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The Punishment Of The Gods (Omnibus 1-5)

Page 16

by Jake Yaniak

  'Let no man eat of the creatures of this country until we have done the proper rites. We are no longer in the good land of Pelas, and we must use caution. I will send Maru to spy out the land and see if we can find a suitable sacrifice.'

  Maru leaped from Dynamis' arm and soared high into the air on his mighty wings. He circled the hill and vanished from their sight.

  After several hours Maru reappeared with a tuft of black goat hair in his talons. A small group of men then followed him as he soared above the top of the hill. On the north side there was a rocky cliff, and on these they discovered some wild goats, leaping and playing upon the rocks.

  They threw a rope around one and carried it back to the camp. The men gathered around Dynamis as he prepared an altar of field stones and brambles. He drew a knife from his belt and slew the animal. He cut open the creature's stomach and examined it closely and ceremoniously. 'We cannot stay here,' he said after giving the creature's innards a thorough inspection, 'Return the fish and other creatures to the stream. For the land is against us.'

  Then he set fire to the altar and the smoke rose into the air, sending a pleasant smell into the sky. The men were amazed and whispered among themselves, some calling Dynamis a priest or a holy man.

  The Remnant left that beautiful hill and continued traveling into the west. Each time they arrived in a new place, Dynamis would repeat his strange ceremony. The men then began to grow impatient; some even called him superstitious, because they were now running low on supplies and tired of sacrificing goats and hares and whatever else could be found in the secret valleys of the Coronan Mountains.

  But in due time, approximately three weeks after they left the charred mountainside of Coronis, they arrived in a wild land on the far western slopes of the Coronan Range. Below them to the north and the west they saw the great valley of Ramlos stretched out before their eyes. A mist lay over the whole land, but they could make out the tops of tall pine trees and a silver stream passing due north and out of their sight. Dynamis led them to the source of the river and they set up a camp in a place where they could not be seen from the west or the north.

  Sacrifices were once more prepared. But this time when Dynamis examined the entrails he saw no trace of anything unclean or or of any malady within the stomach of the native goat. He called for more sacrifices, this time a bird and a deer.

  Finally, after he had spent a considerable amount of time studying the creatures, he set a large bonfire in the center of their camp and proclaimed, 'Here we shall stay, while we wait out our enemies. This land is good, and here the Remnant of Galva will thrive.'

  The men cheered and there was a great excitement. After some time of rejoicing, Dynamis raised the long sword of the Conjurer in the air above his head. At the sight of that mighty sword the men quieted down almost instantly. 'Let us rest our weary limbs, and let the cool mountain waters wash the dirt from our tear-stained cheeks. Let us build shelters and gather wild goats and rams. Let us fish and even push the plow if we must. But, men of Noras, let us not forget our kin, our wives and our sisters, the little red cheeked children that play in the woods under the watchful boughs of elm and oak and pine. Let us not forget that they linger in subjection to the fell usurper Ponteris. Rest your limbs, my brothers, so that when the day comes for us to make our return to the blessed forest of Pelas, we will be strong and willing. Many heroes have fallen prey to the goblin's teeth and the foolishness of Cheft Faros. But let us pray to the Master of Causes that in this land to which we've journeyed, new heroes may arise to bring justice and honor back to Noras.'

  The Servants of Pelas

  On the top of Dadron hill, in the middle of a great courtyard there is a temple. The courtyard of the temple is paved with bright white stones that, despite time and wear, have retained much of their ancient luster and beauty. This courtyard is perfectly square; each side is about a league and a half long, oriented perfectly with the eastern edge facing due east, the northern edge due north and so on. On each corner there is a great obelisk towering high above the hill. Atop each obelisk is a tall white spire that rises higher still, seeming to disappear into the sky itself. Under the moonlight it appears as though these towering structures are the pillars of the heavens, upholding the starry skies and rooting the wheeling planets to the earth.

