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Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Collection 6-10

Page 241

by Laurell Hamilton

  “It’s not all bad, Anita. Some of it can be wondrous.”

  This from the man who had hated his beast for the entire time I’d known him. But I didn’t say that out loud. I just looked at him.

  He smiled. “I know how strange that sounds coming from me.”

  I looked at him harder.

  He laughed, settling lower on the pillows until he was sprawled in front of me. One leg bent up so he wouldn’t touch me, but close enough that I could have touched him. He lay there unself-consciously nude, which I’d seen before, but it was more than that. He seemed bathed in a comfortableness that was rare for Richard. I’d seen it at the lupanar, that he’d accepted his beast. But it was more than that; he’d accepted himself.

  “What do you want from me, Richard?”

  This was his cue to get serious, to demand I be less bloodthirsty, or a half dozen other impossible things. He didn’t. “I want this,” he said, and I felt the prickling rush of his power a second before it passed through me like a warm ghost.

  I shuddered with it. “I don’t know, Richard. I don’t know if this is a good idea.” It would have sounded better if my voice hadn’t had a tremble in it.

  I expected him to question, or talk, but he didn’t. I felt his power like a brush of thunder a second before it smashed into me. I had a second of panic, a moment to wonder if his beast and mine would claw me apart, then his power rubbed through me like a velvet glove. My beast rose as if from a great, warm, wet depth, up, up to meet the warm, burning rush of Richard’s energy. He pushed his beast through me, and I could feel it, impossibly huge, the brush of fur so deep inside me that I cried out. I felt his beast as if it had crawled inside me and was caressing things from the inside that his hands would never have touched. My power seemed less certain than his, less solid. But it rose around the hard, muscled fur like velvet mist, swirling through his power, through my own body. Until it felt as if something huge was growing inside me, something I’d never felt before, swelling inside me. It felt larger than my body, as if I couldn’t hold it inside myself, like a cup filled to the brim with something hot and scalding, but the liquid kept pouring in, and still I held it, held it, held it, until it burst over me, through me, out of me, in a roar of power that turned the world golden and slow, drew my body to its knees, curved my back, sent my hands clawing at the air trying to hold on to something, anything, while my body spilled apart and remade itself on the bed. For a space of labored heartbeats I thought he’d brought on the change, and I had slipped my skin for real, but it wasn’t that. I felt like I was floating and only gradually felt my body again. I lay on my back, my knees folded under me, hands limp at my sides, so relaxed it was like being drugged.

  I felt the bed move under me, and a moment later, Richard appeared above me. He was on all fours, looming over me, and I had trouble focusing on his face. He cradled my face, staring into my eyes, while I tried to look at him. “Anita, are you alright?”

  I laughed then, slow and lazy. “Help me get my knees straightened out, and I’ll be fine.”

  He helped me straighten my legs, and even then all I wanted to do was just lay there. “What did you do to me?”

  He lay down beside me, propped on one elbow. “I brought you, using the beasts.”

  I blinked at him, licked my lips, and tried to think of an intelligent question, gave up, and settled for what I wanted to know. “Is it always like that between lycanthropes?”

  “No,” he said and leaned over me, until his face filled my vision. “No, only a true lupa, or a true Nimir-Ra, can respond to my Ulfric the way you just did.”

  I touched his chest enough to back him up so I could see his face clearly. “You’ve never done that with anyone before?”

  He looked down then, a curtain of his hair sliding over his face, hiding it from me. I pushed his hair back so I could see that nearly perfect profile. “Who?” I asked.

  Heat washed up his neck and face. I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen him blush before. “It was Raina, wasn’t it?”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  I let his hair fall back in place and lay there for a few seconds thinking about it. Then I was laughing, laughing and couldn’t stop.

  He was back at my shoulder, peering down at me. “Anita?”

  The laughter faded as I looked into his worried eyes. “When you forced Raina to give you up all those years ago, did you know that she was the only one that could do this with you?”

  He nodded, face solemn. “Raina pointed out the downside to not being her pet.”

