Office Advances

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Office Advances Page 2

by Carol Lynne


  “I know you well enough to leave that subject alone. Just tell me you’ll do this for me?”

  “Sure,” Jace sighed. “When do you need us there?”

  “There’s a flight to Miami leaving at four. That should put you in early enough to get a decent night’s sleep. I told Phil you’d meet him in the morning in the hotel lobby around eight.”

  Jace looked at his watch. “Okay, I’ll finish a few things up around here before going home to pack. Tell Sam I’ll pick him up at BK at one-thirty. That should give us plenty of time to get to the airport and check in.”

  “Thanks, Jace.”

  “Hey, watcha doing?” Liam asked sticking his head in Sam’s room.

  “Packing,” Sam answered throwing another shirt in the duffle bag. “Tony’s sending me to Miami for a few days to look at some files.”

  “Wow, cool.” Liam came into the room and flopped on Sam’s bed.

  “No, not so cool.” Sam turned from his small closet and looked at his friend. “He’s sending Jace down with me.”

  “Ooh, ouch.”

  “Yeah.” Sam picked a shirt up from the floor and smelled it, wondering if it was clean enough to take.

  “So are you going to take advantage of the situation?”

  “What? No. Jace humiliated me once. I’m not about to stick my neck out again. Hey, do you have a dress shirt I can borrow?”

  “Not really. Maybe you should call Aaron? I bet he’s got something.”

  “I don’t really have time. Jace is coming at one-thirty.” Sam pulled a black golf shirt out of the closet. “Will this do?”

  “Sure.” Liam studied the contents of the duffle for a few moments. “What, no trunks?”

  “Nope. I don’t own any. Back home if I wanted to swim in the pond, I just wore cut-offs.”

  They heard Bear calling down the hall for his boyfriend. Liam rolled his eyes and stood. “Better go see what he wants. Good luck on your trip. Try and enjoy yourself. Who knows when you’ll ever get to Miami again.”

  “Yeah, thanks. See you Sunday evening.”

  Liam waved as he walked out the door. Sam looked at his duffle. Liam was right. Why shouldn’t he enjoy himself? He was a young, good-looking guy. Surely he could hook-up with someone while in Florida.

  He walked out of his room to the bathroom. One thing BK House had in plenty of supply was condoms. He took a handful out of the box on the counter. Might as well be prepared.

  Chapter Three

  Closing his hotel room door, Sam set his duffle on the bed. Wow, that had been awkward. The entire ride to the airport, waiting for the plane, and then the flight over had been done in relative silence.

  Even though he and Jace sat so close on the plane their thighs had rubbed against one another, nothing. Jace hadn’t so much as said boo to him. As soon as the seatbelt sign had gone off, Jace had pulled out his laptop and buried himself in work.

  With their close proximity, Sam had been forced to call the flight attendant for a blanket to cover his rising erection. At least Jace hadn’t seemed to notice his predicament.

  They’d parted in the hallway, as Jace took the first room and Sam the second. Now, looking around, he knew he couldn’t just go to bed. If he did, he’d think of nothing but Jace. He decided it was time to go down to a club and see who was still up. Who knew, maybe Mr. Right was sitting at the bar waiting for him.

  He reached over and picked up the phone to call the front desk. He was told there was a gay club only about three blocks away. At the thought of getting lucky, Sam decided to step into the shower for a quick wash. He ran his hands down his chest to the cropped nest of hair surrounding his cock. He was so tempted to alleviate the ache, but he knew if he did, he’d be ready for bed before scouting the bar.

  Soaping his hands, Sam quickly washed, only spending a few delicious minutes on his puckered hole. Stepping out, he reached for his kit and took out the lube. He had always made it a practice to wear a small plug whenever he went trolling. Better to be prepared than suffer a painful fucking in the bathroom.

  He lifted his foot to the top of the toilet as he lubed and inserted the small, four inch lavender plug. His aim wasn’t to get off, simply to be prepared.

  Leaving his long curls to fall to the top of his shoulders, he dressed in a pair of jeans and tight white T-shirt. He splashed on a little of the cologne his mom had bought him for Christmas. As he sat on the edge of the bed to slip his athletic shoes on, he felt the plug shift.

