Book Read Free


Page 23

by Sarah Castille

  “Great.” Matthew beamed.

  “What? Matthew? You’re abandoning me?” Grace feigned a pout, and Matthew’s face grew serious.

  “He’s much taller than you. He’ll be able to reach the net easier.” He gave her arm a gentle pat. “You can have him on your team next time.”

  Rocco laughed. “I have a feeling they are going to give us a run for our money.”

  “You’d better believe it.” Olivia dribbled the ball, showing off her fancy moves. She played with the kids every day and had been on the basketball team at college. When it came to basketball, Olivia took no prisoners.

  Five minutes in, and Grace had to admit Rocco was pretty damn good, too. Still, she’d played enough with Matthew and the other kids that she could hold her own, especially when he decided to shadow her around the court.

  “Get out my way,” she hissed in frustration as his huge body blocked her pass to Olivia. “This is supposed to be fun. Go block someone else.”

  Rocco laughed out loud. “Can’t handle the competition?”

  “I’ll give you competition.” She took a step and then bounced the ball sideways to Olivia who grabbed it and dribbled to the net. Quick as lightening, Matthew knocked it away and threw it into the net.

  “Score!” He shouted as the ball sailed through the net.

  “Good man.” Rocco gave him a high five and Matthew beamed.

  Grace’s heart warmed to see them together. This was a side of Rocco she’d never seen before. The only kid she’d ever seen Rocco with was Tom and their interactions had been limited to brief conversations about sports and video games during their drives to and from school.

  “He’s really good with Matthew,” Olivia said when they stopped for a water break. “And I like him, but he’s kind of intense. I mean, sitting on the front step all night, following you around everywhere … it’s kind of stalkerish.”

  Omertà means she couldn’t tell Olivia that he was either following her around because he was worried she was in danger from a crazy Mafia boss or that he was just waiting for an opportunity to get close to her father and brother because someone had contracted him to kill them. Even if she hadn’t been bound by Mafia rules, she couldn’t imagine sharing that kind of information. Who would believe her?

  “He’s not a stalker type. Overprotective? Maybe. But he would never hurt me.” So why was she even thinking about her father’s words? But how could she not?

  “I think you need some space,” Olivia said.

  “What do you mean space?”

  “He’s with you all the time. How can you sort out what you think and feel when he’s always there? We’re always telling our patients to establish boundaries, but it’s not always easy to follow our own advice. Tell him to back off for a bit. No one’s going to die.”

  Grace drained her water bottle. “He thinks I’m in danger,” she said quietly.

  “From whom?”

  “Business associates of my dad.”

  “What kind of people is your dad involved with…?” Olivia trailed off, and her eyes widened. “Is that the real reason he’s in the hospital? I thought he was just in a wrong place at the wrong time kind of thing, and I didn’t want to ask because you’d already been through something like that with your mom.” She sucked in a sharp breath. “What’s he involved in? Corporate espionage? Political scandal? Did he tell the company secrets to you? Did they find out, and now they want to punish you for his crime? He seemed so nice and mild mannered when he came to pick you up. Did he tell you something before they shot him? Crap. This is like the movies. Is it the mob? Or is it a big pharma thing?” She paused for breath and Grace held up a warning hand.

  “I don’t know how he’s involved, but at the hospital the other day, Papa suggested it might not be in a good way.”

  “But he’s trying to protect you?”

  “Or maybe he’s using me…” She trailed off because the words just didn’t ring true. Rocco had never once used her, although given who her dad was, he could have asked for a favor many times when they were younger and he never did.

  “Nah.” Olivia shook her head. “I saw the way he was looking at you, and I saw him when I went out this morning for my run. He was wrecked. You don’t do that to yourself if you’re using someone. You do it if you care about them more than you care about yourself.”

