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Craving The CEO: An Office Romance

Page 16

by Iona Rose

  Not long after, he is spilling completely into my mouth and I’m lapping up as much of him as I can. His deep groans echo endlessly in the room and it fills my chest with pride at just how intensely the orgasm affects his body.

  “Fuck! Blair!” He growls as he throws one hand across his face to hide his expression from me.

  I watch in amusement as he recovers as I take off the rest of my clothes, relishing just how almost magical it is to be able to make a man‒ who is so used to being in control‒ completely lose it.

  With my knees digging into the mattress, I lower my ass and grab onto his already hardening cock to impale myself onto. My body quivers at the sensation of him filling me up, stretching me tight and soothing an ache deep within that nothing else can.

  My hands are all over his rock-hard torso as I clench and unclench my walls, relishing every thick inch of him.

  I sense him begin to rise, and when he brings my hand to his lips for a kiss, my eyes flutter open. His muscled arms band around my waist and they meld my body to his. This position is staggeringly intimate. Every rise and fall of my chest in labored breathing is synchronized with his as his ocean blue eyes bore into mine. We’re so close that I can trace the specs of gold and grey in his irises and almost count the lashes along his lids.

  Down below, our bodies are so deeply connected that it’s as though we have melded into one.

  My eyes sting with tears as I move him in and out of me and I can’t understand why. Also, it’s not helping that he’s watching me, enthralled as though he’s committing every single feature of my face and expression to memory.

  Then he leans forward to press a kiss to my lids and my entire body quivers. “You’re so fucking beautiful Blair,” he whispers to me.

  I feel a surge of anger fill my chest. Violently, I push him away from me until he lets go and falls back to the bed. Then with my hands pressed to his torso, I lift my ass off his groin and slam back onto him. A few moments ago, we were making love, but right now this is nothing beyond the primal act of fucking. The maddening need to pound viciously into the other for the sole purpose of chasing a release that we both desperately crave. I clench my eyes shut, so I won’t see him and he wouldn’t be able to see that deeply into my eyes again. It made me feel too exposed and too vulnerable. So I pound my hips ruthlessly against him.

  My orgasm this time around, is crippling. It arrives as a fierce wave of pleasure that slams into me and steals the breath out of me. My cry rings out across the room, drowning out all else but I’m aware that he too has climaxed. I feel the spill of his seed deep inside me, and the warmth and heat of it all, makes me dizzy.

  I’m no longer able to sit up straight, so I collapse on top of him and then eventually, find the strength to roll off to the side.

  I immediately curve my body into a fetal position, still trembling from the endless waves of the shattering experience. I want to go home so I can manage the turmoil of emotions currently barraging through me, but I’m certain I won’t not be able to walk for the next few minutes. So I proceed to wait until I feel him sling an arm around my waist. Before I can complain, my naked body is brought possessively against his. My ass settles in the crook of his groin while his arm curves over my breasts, positions that are very effective in making me once again, lose my mind.

  All I want is to soak in the heat and scent of his skin, but this depth of intimacy is too dangerous. So I somehow find the strength and try to pull away from him.

  But he refuses to let me go. He buries his face in the crook of my neck and begins to drift off to sleep. “That was fucking amazing,” he whispers into my ear.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  I can barely respond. I realize now that this will be the second time I’m encased in Grady’s arms, and it is messing with my ability to breathe normally.

  I know I’m playing a very dangerous game by still remaining here like this with him, but I don’t want to extricate myself from the sheer pleasure of this.

  I do however want to hear it from the horse’s mouth. That he’s even a little bit as affected as I am. So before he falls any deeper into sleep, I part my lips and speak, “I should leave.”

  It takes moments before he responds, and I don’t dare breathe until he does. He tightens his arms around me. “Why?”

  My heart jumps in my chest. “Well work, tomorrow”

  “I’m your boss. You can come in late.”

  My lips spread into a stupid smile that make my cheeks ache. I nestle even further into him.

  He growls into my ear, “Stop. Unless you want to cancel our entire day at the office tomorrow.”

  I muffle my laughter and it’s thereafter the easiest thing in the world to settle into his embrace and fall asleep

  I listen to the gentle rise and fall of his chest against me, and it isn’t long before I join him in bliss.

  We are however rudely awakened by the sudden shrill of his phone, late into the night.

  His movements fully rouse me, as with a groan he leans away to reach towards the nightstand for his phone. It is however not there, which is understandable since our clothes were discarded at the entrance to the bedroom

  He pulls away from me and I instantly feel the chill of his absence. Sitting up, I reach for the covers to pull them up my body and watch as he retrieves his pants by the door. The call disconnects before he can respond to it but he soon redials the number, and places the phone to his ear. I look around the dimly lit room solely and softly illuminated by the soft glow of the moon from beyond the balcony. I think of where my own phone has been discarded needing to know what the time is since there is no clock present.


  I listen to him speak, and that immediately gets my alarm bells ringing. Sheriff? I listen more attentively and although I worry that it’s a little intrusive, I assume he would have taken the initiative to move into another room if he truly needed the privacy.

