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Alphas Gone Wild

Page 20

by Unknown

  Their eyes met and heat exploded between them as Luke stepped in and kicked the door closed.

  “Where’s your bedroom?” He asked and he could see she knew exactly what he meant.

  “At the end of the hall.” She replied as he threw her over his shoulder and carried her there.

  He dropped her on the bed and she bounced as he stripped himself bare.

  “Take it off or I’ll tear it off.” He calmly commanded.

  He fought a smile when she hurried to obey his order. She was naked in seconds and he was on her like a hungry wolf. His large body covered her smaller one. He loved that she was an amazon by human standards and he thought he’d never seen a lovelier female. He kissed her with the fire he felt in his blood as he quickly started working his kisses down her neck to her pink berry sized nipples. He sucked one into his mouth and cupped the other one in his hand. Pleasure surged through him just from feeling her skin and touching her with his hands and his mouth. He couldn’t wait until he was buried deep inside her.

  He sucked her nipples, each in turn, until they were bright red before working his way down her belly. It used to be gently rounded but the weight she had lost made it flat. He wasn’t worried because she would gain that back once they were happily mated. She might not have thought that far ahead, but that was about to happen. He worked his way down past her belly and sank his nose into her hot pussy, drinking in the rich feminine smell that drove him wild.

  His tongue flicked out to sample and savor the burst of flavor that rolled over his tongue making his mouth long for more. That was something easily solved, he impaled her sweet pussy with his thrusting tongue and moaned with delight which set off a groan and a shiver from his mate. Now he got serious about devouring his treat and put his tongue to good use. It took no time to have her screaming and dancing on the end of it. Her honey drenched his face and he was a happy wolf.

  He slid up her body sinking into her hot, wet depths. Ah, she felt so damn good! He started moving slowly at first for her sake, but in no time he was pounding into her like a machine. They were both so close that the slightest thing could send them over when he licked her neck to prepare the spot. He’d had enough foolishness, now she would be his.

  The lick sent her over the top and her grip on his rock hard cock did him at the same time so he bit down on the spot he had prepared. He wasn’t expecting her blood to be so savory and his release seemed to double in intensity. Sue Ellen’s teeth sank into him barely breaking the skin with her flat and dull human teeth. He had no doubt that once she changed, she would do it again.

  He wrapped her in his arms and they fell asleep. It was no surprise as little sleep as either one had been getting since that perfect night.

  They woke up later making love again. They talked and they worked things out now that there was no longer a choice. They were mates and they would always be mates. Now that he had made the decision for her, she seemed to accept it without much trouble. He would always be glad he’d let his alpha wolf make the final decision about their mating. Had he not, he would have spent his life alone.


  She could admit she had never been happier in her life than she was now that her relationship with Luke was where it should be. She looked at the diamond on her finger that he had put there when she had screamed yes! It was just two weeks after that amazing night when he had claimed her in the way of wolves and they were already engaged and living together in his house. His had been the larger house and Marissa, a cousin who was both wolf and witch, had found someone to rent her house from her.

  Kimmie had not been the same since her magical night and Sue Ellen wondered if she had met up with Paul. They all knew which male wolves were the fated mates for their cousins, they had noticed the six of them hanging out together. She had asked Luke but he’d refused to tell her saying they trusted him with their secrets and he couldn’t tell. She was not even been able to seduce those secrets out of him. It was alright, she had her cousin’s secrets to keep and she couldn’t tell him about them either.

  It all made her regret the time they’d wasted when they could have been together. She was just starting her change and she’d be a wolf too before long. She was looking forward to the future and her forever with Luke. It made her want all her cousins to have this overflowing feeling of joy. Skye was next and Sue Ellen prayed everything would work out for her. She still had hope for Kimmie and there was the rest of them.

  All she could do for now was to enjoy her mate and let her family know she’d always be there for them. She looked at Luke who had just walked in the room. He took her breath away and she knew deep down inside, that he always would. It was time to enjoy her mate and put her worries aside for another day.

  Secret Desire

  Erotic Fantasies Series Book 2

  Kimmie is twenty–eight and the youngest of the group of white wolf cousins that have agreed to keep their distance from the werewolf world. She’s a lighthearted party girl but that just hides her sorrow at having to stay away from Paul just because he’s a wolf. Sometimes she wonders if it’s worth all her misery, just to stay human.

  Paul will do anything to get Kimmie back in his life including deceive her and use sex to hook her. He knows he can change her mind and he’s going to use a night of erotic fantasy to make her see that all she really wants is him.

