The Billionaire's Demands (A Boardrooms and Billionaires Series Book) (Entangled Indulgence)

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The Billionaire's Demands (A Boardrooms and Billionaires Series Book) (Entangled Indulgence) Page 11

by Fox, Addison

  While he wasn’t surprised at the revelation, a hard stone of annoyance lodged in his chest at the news. The stupid, spineless wanker had kissed and caressed Camryn. Had made love to her. “Why did you break up?”

  “Because I couldn’t think of one reason to stay with him.”

  “That doesn’t sound promising.”

  A small smile ghosted her lips. “It wasn’t, but that didn’t stop several people from suggesting I was making a serious mistake walking away from a relationship with Patrick Martindale, up-and-coming financier.”

  “We’ve covered a few of his deals in the FJ. He is definitely up and coming.”

  “And entirely too obsessed with making money.” Camryn turned back toward the window. He couldn’t stop his gaze from roaming over her profile. The long column of her throat was regal and elegant, and the soft sweep of cheekbone as it rose toward her upswept hair captivated him.

  Had he ever wanted to simply touch another woman so badly? The need burned under his skin until he was clenching his hands into fists to keep from reaching out. “There are those who say earning money is the only sign of success.”

  “Do you think that?”

  “Do you?” For reasons he couldn’t explain, Booth was curious to know her answer.

  Camryn turned away once more from the window and unhooked her seat belt, moving to the leather seat opposite his. “I know I live a fortunate life. I’ve never had to deal with the fear of not paying my bills or not being able to take a vacation or go out for a meal. I’m deeply grateful for what I have.”

  “I hear a ‘but’ in there.”

  “But I’ve never understood putting money before everything else.”

  “Some would say your work ethic suggests otherwise.”

  A hard laugh welled up in her throat. “People see what they want to see, Booth.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I work hard because I’ve been given gifts in my life and to sit around like a sloth is hardly showing my gratitude. Further, what else would I do with my time? I have talents. Responsibilities. It’s hardly interesting to me to think of sitting around all day doing nothing.”

  The conviction in her words was telling—as was her assessment of her life. Booth had known of the McBride sisters for years and had followed their progress in the media industry. The existing wisdom was that they were workaholics in the extreme. But hearing it from Camryn’s point of view, he sensed something else: a woman who took great pride in her ability to accomplish goals and dreams. “Let me guess. Patrick had a problem with your ambition?”

  “Among other things.”

  “What other things?”


  “Come on, Camryn. It’s something.” Booth leaned forward and took one of her hands in his own. “What is it?”

  “Really, Booth. It’s nothing.”

  The bleak look in Camryn’s gaze suggested otherwise, but Booth gave her space.

  For now.


  The flight passed in comfortable silence and Camryn was grateful. She’d been concerned after the first hour, when Booth’s questions had hit far too close for comfort, that it was going to be an interminably long ride. While she wasn’t completely unwilling to share herself with others—and whatever else he was, Booth was fast becoming a friend—she could hardly be expected to share the embarrassing details of her personal relationship with Patrick.

  Come on baby, you’re so cold. Lighten up. Be a bit more adventurous. Live a little, in bed and out.

  Patrick’s harsh assessment echoed through her mind as memories assailed her and the words on the page of her book vanished as she went under, caught in the memory of their relationship.

  Although Patrick hadn’t been her first serious relationship since breaking up with Matt, he had lasted the longest. And where she’d initially thought them compatible, she’d quickly learned otherwise. He had resented her professional accomplishments, her time spent at work, her time spent with others. It hardly mattered that he had a series of interests of his own; whenever she engaged in aspects of her own life, he was resentful.

  It still chafed that she’d stayed with him as long as she had. So it was more than a little satisfying that Patrick, of all people, would be the one to see her and Booth in the lobby of the hotel.