  I took his hand and slid it down the front of my satin bottoms. His fingertips found the wetness that had soaked through the satin, and I didn’t have to guide his hand anymore. He cupped that big hand of his over my groin, and the cloth was soaked through. He traced fingertips across my inner thigh and the skin was wet, wet down to my knees.

  “How did you give it up?” My voice came out in a whisper.

  His finger slid up the inside of my thigh, in the hollow just below. He leaned in to kiss me as his finger slid slowly, slowly, upward across the moist skin, under the wet satin. His mouth stayed just above mine, so close that a sharp breath would have made us touch. He spoke, his breath warm on my skin, as his finger caressed the edge of me. “No amount of pleasure was worth her price.” Two things happened at once; he kissed me, and his finger slid inside of me. I screamed against his mouth, back arching, fingernails digging into his shoulder, as his finger found that small spot and thrust over and over it, until he brought me again. The world had soft, white edges, like seeing through gauze.

  I felt the bed move, but couldn’t focus, couldn’t see, wasn’t sure I cared what was happening. Hands fumbled at my shorts. I blinked up to see Richard kneeling over me. He slid my shorts down, spread my legs, and knelt between them. He leaned over me raising the satin camisole, baring my breasts. He ran his hands across them, made me writhe, then moved his hands down the line of my body, his hands gripping my thighs, bringing me in a harsh jerk against his body.

  The moment he rubbed against the outside of me, I felt the rubbery latex of the condom. I looked up at his face, and asked, “How did you know?”

  He moved so that his lower body was lying between my legs, but still pressed against the outside of my body. Most of his weight was supported by his arms like a modified push-up position. “Do you really think Jean-Claude would warn me about the ardeur and not warn me that you weren’t on birth control?”

  “Good point,” I said.

  “No,” he said, “this is.” I felt the movement of his hips, seconds before he thrust inside me, in one powerful motion that drove sounds from my mouth, somewhere between a scream and a shout.

  He lowered his head enough to see my face. I lay gasping under him, but whatever he saw there reassured him, because he arched his back, his face looking somewhere in the distance, and drew himself out of me, slowly, inch by inch, until I made small noises. He drew himself out until he was barely touching inside me. I gazed down the length of my body to see him stretched hard and ready. He’d always been careful of me, because he wasn’t small; that one first thrust had been more force than he’d ever before allowed himself. He, like Micah, filled me up, hit that point deep inside that was either pain or pleasure. I saw his back and hips flex a second before he thrust into me. I watched him thrust into me, saw every inch of him plunge into me, until it bowed my back, my neck, and I couldn’t watch because I was writhing underneath him, my hands scrambling at the bedspread, digging fingers into the covers.

  He drew himself out of me again, and I stopped him with a hand on his stomach. “Wait, wait.” I was having trouble breathing.

  “It’s not hurting you. I can tell by your face, your eyes, your body.”

  I swallowed, took a shaky breath, and said, “No, it’s not hurting me. It feels wonderful, but you’ve always been so careful, even when I asked you not to be. What’s changed?”

  He looked down at me, his hair falling around his face l
ike a silken frame. “I was always afraid of hurting you before. But I felt your beast.”

  “I haven’t changed yet, Richard, we don’t know for sure.”

  “Anita,” he said softly, and I knew he was chiding me. Maybe it was a case of the lady protesting too much, but still . . .

  “I’m still human, Richard, I haven’t changed yet.”

  He leaned over me, his hair gliding around my face as he kissed me gently on the cheek. “Even before the first full moon, we can take more damage. The change has already begun, Anita.”

  I pushed against his chest until he drew back enough for me to see his face. “You’ve always been holding back, haven’t you?”

  “Yes,” he said.

  I searched his face and saw such need in his eyes, and I knew why he’d been so angry at Gregory. He’d said that he almost regretted not making me his lupa in truth, now that he’d seen me be Nimir-Ra, but it was more than that. I looked into his brown eyes in the spill of early morning light and knew that he’d wanted me to be what he was, even though he hated it, that at some level he’d been tempted to make me his lupa for real. Somewhere in the lovemaking where he had to be so careful, he’d thought of it, more than once. It was there in eyes, his face. He started to look away as if he could feel that I saw it all, but he made himself look back, meet my gaze. He was almost defiant.

