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SAVING REBEL: Renegade Rebels Motorcycle Club

Page 7

by Palomino, Honey

I couldn’t bear to part with it over the years, so I had kept it covered up in my garage, occasionally polishing it and starting it up, tinkering with it now and then.

  “Yeah, well, nobody else wants a tiny Harley but you. So, here you go. Since you aren’t twelve anymore, you can have it. Sorry, I know you were supposed to get it for your sixteenth birthday, but I guess things didn’t exactly work out that way.”

  I felt bad, the lost years flooding my memory, and I wished I had done so much more for Rebel. Hell, I wished I had done anything, but instead I had been a selfish asshole. She was my sister, after all.

  “No, it’s okay, Harley, really. Thank you so much, I’m so excited I could pee my pants!” She danced around the bike, her eyes lit up with happiness, and I couldn’t help but smile as I watched her.

  “You know, I don’t think I forgot much at all. I’ve ridden in my dreams for years…” her voice trailed off wistfully, as she jumped on the bike, her hands fondling every inch of the shiny, classic machine.

  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

  I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Harley standing next to my old bike. Watching my dad and Mason and Harley restore that bike for me, painting it a bright cherry red at my request, was one of my fondest memories.

  I did help, a little, but my dad was using that project to teach Mason and Harley how to restore and I was strictly forbidden to interfere once they were deep into it. I wasn’t supposed to learn how to ride it until I was sixteen, but Mason and Harley couldn’t stand the thought of waiting anymore than I could, and we had many opportunities to take it out of the garage when our old man wasn’t around.

  Still, it took me weeks to convince them to teach me to ride. They both knew they would get a beating if they got caught putting me on a bike, as both my mom and dad were beyond adamant that I wait till I was sixteen. But the concept of waiting what seemed like a lifetime to three kids was torturous and impossible.

  So, they gave in to my constant nagging, insisting I wear full leathers and a helmet every single time, and they went about patiently taught me to ride, each of them running along at my side as I puttered along, the bike lurching and jerking every which way until it all finally came together in my head, and I was riding around the parking lot of Walmart all by myself.

  I had never been happier than that day. The freedom! The feeling of independence, for the very first time. It was addictive and intoxicating, and I begged for more at every opportunity.

  I had even started a countdown until my sixteenth birthday, where I was planning on pretending that I knew nothing about riding, so I could let my dad teach me and then I wouldn’t have to hide it from my parents. I could go to school on my bike, to the mall, anywhere I wanted to go. It sounded like heaven, and to my twelve year old brain, it sounded like a future. A future as part of the MC lifestyle, the only life I had ever known. I grew up seeing myself in it, somehow, any way at all I might fit in. When I looked to the future, my life was filled with leather and bikes, and it was a future I looked forward to with all the passion of a little girl looking up to her father and wanting to be just like him.

  It was a future I never got to have.

  But Harley did. And I had to admit that I was absolutely seething with jealously. I wanted it then, and I wanted it now. Nothing had changed.

  Except everything.

  As it turned out, Harley was even more opposed to having women anywhere near the MC than my dad was. I got it, I understood. He was just being protective, especially of me.

  But I was determined to change his mind. If I could just convince him to let me hang out for just a little while, he would see that there wasn’t any trouble that was going to happen, and he would let me do it more and more.

  I just had to be patient.

  But this was a good start. After Harley gave me a quick refresher course, I was on my way down the street, my black hair falling out of the bottom of the helmet Harley gave me, and flapping in the wind behind me.

  I had told him I was just going to go for a short ride, and it took all my willpower not to ride back over to Mason’s house. I was dying to see the look on his face when he saw me ride up. He didn’t live too far away, but the last thing I wanted to do was piss off Harley, so I went for a short ride, and then returned home.

  Harley was in the kitchen making dinner when I got back.

  “So? Smooth ride?”

  “Oh, my god, yes! Harley, you are the best brother ever!” I kissed him on the cheek again, still in disbelief that he was being so kind to me. First, he picks me up from Mason’s, gives me a place to stay, and then gives me a bike? His attitude sure was different than the other day, I thought to myself.

