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Craving The CEO: An Office Romance

Page 4

by Iona Rose

  He is succeeding in bed and advancing dangerously in the romance department.

  I don’t think I’m emotionally detached enough to handle this, so I need him to shut up before I’m in trouble. Leaning forward, I seal my lips over his and thrust my tongue into his mouth. This produces the desired effect as it completely captures his attention. He lowers onto me and I am over taken with the burn of his skin against mine. I writhe, moan, and gasp underneath him as he begins to trace the kisses down my skin and soon he arrives at my breasts. Firstly, he pulls some of the alluring, plump flesh into his mouth and it produces a slight sting that I know is going to leave a mark. I don’t mind it at all and look forward to the memories that this night will forever plant in my memory.

  His mouth soon moves on to my nipple. When his lips close over it through the sheer material of my bra, I begin to leak incessantly from between my thighs. I can’t remember being so turned on in my life and I cannot believe just how stimulated and on fire I am.

  His touch and his scent and even his very presence has entrapped and entranced me in a cocoon of mind blowing pleasure and I never want it to come to an end. His hands proceed to cup my breasts and even the tender, sensitive mounds flush in excitement. I am obsessed with just how wild it feels to be possessed by him in this way, and by the low grunts from the base of his throat, I know he feels the exact same way.

  His hands remain on my breasts but then his face moves even lower and my entire body squirms with maddened anticipation. He dips his tongue into my navel and that draws a giggle out of me to his amusement. Soon, he is back at my crotch and my legs automatically slam shut, all too aware of the assault that they have just endured from him.

  He isn’t having it however. With a stern look at me, he straightens and with his impeccable strength jerks my legs apart. “You’re hiding?” He rasps.

  My throat constricts at the barrage of emotions coursing through my body.

  He roughly pulls me over to him and then grips his cock in his hand. He strokes the head up and down the middle of my drenched sex.

  My hands shoot out to my sides to grip the bed sheets. I am burning all over and yearning, and it is all too much but yet not enough at the same time. Brimming with anticipation, I await his entrance but then when it is not immediate, I look down to see he is slipping on a condom.

  He meets my gaze from beneath his lashes.

  I almost feel shame. I am so out of it that I practically forgot the most important thing. My safety. Covering my face, I try to control my breathing and the frantic racing of my heart until once again, I feel his cock at my entrance. My eyes shoot open to gaze into his electric blues and I can’t look away. He gradually slides into me and I lick my lips at the most welcome intrusion.

  He watches me, one hand underneath my back to support his weight, while the other is guiding his cock into me.

  In moments, I am filled and stretched to bursting while guttural moans reverberate through my body. For a few seconds I stop him, my hands gripping his biceps to halt his movement. He is too big and too tight and I don’t know if I can take any more of him.

  Then his warm breath fans over my face, his nose softly stroking mine before he moves his lips to my ear. “How are you doing?” he asks.

  My emotions are struck at his concern. I nod after a few more moments. “I’m good.”

  He kisses my neck. “I’ll go slow.”

  I wrap my arms around his shoulders but my embrace is too hard and it weakens the elbow that is supporting most of his weight. He collapses on to me with a laugh but I am unable to share the sentiment as his hefty cock plunges further into me. A deafening gasp sounds from my throat.

  Suddenly, his hand cradles my face. “Oh shit, are you all right?”

  That final plunge is indeed a surprise but I can’t exactly blame him can I? I can’t help the smile that bubbles up to my face and it widens even further when he leans down to kiss me. He rolls his hips so I can get somewhat acquainted with his length but instead it hits a dangerous spot inside of me that almost triggers my climax right then. My fingers dig into his ass.

  He withdraws, his cock glides out of me and although I love the feeling of being so connected with him, I can’t help but wish that rubber barrier wasn’t there between us. I want to feel his flesh grating directly on my walls. I reach up to nibble on his chin and with a low laugh he slides back into me. I begin to completely relax, and a couple of thrusts later his rhythm is quickening. I love the harshness of his breathing on my skin as he pounds ferociously into me.

  I cling onto him for dear life, and it makes my entire body shudder in response. My heart is racing in my chest, my bones melting at the stream of ecstasy washing all over me until my eyes begin to water.

  “Oh God,” I croak out as I tighten my hold around him. My hands then slip down towards his ass to grab onto the tense cheeks. I’m soon displaced however because his thrusts soon become even more severe. His following lunges are so hard and wild that they tear intense gasps out of me and slam the headboard constantly against the wall.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groans.

  I completely lose control of myself. My hips are driving forward to meet his thrusts but I soon lose even the ability to contribute. He fucks me so hard that I collapse back onto the bed with my eyes rolling into my sockets.

  With one last brutal thrust, he plunges into me and it hits just the right spot.

  My orgasm explodes from within and I cry out at the earth shattering release. I am shuddering and trembling underneath him and he seals his mouth over mine to muffle my sobs. Then from a distance, I also feel him receive his own climax and his animalistic groans in my ear reverberates through my body. It triples my pleasure and excitement that I have been able to give as much as I have received, and I bask in the euphoric aftermath of us.