  Unable to hold back the smile, she could still feel the imprint of Booth’s hand on her back like a brand. He’d come to her rescue, even if she could acknowledge that some of his actions may have been the selfish motivation of a male marking his territory.

  And why was that so damned sexy? She was a modern woman, for heaven’s sake. Surely she wasn’t looking to be branded like a possession?

  But try as she might, she couldn’t ignore that bass drum of desire that beat in her blood, alive and well under her skin. She enjoyed Booth’s company and she was wildly attracted to him, two of the most necessary ingredients in contemplating someone you wanted to get naked with. Add on the highly appealing qualities of trust and respect and she wasn’t finding it all that easy to keep resisting. She’d been so focused on waiting until they were past the trip to think about a fling, but maybe this was the perfect time and place. Away from prying eyes and out of their normal element.

  “Look out the window.”

  Camryn was pulled from her sexy and decidedly wicked musings by Booth’s comment. She looked through the small airplane window next to her. Light, fluffy clouds hovered by the glass as they descended toward the island visible in the distance. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Isn’t it?” Booth took the seat next to her and buckled in. “We’re kicking off the conference tonight with a luau on the beach. It loosens everyone up and the weather will be gorgeous.”

  “I just have to say it again, Mr. Harrison. You really do know how to entertain.”

  “We’ve had a big year at the FJ. It’s only right to support the people who got us there.”

  Whether by coincidence or some cosmic intent, Camryn couldn’t help but compare Booth’s words with her remembered conversations with Patrick. “You really do see your work as a team effort.”

  “Absolutely. I may be the head of the team and of course own more of the responsibility, but I can’t do it alone and I’d hardly want to. Rewarding them properly isn’t just good business sense. It’s a hell of a lot of fun.”

  “It’s more than that.”

  “How so?”

  “You don’t see others’ success as a threat.”

  “Why should I?” His gaze clouded over before those amazing blue eyes grew clear with understanding. “Let me guess. There have been other men in your life who haven’t been quite so magnanimous.”


  “I knew that guy was a wanker.”

  Camryn let out a giggle. “I assume you mean Patrick?”

  “Damn straight.”

  “Apt description. But sadly, he’s not the only one in my life who’s acted like an ass. My father could give him a run for his money.”

  Once more, a world of emotions painted his face before he seemed to settle on a thought. “I want you to do me a favor.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You’re in Hawaii for the next three days. I’d like you to make me a promise.”

  “All right.”

  “Let me show you that whatever experiences you’ve had to date aren’t universally indicative of male behavior. Let me show you that I’m different, Camryn.”

  The pull of his gaze consumed her and with no small measure of clarity did Camryn realize she didn’t want to escape. Didn’t want to put Booth in the same box as the other men who had shaped her thoughts and decisions, goals, and dreams. Didn’t want to miss out on what might be possible between them.

  “Yes, Booth. I’d like you to show me.”


  Camryn moved around her luxurious hotel room, a light ocean breeze playing through the windows as she unpacked. The fresh scent of salt water capti
vated her, a soothing balm to her raging thoughts of the last few days.

  Her hand stilled over the material of one of the dresses Sinclair sent her with and she imagined the dress covering her body, Booth’s hands running over that same swath of silk. The shift from material to skin as his hands explored her body.

  Delved into her secrets.

  The ringing of her phone pulled her from the heated fantasy and it took her a moment to reorient herself to the room. Snatching her phone off the bed, she purposely tamped down the irritation rising to the surface. “Camryn McBride.”

  “Cam, it’s Brandon. I’m sorry to bother you but we’ve had a development on the Morrison buy that you need to know about.”

  “You’re not bothering me at all.” She sat down on the bed, the silk print forgotten. “What’s going on?”


  Booth knocked on Camryn’s door, already anticipating the moment she answered. Damn, when had he grown so fanciful? Or so impatient? He was a man who prided himself on his patience, and Camryn McBride tested every single bit of it.