  “Well, I don’t know about that…” he said, under his breath, reminding us both of his long absence in my life.

  I hated it. The past would always be hanging over us, only allowing us brief moments of forgetting, before it barreled back into our consciousness.

  “Well, I do! I’m going to take a shower.” I trotted to the back of the house, determined not to let the past creep into my perfect day.

  As I was showering, I remembered Harley’s meeting with the guy in the graveyard. I knew he would be pissed if he knew I was watching and listening in, but I couldn’t resist following him earlier. I wasn’t about to tell him, but I couldn’t help but wonder what was happening on Saturday afternoon at the Mercury Warehouse in Deep Ellum. Club business, no doubt.

  Once again, just thinking about it made me want to be a part of it so badly it hurt. I yearned to know all the gory details, just as I had when I was a kid. It excited me. At one point, I had started asking my dad questions, but he put a stop to that as soon as it started.

  So, I knew not to ask Harley about it, because I knew he wouldn’t talk about it.

  As my thoughts drifted back and forth between my pure elation at receiving my bike, and intense curiosity about what was going down on Saturday, a seed of a plan began forming in my head. No matter how hard I tried to push it away, I knew it was going to take all of my willpower to avoid showing up and secretly watching them on Saturday.

  After my shower, as Harley and I were having dinner, I was delighted when he invited me to Maverick’s birthday party tomorrow night. I hadn’t been to a party since I was a kid, and as I continued to try to push my forbidden plan to the back of my mind, I distracted myself with trying to decide what, out of my measly collection of clothes, I should wear to catch Mason’s eye.

  Out of everything, Mason was the one thing that was proving absolutely impossible to not think about.

  He had penetrated not just my body, but my heart, and my soul. And while it felt better than anything I had ever felt in my life just to think about him, I couldn’t shake an underlying feeling of doom every time his face flashed in my mind.

  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

  The party was in full swing by the time I arrived. When it came to birthday parties, the Renegade Rebels pulled no punches.

  Alcohol flowed as freely as the cocaine, and dozens of club girls sashayed around in daisy dukes that were barely there, half of them topless before the sun had even set.

  When Harley told me he invited Rebel, I was tortured with thoughts of her. If there was a vise I could put my dick in to get through the night without fucking her, I would have.

  But it was no use, and I knew it. Now that she was in my thoughts, in my consciousness, hell - in my fucking nostrils, considering I couldn’t stop smelling her in every room of my house - my cock had been standing as hard and tall as a fucking mountain twenty-four hours a fucking day.

  It was pure torture, and I was tempted to skip the party all-together. But I would catch so much shit from the other guys, and I couldn’t get in the habit of avoiding things just because Rebel was there.

  I would have to learn to live with it. With her. With this constant stupid fucking erection.

  When I saw her standing across the parking lot, her black hair pinned up on her head, bright red lipstick
smeared across her lips and her body covered in nothing but that damned bikini top and denim skirt again, I knew it was going to be one very fucking long night.

  “Sorry, chief,” Harley said behind me as I walked into the clubhouse, headed straight for the closest whiskey bottle.

  “What?” I turned around, confused.

  “For Rebel. I tried to get her to cover up, to wear something a little…more substantial…but she’s fucking nineteen, and she either doesn’t realize the effect she has on men, or she just doesn’t care.”

  “She fucking knows,” I replied, practically growling in agony. “And she fucking loves it.”

  “Yeah…” Harley followed me to the bar. “I guess you’re right.”

  “I gave her the bike,” he said quietly as he sat next to me at the bar while we waited for Hairy Joe to pour our whiskey.

  His words jarred me, I had forgotten about that bike long ago.

  “The bike? Her bike? The red Harley?” I asked, incredulously.


  His brevity told me questioning him not an option on this topic, so I just nodded my head slowly as I devoured my first shot of many.

  “You ready for tomorrow?” I asked somberly. We might have been partying tonight, but our duties tomorrow were no joke. We all took our business seriously.