  A moan escaped his lips as he shifted again. Shoes tied, Sam stood and looked at himself in the mirror. He couldn’t help but notice the bulge behind his fly. Good, maybe that would get him the attention he desired. Grabbing his key card and wallet from the nightstand, Sam left the room.

  The ride down from the third floor to the lobby took mere seconds and Sam was ready. He pushed through the hotel door and took a left. He spotted the sign that read Pinky’s, and stepped inside. Making his way to the bar, he grinned at the attention he was already receiving. Oh yeah, he was going to get lucky tonight.

  For a weeknight, the place was packed. There must be a lot of vacationers this time of year. Straddling the closest bar stool he could find, Sam held up his hand for a drink. The hard wooden stool seemed to push the plug deeper into his already sensitive body and Sam had to bite his lip to stifle the moan.

  “Can I help you?” the stud behind the bar asked.

  “Sure, give me a beer and whatever else you’d like.” God, look at him already flirting shamelessly.

  The bartender smiled and filled a frosty glass from the tap.

  Sam pulled out a ten and passed it across the smooth wooden surface. “Busy place,” he said over the music.

  The bartender rang up the sale, counted out the appropriate change and passed it back. He leaned forward and spoke into Sam’s ear. “Half-price drink specials. Brings them in every time,” he pulled back and winked at Sam.

  “Cool,” Sam said. He left the change on the bar as he took a drink.

  Within moments, a tall good-looking man approached him. “Care to dance?”

  Sam held up his finger and finished off his beer. One thing he’d learned was to never leave your drink unattended. He stood and shoved the bills into his front pocket. “I’m Sam,” he said.

  “Bob,” the blond man replied.

  Wrapping his arm around Sam’s waist, Bob led him to the dance floor. It was one of the faster dance mixes, so there weren’t as many people on the floor as there had been when Sam had walked in.

  He had only started to dance, when Bob pulled him against his much larger frame. With a slight smile, Sam tried to put a little distance between them. He wanted to get lucky, but he didn’t much care for getting mauled.

  Bob’s hands landed on Sam’s ass and pulled him in once more. This time, Bob took advantage of their close proximity to grind himself against Sam. “Whoa there, Bob,” Sam said in the man’s ear. “Let’s get to know each other a little first.”

  “What’s there to know? I plan on fucking you into the wall later. That’s all you need to know.”

  Something about the way Bob said it sent up warning signals. Sam tried to pull away. “Sorry, Bob, but I think I’ve made a mistake.”

  Bob grabbed his arms and tried to pull him back in. Sam shook his head. “Stop it. Leave me the fuck alone.”

  He was so busy struggling with the big brute he didn’t notice the body behind him. “Problem?”

  Sam looked over his shoulder at Jace. Even though it was a little humiliating, Sam nodded. “This asshole won’t let me go.”

  Jace looked from Sam to Bob. He stepped around Sam to put a hand on Bob’s shoulder. “Sorry, pal, but my friend came to Miami with me and he’s leaving with me.” Jace looked back at Sam. “Right now,” he ground out between clenched jaws.

  “You weren’t with him a few minutes ago.”

  “My mistake, now please remove your hands.”

  Bob studied

Jace for a few moments. “Fuck off,” he said.

  Jace started to walk away before turning back around and landing a right hook to the middle of Bob’s perfect face. Bob immediately tried to cover his bleeding nose.

  “You bastard! You broke my fucking nose.”

  Jace shrugged and pulled Sam towards the door, with Bob yelling obscenities at them the entire walk out. Once they were on the sidewalk, Jace released Sam and stalked towards the hotel.

  “Of all the stupid, juvenile…” Jace stopped mid-stride and turned to face Sam. “What the hell were you thinking going out alone?” He didn’t wait for an answer before he turned back around and started walking again, his long legs eating up the sidewalk.

  Sam knew better than to say anything. He kept his head down and followed Jace to their hotel. Shit, he only hoped this didn’t get him fired.

  When they walked into the hotel, Sam headed for the stairs. No way in hell did he want to ride up with Jace.

  “Where are you going?” Jace asked, hands on his hips. The elevator doors opened and Jace motioned to them. “Get in.”

