head. Sue Ellen had always been conservative around him and he would have sworn, before seeing her like this, that she didn’t own any sexy lingerie and that she would never purposely try to inflame a male to the point that he might lose control. What he saw right now was making him reassess the female he thought he knew. Three or four inch fuck me all night long, black heels and fishnet stockings adorned her legs. The purple satin bra, panties and garter belt with black lace and stitching was damn, just damn! The bra had half cups and her breasts were pushed up making them look as if they might fall out into his hands like an offering. Her nipples had to be right at the edge of the cups and he so wanted to see if they were the pretty pink he’d always imagined they would be.

  Her blonde hair hung in waves over her shoulders and he had an incredible urge to run his fingers through the silky strands. She had blue eyes, pale as the sky on a sunny day, which blazed with the same passion he felt running through him. Her full pouty lips would soon be swollen from his passionate kisses and he intended to run his hands over every inch of her milky smooth skin. She was tall for a woman at nearly six foot in height and her body was lithe and athletic. She was thin, but not because she didn’t eat, she kept busy and was constantly on the go.

  He suspected that energy would feed her passion and once she got going there would be no stopping her. She stepped back in silent invitation to enter so he stepped in. Now that she had allowed him into the room, he started feeling like this might actually happen. He might actually possess this spirited female if only for one night. She looked nervous and he suspected it had taken all her bravado to carry this off. He stepped forward wanting to take her in his arms to comfort and reassure her, but she stepped back. He waited a second and angled himself to herd her exactly where he wanted her to go. He took another step. She was retreating but her eyes urged him to follow her and give her everything she’d ever wanted and dreamed about.

  He continued to stalk her just like he would prey until the back of her legs hit the mattress. The stunned look in her eyes almost made him laugh but he knew she wouldn’t appreciate his humor, not right now. He took a deep breath and growled, he just couldn’t help the effect her enticing scent had on him. It was like cherry and vanilla ice cream on a hot summer day. It hung in the air tempting him to take a taste and savor it and taste he would.

  He pulled her into his arms and gorged upon her lips, feasting upon her mouth in true wolfish fashion. He couldn’t get enough of her as his tongue possessed her mouth and his teeth nibbled on her lips. The kiss was all consuming and made them both want so much more. He sensed her surrender and his wolf was thrilled. He knew before this night was done that whether they remained together or
not, they would own a piece of each other at the soul deep level. He nibbled down her neck and felt her shiver as her skin broke out in goose bumps.

  “So lovely.” He whispered in her ear, his voice low and hoarse.

  “You’re not bad yourself.” She said, as her eyes ran over him appreciatively. She wanted him and that’s where he would start.

  He tossed his hat like a Frisbee and it landed on a nearby chair. He toed off his boots and although he made it look effortless it was anything but easy. He shed his shirt and pants then he pulled her into his arms again.

  He loved the outfit she wore, but it limited his contact with her gorgeous body. Her panties would have to go to start with. Everything he planned to do called for her to be accessible there. Would she be pissed off or turned on? He grabbed her panties and tore them off. When she glared at him he smiled with satisfaction.

  “You’re not going to need those for what I have planned.” He growled.

  She flushed a lovely shade of pink all the way down to the top of her breasts making him wonder if they turned pink too. He picked her up and placed her on the bed with her legs hanging over it. He knelt on the floor in front of her and pulled her legs up over his shoulders.

  Her core was right in his face, exactly where he wanted it to be. The scent of her arousal wrapped around him and he leaned his nose in and nudged her sex as he breathed in deeply. Dear goddess he thought he might cum just from her heavenly scent! He flicked his tongue out and tasted her. Mm, he moaned at the delicious flavor and he went back for more. He licked along her crease and his tongue gently pushed inside. An explosion of salty sweet flavor hit him and he moaned sending vibrations through her sweet juicy pussy.


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