  Afterwards, and as we both slowly return back to earth, I am unsure and a tad bit worried about the correct etiquette to follow. I know this indicates that I want to spend more time with him, but at the same time do not for a second want to hurt my pride. So I watch for what he will do and I am taken aback when he kisses me over and over again before falling to his side.

  With an arm around me, he pulls me into his frame and rests his head in the crook of my neck. “That was fucking amazing, Blair,” he says and soon falls right to sleep.

  My own lids are heavy too, so I allow myself the guilty pleasure of falling asleep with him this one time.

  I shut my eyes, and melt into his embrace.

  Chapter Seven


  “How did the meeting go?”

  Once again, I am jolted by the sudden entrance into my office. I look up from the stack of reports on my desk.

  Allen is brimming with cheer as usual, as he takes his seat in front of my desk.

  For once, I want to ask him just what the cause of his seemingly ceaseless breezy persona is, but I decide against it. It will no doubt lead to a lengthy conversation that I currently don’t have the time for. “It was all right,” I respond.

  “Did they officially come on board?”

  “Well, I haven’t gotten the call yet.”

  “It's only a matter of time,” he says. “I know you and I’m sure you drove the message home that they would be extremely stupid if they don’t bite on this.”

  I nod in response as my mind returns to that night, but instead of the two executives he is referring to, my memories conjure up a different person and a different venue.

  The person I had woken up to and almost refused to get up from.

  Again, I wonder what that was about. In my experiences from the past with one night stands, the routine afterwards is standard. No matter how exhausted I am, I’ve never been able to stand being that filthy from and with a stranger for too long a period of time. So I’ve always gotten up to clean myself, and with that behavior, the message is usually sent that when I returned, I didn’t want them to still be there.

  With her however, I had
fallen right to sleep and I’d been aware of it.

  And I hadn’t minded. Even with the sex. I had let loose in a way that I usually didn’t and the results had been staggering.

  Somewhat alarmed, I’d gotten up to take a shower to clear my head and by the time I had gotten out of the bathroom, she had disappeared. The only thing I know is her name, and I am not going to use it to search for her, although for a short while after her disappearance I had entertained the idea. The previous weekend is in the past and I am done with it.

  Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door and I look up once again, upset that there isn’t a secretary to screen these impromptu visits.

  Allen, able to read my face is inherently amused. “You can’t believe it can you? You’re the owner of a company worth a billion dollars and you don’t even have a secretary.”

  I give him a hard look, and answer the knock on the door.

  Monica, my head of Human Resources comes in with a smile on her face. “Good morning, Grady,” she greets, and her smile widens even further, when she notes that Allen is also present.

  “Monica,” he greets, with an equally wide smile and a wave.

  “I just came from your office but your secretary didn’t know where you went.”

  “He was on a bathroom break when I stepped out,” he replies.

  “Alright,” she says before turning to me. As usual, she seems just a bit wary.

  Allen’s admonition comes to mind that most of the employees would not mind it if I cracked a smile or two once in a while so they would find it a little bit easier to relate to me.

  There is currently nothing to smile about, so I just wait to hear what she has to say.

  “I’m here about Mariam,” she says. “How do you want me to go about her replacement?”

  “He’s handed that over to me, Monica,” Allen says. “Sorry I didn’t inform you, it slipped my mind.” He then lifts his wrist to gaze at his watch. “I have a meeting with her replacement in about eight minutes.”

  “Oh,” she says. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Since I didn’t get any directive from Grady, I presumed that perhaps he told you to take care of it.”

  “He did.” Allen smiles.

  Alarm creeps up my spine as I note the glint in his eyes.

  "I’ll send her straight to you as soon as I’m done with her interview.”

  I lean back into the chair, my arms folded across my chest, and my brows raised. “She?”

  “Yes, she,” he affirms. “I had a great time speaking to her at the job fair I attended at the University of Texas a few weeks ago. She made a great impression. ”

  “She’s a recent graduate?” I ask dryly.

  “Yes, she is.”

  “I don’t want her. Monica, please handle this and pick someone who can keep up with me for once.”

  “Hey!” he exclaims at me, and then turns to Monica. “No! I’ve got this, Monica. Don’t do anything.” He then returns his gaze to me. “Why can’t you trust me?”

  Monica is amused by him. However, I am not. I am incredibly alarmed. “Monica, please get me a temp in the meantime. There’s too much going on around here for that desk to be unmanned.”

  “Sure,” she says and exits the room.

  My glare never leaves Allen’s, even though his response is an audacious grin. “What is it about this candidate? This is not some sort of prank is it?”

  He pushes away from the desk and rises to his feet. “It seems that I have to remind you, sir, that I am the CFO of this company, and that I got to this position by merit, not because of my father, like most of you have concluded.

  I shake my head at his insincere tug for sympathy. “Get out.”