  With his head up, Sam got in the elevator. As soon as the doors closed, Jace had him pushed against the wall, his mouth on Sam’s. Jace slid his tongue into Sam’s mouth at his surprised gasp.

  Sam closed his eyes and savoured the taste of whiskey on Jace’s tongue. Jace insinuated his thigh between Sam’s spread legs and applied pressure to his rock hard cock. As the elevator opened, Jace jerked Sam by the belt loops out into the hall. “Come with me,” he growled.

  Before Sam knew what was happening, Jace had Sam inside his room. Their lips connected again in an all out assault of teeth and tongue, Sam giving back as good as he got. His zipper was opened and his jeans pushed down in moments.

  Sam struggled to get his shoes and his jeans off without breaking their explosive kiss. Jace’s hands found his ass and ran a finger up the crease. When he discovered the plug, he groaned.

  Breaking the kiss, Jace spun Sam around and bent him over the bed. He could hear a zipper sliding down and then Jace’s long thick cock was sliding across his ass. “Ready to be fucked?” Jace asked, moving the plug in and out.

  Sam’s back bowed with pleasure, presenting himself even more to Jace’s gaze. “Yessss,” he hissed. “Fuck me.”

  In one skilled move, Jace removed the plug and shoved his cock in to the hilt. “Uhhh,” Sam groaned at the combination of pleasure and pain. “Do it,” he said.

  Gripping Sam’s hips, Jace thrust his cock in and out of Sam’s already stretched hole. “Fuck you feel good,” Jace growled, picking up his pace.

  Sam had never felt anything like it. The raw animalistic passion Jace exuded was more exciting than anything he’d experienced. “Harder,” he panted.

  As Jace pounded into him, he began talking. The more lost he became, the more spilled from his mouth.

  “You’ve been teasing me with this ass of yours for too long,” Jace growled.

  Wrapping his hand around his throbbing cock, Sam spurted his seed onto the brown and blue bedspread. “Shit!” he yelled.

  A few more thrusts and Jace buried himself as deep as he could inside Sam’s ass and came. Sam felt the sticky cum running down his perineum to drip onto the spread along with his own.

  Jace collapsed against Sam’s back and struggled to regain his breath. As his cock softened, it slid from Sam’s chute.

  He was about to turn over and take Jace into his arms, when he felt the man in question go rigid. All too soon the warmth of Jace’s body was gone and Sam could hear him mumbling to himself. Turning over, Sam sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Next time you’re hungry for a meaningless fuck, watch where you look for it.” Jace gave Sam one last look before disappearing into the bathroom.

  Unsure of what to do, Sam gathered his clothes. Meaningless? Is that what it had been to Jace? Sam zipped his jeans and walked out of the room, still holding his shoes in his hand.

  “Hi, Mom,” Sam said into the phone as he took off his shoes.

  “Hi, Sammy, how’s school?”

  “Fine. We’re still on break. Actually, I’m in Miami for that new job I started. The owner wanted me to look at some more files to see if I need to scan them into Bianchi Bytes computer system.”

  “Woo, Miami. You’re a regular corporate executive,” she teased.

  “Stop,” he said as he unwrapped the sub sandwich he’d purchased down in the coffee shop.

  “So what are you doing calling your mom when you should be out enjoying the city?”

  “Just thought I’d stay in this evening. It was a long day in a hot storage building. I think I’ll eat a little something and then grab a shower before turning in early.”

  “Is there something wrong? You don’t sound like yourself.”

  “No, there’s nothing wrong. Just hot and tired. I’ll call you when I get back to school.”

  “Okay. Try to at least enjoy a little of your time there.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  Sam hung up his cell phone and tossed it on the nightstand. It had been one of the worst days of his life. He’d worked side by side with Jace and Phil all day. Hell, Jace wouldn’t even look him in the eyes.

  Jace may regret what happened between them, but that was no reason to treat Sam like a piece of shit. At least the trip would be over soon and he could get back to his friends.

  After several bites of his sandwich, Sam wrapped it back up. It had been the same at lunch. Phil had gone out and brought them back Cuban sandwiches. Not wanting to hurt Phil’s feelings, Sam made an excuse about wanting to walk the area while he ate. As soon as he was out of eyesight, he dumped the sandwich into the nearest garbage can.