  She looked over at Rocco holding Matthew up so he could dunk the ball in the basket. What kind of man would spend time playing ball with a little boy at an orphanage if his sole purpose was to get close to her father and Tom to whack them. He had been the one to arrange guards for her father at the hospital, and if he had really wanted to kill him, he’d had the chance the night of the shooting, and again when she’d found him alone in her father’s room.

  “You coming or are we winning?” he called out, tossing her the ball.

  A smile spread across her face. “Why are you in such a hurry to lose?”

  Rocco laughed out loud as he raced over to cover her. “I never realized you had such a competitive streak.”

  Neither had she, but ever since Rocco had come back into her life, she was discovering all sorts of new things about herself. And right now, there was no way she was going to let him beat her.

  She spun around, as if shielding the ball from him and brushed her ass up against his hips. When she heard his soft grunt of arousal she tossed the ball to Olivia who slammed it into the basket.

  “Interference.” Rocco came up behind her and slid an arm around her waist.

  “Doesn’t feel like you mind.” She wiggled against him, feeling the hardness of his arousal.

  “Naughty girl.” He pulled her head back against his chest and kissed her. “You know what happens to naughty girls?”

  “I’m looking forward to finding out when priests and little boys aren’t watching.”

  “Ewww,” Matthew yelled from across the court. “Kissing is gross.”

  “Kissing means I get an extra basket.” Olivia tossed the ball in again and then fist-pumped the air. “Looks like the girls win.”

  “Let’s play again!” Matthew grabbed the ball and dribbled down the court, but Grace shook her head.

  “Olivia and I have to grab something to eat, and I’m sure Rocco has places to go.”

  “I’m going where you go.”

  She shook her head. “I need some girl time with Olivia, and I’ve got the Forzani foursome on my tail. How about we meet at my place in an hour to go for a run. I am badly in need of some exercise.”

  “Wasn’t the other night enough?” He licked his lips, and she laughed.

  “Sexing me up all night is not the kind of exercise I need.”

  His smile faded. “It’s not safe to run outside. I’ll take you to Mike’s gym. He’s got a good set up and we can work out together.”

  “What do you do there? Something manly, I assume.”

  “I lift weights, work the bags, spar in the ring…”

  “So, no cardio?”

  Rocco snorted. “If you mean running on a hamster wheel, no.”

  “Too bad. I would have liked to see you break a sweat.”

  He spun her to face him. “I don’t sweat.”

  “I do believe you were sweating the other night when you decided to bend me over your couch.”

  Rocco gave a low, sexy rumble of pleasure and tagged her around the waist with a strong arm. “That was a good night.”

  “Yes, it was.” She leaned up to nuzzle his neck. “Maybe you’ll want to test out my couch before we go to the gym. I have to go back to get my gear, and everyone will be at work.”

  She should have known better than to tempt him.


  Two hours and three orgasms later, they walked into the aptly named “Mike’s Gym” on East Tropicana Avenue. Located in a strip mall, with only a basic sign out front, the gym was surprisingly spacious and airy. Mike gave Grace a guest pass to get through the gate, and she changed in the locker room before mee
ting Rocco and Mike on the mats.

  “I’m going to warm up before I hit the tread.” She took a step toward the cardio machines only to feel a finger slide under the strap of her tank top and suddenly she was moving backward at rapid speed.

  “You’re not going anywhere dressed like that.”

  She looked back over her shoulder and sighed. “These are workout clothes. All the important bits are covered.”

  “This isn’t covered.” Rocco’s hand slide around her waist, over her bare skin. “This isn’t covered.” He feathered kisses over her nape, down her back to the top of the tank sending a delicious shiver down her spine.

  “Stop that. We’re in public.”

  He spun her around. “Exactly. And this isn’t covered.” His warm, wet tongue traced a path from the base of her throat to the crescents of her breasts.

  Grace felt a rush of heat between her thighs. “Those bits are considered publicly acceptable to show.”

  “There’s nothing left to the imagination.” His hand curved around her hip to her Lycra-covered ass, and he squeezed her cheek, his thumb running up and down her cleft.

