The Billionaire's Demands (A Boardrooms and Billionaires Series Book) (Entangled Indulgence)

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The Billionaire's Demands (A Boardrooms and Billionaires Series Book) (Entangled Indulgence) Page 12

by Fox, Addison

  It was curious, the man’s sudden interest in her. While his behavior never quite hit the mark of overtly rude, his call to her office had been more than a bit unsettling. Add on the subtle dig about her lost deal and she knew he was playing her. What she couldn’t understand was his motive. Although Booth’s comment the day before about his father’s ruthless behavior had been illuminating, it still didn’t explain why West would bother himself with her business.

  Other than the dinner at Keira’s, they’d spent very little time in each other’s company, yet after making his jabs, here he was treating her as if she were the dearest of family. No wonder the man’s children struggled with him, if this was how he behaved in the simplest of matters. “Where’s Mrs. Harrison this evening?”

  “She’s been to her fair share of these events so I let her stay home and sit this one out.”

  Let her stay home?

  Yet again, the man’s not-so-subtle chauvinism wasn’t lost on her, but Camryn kept her thoughts to herself. She wasn’t the one married to West Harrison and while his attitude saddened her, unfortunately, there were some battles others had to fight on their own.

  They made their way through the crowd and West peppered her with jovial conversation. “Have you met Jeff Saunders? He’s the head of a key securities firm in the city. Bright up-and-comer. Would be great for a profile in your news magazine.”

  West’s comment caught her off guard and she fumbled for a moment before righting herself. “I’d…love to talk with him. It’s always great to meet new people who are doing newsworthy things.”

  “Here we are.” West made quick introductions while gesturing Camryn to the table, and before she could think twice about it, she was seated next to Jeff, his attention fully focused on her as he regaled her with his latest business accomplishments.

  Conversation swirled around them and Camryn fought to keep herself engaged in Jeff’s words, even as she wondered at the man’s endless boasting. While she knew her sisters were often pitched ideas for the McBride publications, as CFO she was rarely called on—if ever—to take pitches for editorial ideas.

  “West has been fantastic about giving me editorial coverage in the FJ. I’ll be in touch later this week so we can get some coverage in your magazine.”

  “Why don’t you give me your card and I’ll shoot a note to my editorial director. If she’s interested, I’m sure she’ll follow up quickly.”

  Jeff pulled the requested card from his front shirt pocket. “What’s her name?”

  “Elizabeth Drake.”

  “I can give her a call on Monday.”

  She hadn’t spent years honing her boardroom politics for nothing. With a smile and firm tone, Camryn tapped his card on the table. “I’ll be sure to share your information. I’d like to respect Elizabeth’s process. If she’s interested, she’ll call you.”

  “Oh sure, sure.” For the first time, Jeff seemed to come up for air. “Sorry to be pushy. This is how I’ve been working with West and I just thought that’s how things go. I’m happy to buy an ad package if that helps.”

  “No, it’s no problem. Let me talk to editorial and get back to you. And if you’d like to talk to someone in ad sales I’m happy to connect you, but it’s not required to be considered for a piece in the publication.”

  “All right then.”

  The stage filled with their entertainment for the evening and Camryn turned to face the performers, Jeff’s words still ringing in her ears.

  This is how I’ve been working with West. I’m happy to buy an ad package.

  While she didn’t manage the editorial side of McBride’s business, she knew better than anyone that what they wrote and photographed for their magazines was meant to be separate from advertising. While the staff certainly made every effort to research their stories and present all companies and individuals in as positive a light as possible, they were journalists first and foremost. Ad budgets didn’t beget good press. Or editorial for that matter.

  Her father’s long-ago bluster echoed in her mind, the forgotten words suddenly vivid and bright as she remembered that day she and her sisters had won access to the Home and Family trade show. “We’re not in the business of giving publicity to freeloaders. They’re not even buying ads in our magazines.”

  Publicity and articles didn’t equate to ad pages, no matter how many ads you ran—or didn’t. Editors wrote what they thought fit the magazine and the sales team sold ads. Period.

  So what exactly was West doing if he was featuring businesses in exchange for ad space?

  And why had a distinctly uncomfortable boulder lodged in her gut?


  “You look awfully serious.”

  Booth took the empty seat next to Camryn’s. The entertainers were taking an intermission and everyone had left their tables to mix and mingle while getting drink refills or picking up desserts from a large buffet table.

  “How can I be serious at such a fun event?” Her smile was bright but Booth would have had to be blind to miss the fact that it didn’t reach her eyes.

  “Hence my question.”

  “I’m just thinking about my speech tomorrow. This is an impressive group of employees you’ve got. I need to bring my A-game.”

  “You always bring your A-game, Ms. McBride.” He resisted the urge to touch her in such a public venue, but he couldn’t resist leaning a bit closer as they spoke. The earthy sexuality of their earlier fight still had him gripped in a tight fist but the initial heat of anger had morphed into something far more like desire. And a dark craving that demanded action.

  “Careful, Booth. Your staff is already talking about us.”

  “Are they?” Irritation ran frustrated fingers up and down his spine. “Who?”