  The temple itself had no roof, for it was meant to be illuminated by the full light of the sun, whose light would reflect off the white stones so brightly that the top of the hill itself became too brilliant to behold on a cloudless day. This was called the 'Glory of Pelas' or the 'Light of Pelas'. In the mid-summer, even from a great distance, it seemed as though the whole city sent a thick beam of pure white light high into the heavens. The Ancients believed that this light traveled for many lives of men until it came to light upon other worlds, who in gratitude for their light sent their prayers across the heavens to Dadron and its god.

  The temple itself was surprisingly small, considering the great stone stage on which it was built. It would take a man less than five minutes to encompass the entire building. Its ancient architects cunningly designed it so as to draw the attention from their lesser work, though marvelous as it was, to the greater beauty of the celestial realm. Seeing so small a temple on so great a foundation, set so high atop the hill in the full light of the world's mighty light-bringer inspired an awe that no workman could achieve through his own devices, however remarkable they might be.

  The whole temple was made of the same sort of stone as the floor and the obelisks, reflecting the light of the sun by day like a great mirror. At night they glowed under the cool light of the moon and sparkled beneath the host of stars.

  Around them there was a low wall, built of large stones about half a man's height. These enclosed the whole structure, save for a broad entrance at the southern end. Beyond this entrance there were large stone steps leading to an altar and past that a beautiful statue of a man.

  Made of the same white stone, this statue represented the apex of the Ancients' skill and craft. The statue was of a great warrior, armed with a long sword, held up into the air as though he would pierce the very heavens. His every feature was carved so carefully and smoothly that it almost seemed to possess some life of its own. The clothing was so gently crafted that it almost appeared to be made of silken sheets, draped over a living body. The man's hair was finely curled and neatly trimmed under a gleaming stone helm with a large plume of life-like horse hair, which looked so real that it might be expected to dance about in the wind. The statue towered over the altar casting an ominous shadow until the sun came to rest above it, scattering all darkness. The statue was nearly three times the height of a normal man.

  Just south of the statue there was a great stone seat, upon which no mortal was permitted to sit. An inscription on the throne said in an ancient tongue, 'The Throne of Mighty Lord Pelas, God of all Weldera.'

  It was to this temple that Lord Pelas returned at the end of his sojourn in the forest of Noras. Under the stars of heaven he sat down upon this throne with his invisible scepter in his hand. Before him stood many spirits; some of them mighty in wisdom and others mighty in deeds. He raised his scepter in the air and all those present praised him:

  'Hail Lord Pelas, god of all Weldera; unrivaled and unblemished!'

  'Hail, servants of light. I have returned, as I promised, from the land of Noras. The prayers of the Siren have been all but fulfilled. The son of Biron now carries his burden over the mountains into the land of Agonistes. Yet there still remain many tasks and dangers. Lord Cheru, slayer of Amro, among us immortals there are few as powerful as you.'

  'What is your desire, Lord Pelas?' the spirit thundered. He was much taller than any of the others. At his side was hung a huge sword and over his shoulder was hung a towering shield. Were he visible, the very sight of him would be more than enough to slay any man born of mortal birth. But when he passed among mankind he remained unseen and unheard, though his heavy plated armor jingled and clattered as he mov

  'You must guard the son of Biron. His name is Daryas Galvahirne. No harm must befall him. I fear for his safety especially now that the fell wolf Ghastin has been deprived of his reward by the cunning fires of Dynamis. Save the younger brother, but I care not what comes of the other. Let Ghastin have him if it will assuage his anger.'

  'I will not fail you my master,' Cheru thundered.

  'Ollina, I have need of your wisdom,' Pelas said, turning to another spirit. Ollina was much smaller than the giant Cheru. She carried with her no spectral blade or any other such weapons. 'Your cunning and clever words will avail me more than the blades of many immortals. You must fly to the side of Cheft Biron who is now imprisoned in the dark cellars of Cheft Ponteris in Oastir-la. He will be in need of encouragement. You must use your wise words to keep him strengthened in both mind and body.'

