Alphas Gone Wild

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Alphas Gone Wild Page 36

by Unknown

  She looked into his eyes and felt the last of her reserve drift away. Whatever he’d done in the past–whatever she’d done in the past–it was gone. And before them stood a future of love.

  She’d never have thought she could feel that way about Eli, but she did. And while she didn’t agree with his methods, she now understood that everything he’d done through the years had been because he’d been hurt. He’d been in pain just like she had.

  She forgave him.

  He needed to know that. She ran her fingers down his cheek, their faces close together but not too close, their bodies flush against each other. “I forgive you,” she said. “And I’m sorry. For not talking more.”

  She felt Donovan’s hand stroking her back.

  Eli’s eyes got moist. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for. It was all me. I’m sorry I was too much of an ass to just tell you how I felt. I’ll do better. I promise.”

  “I know you will.” She kissed him.

  Donovan kissed the back of her shoulder. Without a word, he got into position behind her and slowly pressed his cock into her backside. This time she felt fuller, tighter.

  She’d never had two men in her at once, though she’d thought about it. What female wolf didn’t? She’d expected to find her mates, and she figured her men would want to explore all the ways they could be together.

  This was better than she’d expected, though.

  As Donovan thrust, she rocked with him, doing the work for Eli who couldn’t move very well at the bottom of the heap. They set up a pace that increased with each stroke, as their passion grew and threatened to overwhelm them.

  “Feels so good,” Donovan crooned.

  Maddy agreed, but couldn’t find the words. Her body had become one big ball of sensation until she couldn’t tell one rub, one touch, one kiss from another. They all combined until she felt a tension filling her body that was only eclipsed by the roaring in her ears.

  Eli bit her shoulder, right where he’d marked her. Maddy screamed as the orgasm crashed over her and the world faded to black.

  Then Donovan bit her other shoulder. She lost control–her thoughts, her muscles, her sense of time–all gone. The pleasure, so intense it bordered on pain, seemed to go on and on until she thought it would never end. Until she forgot who she was.

  Donovan and Eli yelled, almost at the same time. She came back to herself enough to lean forward and bite Eli. His hands tightened on her and he yelled even louder. As her two mates came, she leaned her head forward to rest against Eli’s shoulder, not sure she could hold herself up.

  Afterward, Donovan rolled to the side, pulling her along with him. He curled his arms around her.

  Eli rolled over so he could face them. “I got really lucky.”

  “We all did,” Donovan said.

  “Yeah, but I’m the luckiest.” He ran the back of his fingers down Maddy’s cheek. “I love you.” His eyes flicked to Donovan. “Both of you.”

  She felt a fluttering in her stomach. “I love you, too.” Reaching back, she grabbed Donovan’s upper arm. “And you. I love you.”

  “I love you both, too.” Donovan kissed Maddy’s shoulder. “Now we just need to keep this one safe.”

  “Easier said than done,” Eli said.

  “We’ll figure it out.” Maddy didn’t want to lose her freedom, but as long as the restrictions were temporary, she could live with it. But she didn’t want to think about that right now. She leaned forward and kissed Eli. “We have other things to figure out, too. Like where to find a bigger bed.”

  “And where to live,” Donovan said.

  “Doesn’t matter.” Eli gazed at them. “As long as I’m with the two of you, I’m home.”

  From New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Tabitha Conall, a steamy werewolf romance in the exciting Mad Wolf’s Harem series.

  Hunter’s Moon

  Tate did everything she could to save her sister from being kidnapped, but failed. When Sawyer sees Tate lying in the hospital after the beating the kidnapper gave her, he feels rage like he's never felt before. But it isn't until Tate and Sawyer go to Lunaville to help hunt down the kidnapper and retrieve Tate's sister that they meet Matt, their mate...and their lives are changed forever.

  Read an excerpt at

  About the Author

  Tabitha Conall earned a Master's in Writing in 2009. She loves romance, fantasy and history and enjoys using them to torture her characters. She's currently writing another Mad Wolf's Harem book. Connect with her by subscribing to her newsletter or joining her on Facebook.

  Getting Bear

  (A BBW Werebear Shifter Erotic Romance)

  By Ever Coming

  Overworked, plus-sized beauty Victoria is on her way to a much needed spa weekend of relaxation when unexpected car trouble lands her in the remote town of Greenville. Sparks fly the second she meets the sexy town mayor, Bruno. While danger lurks unseen, those sparks turn to passionate flames and the two ignite the sheets, a chair, and possibly a storage closet. Can a workaholic city girl find fated true love and true happiness with a small town alpha werebear mayor ?

  Getting Bear is an erotic romance featuring a sexy werebear shifter determined to claim his curvy mate before her time in Greenville is over. It is the first book in the Greenville Werebear series. While each book stands alone, none of them are for readers under 18 due to sexual content.

  Copyright Ever Coming 2015

  Welcome To Greenville

  “Fuck. Fuck, fuckity fuck, fuck, fuck.” The professional and calm composure Victoria always prided herself on was long gone as she kicked the flat tire on her car repeatedly. Why, oh why was there no spare in the car? It had to have come with one right? Those are standard, along with things like brakes.

