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SAVING REBEL: Renegade Rebels Motorcycle Club

Page 20

by Palomino, Honey

  “I thought you'd never get here -”

  The volt of electricity shot through my body like lightening. My body fell to the floor in a spasming seizure of pain and shock. Pete's boot hit me square in the stomach as I lay there, gasping for air.

  My front door slammed and I heard the deadbolt slide into place. My first thought was of my gun, which was safely tucked away, yet loaded and ready to go, in my night table next to my bed. Mustering every bit of strength, I pulled my legs up under me, trying desperately to gain traction to crawl into my bedroom.

  Pete's fingers dug into my hair, ripping strands from my head as he violently pulled me back from the hallway and into the living room. He picked me up and threw me on the couch. The ripping sounds of duct tape filled the room as he began taping my ankles together. Despite the massive weakness that had torn through my muscles, I vainly attempted to kick him. His laughter filled the room as he easily caught my legs in one hand and successfully taped them together.

  “Stop fighting, bitch. It's no use.” His rancid breath burned my eyes as he caught my flailing hands in his and taped them together. I tried to bring my knees up to hit him in the groin, but with my ankles taped so tightly I couldn't reach him.

  “Stop it! Let me go, Pete! What the fuck do you think you're doing?” My speech was slurred and I could hardly move, the pain of the voltage that had run through my body still lingering.

  “I know exactly what I'm doing, you cunt. Just shut the fuck up.” He taped my screaming mouth and I winced as the tape pulled at the sensitive skin of my lips.

  After looking me over and determining that I was restrained to his satisfaction, Pete left me there and began slowly walking around my apartment. He looked at the picture over my mantle of my parents on their bikes, a small little girl sitting behind her Daddy in pig tails and a miniature leather Blackhearts MC vest of her very own, smiling happy and proud. He picked up the picture next to it, one of me, Tommy and Mabel taken on my 16th birthday when Tommy had given me a bike of my own. Two of the happiest moments of my life, and this scum bag was intruding upon them. I glared at him, fighting against my restraints with every ounce of strength I had left, which wasn't much.

  I had never been tazed before, but the jolts were still stinging me, and my muscles were cramping from being tied up. The pain was excruciating, and while I was doing my best to ignore it, fighting back was becoming less and less of a possible way of getting out of this.

  I would have to talk him out of it somehow. He turned to me, his eyes rimming with evil. “Olivia LaVelle. Darling of the Blackhearts. And look at you now...” his voice trailed off as he approached

  me, reaching out and fingering one of my long, black curls. “You're all grown up now, aren't you?” My stomach churned as he reached down and pinched one of my nipples through my shirt. Once a creep, always a creep. This guy hadn't changed one bit, and I couldn't wait to get my hands on my gun so I could rip a bullet right through his prick. Anger welled up in me, replacing any fleeting fears I might have had. I thought of Crow showing up at any moment, and I knew he would help get me out of this.

  “I know you don't like me. That's okay.” He leaned in close again, his eyes staring into mine as he spoke. “I never liked you either. Or your fucking father, for that matter. The only thing I wanted was to be a prospect for the Blackhearts, and he was the only one that wouldn't let me in. It wasn't because of my age. He wasn't having it. No matter what I did to try to please him, to show him I could be loyal. Every time I asked, he would tell me that he could see right through me. Said he saw the evil in me, that he didn't trust me one bit. For no fucking reason at all. He just had a 'feeling'. Well, fuck his feelings! He's dead now, isn't he?”

  I narrowed my eyes as he spoke of my father, my rage settling deeper with his every word.

  “And I'm still alive,” he continued, his eyes intense with rage. “Only now, I'm part of an even bigger gang, aren't I, sweet Liv? We both are. We're a part of the police force. The biggest, baddest gang in any city. Corrupt, powerful, insanely armed, and completely protected by the almighty law! We can do anything we want to do, no matter how vile.”

  His voice was rising in excitement and anger, tiny droplets of spit forming at the sides of his mouth as he continued his tirade.

  “The most perfect gang of them all, don't you think?”