  “More than ready to show these cartel cunts that we are not a club they want to betray, that’s for sure.”

  “Yeah, me too. Fuck them.” Our loyalty to the club rang loud and true, and I knew we both found some comfort in that fact.

  “Yeah, but listen. Tonight, we celebrate Maverick. He’s a righteous dude, and he deserves a good party. Let’s let loose a little and have a good time.”

  “You got it, boss,” I replied, the fifth shot of the day going down like butter.

  “There’s a lot of women here tonight. Maverick insisted he get at least three of them, so make sure you save some for him.” Harley winked at me as he walked away, leaving me at the bar alone.

  I watched the party in full-swing through the garage doors, the band playing loud rock music, the girls dancing in front of the stage, each of them holding a bottle of liquor in their hands, and circling around Maverick like vultures around a dead cow. And there was Rebel, right in the middle of the action. Looking like she belonged and completely out of place all at the same time.

  She was so damned young and naive, and as I watched all the other men leering at her, the familiar feeling of wanting to rescue her filled my veins. And there was something else I wasn’t used to. Jealousy.

  Ignoring it, I took three more shots before I walked out the door to join the party. As soon as my boots hit the pavement, Rebel spotted me and made a bee-line right for me.


  As I swayed in front of her, she looked up at me, all innocence and sexuality, and I realized that if I wanted to keep my guard up, then drinking eight shots of whiskey was probably not the best idea. I could think of nothing else but ripping that top off of her and bending her over my bike again.

  “Hey…” she smiled up at me, purposefully jutting out her tits, and rubbing them against my arm as she placed a hand on my chest.

  “Hey, Rebel.” I tried, I really did, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her mouth. I watched it move, remembered the feel of it beneath my own lips, the softness, the way she melted into me, and I licked my lips, staring at her speechless.

  “Will you dance with me, Mason? I’m tired of dancing with the other girls.” She ran her hand up and down my chest, pleading with me with those damned eyes of hers. “Pleassssssse?”

  “No.” Abruptly, I grabbed her hand, and removing it from my chest, I dropped it and walked away from her, leaving her standing on the side of the stage all alone.

  I knew I hurt her, but what the fuck was I supposed to do? If I put one hand on her, not only would Harley kill me, but if my cock swelled any bigger it would explode, and I would surely die from blood loss.

  Was Rebel’s pussy worth dying over?

  It was a fact I would debate with myself over and over the rest of the evening.

  I avoided her as much as I could, watching her from a distance when I got curious what she was doing. The moments of having her out of my sight were a welcome relief, and pure torture at the same time. I was damned if I did, and damned if I didn’t, and if I didn’t find some relief soon, I was going to explode.

  Women. Fucking women. No woman had ever gotten to me like this, and I was doing my damnedest to convince myself that the only reason I felt this way about Rebel was because I had known her so long, because I felt responsible for her in some way, because I felt this ridiculous macho need to save her.

  I knew what I needed to do, and the best thing to do was to do it quickly.

  I nodded to Becky, one of the regular club girls, a tall, lanky red-head with a great ass. She walked over to me, hell she strutted over to me, her short black dress and leopard print pumps practically begging me to fuck her before she stopped short in front of me.

  I looked down at her, then looked over at Rebel dancing uninhibitedly, with not a care in the world, looking like some young, innocent starlet. I grabbed Becky by the arm, pulling her along with me, and down the hall to the club bedroom. Hopefully, nobody else was in there.

  We were in luck. I shut the door behind us quickly, desperate for some sort of release, some quick moment of reprieve from thinking about Rebel.

  “Hey, Mason…” Becky knew the drill. She pulled off her dress quickly, standing bare naked in front of me, nothing but her tall heels and her diamond earrings adorning her perfect body. Her long red hair flowed down her back, reaching all the way to her amazing ass.

  “Hey Becky, how you doing tonight, darling?” I asked.

  She smiled her most beguiling smile at me, her body just as tightly wound as mine.

  “I’m better now, Mason…” her voice trailed off as she walked closer to me.