  “Oh no, I’m not making it that easy on you. But let’s just say several of your employees have a soft spot for you. They can’t figure out why you haven’t been snapped up yet and if I read the subtext in conversation, they seem to think I’m trying out for the position.”

  “Is that so?” He relaxed slightly at the comment. A bit of idle speculation wasn’t out-and-out gossip. Add on they were two single adults, free of attachments, and people would speculate even if they didn’t have a damn thing brewing between them.

  So let them speculate.

  Booth leaned in, his words whisper-soft against her ear. “Does this mean you’re open to some snapping?”

  “People may get ideas in their head.”

  “Let them.”

  She did turn at that, surprise that he’d push the issue here, especially in front of his staff, more than evident in her widened eyes. “This isn’t the time or the place.”

  “Maybe it is.”

  “We’ll discuss this later.”

  “With a walk on the beach.”


  “Say yes, Camryn.” An urgency filled his words—one he was helpless to hold back.

  In a strange repetition of their conversation on the plane, Booth was surprised to realize that once again he was asking her to say yes. And just like their conversation on the flight, he was filled with a deep satisfaction when she agreed, that one small word emitted on a breathless exhale.



  The lights of the hotel faded in the distance as Booth and Camryn walked along the beach. The heavy lap of waves echoed around them, and the night sky overhead was bright with stars.

  “It truly is paradise here,” she said. “It’s probably good Hawaii is so far away from the mainland. If it were close, no one would ever want to leave.”

  “Did you enjoy the luau?”

  “What a great way to kick off the conference. It was fun and lighthearted and it got people mixing and mingling. I loved the hula dancers. What about you?”

  “I loved watching you watch the entertainment.”

  She stopped and turned toward him. “You’re not going to back down, are you?”

  “Do you want me to back down?”
  “No—” Whatever else she was about to say faded as the heavy lap of waves punctuated the silence. On a light sigh, she continued. “No, I don’t want you to back down, but I do think discretion is in order.”

  Booth wanted to press her but he wanted her to come to him—all on her own—even more. With deliberate movements he came to a halt, turning to face her. “You have to know what you’re doing to me. You’re like a drug in my system, so powerful that I can’t think about anything else for wanting you.”

  “I know.”

  “How do you know?” His words came out sharper than he intended and in that moment Booth had to acknowledge just how close to the razor’s edge he walked in his need for her.

  “I see how you look at me and all I can think is that must be how I look at you.”

  “How’s that?”

  Her hair blew around her face in the light breeze off the ocean, moonlight sheening her skin in a soft glow. The confusion and subtle sense of mistrust that always kept her wary in his presence faded as the ocean crashed in the background. Whether it was his imagination or the overwhelming need he had for her, Booth had no idea, but in that moment he sensed—no, he felt—a change.

  Like the ocean tide that would erase all traces of them walking on the sand, her doubts seemed to fade away as well, acceptance washing away everything else. “Like you’re the only thing I can see. I want you. I’m not convinced it’s a good idea, but so help me I want you.”

  Booth didn’t even know he was holding his breath until it came out on a heavy rush of air. He dragged her into his arms, the long hours of waiting for her finally over.

  Her lips met his and as she opened her mouth, welcoming his tongue to tangle with hers, he tasted the sweetest victory.

  Chapter Nine

  For a decision that had filled her with endless questions over the last several months, Camryn was amazed at just how easy it was to say yes to Booth. She moved into his arms and pressed her body to his, his muscled frame a feast for her senses.

  Male power radiated off of him in waves, the heat of his skin at odds with the sweet night air that swirled around them both, and Camryn reveled in the contrast.

  He made love to her with his mouth, lips, and hands, his teeth and fingers drawing the most exquisite sensations. Camryn had the abstract worry they might be discovered, but a quick glance over his shoulder indicated they were alone on the beach. Secure in that knowledge, she used the moment to her advantage. With seeking fingers, she slipped a hand beneath the waistband of Booth’s shorts, his sharp intake of breath against her lips empowering her to be even bolder. With deliberate movements, she gripped the length of him, pumping his straining flesh with her hand.

  “Camryn—” He whispered her name out on a heavy moan and she maintained the pressure, satisfied by the immediate transformation in his composure. The arms that held her grew tight as he struggled against the demands of his body, and the thick lines of his chest pressed against her breasts, hardening her already-sensitized nipples where they brushed against him.

  “We can’t do this.” The words sounded as if they were dragged from his lips and despite his protests, he pushed his body against her, grinding into her palm.

  “I thought this was your idea?” She smiled against his lips, pleased when he reached out and nipped at her with his teeth.


  “I find I’m rather enjoying the role.”

  On a sigh that held a world of wanting, Booth reached for her wrist, staying the motion of her hand. “You’re making me crazy, but we can’t do this here.”


  “Practical. What I want to do to you is going to take a lot longer than ten minutes.”

  “Here’s to that.”

  His smile was broad and decidedly wicked, the white of his teeth reflecting back at her in the light of the moon. “Actually, here’s to us. And a very large bed.”

