Office Advances

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Office Advances Page 4

by Carol Lynne

  What Kade was trying to say finally dawned on him. “And he’s afraid I’m going to do to him what you did.”


  “I wouldn’t, you know?”

  Kade looked at him for several moments. “Yeah, I think I know. He’s upstairs trying to figure out how to apologise to you.”

  “Well then maybe I shouldn’t keep him waiting. Are you okay down here for a while longer?”

  “Sure. Lark and I were just talking about watching the Saturday night horror movie.” Kade looked up at the kitchen clock. “It’ll be on in ten minutes. By my calculations, that’ll give the two of you at least two hours to make up.”

  Sam grinned. “How can someone who looks so tough have a heart as big as yours?”

  Kade laughed. “Contracting HIV is a very humbling experience. It tends to change a person from the inside out.”

  Sam reached out and shook Kade’s hand. “Thanks. And tell Lark thanks. Actually, I think if I’m not mistaken, I saw Lark laugh earlier. That was a first.”

  Kade’s brows drew together. “What do you mean? He seems like a nice guy.”

  “Oh he’s very nice, just kind of sombre and bookish.” Sam finished his beer and threw it in the recycling tub. “Don’t tell Charlie we drank his beer. I’ll buy him some more before he realises it’s missing.”

  Sam stood outside his door for several minutes before he had the courage to venture inside. After everything Kade had told him, Sam knew Jace was under pressure, but could that cancel out all the things he’d said?

  Turning the knob, he went in. Jace was sitting on the end of Sam’s bed with his head in his hands. As soon as he heard the door close, he sprang up and faced Sam.

  “I heard you want to talk to me,” Sam said, coming further into the room to take a seat at his desk.

  “Yes,” Jace answered. “I wanted to apologise. I know I’ve acted like a complete ass, and I have absolutely no right to even be here, but I needed to see you.”

  Sam could see the distress in Jace’s brown eyes. “Okay, talk.” He may be willing to listen, but he wasn’t going to just lie down and forgive him on the spot.

  Jace rubbed his hands together and sat on the bed facing Sam. “Years ago I was hurt deeply by someone I thought I could trust…”

  “Kade,” Sam interrupted to insert the name.

  Jace looked surprised. “Yes. How did you know?”

  “I talked to him downstairs. He seems like a good guy.”

  “Now. He wasn’t always.”

  “I gathered that. Go on.” Sam crossed his arms and watched Jace squirm. He knew it was cruel, because he also knew he’d forgive him, eventually, but Jace deserved to squirm a bit first.

  As Jace went on to tell Sam about Kade’s infidelity and their subsequent break-up, he simply nodded.

  “I can’t lie to you anymore. When I first started hanging around BK it was out of loneliness. I was new in town and wanted to get to know people. I didn’t count on my strong attraction to you. When you asked me out that day, I freaked. I saw the past repeating itself and lashed out.”

  “Okay, that explains the reason you were a jerk then, but what about Miami?”

  Jace had the decency to look down at the floor. “I tried to stay away, but when I saw that jerk’s hands on you…I snapped. I took you like an animal and to top it off, I didn’t use protection. I’m living with someone with HIV and I didn’t even think about protecting you.”

  “So most of that other stuff you said about not having time was just bullshit,” Sam surmised.

  Jace looked up and leaned forward, staring Sam in the eyes. “Yes and no. I want you, god I can’t begin to explain how much, but between work and Kade…”

  “Kade seems like the kind of guy who can take care of himself. As far as your job? I have school and work. It would be nice to know I have something to look forward to at the end of the day.”

  Nodding, Jace reached out and put his hand on Sam’s knee. “Kade’s in an upswing at the present time, but it could change any moment. He’s been severely depressed. I keep telling him his life isn’t over just because he’s been diagnosed, but he doesn’t believe it.”

  Sam thought about the man he’d met downstairs. He wondered if he’d get jealous if Jace spent too much time with him. Yeah, probably, but what was his other option? To walk away from the one man he wanted?

  “I can try to deal with your relationship with Kade,” Sam mumbled.

  Jace fell in front of Sam on his knees. “You will? Does that mean you’ll give me another chance?”