  He allowed me a brief reprieve from his disgusting closeness as he straightened and began walking around the room again, only to return and nudge in ever closer.

  “No, of course you don't think that. You must be so conflicted, Liv. Poor, poor Liv. Trying so hard to please your precious Tommy, not knowing for a second that you were just set up. You went into that MC assignment with such good intentions. You are so naive. You do know that now, right? The DA sent you right into Crow's bed. You were just a decoy, a distraction. A piece of pussy to make Crow look the other way so that the DA could bring him down. And you didn't hesitate, did you? Oh, no you didn't. Once a whore, always a whore. You jumped on Crow's cock like it was a ride at Disneyland, you little cunt. I knew what you were, even back when we were kids together. You knew it, too. Once that MC blood is pumping through your system, there's no going back to the monotony of a life outside of the club. We both know what you are. A whore. I know you wanted to fuck me that night after your parents died. You pretended you didn't, and I have to say - that was real brave of you to knee me in the dick, I'll give you that.”

  Sweat trickled down my back, as I drank in his words. I eyed the empty wine bottle on the table, hoping for a moment that he might turn his back so I could grab it and smash it right into his lying mouth.

  “You were going through a lot, I know. You had just lost both of your precious parents. And I'm real sorry about that, Liv. I didn't know your Mom was going to be on the back of that bike. I only meant for your Dad to die, but it was better that they went together, don't you think? Your Mom was drunken, drug-addicted whore, just like you.”

  I fought against his restraints, angry tears running down my face. What the fuck was he talking about? My parents died in a crash with a drunk truck driver, how could he have caused that?

  Responding to the glare on my face and the tears that pissed me off to no end, he laughed at my confusion once again.

  “I know, I know. The MC told you some lame fairy tale ending story. You were just a kid, what were they going to do? Tell you your parents were murdered? Nobody really knew the truth anyway. I cut the brake line on your Dad's bike. The fire did away with all the evidence. No suspicions, no evidence, no arrest.”

  He came closer, his hands grabbing a handful of my hair and pulling it down roughly, causing me to look into his murderous eyes. I was dumbfounded. Was all of this true? It certainly could be. There was never an inquiry into my parents death at all. It was written off as a horrible accident, and that was it. I had never imagined any different. My heart sank with the idea that this evil asshole had anything to do with it.

  “And now, here you are again. Haunting me. I thought I was finished with you, but when the DA told me who I would be going in with, I knew there would be trouble. I knew you would recognize me. I didn't know you'd throw yourself on the fucking president of the club like a hussy, but I should have figured that. But you didn't know, did you? You didn't know I was a cop, and I loved that. I loved fucking with your stupid little head. And the DA was right – you were the perfect distraction for Crow. And you worked so fast, it was perfect.”

  “Once I planted the coke, I knew I had to get rid of you after you saw me. I figured the best way would be to get Crow to kill you himself. Keep my hands clean. I wasn't counting on the hardened criminal to fall for you and not kill you. What an idiot. You got lucky, I guess. Well, sort of. You didn't die, but you didn't get your man, either, did you? Crow hates you now. Your name is the one thing that is banned from being uttered at the clubhouse, and he still hasn't figured out there's another cop in there.”

  “The DA's idea to send you in was
pure genius, don't you think?”

  I strained again, trying to talk through the duct tape on my mouth. He smiled sadistically at me, and reached up and pulled it off quickly. The pain ripped through my face.

  “Did you have something you want to say?” “Why are you telling me all of this, you stupid motherfucker?”

  His eyes went cold as he looked at me, a small smile slowly spreading across his face.

  “Because after I finally fuck you, I'm going to kill you.” His eerie whisper cut right through my anger, the fear returning like a flame in my heart. “And I figured you should know the truth before you die.”

  The reality of my situation hit me like a brick. I couldn't move away from him, and as my eyes caught the silver glint of the large blade he had removed from the sheath hanging from his belt, I once again prayed that Crow got here sooner than later. The one thing I had going for me was that Crow was coming, and Pete didn't know that.