  “Rocco.” Embarrassed, Grace looked over his shoulder to Mike who had a smile plastered across his face.

  “You meet the dress code,” Mike said.

  “And I’m sure Rocco can scowl the competition away.” Grace leaned up to kiss Rocco’s cheek. “Maybe I should send you back to change. Your ass is looking delectable in those shorts, and I can see every ridge of your lickable muscles under that T-shirt. I’m not really a jealous person, but I don’t like the idea of all these women checking you out.”

  “Not interested in anyone but you.” He leaned down to kiss her, and she felt warm all over.

  “Feel free to use any of the equipment,” Mike said. “We’ve got plenty of heavy bags, speed bags, weights, machines, and most importantly space. I always have at least three trainers on the floor in case people have any questions or need some tips, and I keep the music upbeat so we always have a good vibe going. We get all types here from people wanting to lose weight or stay in shape to professional MMA fighters and boxers who train here every day.”

  “What are you going to do while I run?” Grace asked Rocco. “Punch things?”

  “Yeah. I’m gonna start with Mike ’cause he wasn’t where he was supposed to be in the alley behind the jazz club.”

  His serious expression made her laugh, until she saw Mike pale. “You’re joking, right?”

  “This isn’t my joking face.”

  “It’s your forgiving face.” She leaned up to kiss his cheek. “How about you punch something else, and I’ll watch you while I run on the tread. Maybe learn a few tricks.” Or she could watch his muscles ripple and fantasize about having that hard body and all that power focused on her in bed.

  She heard a soft growl and suddenly she was plastered up against him, his arm a steel band around her waist. “You keep looking at me like that and we’ll be working out in Mike’s office out back.”

  “You didn’t get enough at my house?” Grace laughed. “Seriously, Rocco. Your stamina is—”







  His brow creased in a frown. “Exhausting?”

  Grace pressed her lips against his ear and whispered, “How can you want me every minute of the day?”

  “Because you’re you.”

  A smile spread across her face, and she felt the slight tug of the tight skin on her cheek. When she was with Rocco, she rarely thought about her scar, never worried about how she appeared to him, or about the extra curves that she wouldn’t have if she stuck to her running regime. He made her believe she was the most beautiful, most desirable woman in the world, and even if this didn’t last, she would never forget how he made her feel.

  “You make me want to skip the workout and go straight to Mike’s office.”

  Rocco fisted her hair and kissed her hard. “Let’s go.”

  “I was just joking,” she murmured against his lips. “Workout first. Then hot, sweaty sex in Mike’s office.”

  “Make it a short workout.” He released her, and the smile faded from his lips. “Fuck.”

  “What’s wrong?” Grace turned and followed his gaze to a blonde-haired woman talking with Mike at the reception desk. She looked vaguely familiar, and it took Grace a moment to place her.

  “That’s the woman who was with Mike last night in the alley. The one who called the police.”

  “Don’t like her,” Rocco said, his voice harsh.

  “I’m sure she was just trying to help. She’s a civilian. She saw a fight. Calling the police is what civilians do.”

  Rocco put a protective arm across her body, pulling her up against him again. “She lied to the police.”

  “She was trying to protect Mike.”

  “Something about her…” he muttered.

  “You need to let things go,” she said softly. “Miguel made that comment about your age and now you glare at him and mutter mean things about him under your breath every time he’s around. It’s not good to hold a grudge. Let it go. Lighten your soul.”

  “There is no light in my soul. It’s all darkness.”

  Grace looked up and pressed a soft kiss to the underside of his jaw. “That’s not true. There has to be a little ray of sunshine that gives you joy.”

  “Her name is Grace.”

  Her heart felt full to bursting as she headed over to the treadmill. Being with Rocco felt so right. There had to be a way to make it work, to reconcile what he did with who he was. She put in her earbuds and pulled out her phone to find her running playlist. A message flashed on the screen and her heart skipped a beat.