  He’d barely removed his hand from the door when it flung open, his vision standing across the threshold. Only in his vision, heated sparks of anger didn’t flare from her eyes and when she dragged him through the door in his fantasy it was with sexual impatience, not raw fury. “How dare you do this to me?”

  “Do what?”

  “Bring me here simply to get me out of the city.”

  “What?” The virago who turned on him was such a surprise he actually took a step back. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “You. Your family! That’s what’s wrong with me.”

  The anger sparking off of her had him nearly taking another step back before he caught himself. “Camryn, calm down and tell me what’s going on.”

  “You really don’t know?”

  “Know what?”

  “We lost the Morrison deal.”

  “The magazine you were buying? Deals fall through all the time.” He lifted his shoulders, the shrug designed to calm her but he saw the moment he miscalculated.

  Another layer of anger painted itself across her face, tightening her normally lush lips into a thin line. “Yes, the magazine I was buying. It might seem like small potatoes to you, but it was a huge acquisition goal and part of my target plans for the year.”

  “Okay. So what happened?”

  She stopped where she paced across the room and turned on him. “You really don’t know?”

  His own anger began to spark under his skin and his tone was clipped as his words shot back at her in a hard volley. “How the hell should I know anything? You’re not saying a single word that makes any sense.”

  “I lost the deal with Morrison. Seems someone whispered in Morrison’s ear that it was a bad choice to sell to us. Rumors are that it came from the FJ.”

  Something dark settled in the pit of his stomach, catching him unaware with the raw stab of pain that shot through his chest. “And you thought it was me?”

  “You are the head of the FJ. Its public face and leader.”

  “So that means I’m out to sabotage your goals for McBride?”

  “No. Yes.” She ran a hand through her hair, the tones of her voice softening as she dropped to edge of the bed. “I’m here. Out of the way. It’s convenient.”

  “You honestly think I was responsible? Or that I’d somehow engineer this trip to screw you over?”

  “You’re the head of the Financial Journal and you’ve made no secret of wanting to get me into bed.”

  Whatever anger she’d carried when he’d crossed the threshold had nothing on the raging hurricane that blew through him. Without thinking, he moved to her, dragging her into his arms. “Let me give you a clue, sweetheart. I don’t need games to get a woman into my bed and I’m damn sick of the one we’re playing.”

  His lips crashed down on hers and he felt the briefest struggle, barely a token protest, before her arms wrapped around his neck and she kissed him back. Fury still rode her tongue but victory was sweet as his own dominated, sweeping through her mouth and taking possession. Soft mewls of pleasure escaped her throat and he captured those too, desperate to take all she had to offer.

  And more.

  Long moments later, when he finally lifted his head, he couldn’t hold back the rush of masculine pride at the dazed look that hovered over her features or the bemused smile that framed the corners of her mouth.

  He sighed, reluctantly letting her go. “I need to get downstairs and greet my guests.”

  “I suppose you do.”


  Camryn wended her way through the crowd at the luau and, in yet another example of “what you see isn’t what you get,” was forced to adjust her impressions of the Financial Journal and its staff. Where she’d expected stodgy, quiet banker types, all buttoned up in suits, the smiling, jovial bunch who gathered on the beach for the opening night luau was a pleasant surprise.

  The lingering frustration over her lost deal had her eyeing some of the reporters with suspicion, but Booth’s heated assurance that he had nothing to do with the lost deal had gone a surprisingly long way toward assuaging her anger. As did the fact that she still felt the brand of Booth’s mouth on her lips.

  Deals did fall through all the time and the FJ was a respected resource for those making financial decisions. Hell, she’d used the paper as a resource more than a time or two in her career. She’d figure out how to fix this—already had a few ideas attempting to poke through the sexual haze Booth had woven—and she’d hit the ground running when she got home. In the meantime…

  Her gaze strayed toward Booth, clad in a pair of khaki shorts and Hawaiian print shirt. His calves were thick with muscle and his broad shoulders were shown off to perfection under the vibrant silk material. She’d suffered through more than a few shivers as she thought about that large body wrapped around hers, and diligently tried to focus on the people in her conversation circle instead.