  “Yeah, but I’m not going to just fall into your arms this time. I don’t think you realise how much you’ve hurt me. I’d be willing to start slow though. Go out, get to know each other, and then we can see where it leads.”

  Jace started to embrace him, but stopped himself. “Is it okay if I hold you? Nothing more, I just need to feel you in my arms.”

  Sam stood and pulled Jace up. He wrapped his arms around the bigger man and laid his head on Jace’s chest. “One day at a time.”

  Chapter Six

  Two weeks later, Sam was putting away a finished file box when he heard the door open. He grinned to himself. The only one who knew the security combination that would just walk in without knocking was Jace.

  “Is it quitting time already?” he asked.

  Strong arms wrapped around his waist as a soft set of lips landed on his neck. “Mmm,” Jace moaned. “Not quite, but I’m having a bad day. So I decided to take a break.”

  Sam spun in his arms and kissed him, thrusting his tongue deep. He felt the evidence of Jace’s desire rub against him and groaned. “We need to stop.”

  “Don’t wanna stop,” Jace said pulling Sam’s shirt out of his pants.

  They’d been on numerous dates since they’d made up, but this was the first time Jace had allowed his control to slip. Sam was flattered, but he couldn’t risk losing his job. Jace’s fingers explored Sam’s chest, stopping to pinch and play with his pebbled nipples.

  “Jace,” Sam said, leaning into Jace’s touch. “Really, we can’t do this.”

  “I need you,” Jace replied, falling to his knees.

  “Not here.” Damn he wished he weren’t so loyal to the company. The pressure of Jace’s face against his steel hard erection, almost wore him down. “Tonight,” he moaned as Jace nipped at his cock through his pants. “I’ll come over to your place.”

  That seemed to splash some cold water on Jace. He released his hold on Sam and stood. “I don’t know if that’ll work. Kade’s been depressed again lately.”

  Sam shook his head. “Well we can’t be alone at BK. Lark never leaves the room.”

  Jace nuzzled Sam’s neck and jaw. “Hotel. I’ll get a room.”

  Memories of their Miami romp came to mind. “No, too impersonal. Talk to Kade. I’m sure he’d give us an evening alone if you asked.”

  Jace’s thigh pressed against Sam’s throbbing erection. His resolve almost crumbled as goose bumps broke out over his arms and stomach. “Please talk to Kade. I need you, too.” He reached down and ran his hand over Jace’s cock.

  “I’ll call him,” Jace growled. “If he won’t go out, I’ll make him put on headphones. I plan to make you scream.”

  Sam had no doubt Jace would keep his word on that. He was at the soft whimpers stage now and they were both fully dressed. He looked at the clock over Jace’s shoulder. “Another hour and I’m all yours.”

  Jace grabbed Sam’s ass and ground himself against him. “You’re already mine. I just need time to prove it to you.”

  Barely an hour later, Jace was back, tapping his watch. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  He watched as Sam nodded and shrugged into his jacket. “Should we leave separately? I don’t want to give anyone the idea that I’m getting special treatment because I’m sleeping with the boss.”

  Jace chuckled. “Well if you consider getting an office in a storage room to be a perk, then you haven
’t been in the corporate world long enough.” He wrapped his arms around Sam and gave him a short but deep kiss. “Besides, the people around here need to get used to you and I being together.”

  Sam’s face brightened, a soft grin playing around those sexy lips Jace loved to kiss. “Okay.”

  Turning off the lights, Jace hurried Sam out of the room. He sent up a wave to Nancy as they passed by the reception desk. As soon as they were out the front door, he took Sam’s hand. “Do you want to get something for dinner on the way to my place?”

  Sam seemed to think about it for a moment. “Will Kade be there?”

  Jace unlocked his new Jaguar and opened Sam’s door. “Yeah, I’m sorry. He said he had a movie to watch though and would try to stay in his room and not bother us.”

  “In that case, I think we should call him and see if he wants something to eat. It’d be polite if we at least ate dinner with him.”

  Sam climbed in and Jace went around and got behind the wheel. “You’re a great guy,” he said. Leaning over the console, he put a hand to the back of Sam’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

  Opening for him immediately, Sam’s tongue tangled with his. Jace could feel his raging need return. He knew he needed to slow down. He’d promised himself this time he’d take the time to show Sam exactly how much he meant to him.