  Grady releases a deep sigh. “How is he now?” he asks. “Fuck,” he curses.

  I’m a bit taken aback by the frustration in his tone.

  “Just a second, I want to check what the time is.” He starts to pull the lit screen away from his ear but then immediately returns it. “Alright, I’ll be there in about an hour. Thank you, Sheriff. Please keep an eye on him for me.” He ends the call, and for a few more seconds just stares straight ahead. Then he turns around to find my gaze in the dimness.

  “Is everything all right?” I ask.

  He comes over to me, gloriously naked and sits on the side of the bed. “It’s just ten minutes past 6,” he says. “Do you want to stay longer to sleep in or do you want me to give you a ride back home?”

  “I’ll leave,” I immediately say and start to rise. “I’ll get a cab home, don’t worry about it.”

  Then before I can move too far away, he grabs my arm and pulls me back towards him. For a while, he just stares at me, and I hate that the light is not enough to show the true emotions on his face.

  “Grady,” I call softly. “Is everything okay?”

  With a sigh, he brings my hand to his cheek. “No,” he says. “My dad was found passed out drunk next to a highway in Aurora.”

  My heart seizes in surprise. I don’t know what to say to this so I instead lean forward and throw my arms around him for a hug. This pulls the fabric off my body as a result and leaves the both of us once again, skin to skin.

  This time the heat we generate is mild but no less sweet and heart wrenching. “I hope he’s okay.”

  “He might not be,” he says. “After the scolding I’m about to give him.”

  I smile but do not produce an actual laugh. Then I move away from him, but before I can think up my next action, he slants his head and begins to nibble softly on my bottom lip. This amuses me so I take the initiative to demand a complete kiss. Our tongues tangle against the other in a slow, sensual dance that has me reeling in no time. My heart begins to pump faster and my core t
ightens almost painfully as he has immediately awoken the need to have him inside me once again.

  He soon breaks it off, but it results in a whimper from me. I place my hand on his chest and hide my face in his neck. I can’t get enough of this man and it makes me truly wonder if I will ever be sated.

  “I have to leave soon,” he says. “Sleep in, and come to work a bit later. I’ll do the same.”

  I shake my head and mutter into his skin, “We have Elaine’s new module presentation at 9 AM.”

  “Move that to the afternoon,” he replies. “I’m sure I have a free hour somewhere.”

  “You do,” I respond.

  “Tell her to just turn in the documents before then, and also to send a copy via email. I’ll study them when I get some free time during the day.

  “Yes, sir,” I reply, and lift my gaze up to once again meet his beautiful blue eyes. Our voices are soft and low, and I’m certain that if someone else were in the room, they might not have been able to hear a word we have said to each other so far. This level of intimacy and closeness is staggering and enthralling. And it especially makes me wonder how I’m going to navigate speaking professionally to him after this. We both are truly playing with fire or—maybe it is just me.

  “I’ll order some breakfast for you,” he says.

  I shake my head and move to the edge of the bed. “No, I want to take a shower. This is usually when I get up anyway so that I can be in the office before eight.”

  “Alright, let’s take one together then,” he says.

  My heart leaps into my throat. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?” He asks and rises to his feet.

  “You have to be out of here. If we get in that shower together you will be late.”

  “You’re right.” He smiles. “But I’m still not going to pass this chance up. Let’s go. We’ll try our best to be quick.” He pulls me along with him and we head towards his massive bathroom. In the space is a shower stall made entirely of marble and glass, and a large four legged bathtub in the corner.

  I can’t help but stare, the dream of one day soaking in it with him taking shape in my mind.

  He notices my gaze on it and laughs softly. “Not today, Blair. We have shit to do.”

  “I know,” I reply. “I know. Do you have a spare toothbrush?”

  “I do,” he says and we both head over to his vanity sink.

  The warmth of the bathroom lights are so flattering that I’m not too ashamed of being naked. I do however pick up a towel from the rack in a corner to wrap around myself.

  He grabs it and pulls it away before I can cover up.

  “Hey!” I protest.

  He hands me the toothbrush and throws the towel across the floor. “When we’re together, let’s be completely exposed to each other. I want this to feel as natural as possible.” He squeezes some toothpaste onto my brush.

  I stare at it. “But this isn’t natural though,” I say, unable to stop myself.

  “It is,” he says as he runs his brush under the gushing faucet. “Let’s make it so. When we’re together let’s forget everything else. The past and the future. Let’s just live in the present and just be with each other. Uninhibited.”

  That’s a lot to ask, is my final thought on the matter but I don’t voice this one out loud.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  She clings onto me as I quickly regulate the temperature for the shower’s cascade and in no time, we are both submerged under it. The soothing water however is the least thing on my mind.

  My father’s present arrest and hold in a jail cell is incredibly grievous, but as she wraps her arms around my neck and begins to kiss me deeply, a huge chunk of that worry and frustration seems to be washed away along with my coherence. Suddenly, she stops and I almost follow her lips like a hypnotized man.