  Not wanting to smell onions in his room for the next day and a half, Sam went out to the hall to dump the uneaten sandwich and came face to face with Jace.

  Turning around quickly, Sam headed back to his room.

  “Wait, I need to talk to you,” Jace called after him.

  “Not interested in anything you have to say,” Sam said scanning his key card before disappearing back into his room.

  He still wasn’t sure whether to be hurt or pissed over the whole situation. All he knew right then was he needed a shower, bad. He pulled off his dusty T-shirt and stuffed it into a plastic bag provided by the hotel.

  Walking into the bathroom, Sam turned on the water and stripped out of the rest of his clothes before stepping under the spray. With the water pounding down on his face, he was suddenly glad he was alone. Crying was for wusses.

  Chapter Four

  “Hey, you’re back early,” Bear said, as Sam walked into BK.

  “Yeah, we finished up, so I didn’t see any reason to stay,” Sam continued past Bear to the stairs. “I’ll catch up with you later if that’s okay?”

  “Sure,” Bear replied.

  Sam gave a polite knock to the door before barging in. He doubted Lark was entertaining, but it was the right thing to do. “Hey,” he waved to his roommate and set his bags down.

  Lark was sitting on his bed with a text book on his lap. He adjusted his small wire-frame glasses and looked up at Sam. “I didn’t think you’d be home until Sunday night.”

  Sam shrugged. “Change of plans. I hope you didn’t have anything planned for the night. I can always crash on the couch downstairs.”

  Grinning, Lark held up his organic chemistry book. “Just refreshing my brain.”

  He took his shoes off and fell onto his bed. “You amaze me. Here it is, the last party night of spring break and you’re studying.”

  Lark’s mouth turned down as he looked out the window. “School work doesn’t come naturally to me. I have to work a lot harder than most people.”

  “Maybe you should’ve chosen an easier major, then. Anything in the science field is gonna be tough.”

  “Maybe, but science is what I love, so it’s worth it to me.”

  Sam studied Lark as he went back to his book. He’d never reall
y looked at him before. Lark was one of those guys people tended to not see.

  He was small, not just short or skinny but both. Sam doubted Lark was over five-three or four, with blond hair and glasses. Back home, they would’ve referred to Lark as a nerd. At college, Lark just seemed to be swallowed up by the mass of people always roaming around campus.

  Sam undressed and wrapped his towel around his waist. “I’m gonna take a shower and then turn in.”

  “Okay,” Lark said absently, never taking his eyes from his book.

  Rolling his eyes, Sam grabbed his kit out of his duffle and headed to the bathroom. He set his stuff down on a bench and stepped into one of the stalls. Just as the water was heating up, Liam popped his head over the short wall.

  “Have fun?”

  “No,” Sam answered and rinsed the shampoo from his hair. Sure he’d had fun for about twenty minutes, but the pain he’d endured at the hand of Jace’s flip comment and attitude hadn’t been worth it.

  “Bummer,” Liam said. “What happened? You didn’t get along with Jace?”

  “Something like that.” He knew he probably shouldn’t say anything, but he really needed someone to talk to. “He gave me a pity fuck. Although at the time it seemed like the real thing.”

  Liam’s brows shot up. “Jace did that? You want me to have Bear whoop his ass?”

  Sam laughed for the first time in what seemed like ages. “Naw. I learned my lesson.”

  “So what’re you gonna do when you see him at work?”

  “Not sure yet. I was thinking of quitting, but I really need the money. You’re lucky. You get to do your work from here.”

  Sam finished washing and turned off the water. Giving himself a quick dry, he wrapped the towel around himself and got out. Picking up his kit, Sam walked towards the sink. It wasn’t until he opened it that he remembered his plug. “Shit,” he mumbled.

  “What?” Liam asked, coming up behind him.

  “Nothing, just left something in Miami.” He pulled out his comb and started working on the mass of curls.

  Liam leaned his hip against the sink and crossed his arms. “Bear and I are going to watch a movie with Charlie. You’re more than welcome to join us.”


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