  'I will do as you say, my lord,' she said as she bowed low. She turned around and began her long journey to Peiraso. Pelas looked around at the spirits gathered before him. 'Where is Mityai?' he asked suddenly.

  'She has not returned to us, my lord,' said a dark voice.

  'Who is there?'

  'It is I, Noctunan,' the dark spirit said. 'It has been my job to trouble the young Galvahirne with dreams of dreadful things.'

  'And why have you returned to me? Have you given him all the dreams with which I sent you?' Pelas roared.

  'Do not be angry,' Noctunon said defensively, 'You should know by now that the son of Biron sleeps rarely. He has grown quite weak, but he still resists the Old Man more often than not. He will not sleep for another two days, and by then I will have found him again.'

  'And what of Mityai, why has she not returned to us?'

  'I think that she is angry with you, and she will not leave the boy's side. She nearly throttled me until I promised to be gentler with her charge.'

  'This is not good news, I may have to send her to hell after all,' Pelas said gravely. 'I will need a volunteer then. Who will go beyond the mountains to the land of Agon and bring the rebel spirit back to Dadron?'

  A powerful spirit stepped forward. 'I will go, my lord.'

  'Oblis, once lord over millions, take your long spear and your net. If she will not submit to the safety of your mighty net, skewer her and drag her deathless body back to me on the end of your pole. During my sojourn among the Noras I have seen many strong minded and rebellious spirits in my domain, and it is high time that I reminded them who is lord over all the spirits. If Mityai cannot learn obedience, then she will become an example of my judgment.'

  The others nodded their heads in faithful accord. 'Let it be so,' they said in unison.

  The New Land

  The land that the Noras remnant came to dwell in was nestled behind a tall ridge of bare stone that came sweeping down into the Rauros Valley from the east and then, curving sharply, rose into a high wall of cliffs as though to veil them from northern eyes. A creek came rushing from some high place at the top of the insuperable ridge and over a tall water fall into a pool near the corner of the ridge. There they skillfully built log houses and set up tents and food stores.

  The people grew in strength in that land. They called their new home, Ram-u-Nar, for it lay betwixt their home in Noras and the strange land of Ramlos. The wounded healed quickly, and soon they took their weapons in hand once more. Some men hunted and fished, some gathered fruit and berries from the woods, but all of them did their fair share. What they gathered they distributed to all, and there were none that went without.

  They did not neglect their swords, though their lives were comfortable. The men trained hard all through the days of their exile, until they became brave and strong, though untested. Many warriors rose into prominence among them in those days. There was Vallus Phoadirne and Forge Collesirne, companions of Dynamis, who became the captains over the other warriors. Vallus wielded a battle-axe with broad sharp blades while Forge carried so large a broadsword that it was said that no other mortal man could bear it. Also among the Galvahirne there were many others who came into notoriety. There was Aoder, the huntsman, who's bow did not miss, and Gishu who alone rivaled him. Also there was Olsith and Melgu, brothers from Cossa-la who became the foremost swordsmen among the Remnant.

  Daryas Galvahirne also grew in strength in Ram-u-Nar. Under the guidance of his elder brother he became skilled with bows and with swords, and many other weapons. For nearly a year and a half they remained in that place unmolested by the troubles that overshadowed their homeland. They sent scouts back to Noras now and again, to bring news from beneath the canopy of trees. But none of them dared go beyond the Gavl River or north of Megd-la.

  From these they learned that Biron still lived, though they learned nothing of the lady Marima. Ponteris now dwelt in Peiraso and held all of Noras within his grasp, save for those remote places in Megd-la, Shaf-la, and Cossa-la where he had few allies. But all throughout the 'Pillar of Noras' he kept a watchful eye on every road. They heard nothing of the fate of Sion.

  In time the Remnant began to secretly summon warriors to their hidden refuge. Revere would travel through mountain roads, known only to himself, and make his way through the secret paths of Noras to the very doorsteps of those men that Dynamis sought after. In this way they brought many other heroes to Ram-u-Nar.