  “How careful have you been of me, Richard?”

  He did look away then, using his hair as a shield. I reached through that thick hair to touch his face, to turn him to look at me. “Richard, how careful have you been of me?”

  There was something close to pain in his eyes. He whispered, “Very.”

  I held his face between my hands. “You don’t have to be careful anymore.”

  A look of soft wonderment crossed his face, and he bent his head down, and we kissed, kissed as we had earlier, propping, exploring, taking turns at thrusting into each other. He drew slowly back from the kiss, and I felt the tip of him touch my opening. I stared down the length of our bodies so I could watch as his body flexed above me, and he thrust himself inside me harder this time, quicker. It brought my breath in a soundless scream.

  “Anita . . .”

  I opened my eyes, not realizing I’d closed them. I gazed up at him. “Don’t be careful anymore, Richard, don’t be careful.”

  He smiled, gave me a quick kiss, then he was back, arched above me, and this time he didn’t stop. He thrust every inch of himself into me as hard and as fast as he could. The sound of flesh into flesh became a constant sound, a wet hammering. I realized it hadn’t been just his size that made him careful, but his strength. He could have bench-pressed the bed we lay on, and that strength lay not just in his arms, or back, but in his legs, his thighs, in the body he was pressing inside me, over and over again. For the first time ever, I began to appreciate the full power of him.

  I’d felt the strength in his hands, his arms, when he held me, but it was nothing to this. He made of our bodies one body, one pounding, sweating, soaking, drenching piece of flesh. I was vaguely aware that it did hurt, that I was bruising, and I didn’t care.

  I called out his name as my body tightened around his, squeezing, and I spasmed underneath him, body slamming against the bed, not from Richard’s thrusts, but from the power of the orgasm itself; screams spilled from my throat as my body rocked underneath him. It felt good, better than almost anything, but it was almost violence, almost pain, almost frightening. Somewhere in the midst of it all I was aware that he came, too. He screamed my name, but held his place, while I continued to writhe and fight underneath him. It wasn’t until I lay quiet that he allowed himself to collapse on top of me, slightly to one side, so my face wouldn’t be pressed into his chest.

  We lay in a sweating, breathless heap, waiting for our hearts to slow enough to speak. He found his voice first. “Thank you, thank you for trusting me.”

  I laughed. “You’re thanking me.” I raised his hand to my mouth and kissed the palm, then rested his hand against my face. “Trust me, Richard, it was my pleasure.”

  He laughed, that rich throaty sound that is purely male, and purely sexual. “We’re going to need another shower.”

  “Whichever of us can walk first can have the first shower,” I said.

  He laughed and hugged me. I wasn’t even sure my legs would work enough to shower at all. Maybe a bath.


  I WOKE JUST enough to feel the weight of someone at my back. I snuggled against that warmth, wrapping sleep back around me. An arm spilled over my shoulder, and I wriggled into the circle of arm and body. It wasn’t the warmth, or the feel of him that woke me; the wereleopards had gotten me used to all that. It was the scent of his skin. By the scent alone, I knew it was Richard. I opened my eyes and snuggled deeper against him, curling that dark, muscled arm tighter around my body like drawing a cozy blanket around me. Of course, a blanket didn’t have the hard weight of Richard, or the silken glide of his naked skin against mine, or the ability to cuddle back, to use hands to pull my body tighter in against him. He closed the distance, worked until, even with the height difference, his chest, stomach, and hips were curled around me. He gave one last movement, and I could feel him pressed hard and ready against the back of my body. It was morning, he was male, but it wasn’t something embarrassing to be ignored. I could pay as much, or as little, attention to it as I wanted, and I wanted.

  I started to roll over in the almost tight circle of his body and found I was stiff. My lower body felt bruised, aching, but in a good way. I laughed as he opened his arms enough for me to roll onto my back.