  Victoria had already checked her cell phone for reception to find it had zero bars. It was to be expected this far in the mountains, no sign of humanity in sight. It was not, however welcome. Come to think of it, she hadn’t heard a notification beep in at least twenty minutes, and with her job that was unheard of. It must have been many miles ago that she last had any reception, and she couldn’t remember the last time a car passed by.

  She grabbed her purse, locked the door, and prepared to hike down the mountain a few miles to see if she could find some help before nightfall. She had no idea how far away it would be if she continued in the direction she had been heading when she got the flat, but in a business suit and heels it would not be fun—even if she was a skinny minnie, which, at pushing a size twenty, she most certainly was not. Her favorite author called it excessive sexiness, and once she had decided to embrace that, she learned that term was right on the money. She had sexiness to spare.

  The wildlife which surrounded her was beautiful, and if it weren’t for the predicament she was in, she probably would have enjoyed it. Now? Now she just wanted to get her car fixed and get on her way. She was still six hours from her spa weekend destination and if anyone needed to relax, it was her. Putting in sixty hour work weeks at her firm had been fine when she was younger, but at thirty-two it was getting old, and she was not much further up the corporate ladder than when she started. She needed to slow down and reevaluate her priorities. When she’d seen an opportunity to escape for an extended weekend while they redid the electrical in her office, she took it.

  She had barely made it a handful of steps away from her car when she heard an engine. Victoria pondered the three most likely outcomes. One: someone stops and helps, and she gets to the spa before her scheduled facial. Two: they keep on driving and ignore the fact that she is stuck in the middle of the stupid wilderness with a flat tire. Or three: she would get raped and murdered by a serial killer, most likely after being tortured and possibly being kept in a dungeon.

  Fine, number three was beyond highly unlikely, but the thought that the person driving near might be dangerous had crossed her mind.

  All her nervousness released when she saw the pol
ice car pull over. Of all the wonderful sights she had seen in her life, those blue lights topped them all. She had almost convinced herself that she was fine with the whole walking down the mountain thing, but truth was she had already seen a bear in the distance when she first pulled over and it would be getting dark before long. Bears were great in the distance, but she was fine with not running into one in the dark. A police rescue was much better.

  “How’s it going ma’am? See you got a flat.” The cop must have been close to retirement age, so hearing him call her ma’am made her feel extra stuffy in her suit. She had to wear them to work, but knew they did little to help her curves or showcase her femininity. She always wore sexy panties and bras under them with the hope that feeling sexy on the inside would make up for the business all the time outside. In hindsight, the ten minutes it would have taken to change before her road trip would have so been worth it.

  “Victoria, officer.” She stuck out her hand in greeting before realizing he was already looking at her car and not at her. “The day has not been the best, I am afraid. It appears that spare tires might not come standard in this model.”

  He chuckled at her joke and checked out the tire more closely. “Well Victoria, there’s a shop a couple miles up the hill in town, but there’s no way to repair that one. You’re gonna need a new one.”

  She had already known that, but hearing it made it reality.

  “I can give you a lift to town and drop you off at the mechanics so you can arrange for a new tire or tow.”

  “Thanks officer. I’m just glad you happened by. I was about to head back down the mountain and was not looking forward to it.”

  “Not a problem. I was happy to come when the call came in.”

  Victoria hadn’t remembered seeing any other cars, but she had been very intent on showing the flat tire who was boss, so who knew?

  “You can call me Cal. Everyone does. We’re not too formal around here. Part of the joy of working in a small town, I guess.” He looked towards the car, nodded and then back to her. “Maybe you should grab your bag. You know, just in case.”

  She went to the car, grabbed her overnight bag and they were on their way. Town was much closer than the last signs of civilization she had passed. She would have been going very much out of her way by going downhill. Thank goodness a good Samaritan had called in her roadside troubles.

  Unfortunately, the news in town stunk. The tire wasn’t one they had in stock, so they would need to tow her car in and then go get one down the mountain in the morning. She could kiss the facial goodbye, and if they didn’t get the tire early enough, she might as well kiss the whole spa weekend goodbye as well. She decided to make the best of it and get a room in town for the night. A good book and some time with her battery operated boyfriend would have to do. Heck, it was better than work.

  As she entered the main entrance of the “inn,” she realized it was more a single family dwelling with a converted porch turned office than any inn she had been too. Not that she would complain. A bed was a bed at this point.

  The moment the door closed, she felt it hit her. What it was she couldn’t even begin to guess. Her belly filled with butterflies on steroids and her panties were instantly soaked as her core clenched in a very good way. It was lust at first sight, but there was nothing to see except a small desk with a bell. She walked over and rang the bell.

  Within moments an older woman came out from the back room. She was most assuredly not the cause of Victoria’s lust.

  “Oh, sorry. I didn’t hear you come in.” She looked Victoria up and down as if she were judging an entry in the county fair. “May I help you?” Her voice was pleasant enough, but there was nothing welcoming in her eyes.

  “Yes. Ron at the garage thought you might have a room for the night while we wait for my new tire.” That seemed to please the woman and her face softened.