  Pulling back, he looked into Sam’s deep grey eyes. “I’ll call him.” He opened his phone and pressed the speed dial.

  “Hello,” Kade’s deep voice answered.

  “Hey, we’re heading out and wondered what you felt like eating for dinner?”

  “I don’t care. You know I’m pretty easy when it comes to food.”

  “Yes, I know, and I’m getting you something with vegetables.”

  “Ahh, Mom,” Kade teased.

  “If I didn’t look after your diet, who would? Certainly not you.” Jace looked over and winked at Sam.

  “Whatever. Just make sure there’s some meat to go along with all the veggies.”

  “Yes, sir,” Jace said and disconnected.

  Sam put a hand on Jace’s thigh. “You’re a good friend to him. Does he get sick often?”

  “No. Other than the HIV he’s as healthy as a horse physically.”

  Sam had a confused look on his face. “But Kade told me he’d lost his job and home because he’d been sick.”

  Starting the car, Jace wondered how much he could say without invading Kade’s right to privacy. “For Kade, the only illness he battles is mental.”

  Jace was surprised when Sam didn’t ask him to go into details. “I think we should go by the grocery store. I’ll make the vegetables while you grill us some steaks. We’ll put Kade in charge of dessert.”

  Reaching across the console, Jace ran his hand over the bulge in Sam’s pants. “I don’t need any dessert besides you.”

  Sam grinned. “Good answer.”

  “It was great of you to do this,” Kade said as he cleared the table, something he had insisted upon.

  “It was nice,” Sam replied. “We should do it more often.”

  “Maybe we should have a barbeque when it gets a little warmer outside.” Jace pulled Sam out of his chair and onto his lap.

  “Have you ever been to one of Luc and Justin’s backyard parties? I went to one in the fall. Maybe something like that would be fun. All three of us need to meet people.”

  Jace’s brows shot up. “Hopefully you’re talking about gaining new friends and not lovers.”

  Sam curled against his man. “You’re the only lover I need.”

  “Speaking of which,” Kade interrupted, “why don’t the two of you call it a night? I’ll finish up these dishes and retire to my room for the evening.”

  Without another word, Jace stood with Sam still in his arms and carried him down the hall to the master suite. Setting Sam on his feet, Jace began to unbutton his own shirt.

  Sam licked his lips as Jace’s perfect swimmer’s body was revealed. “Gorgeous,” he whispered as he pulled his shirt over his head.

  Seconds later, they were both undressed and hard. Sam was thankful they’d gotten their tests out of the way, as he gazed upon Jace’s ruddy cock. He spotted a pearly drop of pre-cum glistening at the top of Jace’s perfectly shaped crown. Without thought, Sam bent and licked the head of Jace’s cock.

  The taste was overwhelming. Sam fell to his knees, hungry for more. He ran his tongue up the heavily veined shaft and closed his mouth over the top, taking as much of the thick length into his mouth as he could.

  Jace moaned and buried his fingers in Sam’s curls. “Good,” Jace groaned and started shallow thrusts in and out of Sam’s mouth.

  Sam moaned around Jace’s cock as he took hold of his own and began to stroke. He knew this was only round one. They would both get it up again, so he didn’t worry when he felt his approaching orgasm.

  “Gonna,” Jace panted.

  Sam backed off enough to swirl his tongue around the plump crown. He didn’t intend to miss a single drop of Jace’s seed.

  The first stream hit the back of his throat, so Sam backed off even more as he shot his own cum into his hand.

  Jace’s fingers gripped Sam’s hair in a tight fist as he continued to come. “Good, oh god, so good.”

  Before Sam released his hold, he dipped his tongue into Jace’s slit and retrieved the last drop. Jace pulled Sam up and devoured his mouth. Sam shared the flavour of Jace’s essence still clinging to his tongue..

  Breaking apart, Jace looked at Sam. “You’re gonna kill me, aren’t you?”

  Sam smiled. “I’m sure as hell gonna try.”

  Chapter Seven

  A hard cock nudging his hole woke Sam the following morning. “Hmmm, morning.”