  His creepy smile was now plastered across his face. He slid the sharp blade across me, beginning just under my eye, and moving down my cheek, finally trailing over the redness near my lips where the tape had been. It felt like a feather tickling my skin as he moved it down to my neck and across my chest. He grabbed my shirt with his free hand and sliced down the front of it with the knife. I shuddered as my bare tits fell out in front of him.

  I had never hated anyone in my life, until now. His scarred face was twisted into a display of pure evil as he scraped the tip of the knife against my nipple, outlining the circle of it, over and over as I tried to squirm away from him.

  “Now, now. I'm going to have to insist that you be completely still or I'm going to have to taze you again.” The tazer lay a foot away from us on the coffee table, it's danger silently threatening me of more pain.

  I would have to beat him at his own game somehow.

  “Pete. Please.”

  He stopped and looked at me curiously.

  “What? Are you begging now? Please what?”

  “Let me go. I won't tell anyone you were here, I won't tell anyone what you told me, or that I saw you in the club office. I promise. I haven't told anyone. I don't want any more trouble, I promise you I won't tell a soul. Just let me go now, and we can forget this ever happened. Seriously. Please.”

  “Let you go? Are you fucking kidding me, bitch? There's no way I'm letting you go. I came here to fuck you, and that's what I'm planning on doing. And then, well, the rest is just a nasty side effect, but I don't mind it.”

  “Pete, you don't have to kill me. Look, I'll let you fuck me, just please, please let me go.”

  “Why should I believe you? You're a fucking cop, for god's sake. Cops are the biggest liars ever, you think I would ever believe anything you said? What a fucking joke. Do you think I'm stupid, I -”

  The roar of Crow's bike interrupted him. I was overwhelmed with relief and fear all at once. Pete stood up and looked out the window. As soon as he saw Crow's bike, I saw his hands start shaking.

  “What the fuck is he doing here?”

  Pete picked me up and pulled a gun from the holster on his hip, holding it to my head.

  “Don't fucking do or say anything, you understand? I will shoot you in a second, you hear me?”

  I nodded and tried to cover my bare breasts. I could only hop along as he pulled me to the door. Crow's knock was the only sound in the room, until Pete slowly unlocked the deadbolt. Taking two steps back, he pulled me with him, his gun still firmly planted against my temple.

  “Tell him to come in.”

  “C-come in,” I called out, my voice shaking.

  Time seemed to be frozen as I watched the door knob turn slowly and the door swing open.

  “Hey, babe, I -” Crow stopped in place, the sight of me with my exposed breasts and Pete holding a gun to my head a completely unexpected sight for him.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Crow?” Pete asked.

  Crow looked at me, and I shook my head, hoping he wouldn't do anything to suddenly piss off Pete and make him pull the trigger. Pete had come here with the intention of killing me and I knew now that he wouldn't hesitate to do it.

  “What the fuck are YOU doing here, Pete?”

  “Well, fuck.” Pete said, digging the gun deeper into my skin. “I came here to fuck your little lady here and then I was going to kill her, but now that you are here, I guess we get to change things up a little.”

  “Dude, are you out of your mind? You know she's a cop, right? You're going to kill a cop? Seriously?”

  “Apparently, I'm going to kill you both.”

  “Pete. You really need to rethink this. I don't know what is going on in that head of yours, but you really think killing a cop and the president of an MC is something you are just going to walk away from?”

  “Yes, actually, I do,” Pete replied, snarling at Crow. “Because if you haven't figured it out already, I'm a cop, too. And we all know that cops get away with anything they want. I've got the power of the DA behind me. The DA that you decided to beat up. You remember him, right? Even though you went to jail for a few years, it wasn't enough for him. He's had it out for you ever since you went in. So, yeah, if I kill you both, nothing is going to happen to me. You can bet your dead ass I'm not worried about that.”

  “You have really fucked up, Pete. There's no way you are getting out of this.”

  “Don't you worry about me, Crow. I'll be just fine. Now, go into the bedroom. I have some unfinished business with this cunt here, and the best part is that it'll be the last thing you get to see.”