  She laughs at the involuntary reaction, and brushes my wet hair out of my face. “We can’t spend too much time in here. Incredibly busy day ahead. And your father...”

  I can feel the concern in her tone as she no doubt feels sympathy at the situation. But somehow, it feels in that moment like I won’t be able to go through the rest of my day without one last joining with her. So without warning, I pick her up from the floor and let out the order, “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

  I see the shyness in her eyes as she laughs at her sudden disconnection from gravity, but still she does as I have said and also throws her arms around my neck. “Grady, we don’t have time,” she warns.

  “We have just enough,” I say and turn with her till her back is against the tiled wall.

  The cascade’s pressure is heavy, so even when we step aside a huge chunk of it is still beating down my back which as a consequence also keeps her drenched.

  After making sure she is properly balanced against the wall, I set one of my hands free and slide my thumb through the slickness of her sex.

  I absolutely love how she is already immensely wet and willing, constantly open and responsive to my touch.

  Her eyes are boring into mine as the pad of my thumb circles her clit, and it causes an almost pained expression across her face. Her breathing is now harsh and particularly loud in the confined space while her body is writhing and grinding to the rhythm of my strokes.

  Her arousal is released out to my fingers and I want nothing more than to taste her. So I release her, and after making sure she is stable enough, lower my body till my head is between her thighs.

  “Grady,” she calls out in warning but any further words freeze in her throat when my mouth covers her folds. Her agonized cries as I suck hard on her clit is so satisfying to listen to and so is her grip on my hair, though painful. Her hips are writhing uncontrollably with her body jerking to the wildness of my tongue and lips as I ravish the most intimate part of her.

  It isn’t long before she’s quivering from the release of her orgasm and I make sure to lap up every bit of her before rising to my feet. I pick her back up, press her somewhat limp body against the wall, and slam into her.

  Our fucking this time around is hard and fast as we are both aware of the time constraints of the day and its responsibilities have imposed on us.

  I bury my face in her neck to hide the near crazed, euphoric expressions that I know is on my face. I’m grunting and growling like a bull while she is just as overtaken, her hips pumping furiously to meet the depth and intensity of my thrusts. The smack of flesh against flesh and the squelches of our discharges are so erotic that for a few minutes I’m certain that my mind goes blank. Never, have I felt so close or so connected to a woman before.

  She nearly squeezes the life out of me when she eventually climaxes, while I on the other hand, hold on just as desperately to her. I empty every bit of my seed into her, slightly aware that once again I have forgotten to use protection. Only after a few minutes of recovery have passed, and her legs are sliding down mine to the floor that I remind her of it.

  “I know,” she mutters still without the energy to speak. “I’ll take care of it.”

  With my hands digging into her ass to press her as close as is possible to me, I give her a deep kiss and we further melt into each other.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  After our somewhat lackadaisical wash in the shower is completed, out of the need to force ourselves out of each other’s arms and the stall, he turns the faucet off and carries me out of the bathroom. He sit me gently on the counter and I’m riveted by the pampering as he grabs a towel.

  He begins with my hair, and I can’t help staring at him as he softly rubs it dry.

  Most enjoyable is the way he runs his fingers through the strands to untangle the wet mass, and then leans in to take a good sniff. I smell like him; of his shampoo and body wash… the feeling is just divine. “You’re spoiling me,” I warn him. “Very soon, I’ll be telling you that I can’t walk anywhere and then you’ll have to carry me around.”

; He responds with an amused smile but I can see that his mind is not completely with me. I understand this of course and want him to quickly get to his father. “Why don’t you go dress?” I ask. “The Sheriff is—?”

  “No,” is his response as he grabs the dryer. “We have time. I want to do this.”

  I want this just as much as he does, so I wrap my legs and arms around him, and shut my eyes to enjoy his pampering.

  As he works the warm air into my hair, the strands slide through his fingers and occasionally, he includes a soft massage to my scalp that leaves my toes curling. My eyes peep open once in a while and each time, I meet his gaze completely focused on the task at hand, but I know his thoughts are still with his father.

  It makes me wonder what the story is between the two of them. The only thing I know is from what my ex-military client from ABAX shared with him during our meeting. I want to pry, so he can share his heaviness with me but I know that it’s not my place and that it will shatter the unexpected level of affection he is showing, despite our otherwise physical agreement.

  I soon sense that my hair is about halfway dried so I hop off the counter.

  “I’m not done,” he says.

  I shake my head and take the dryer from him. “I’ll do the rest at home.” “Let’s do yours.”

  To my surprise, he agrees and turns to lean against the counter. He shuts his eyes as I find a comb and begin to smooth out his light waves with the dryer.

  He’s still as gloriously naked as I am, so I can’t help but to feast my eyes on him. The hard ridges of his torso; the dips and contours of his flesh and how taut it all is across his frame. My eyes lower to trace the slight dusting of hair past his navel and then of course past his groin to my now favorite part of his body.

  I quickly retrieve my gaze when my hands slip and move from drying his hair to his forehead.


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