  Grace didn’t recognize the number, but then she had Tom’s phone so it made sense that he had a new one. But anyone could have sent the message. If Rocco had let her know what was going on, she could have better assessed the danger, but all she had to go on was her knowledge of her brother and his knowledge of her.


  His answer came within seconds. PIG PATCH.

  A smile tugged at her lips at the memory of the stuffed pig with gray patches her mother had made when she was little. She’d slept with it every night after her mother died and even now it was safe in one of her dresser drawers.

  “Forgot my water bottle.” She jogged past Rocco and Mike, but when she got to the back hallway, she raced past the locker room and out the back door.

  For a moment the sunshine blinded her, but after blinking a few times, she spotted Tom in a Toyota Camry parked in the shade.


  He gestured her toward the car. “God, Grace. I’m so glad to see you. Come inside so we can talk.”

  Grace jogged around the vehicle and climbed in the passenger side. After closing the door, she reached over and hugged him tight. “Where have you been? I’ve been trying to find you. I have some new friends who tracked down your phone, but the guys who had it were looking for you. Are you okay? Were you hurt in the restaurant? Are you safe?”

  “A bullet grazed my arm, but I’m okay.” He released her and leaned back in the seat. “I didn’t want to go back to New York with Papa still in the hospital. Tony Toscani tracked me down and protected me. He said it would be better to keep a low profile because the De Lucchi crew is out to get us.”

  Grace’s mouth went dry. “The De Lucchis?”

  Tom’s jaw tightened. “I was at Tony’s place when Rocco De Lucchi came to see him. He admitted right in front of Tony he had a contract to kill me and Papa. I heard it, Grace. No bullshit. He was annoyed someone else beat him to it at Carvello’s. He thought it was Tony, but Tony said it wasn’t him. So actually there are two people trying to take us out.”

  She bit her lip, not sure how much
to tell him. “We’re … I’m…”

  “Papa said you were together. I didn’t believe him at first.” His voice rose in pitch. “He’s trying to get to us through you because someone messed up his hit at Carvello’s. If Tony hadn’t protected me, I would be dead. And Papa, too, if Nico hadn’t put guards at the hospital.”

  “Rocco’s the one who arranged for the guards,” Grace protested.

  “Probably so they would know him and not think of him as a threat the day he decided to take out Papa.”

  “No.” Her heart sank in her chest. “No. That’s not true. He’s been trying to protect me.”

  “You’re not made like Papa and me,” Tom said, puffing out his chest. “He can only want you to use you.”

  Her blood chilled in her veins. “What do you mean, made like you? You’re not…?” One look at his face told her everything she didn’t want to know. Her hand flew to her mouth and bile rose in her throat. “You’re made? Oh my God, Tom. You didn’t. You can’t. Please tell me it’s not true.”

  “Christ.” He tipped his head back and groaned. “You make it sound like it’s something bad. I’m someone now. Papa just promoted me to capo. I’ve got my own soldiers, and my own associates. I’ve got businesses that bring in good money. Papa is proud of me. I’m following in his footsteps. When he steps down as underboss, I’m going to take his place.”

  Grace’s blood pounded in her ears so loud, she could barely hear him. Tom. Her lovely, sweet, funny Tom was a wiseguy. No wonder he was targeted in the hit. He was officially Papa’s successor.

  “Nothing has changed between us.” He put an arm around her shoulders. “I’m the same Tom, just with more power and more money and a chance at making something of my life.”

  “You killed someone,” she said flatly.

  “We don’t talk about those things.” His voice was uncharacteristically stern. “What happens when a man gets made is part of omertà.”

  “Did Papa make you do it? Did he force you? Or was it the don?”

  “Porco cane,” Tom muttered, moving his arm away. “Don’t be like this. You know the world we live in. You know about the family. And how can you judge me when you’re with a goddamn De Lucchi enforcer? You don’t like the idea of death, and yet you’re fucking a man who has taken countless lives? A man who wants to kill me and Papa?”


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