  “Morning, baby. Are you sore?”

  “Not that sore.” Sam nuzzled his ass against Jace’s length.

  Pushing in slowly, Jace groaned. “I love the feel of you around my cock.”

  Sam chuckled. “Yeah, I’m pretty fond of having you inside me, as well.” He remembered their exploratory loving the previous night. They’d spent hours touching and kissing as well as having mind blowing sex.

  As Jace moved in and out of his body, Sam felt warm and loved. He knew it was way too early in their relationship to bring that word into play, but this is where he was meant to be. Sam felt it in his soul.

  Jace buried his face in Sam’s hair. He nuzzled around a few moments before warm lips landed on the back of Sam’s neck. “I want to mark you,” Jace whispered, seconds before his mouth was firmly attached to Sam’s skin.

  The harder Jace sucked, the faster his hips moved.

  Sam wrapped his hand around his cock. “Feel’s so good.”

  A grunt from Jace was his only answer.

  Jace wrapped his hand around Sam’s and pressed his thumb against the slit in the crown.

  Sam groaned as his cock erupted, shooting warmth over both their hands.

  Jace released his hold on Sam’s neck and buried his length as deep as he could before filling him with his hot seed. Sam barely caught the words ‘I love you’ before they slipped from his lips.

  The way Jace held him was almost reverent. “I like waking up with you,” Sam said.

  “Mmm hmm. I’d love to make it a regular occurrence.” Jace withdrew and helped Sam turn in his arms. “How does that sound to you?”

  “Perfect.” Sam pressed his lips to Jace’s and thrust his tongue inside, sweeping the interior of his lover’s mouth. The alarm began beeping and Jace reached over his shoulder to shut it off.

  Groaning, Sam ran his tongue over Jace’s heavy morning beard. “I need to get back to the dorm and get changed for class.”

  A warm hand landed on Sam’s ass. “What time will classes end?”

  Grinding himself against Jace, Sam tried to think. “Um, it’s my short day. The last one is over at eleven.”

  “I’ll pick you up in front of BK and take you to lunch before work. Does that sound agreeable?”<
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  Sam grinned, feeling a little giddy. “Only if we can get something to go and find some place to neck for the rest of the lunch hour.”

  “You read my mind.” Jace rimmed Sam’s hole with his finger.

  A week later, Sam was bummed. He’d received his first C on a test. He knew he should spend less time fucking and more time studying, but the last few weeks had been the best of his life.

  “Why the long face, Mr. Howard?”

  Sam turned to find Jack standing at the stove, preparing dinner for the guys in the house.

  “Got a sucky grade on a test.”

  Jack turned from the stove and crossed his arms. “You know what to do about it, don’t you? Perhaps spending a little more time doing what your parents are paying for would help.”

  “Parent, singular,” Sam corrected.

  “Oh, sorry. I thought Charlie said you were Aaron’s brother.”

  “Half-brother. His dad messed around on his wife and got my mom pregnant. He was too ashamed of himself to come around when I was growing up.”

  Jack’s facial expression froze for several seconds. Sam was about to apologise for anything he might have said to upset him, when Jack spoke. “Sometimes we do what we think is the best thing only to find out we were wrong. It’s not easy to undo a mistake made when we were young. Could be your dad regrets the decision he made, but is afraid to do anything about it?”

  Sam nodded. He had a feeling Jack was speaking from personal experience, but he wasn’t the type of man to let people in. “Maybe,” Sam mumbled.

  “Dinner will be ready at eighteen-hundred hours.”

  “Thanks, Jack.” Sam swung his backpack over his shoulder and walked to his room.

  He wasn’t at all surprised to see Lark sitting on the bed studying. “That’s what I should be doing.” He threw his pack on the bed and flopped down.

  “Problem?” Lark asked, pushing up his glasses.

  Sam had never talked to his roommate about personal stuff, but Lark genuinely looked interested. “Kinda. I got a lower grade than normal on a test. It’s my own damn fault. I’ve been spending all my time with Jace and haven’t applied myself the way I used to. My problem is, I feel like I’m really enjoying life for the first time and don’t want to lose that to studying.”


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