  Crow led the way into the bedroom and Pete picked me up by my waist, the gun still pointed at my head as he pulled me into the bedroom and dropped me on the bed.

  My gaze met Crow's and I motioned with my eyes to the top drawer of my bedside table, hoping he would get the message. With a barely discernible nod of his head, my hopes lifted.

  “Sit down,” Pete instructed Crow, his gun pointing at both of us as he indicated the chair directly next to my gun-holding night stand. Crow sat slowly, his eyes never leaving Pete for a second.

  “Pete, come on! You can still let us go, you don't have to do this!” I pleaded, hoping some how I would get through to him and we could end this without violence.

  “Fuck you, bitch.” He stood at the end of the bed, one hand pointing the gun, and the other hand unbuttoning his jeans. His cock fell out of his boxers, and he walked over to me.

  “Don't you fucking move, Crow, you understand? You just sit there and watch.” “I'm going to fucking kill you, Pete, you know that right?” Crow said, his eyes glued to the gun.

  “Not if I kill you first, you fucking prick. Now open up, bitch. Suck my cock.”

  Pete pulled back on my hair, my mouth opening as I cried out in pain. As soon as he shoved his cock in my mouth, I bit down as hard as I could, salty blood filling my mouth, and a savage cry filling my ears as he fell down to the ground screaming in pain, the gun falling from his hand to the ground beside him.

  In seconds, Crow had retrieved my gun and was standing over Pete, the barrel of my gun pressing directly into Pete's forehead. With the tip of his boot, he kicked Pete's gun to the corner of the room, and then placed his foot squarely on Pete's chest.

  “You are one stupid motherfucker, aren't you asshole?” “Should I shoot him, Liv?”


  Steak. Potatoes. Beer. I was trying this dinner thing again with Crow.

  It had been a harrowing few days, but after eighteen stitches and several days recovering while handcuffed to a hospital bed, Pete had spilled the beans on the DA and confessed to everything for a plea deal. He would be in jail a good, long while, but the DA would be in prison even longer. All of the charges were dropped against Mr. C and the club immediately.

  I pulled up on my bike to my apartment with all the groceries in a backpack on my back, and noticed Crow waiting for me. We had sure gotten off to a dramatic and rocky start, but everything seemed to be smoo
thing out just fine.

  When I first told Tommy of my plans, he was very disappointed. My one and only assignment on the force had shown me the truly ugly side of the law and I wanted to be on the other side. I had decided I was going to be a defense attorney. Not that there wasn't an ugly side to all of that, too, but I wanted to be there for the people who were falsely accused. Seeing the pain and turmoil that the club had gone through because of an old vendetta of some power hungry District Attorney had turned me into a fierce proponent for the truth. He was slowly coming around, and I knew in a few more days I would have his full support.

  But for tonight, I was determined to forget about everything and just enjoy another night in Crow's arms. But first, steak!

  “Hi,” I said as I walked up to him after getting off my bike. He grabbed my back pack and walked with me to the door.

  “Hi, babe.” His kiss was warm and gentle and I smiled up at him, filled with happiness.

  “I got steak. Um..again. Maybe we can actually eat it this time.” His laugh was infectious, and I gazed into his eyes, watching the crinkles form around them. He looked relaxed and happy for once. It was a welcome sight to see.

  I unlocked the front door and he sat the bag on the counter as I locked it back. Before I knew it, he was on me. Turning me towards him, he pinned me against the door, his hard cock pressing against me and his hot lips kissing my neck.

  “Crow...” I moaned his name, my knees weakening for desire for this man once again. This man that I couldn't get enough of. This man that had changed my life in one quick moment. This man that I wanted to spend the rest of my life trying to cook steaks for.

  “Yes, baby?” His lips caught mine in a lust filled kiss, his cock hardening in my hand as I reached into his pants to grab him.

  “The steaks, Crow. The steaks...”

  “Liv, if you're going to be an old lady, you are just going to have to get used to this. The President gets what the President wants.” His eyes looked into mine, twinkling mischievously.


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