  “I loved that piece you all did on Hollywood’s biggest donors to charity. It was a thoughtful article, yet still a lot of fun.”

  Camryn keyed back in to the conversation, delighted a piece they’d run in their entertainment weekly, Personality, had left such an impression on Charlotte, the woman she’d been chatting with for the better part of an hour. “Thanks. My sister had a lot of fun putting that together.”

  “Did she actually meet those celebrities?”

  “She did.” Camryn leaned in, more than willing to share a few fun tidbits. “And yes, Channing Tatum really is that gorgeous and really that in love with his family.”

  Hearts practically floated around Charlotte’s head. “How lovely.”

  “Mayson enjoyed everyone she met on that project.”

  The others in their conversation floated off to refill their drinks and Camryn was left with the older woman. “My husband teases me about my love of celebrities. He seems to forget he’s number one in my heart.”

  “Well, men need reminding from time to time.”

  Charlotte lifted her piña colada in a toast. “Which is why I read the sex tips in Modern Woman religiously. He may be number one in my heart, but I find he understands that better when he’s also number one in my bed. Especially after three kids and about forty pounds between us.”

  Camryn laughed at the woman’s good-natured joke and exaggerated pat on her rear end. “You’re gorgeous and you clearly have your priorities in order. I’d say he’s a lucky man.”

  “Damn straight.” Charlotte lifted her glass once more before her smile turned thoughtful. “Speaking of lucky men, Booth Harrison is quite a catch.”

  “He’s a good man.”

  “That he is. It’s a wonder no one’s snapped him up yet.” Charlotte took one more sip on her drink, her expression about as innocent as a small child caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  A loud call to order prevented Camryn from saying anything. The evening’s entertainment was about to begin and they
were asked to take their seats. “It was nice to meet you, Charlotte.”

  “You too. And think about what I said.”

  “About what?”

  “Oh, honey.” The older woman patted her arm. “I think you already know.”

  Camryn navigated the throng of people, Charlotte’s words still echoing in her ears, when the sound of her name caught her up short. Turning, she saw West Harrison striding toward her, his arms outstretched for a hug. With a bright smile she didn’t feel, she amped up the wattage for her sister’s father-in-law. “Mr. Harrison. It’s lovely to see you again.”

  The man pulled her into a tight hug before letting her go. “Glad you’re here, my girl. Welcome to paradise.”

  West’s warm smile nearly had her fumbling but she kept her smile in place like an old pro while she wondered what he was up to. “Thank you.”

  “When did you get in?”

  “A few hours ago.”

  “With Booth, right?”

  If West’s comment was meant to prove how little he missed, Camryn was just small enough to want to squelch the satisfaction. “Booth and I did travel together. He was kind enough to get me in on a business dinner he’d planned with some Asian investors last night in San Francisco.”

  “That’s my boy. Always quick to bring a bright and vivid dining companion along with him.”

  Camryn kept her smile firmly in place, but couldn’t hold back the retort that sprang to her lips. “Fortunately I had quite a lot to discuss with the investors about our plans at McBride. They seemed rather taken with some of the growth strategies Keira and I have been working on.”

  If he caught the dig, West ignored it. “Sorry to hear about the Morrison deal. Better luck next time, kiddo.”

  “I wasn’t aware the news was public.”

  His eyes flashed and she didn’t miss that spark of triumph. “I don’t miss much.”

  “I’m sure you don’t.”

  “Good, good. Excellent. Let me walk you to our table. We’re all together.”

  The accusation was nearly past her lips when she pulled it back. Had West been the leak to Morrison? She wanted to ask him but decided to play out the charade. There’d be plenty of time for words later—now was her chance to observe and analyze.


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