  “What’s so funny?” Richard asked.

  I stared up at him, still laughing, I think to keep from groaning. “I’m stiff.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows at me. “So am I.”

  I blushed, and he kissed my nose, then my mouth, but still chaste, still not really sexual. It made me laugh. If it had been anyone but me, I’d have said I giggled.

  The next kiss wasn’t chaste, and the one after that pressed me back against the bed. He slid his leg between my thighs, until his knee touched me, and I winced.

  He drew back. “Are you too sore for this?”

  “I’m willing to give it the ol’ college try,” I said, “but honestly, maybe.”

  He stayed propped above me, fingers moving a lock of my hair from my cheek. “What I did last night would have broken things inside an ordinary human.”

  I didn’t need a mirror to feel my eyes go cool. I’d really been trying not to think about it.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to ruin the mood.” He smiled suddenly and looked younger, more relaxed than I’d seen him in a long time. “I’m just glad to be with someone I don’t have to worry about hurting.”

  I had to smile at him. “I’m not hurt, but we might have to try something a little more gentle this morning.”

  The humor faded, and something else filled his eyes, as he lowered his face for another kiss. He spoke as he moved towards me. “I think we can come up with something.” He kissed my lips, then worked one kiss at a time down my neck, my shoulders. He got distracted at my breasts, covering them in kisses, his tongue licking a quick, wet line across one nipple. He cupped one breast in his hands, holding it in the circle of his warmth, sliding his mouth over the nipple, taking as much of the breast into his mouth as he could. He sucked me into his mouth until he held over half my breast in the wet warmth. And with that touch, the ardeur flared up through my body from wherever it had been hiding.

  Richard drew back from my breast, hands still cradling it. “What was that?” There were goosebumps on his arms.

  “The ardeur,” I said, voice soft.

  He licked his lips, and I saw real fear in his eyes. “Jean-Claude told me about it, even let me feel his own version of it, but I didn’t really believe it. I don’t think I wanted to believe it.”

  My beast had awoken with the ardeur, as if one hunger fed the other. I felt it u
ncurl inside me and stretch for all the world, like some great cat waking from a nap. It rolled through me, reaching out to Richard, and his beast woke to it. One hand was on the solid warmth of his chest, but I could feel something else in there, something moving around as if his chest were hollow and there was something caged inside.

  He gripped my hand, moved it back from his chest. “What are you doing?”

  “The ardeur calls to our beasts, Richard.” I snuggled down underneath him, my hand sliding down his body, tracing the flatness of his stomach, the curve of his hip. He grabbed my hand just before I could touch him. He had both my hands now, trapped in his larger ones. It didn’t bother me, because I knew that I could touch him with things other than my hands, or even my body. I remembered the feel of his beast thrusting through me, and I spilled mine into him in a hot push of energy.

  He jumped off of me, rolled out of the bed in a movement that was almost too quick to follow with the eyes. He stood by the bed, breath coming in ragged gasps, as if he’d been running. I could feel his fear like fine champagne. It added to the sex, brought me to my knees, to crawl from the tangle of covers to the edge of the bed. I could smell how warm he was; the scent of his skin came to me on the air, the faint sweetness of the cologne he’d put on the day before. My gaze wandered over the beauty of him. His sleep-tousled hair hung in a heavy mass over one side of his face. He brushed the thickness of it back from his face with one hand and a toss of his head, and that one simple movement made things low in my body tighten. But underneath the sex was the thought of what all that smooth, hard skin would feel like under my teeth. I wanted to mark him as I’d marked Nathaniel. I wanted to sink my teeth into his flesh and bite. I had a flash of what it felt like to taste him like so much meat, to feel his body respond, not just to the sex but to the hunger, and I knew for the first time why shapeshifters spoke of the hunger like it should be in all capital letters. Raina had risen her lascivious head. The ardeur overrode, or overpowered her, but she was there, supplying images to the things I was feeling. I slid off the bed, and Richard backed up.


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