  They brought Kele Sorrirne, the great blacksmith and his apprentice Oserra from the copper mines of Shaf-la. He brought with him twenty brave young swordsmen each bearing five new swords to help replenish the arms of the Galva Army.

  They also summoned Cheft Aargo Medglirne, one of the finest Axe-men of the wood. He came with his five sons, each as strong as an ox and as wise as a hawk.

  Many others also came, some unbidden, some after much prodding. There was much to lose, and little hope of overpowering Cheft Ponteris. Dynamis' message to each was the same:

  'Brethren and friends, the son of Biron is gathering a force, whether we will live or die is in the hands of the gods. But we will be a stronger force with the warriors of Noras among our ranks. So come, if the loneliness of exile is better than servitude. I can promise no reward, but what we have and what Fate may bring us I will share willingly and graciously.'

  After a year their number had almost doubled and began almost to resemble the mighty force that had first set out from the City of Galva, so long ago it now seemed. But as time drew on it became apparent that the men were growing restless. Their untested strength was teeming with passion and a fierce desire to see their homeland again and bring their fiery revenge upon the heads of their enemies. But as they planned and prepared to return to the forest, unexpected news came to them from the west.

  End of Book I

  Book II:

  The Fell Wolf

  Chapter I:

  Amlaman, Ramlos and the Kings

  The Moon Child

  On the balcony of a stone palace there sat a small, dark haired boy, no more than six years of age.

  He was no older than six years, and no younger either, for it was his birthday. It was the fifteenth day of Messest and the red Hunter's Moon that had dominated the night sky on the night he was born shone again, comforting the weeping child with its warm light.

  Below the balcony things were silent and motionless. The palace was nearly empty save for the king and his family. King Voltan thos Amlaman was far too suspicious these days to keep anyone other than his closest servants inside the castle walls after dark. He had reason to fear, for his rule had failed. The people of Amlaman despised him, and he despised them in return. There was nothing to hold his dominion together beside the shear strength of his generals. And by this point he had much to fear even from them as well. For this reason he had sent them all far away on petty errands. He hoped to keep them occupied until things settled down.

  This small boy was the crown prince, King Voltan's only son. That is to say, young Volthamir (for that was the boy's name) was his only legitimate son. The rumors spoken behind the King's back reckoned the number of his
descendants much higher.

  The poverty that had overwhelmed the nation in recent years was at least partly the result of these indiscretions. It seemed to the people that all a young woman needed to do was find her way into the king's bed and she would soon find herself hurried away to some remote manor with servants and a pension if only she (and her children) would remain secret and silent.

  At some point in time, King Voltan designed a secret passage under the palace walls through which his many mistresses might enter his bed-chambers.

  It was a loud knock on the door to this passage and the screech of an old crow that broke the silence of the night. The boy stopped crying and froze with fear. The knock repeated, each time more violently, until it became clear that it was not one of his father's mistresses tapping. It was the sound of an axe, or several axes, chopping through the thick oak door. At that moment a large black crow landed on the balcony and stared at the boy with callous eyes. A shout from within the King's bed-chamber turned his attention away from the ominous bird.

  'Fire!' he heard the King yell, 'Thieves! Devils!'

  He shouted in vain, for his guards had abandoned him. From the balcony the boy could hear his father running about frantically, his bare feet clapping against the cold tile floor. He heard a crash and then the sound of a sword being drawn.

  Volthamir hurried inside and ducked behind a small red sofa that was kept near the eastern window.

  From his hiding place he could see his father's bed; beyond it, on the western wall of the chamber, was the secret oak door. There was a loud crash and the scream of metal hinges breaking and the door slammed down in a cloud of dust. Into the room stepped seven armed men, some carrying axes and others with swords drawn - all of them with wooden masks covering their faces. One of the men, apparently their leader, walked swiftly toward the king with his blade raised in the air.


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