  He laughs in response. “Just relax. I’m sure you’ll be pleased with her and if not, then we can get someone else.”

  I don’t bother responding anymore. Suddenly, there is an incoming call on my cell phone and I can immediately see who it is. “It’s the recluse,” I tell Allen, and rise to my feet.

  He gives me a thumbs up as I turn away from him to head towards the floor length windows covering the north wall of the office.

  “Jack,” I greet and we begin our conversation.

  Chapter Eight


  I’m in one of the seats in their massive, glass encased conference room and I can’t stop shaking. Their damn headquarters is much, much bigger than I thought. Eighteen fully utilized floors encased in glass and steel and furnished with polished oak and marble.

  I feel absolutely under-qualified to even be in the building, especially with the constant stroll of busy looking employees up and down the corridor beyond. I’m still not even aware of the position that I will be interviewing for.

  My instinct is to pick my purse up and scram before the CFO gets here, but even my body seems to have stopped responding to me. I don’t understand why I am this nervous as I have been to quite a number of interviews. However, none have terrified me as much as this. Maybe it’s because the stakes are incredibly high? In fact, they’re the highest they have ever been.

  An invitation to work for an industry renowned company, and I didn’t even have to send in an application?

  I need to get this position even if an arm or a leg is sacrificed in the process. Opportunities like this I imagine don’t come along very often.

  Suddenly, the door to the conference room springs open and I immediately rise to my feet. I’m dressed in Layne’s satin, olive green pant suit, wearing rosy pink makeup on my lips, cheeks, and eyelids. My hair is held back in a simple chignon, and on my feet is a pair of black, suede, medium heeled pumps.

  The comment that Grady at the bar from the weekend had made about me looking too young comes to mind, and it makes me even more nervous. Perhaps the CFO calling me is a mix up with one of the other candidates from the job fair? Perhaps he still doesn’t realize that apart from my internship, I don’t have any concrete experience in my chosen field of cyber security.

  The polished, tall man in a tan suit and a buzz haircut walks in and offers his hand to me with a big smile on his face.

  I am immediately drawn to that smile and his kind eyes, and for the first time since arriving here, I take my first real breath.

  Soon, we are both seated opposite each other, and the interview begins. It however does not go the way that I expect.

  “So,” he says. “Have you tried our green chili smothered burrito yet?”

  I blink... hard.

  My expectation was that he would first of all ask for my resume, so my hand is poised on the folder inside the briefcase on my lap, ready to immediately retrieve it.

  When I see this is not the path he intends to follow, I take my hand out of the briefcase, and straighten my back. A smile is tugging at the corners of my lips but I’m not certain yet if it is all right to relax. “No, sir. I can’t say I have.”

  “Call me Allen.” He waves his hand. “Well, why haven't you? You haven't been in Denver long enough?”

  “Uh, I just came in for the week to see my sister. She lives here with her husband.”

  “Ah, I think you did mention that you had a relative here when we spoke at the job fair.”

  I can’t believe him. How and why does he remember all of this? There were at least a hundred people at the event, and I am certain that more than half of them came up to speak to him. A quick glance at his hand shows the simple gold wedding band on his finger so it cannot be that he is interested in me, right?

  “Again, I’m glad that you were able to come in especially at such short notice. A position opened up that made me think of you and it just so happens that you are in town. It does seem like fate doesn't it?”

  “It sure does.” I smile, beginning to relax. “Thank you sir, for the call. I’ve admired your company for a very long time.”

  “You said as much during our first chat. You also said that you would get me the Tex-Mex and that I would be blown away. That was how our debate on the state w
ith the best smothered burrito in the country was concluded. I never did get that burrito though.”

  My laugh is nervous but at the same time my heart feels like it’s doing somersaults. I recall it all and don’t even know how to respond to his recollection of a conversation that had at the time seemed to solely be a momentarily thrill between two people absurdly connecting amongst a sea of other more anxious and severe individuals. “Well, I did hand my card over so that you could contact me. I even offered to get it delivered to you before you left Texas if you couldn't find the time to get one yourself.”

  He chuckles. “Yes, you did make that offer. Well it's not too late, and seeing as we might be working together, I am certain that we will have many opportunities to taste both burritos and make the final judgement.”

  My heart lurches in excitement. “That is my hope too, sir.”

  “Allen,” he corrects yet again.

  This time around, I take special note of it.

  He then claps his hand together as he straightens from his slouch against the chair. “Alright then, let’s get down to business. Where do you see yourself professionally in five years?”

  Chapter Nine


  There’s a knock on my door, brief and assured.

  I don’t need to respond to know it’s Allen. Therefore, when he knocks again and again and then calls out to me for a response, I am a bit perplexed.

  “Come in,” I reply.

  A few seconds later, he walks in to meet the confused look on my face.

  I notice the massive smile on his face and wonder what he’s up to now, especially since it hasn’t been but forty minutes since he left my office. I’m about to ask him what’s his problem when I notice that someone else has come into the office with him. I recall then that he left to conduct the interview for my supposed new assistant.


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