  “Oh, so just passing through Greenville then?”

  Victoria nodded in reply. For some reason, this elderly woman made her nervous. And no one made her nervous. That was one of her secrets to success in the business world. She was cool under pressure and could pitch to everyone—from movie stars, to politicians, to the guy next door—without hesitation. Yet here and now, she was a nervous wreck. As if this woman liking her meant something.

  “Well, alright then.” The woman grabbed a folder from behind the desk. “I’m Martha, and it looks like cabin five is the best one we have right now.”

  “Cabin? I thought this was an inn.” As much as she liked the idea of more privacy than this tiny house would have provided, something about being in the woods creeped her out a little bit. Probably because the woman had her off kilter.

  “It is called an inn, but we have cabins. Want one?”

  So she was back to rude then. Awesome.

  “Yes please.”

  The woman flipped through some paper work and grabbed a key. “Sign here, here, and here. I need a license and credit card.”

  Victoria handed her the cards and signed in all the noted places. She had no clue how much the cabin even was, but at this point she could care less. Even with the rudeness of the woman, the arousal she felt earlier had not waned and she wanted to go take care of it. In fact, it felt like it was getting worse by the minute. Sure, it had been months since she had gotten rid of any built up sexual tension, but this was ridiculous.

  “Here are your cards. I will have Bruno take you to the cabin.”


  “Yeah, Bruno. He owns this place and will get you down there and show you where the firewood is, etcetera.” She rang the bell a few times. There was something about Martha that just hit Victoria wrong, and she was glad that someone else was coming to help her.

  Another wave of arousal ran through her as she heard some rustling from the main part of the house. It was getting worse and worse by the minute. Or was it better and better? Just when she thought she was going to come right there in front of Martha, a man walked into the office.

  Calling him a man did him such an injustice. There were plenty of men out there. The man before her stood above them all. His shirt was snug, but masculine, and showed off all of his muscles. She was sure she could bounce a quarter off of those abs. He was wearing jeans that hung low and while she had always been a sucker for a man in a tux, she found herself thinking that those jeans were the sexiest item of clothing on the planet. She knew that she was looking at him like he was a lollipop she wanted to lick, but between the way he filled out those jeans and how his shirt barely hid those muscles, it might be an accurate assessment.

  When her eyes met his, she saw that he was looking at her in exactly the same way. Most men looked at her and saw fat. Society was all about the super skinny, size zero models, and she was a woman whose thighs not only met, but jiggled as they did so. A woman whose bras had a cup size that needed special ordering. A woman who could never shop in the regular sized department. Yet he was looking at her like she was dessert. She was more than willing to call tribute on that one.

  “Bruno, I gave her cabin five.” Martha looked between them and for a brief second, Victoria could have sworn Martha bared her teeth at her. “She’s only here until tomorrow morning, so let her get rest.” Martha sounded bossy and while it was starting to piss off Victoria, Bruno seemed to find it amusing.

  “But of course, Martha, because you are the boss and all.” That earned him a scowl from Martha and tickled Victoria’s funny bone. She tried, mostly successful, to hold in her laughter.

  Bruno walked over to her bag, grabbed it, and walked towards the door. “Coming?” He said as he walked out.

  Not yet, but soon, I hope.

  “On my way.” She turned to thank Martha out of politeness, but the woman was already gone. Victoria caught up to Bruno in no time and immediately regretted her footwear. She had on appropriately high heels, but in her act of office rebellion, they were bright red instead of the expected black all of the other women wore. Unfortunately,
as appropriate as they were for work, they were a disaster walking on the dirt path.

  While Bruno never looked back to watch her, he always seemed to know when she was falling a bit behind and he was never more than a step or two in front of her. She had yet to see one cabin and she was number five, so she was fairly confident the walk had only just begun. Just as the first cabin caught her eye, she tripped on a root. She braced herself for a fall, but it never came. Instead, she felt strong arms envelop her.

  “Whoa there sweetheart, I got you.” He set her right and as his hand brushed her wrist, the longing she felt multiplied exponentially.

  “Thanks.” As lame as it sounded, it was the best she could come up with. If she tried to say anything more she was sure that take me now or I need to come would have slipped out. She had never been this tempted before, not even when she had a partner. No this was a whole new brand of lust, and it just might very well kill her.

  “We’re almost there.”

  Sure enough, as they rounded the next bend, she saw six little cabins all in a row. They actually looked more like storybook cottages than cabins.

  “They look like they belong on a fairy tale.”

  The burst of laughter from Bruno was unexpected and filled her with joy, which made no sense to her at all. Not that anything since she walked into the office had.

  “Yeah, I just took the inn over after my mom decided to retire and spend all but the summer in Florida. It’s the only place to get a room in town, so it was important it stayed open. It is good for everyone to have it here.” The pride she heard when he talked about the town struck her. She lived in the city and no one cared about anyone but themselves. Usually, any mention of the city was a complaint. “She was going for ‘home sweet home’ when she designed them. Instead it looks like...well, this.” He pointed ahead of them. “Yours is the last one on the right. Watch for the root.”


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