  Connect with the author at:

  If you want to read more books by Crystal Dawn, check out:

  Blue Moon Pack Series

  Planet Amazon Series I, II, III, and IV

  Cousins of the Moon Series 1 & 2

  Legends of the White Werewolf Series 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

  Keepers of the Land Series 1, 2, 3 4, and 5

  Frozen Origin Series 1, 2, and 3

  Frozen Origin Quickies 1

  Frozen Holidays 2 PK Eudoras & Zelus

  Frozen Origins Love 2PK Adonis & Aphroditus

  The Southwest Illinois Pack Series

  The Wilde Pack series

  The Strong Pack 1 & 2

  The Red Wolf Series

  The Warriors of the Vinii by Corre Deepe


  Can a bad day turn your life around?

  Crash landing on Earth seemed the worst thing that could happen to Xan, his crew and their battered ship. It was only the beginning. After nearly freezing to death, Xan’s savior, in the form of a little Earth female, is driving him crazy. He doesn’t want to want her, but he can’t seem to help it.

  Edie wonders if she’s gone crazy when she wakes up looking into the glowing red eyes of a naked, not quite human male. He seems determined to keep her with him, but she’s just as determined to go.

  Dragon’s Dewdrop

  Copyright © 2015 Ruby Glass

  All Rights Reserved

  May not be copied or distributed without prior written permission.


  The sounds were what woke me up. They startled me enough to get out of bed and turn the light on. Blinking and barefoot in my pajama pants and thin tank top, I made my way to my bedroom window.

  Strange yelps and shrieks mingled with the grunts. All of them seemed out of place in the quiet night. The employees’ wing of the mansion was usually so peaceful at this hour. Now the loud and savage sounds made me wonder if someone was fighting out there.

  I peered out, squinting into the night. The sounds came from somewhere high in the dark sky, somewhere above what the window could show me. All I saw were the pinpricks of stars and a glowing sliver of the moon.

  After a moment, I gave up on figuring it out. I’d have to ask my coworkers if any of them had heard the noises. This was weird enough
that it might even be in the newspaper. In any case, I got back in my bed and tried to sleep.

  Rest didn’t come easily. In the morning, I dragged myself out of bed once more. If I could have skipped work for my sleepiness, I would have. Living at my workplace meant it would be difficult to fake being sick.

  In the kitchen, I yawned as I grabbed for a box of cereal. The head maid, Laina, was already sitting at one end of the large kitchen table. Since the other places at the table were empty, I assumed the other staff had already finished breakfast and gotten to work.

  The employees’ wing was more spacious than any apartment I could have afforded on my own, and I enjoyed having the other girls’ company. It felt like I lived with a bunch of awesome roommates – most of the time.

  “Rochelle, you look like death,” Laina said bluntly.

  I chose not to take offense. She was probably right. “Some weird noises last night kept me up,” I said. “Didn’t you hear them? I don’t know what they were, but it was super loud and I couldn’t sleep.”

  Taking the box from me, she poured more cereal into her own bowl. “I must have slept through it. Why don’t you ask for the day off?”

  “I can’t. Ecliptic would never give it to me, plus I need the money worse than ever. I have to get my little sister a graduation present. She’s been through some crap this year, and I want to get her something really nice.”

  Laina already knew about the abusive relationship my sister Keye had finally gotten out of. Keye was only eighteen, three years younger than me. She had more life experience than me despite being younger, but that didn’t mean she had an easy time handling it.

  “Good luck, then,” Laina said. “I hope Ecliptic won’t get mad at you today.”

  “I hope so too.”

  Ecliptic, the wealthy man we worked for, had a tendency to get angry. He didn’t yell, like some other bosses I’d had in the past. The crease of his forehead and the tightness of his lips were worse. I couldn’t even tell if he was a nice person or not. Other than criticizing what I made, he hardly spoke to me at all.

  As his personal chef, I was required to keep him happy at all times. It wasn’t an easy task. If the soup was over-salted, he would get into a bad mood. If I used the wrong type of pepper, he might sulk all afternoon. My teachers in chef school had never criticized me as harshly as he did. If I wasn’t at the top of my class, Ecliptic wouldn’t have hired me. But I was still never good enough for him.

  One good thing about the job was the pay, which was generous enough that I was slowly paying down my debt from chef training. My family wasn’t able to help me at all financially, and even with the small community college I’d attended, I’d racked up considerable loans.

  Another good thing was the opportunity to look at Ecliptic on a daily basis. I estimated that Ecliptic was in his late twenties, several years older than me. Older men weren’t usually my thing, but he was on a whole other level. I wasn’t the only one, either. All of his staff thought he was gorgeous.

  It wasn’t just his face, with his high, perfect cheekbones and his dark, deep-set eyes. Even his lean, muscular body couldn’t explain the attraction. It was more the aura that he exuded. He gave off this impression of power. Dominance. As soon as he walked into a room, you could feel that he was in control of it.

  Ecliptic’s aura undoubtedly had something to do with the amount of money he had. I didn’t know the details, but it seemed that he was born into it. He had never known a moment of fear about money, never worried where his next meal would come from. Because of his family’s riches, he’d never really had to work a day in his life. Multiple employees took care of all his needs. Aside from managing his money, his days were taken up by lounging around eating gourmet food and dating beautiful women.