  Small talk was bullshit. I had one mission here, and I needed to complete it as efficiently as possible.

  “Bend over the bed,” I commanded gruffly.

  Becky obeyed me like a puppy. She placed her hands on the bed, her ass pushed up at me invitingly as she wiggled it.

  She was magnificent. Young, fresh, with smooth, flawless, creamy skin. She was a masterpiece in a shit show.

  I quickly undressed, and standing behind her, I grabbed her red hair, wrapping it around my fist, and pulled her head back towards me. My cock had been hard for days and yet as soon as I entered her, it softened.

  “Fuck!” I yelled, as visions of Rebel’s face flashed in my head. “You gotta be fucking kidding me!”

  Becky turned to look up at me, wiggling her ass at me again.

  “You okay, darlin’?” she drawled.

  “Shit. Yeah, sorry Becky, this ain’t fucking happening after all.”

  She stood up, pressed her red lips to mine quickly and smiled.

  “No problem, Mason,” she shrugged. “It happens. You’ve had a lot to drink.”

  “Yeah, I guess…” I mumbled. This shit never happened to me, no matter how much I drank. No, this had nothing to do with alcohol and everything to do with a rebellious hellion of a woman.

  I gave Becky a hug, and just as I was regaining my thoughts, I heard the loud slam of the door behind us. I turned quickly, catching the sight of black hair before the door closed and the sound of footsteps running down the hall filled my ears.


  It had to be Rebel, and the last thing she needed to see was me in a naked embrace with Becky.

  I dressed, gave Becky a quick kiss, and ran down the hall after Rebel.

  But she was nowhere to be found. After five minutes of looking around, I gave up and returned to the bar, my buzz having disappeared already.

  I sighed as I sat drinking from the bottle slowly and slowly smoking a joint I pulled from my pocket. Becky emerged from the back room, flashing me a sweet smile as she walked back outside.
br />   That was not how it was supposed to be. Up until now, my life had been once easy fuck after another. Easy. Two consenting adults addressing a mutual need, and once fulfilled, going their own separate ways. No messy feelings. No disappointing relationships or expectations getting in the way. No broken hearts or yearning for better days.

  Nothing lasted forever, and I wasn’t so delusional that I thought I could ever have something with Rebel. It was impossible.

  It was my cock that was having a hard time believing it, as it slowly began growing again now, betraying me for a second time.

  I sat there for over an hour, trying to forget everything, going over all the details regarding tomorrow in my mind, but repeatedly interrupted by flashes of Rebel.

  Rebel, at twelve, learning to ride her bike, the smile that lit up her face when she finally got the hang of it and went around the block by herself the first time. Rebel, crying and trembling in fear as the cops brought her home after her first shoplifting adventure. Rebel, walking up to me that first day in the shop, pretending to be brave, pretending to be someone else, before I kissed her, before her luscious lips kissed me back.

  Fuck this shit. I couldn’t just sit here bathing myself in her memory.

  I needed to pee, so I stumbled to the bathroom at the end of the long hallway near the bedroom. As I approached, the door opened, and Rebel came out giggling and adjusting her clothes, followed by a very sheepish looking Maverick.

  “What the fuck?” I bellowed, throwing the birthday boy up against the wall.

  “Nothing happened, Mason, I swear!” I was choking him, holding him up against the wall with one hand, my other hand balled up in a fist ready to punch his teeth out.

  “Wait!” Rebel screamed, trying to pull me off of him. “Nothing happened, for fuck’s sake, Mason - let him go!”

  I took a deep breath, looking into Maverick’s eyes, the red I was seeing clearing from my vision.

  “We were just talking, that’s all!”

  I let go of Maverick, pushed him down the hall, and quickly turned to Rebel. Anger flashed in my eyes. Anger that she would go into a room alone with Maverick. Anger that she would show up at our party dressed like that. Anger that she had come back into my life the way she had, a hot mess of gorgeous woman and hot pussy that I couldn’t resist. Anger that she was the only woman in the world that my cock was responding to.


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