  They stumbled back toward the hotel and Camryn was amused to find her footing was off-kilter as her body shook with unfulfilled need.

  “This way!” Booth’s whisper was loud, drawing her attention as his arms pulled her off the path they walked back to the hotel.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To my bungalow.”

  “An entire bungalow? My, my, it’s good to be the boss.” The tease was light and airy and for the briefest moment Camryn marveled that it was her saying the words. When had she traded in her deliberate-all-the-angles personality for this playful, flirtatious attitude?

  The evidence was as clear as the large man who wrapped himself around her.


  It had all begun and ended with Booth.

  He made her see herself differently, and she liked what she saw. Liked the woman who was ready to throw caution to the wind for a round of sex on the beach. She and Booth fit and she was done passing up her chance at seeing just how well they fit. She’d worry about the rest of it when she got back to New York. For now, she was taking full advantage of some good old-fashioned Hawaiian relaxation.

  Booth fumbled with his key card and had the door knocking heavily back on its hinges as he slammed it open with his fist. Before she could tease him for his impatience, her world went horizontal as he lifted her off her feet. “What are you doing?”

  “Hedging my bet.” He pressed a quick kiss against her temple.

  “On what?”

  He stopped at the doorway and stared down at her. In the moonlight reflecting in the room, Camryn saw a world of emotion branded across his face. “I don’t want you to come to your senses and run.”

  “I have come to my senses.”

  “Oh?” Those emotions changed, morphing into a quick flash of disappointment.

  “Oh yes. And there’s no way I’m going anywhere.”


  Satisfaction bloomed in Booth’s chest. Over the last few months—and certainly the last few days—he’d almost felt as if he were trying to wear Camryn down, and that couldn’t be further from his intentions. She fascinated him and he believed they had something special between them. He only wanted an opportunity to see just how right he was. And how right they could be together.

  Music that must have been left on by the hotel’s turndown service played softly from built-in speakers, weaving a spell around them. He pulled Camryn close once more. “You nearly killed me on the beach.”

  “I should try my hand once more.” He laughed at the pun, amazed he could even crack a smile his body throbbed so desperately for release.

  As she collapsed in the circle of his arms, her own laughter shaking her shoulders, he was struck yet again by how different he felt when he was with her. Certainly sex was supposed to be enjoyable, but this had the added dimension of being comfortable all while being sexy as hell.

  It was a potent combination.

  “I think you’re wearing too many clothes.” He reached for the zipper on the back of her vibrant print dress, trailing his fingers over her spine as he parted the silky material. She shivered but stood proud and tall when the silk fell from her body, pooling around her feet. “Are you cold?”


  “Why the shiver?”

  “I’m a little nervous.”

  He leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss against her lips. “Me too.”

  The realization shocked him, but Booth knew with absolute certainty his comment was true. He was nervous. And excited. And so desperate for her he wasn’t sure he could hold out as long as he wanted to.

  “What do you have to be nervous about?”

  “I’ve got a beautiful woman in my arms and my body’s about to go off like a fourteen-year-old. And I’ve got a beautiful woman in my arms and I don’t want to mess this up. And, well, I’ve got a beautiful woman in my arms.”

  He saw her smile spread, full of feminine knowledge and power. Unlike earlier at dinner, this smile reached her eyes, those warm orbs golden brown in the subdued light of the room. Booth pulled her cl
ose, moving them both toward the bed. As he felt the edge with his leg, he dragged the covers down before pressing her into the sheets.

  “You’re still wearing too much.”

  “You’ve got on more than me.”

  “Not for long.” He shucked his clothing quickly, careful to drop his shorts in easy reach from the bed, then came down next to her, stretching out along her body.

  “Booth.” Her hand was gentle on his face as she traced the line of his jaw with her fingers. The sensation was tender yet erotic, and he marveled at how everything between them was a new sensation. More unique—more Camryn—than any experience of his life.

  “What, baby?”

  “Why us?”

  He shifted, rising up fully on his elbow to look down at her. “What do you mean?”

  “Nothing. I’m sorry. It’s silly.”

  “Not if you asked it. Come on. What’d you mean?”

  A light blush suffused her cheeks and he saw how vulnerability painted her face in tight lines. “I was just curious—”


  “Why us. And why now.” The light pink riding her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of rose. “I’m sorry. This is dumb and I’m ruining the moment.”

  “You’re not ruining anything.”

  “I’m certainly not helping anything either.”

  He sat up, this time pulling her with him until she was tucked under his arm. “Would you rather we not do this?”

  “No!” Her answer was so immediate—and so absolute—he could only wonder what else might be bothering her. “So what’s the matter?”

  “I just can’t believe you want to be with me.”

  “Can’t believe…” Booth broke off, his words fading as he thought about their morning. “Does this have anything to do with that asshole Patrick Martindale?”

  “Not directly. But, well, a little bit.” Camryn took a deep breath and he watched her gather her strength. When she finally spoke again, her voice was crisp and clear. “I’m sorry to bring him between us. Patrick certainly wasn’t my first, but he was the most recent. And at every turn I came up lacking in his eyes.”


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