  “See you later,” I called to Laina as I headed to the main part of the mansion. I took some bread out of the gleaming silver fridge and left it in the toaster so that Ecliptic wouldn’t have to do anything but push the lever. Then I sliced off a pat of butter and placed it on a plate.

  With that done, I went outside for my morning walk. I yawned again as I walked down the long driveway. As many times as I had made this walk over the past six months, the mansion still never failed to impress me. It hulked into the sky, its almost Victorian architecture a hint to how much it had cost. The inside was even more impressive than the exterior. I worked in luxurious surroundings with only the finest kitchen equipment.

  I should have skipped the walk and gotten started on Ecliptic’s lunch, but I was on a no-excuses exercise regimen. I hoped the daily walks would do something for my figure. I really needed to lose some weight, and I didn’t have time to join a gym.

  My musings about my curves were interrupted when something sparkling on the lawn caught my eye. It looked like a dewdrop shining there, but from the distance I could already tell it wasn’t just water.

  A shimmering object like that wouldn’t normally be in the acres of freshly cut grass. Although I didn’t have much time, I couldn’t stop myself from looking more closely. I bent over and picked it up. About a square inch large, nearly flat, it gleamed even more brightly now that it was under the sun. I rolled it around in my hand. If I didn’t know better, I’d say it was a diamond.

  Looking up, I saw another twinkle in the grass. The same size and shape, this one was a shade of blue that closely matched the sky’s color. Huh. This was getting stranger. I slipped both into the pocket of my cargo pants, wondering if they might have any value.

  Before I could take another step, though, a third object shone at me. I’d nearly missed it, a green jewel hidden under the green grass. As I stowed it carefully away, a flash of doubt went through me. Maybe I shouldn’t be taking these things. They didn’t belong to me.

  When I looked around the entire lawn, my unease only grew. The entire lawn was studded with what looked like shining, shimmering dewdrops. Much more than three of them were scattered all through the grass like a spice some divine cook had sprinkled into his soup. There were too many of them for me to pick up even if I tried, yet they gleamed at me as if taunting me.

  My fatigue was gone. What was this? There was no explanation that I could come up with for the jewels that laid haphazardly in the grass. I picked up a few more – clear, red, golden, even black. Each one, I examined for clues about their origin. There were none. Every gem was the same size and as unmistakably flawless as the first.

  I stuffed them into my pockets, heaping in as many as it could take. Even if I still couldn’t tell what they were, they had to have some value. Thoughts of what I could buy my sister Keye for her graduation ran through my mind. Maybe I wouldn’t have to just buy her a cheap necklace. I might be able to get her something really nice instead.

  The jewels, or whatever they were, became less frequent as I walked towards the house. I had to sift through the grass with my fingers to find a few of them. Just when I was stuffing one last gold square into my pocket, my boss appeared at the door. Shirtless and frowning, he looked as if my presence was disturbing him.

  “What are you doing out here?” Ecliptic demanded without any pleasantries.

  As usual, his presence made me a little nervous. I put my hands over my pockets guiltily, realizing that the jewels had come from his property. If they belonged to anyone, they belonged to him. I had gotten so caught up in my excitement for my sister that I hadn’t even thought about that.

  “I’m sorry.” Honesty was my only option. Ecliptic would be able to see through me if I tried to hide what I had been doing. “I found some things in the grass.” I pulled my pocket open wide to show him the jewels, bracing myself in case he was planning to yell at me.

  Ecliptic gazed at the sparkling, multi-colored mass at my hip. His eyes crinkled as if he was suppressing a yawn, and I wondered if he had been kept up the night before, too. “What do you think those are?” he asked.

  “I’m not quite sure. I thought it was dew at first.”

  “Dew!” He snort
ed, then laughed. Actually, I had never seen him laugh that hard. The smile looked good on his handsome face, even if I wasn’t sure exactly why it seemed to be the funniest thing he had ever heard.

  “I know it’s not now, but they were all lying there in the grass.” I fingered them lightly. “They just looked like dewdrops.”

  “Those would be some expensive dewdrops,” he said condescendingly.

  “Really? Are they real jewels?”

  Ecliptic nodded and turned to go into the house. Small scars dotted his back, I noticed – each one like a flat line about half an inch long. He often went shirtless, but I had never noticed those scars before. “They’re real, all right. Every one of those is worth a couple thousand dollars.”

  I calculated quickly. I made much less than a thousand dollars a week. That meant each of the jewels was worth several weeks of work. I was holding my salary for months – maybe years – in my cargo pants. I wouldn’t just be able to buy Keye a necklace. I’d get her a car or a house!

  My heart beat faster, and I almost forgot the question I had meant to ask Ecliptic. “So I can keep them? I found them on your property, so...”

  He hesitated, then said, “They’re all yours.”


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