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Property of Drex (Book 1) (Death Chasers MC Series)

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by C. M. Owens


  Death Chasers MC series

  by C.M. Owens

  Copyright 2016 by C.M. Owens

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without express written permission of the author. This eBook is licensed for your enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people.

  The story in this book is the property of the author, in all media both physical and digital. No one, except the owner of this property, may reproduce, copy or publish in any medium any individual story or part of this novel without the expressed permission of the author of this work.

  This is a work of fiction and completely derived from the mind of the author. Any familiar names or places are just coincidences. Even the town of Halo, Texas, is not real.

  Cover model: Derrick Keith Shane Meacham

  Photographer: Eric Battershell Photography

  Cover Designer: Book Cover By Design

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  The worst decisions are made by the desperate or the foolish…

  Chapter 1


  “You should strip. These clothes aren’t going to cut it. And I also need to search you. Everywhere.”

  He removes his hand and steps away, watching and waiting, and I swallow hard. The painful knot in my throat only grows as I reach for the hem of my shirt. Taking a deep breath, I pull it off quickly.

  His eyes are on me, watching with open interest as I move to my jeans. As much as I’d like to draw this out and delay the inevitable, I also don’t want to keep dreading the first time. The sooner I’m naked, the sooner the suspense ends. I’ve prepared myself for what I hope is the worst.

  “You know what’s going to happen to you, right?” he asks, crossing his arms over his chest as I push the jeans down my legs.

  He takes a deep breath as I step out of them.

  In nothing but my pink, cotton underwear, I try to find the courage to meet his gaze, keeping my expression as impassive as possible under the grim circumstances.

  “I know.”

  Chapter 2


  Two Days Ago…

  “So you came to me because you need money. For your family,” Benny says, stroking his beard as he eyes me. It’s not a question; he’s just laying the facts out there, summarizing.

  Swallowing back my nerves, I chance a glance at Ben, my best friend since grade school. When he suggested asking his dad for help, I wasn’t planning on it being this intimidating. Then again, I should have.

  Walking into the clubhouse for the Hell Breathers motorcycle club—one of the biggest around—should have reminded me how stupid this is. But desperate and stupid go hand in hand, it seems.

  “Yes, sir. My dad left behind a huge—”

  “The details aren’t necessary,” Benny interrupts, his creepy grin spreading as his eyes roam over me, appraising me in a way that leaves me feeling like I need a shower. “All that matters is that you know what will be expected of you. You’ll do anything asked. As a somewhat intelligent girl, I’m sure you can figure out the consequences if you try to change your mind.”

  Some of the other bikers step up, smirking for the most part. Several lick their lips suggestively, warning me of what’s to come. This isn’t what I had in mind, and now I wish I’d worn a sweatshirt to hide me better, even though it’s hot as hell outside.

  “Dad, you can’t—” Ben’s words are cut off when he’s slapped down to the ground.

  It all happens so fast that the action doesn’t even have time to register in my mind until it’s over. I want to look down to see if he’s okay, but I’m too scared to take my eyes off Benny now.

  “You know better,” Benny says, talking to his son, but keeping his eyes locked on me. “I don’t give away money for free. If Eve wants it, she’ll have to agree to the terms.”

  A wave of nausea slams into me, making it impossible to stand here without turning pale, or maybe I’m turning puce. I should have expected this when he told me to bring proof of a clean bill of health, yet I was naïve enough to believe Ben’s father would see me as a child instead of a woman.

  “Think about it, Eve,” Benny says, turning his back on me as he faces his menacing crew. “You have two days to decide what to do. If you say yes, remember how permanent it is. Once you’re in, you’re always in. If you say no, then... well, good luck.”

  With that, he and his guys walk off, leaving me at the entryway with a bleeding Ben. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, regret and anger shading his eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Eve. I didn’t know he’d do this. I swear I thought he’d just give you the money.”

  My lips tighten into a thin line. I forgot a very important fact in life; you never get something for free.

  The depths of depravity I would have to face isn’t worth it. Not with a man who I grew up knowing as my best friend’s father. It’s just sick.

  “Come on. I’ll get you out of here,” Ben says apologetically. “We’ll figure something else out. I have a little money saved up. It’s nowhere near enough, but it might help you until you can get more.”

  I have to figure something else out, because this is no longer an option.

  Chapter 3


  “Ben called to talk to you. Says he can’t reach you on your phone,” Mom says softly as she comes out of the twins’ room.

  Moving past her, I peek in to see both of my five-year-old brothers sleeping peacefully in their separate beds. One more day before Benny The Sicko shuts the door on his disgusting offer. But I don’t know how else I can get that sort of money.

  I walk in and kiss both of my younger brothers, smiling when Joshua sighs happily in his sleep. In that moment, I start questioning all the possibilities. If I don’t find the money, Mom will be broke and homeless within a week. The bank will repossess the house. Her wages will be garnished to pay the hospital bills she can’t afford. And the twins could end up in foster care if she loses the ability to care for them.

  Even with welfare, she won’t be able to dig out of this hole, thanks to my stupid, selfish, piece of shit, suicidal father. How could he take the easy way out and leave all of his secret burdens on my mother?

  Mom’s still recovering from the car accident they were in over two years ago. She’s had to have numerous surgeries over the course of those two years on the leg that was shattered, only driving up the hospital bills that much more. Her leg is healing slowly from the most recent one, and she’s still limping.

  “They took the car today?” I ask, frowning as I walk in
to the kitchen. I’ve kept quiet in front of the boys. They’re too young to hear this stuff.

  “Yeah,” she says sadly, her strength wavering in front of my eyes.

  She’s tried so hard to be strong since Dad ended his troubles with a bottle of pills, but someone can only take so much before breaking.

  “I’m sorry, sweetie,” she says, covering her face in shame when she can’t hold back her tears.

  I quickly go to sit down beside her, wishing I could come up with anything to offer her peace. Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her close, feeling the knot in my throat double in size.

  “What about my tuition money? Did the school call back yet?”

  We can get that money back and use it toward bills instead of school. It won’t be nearly enough, but it could buy us some more time. Maybe. If the bank and hospital would work with us—

  Her bitter laughter that cuts through my thoughts doesn’t hold much promise, and I frown before she even has to confirm my dread.

  “Your dad never paid the new year’s tuition. I... I can’t believe he did this.”

  Watching my mother fall apart at our dining room table while the dishes lay spread out in front of me, depleted of food we can’t afford because she has three children that need her, I decide what I have to do. This will save their lives even if it destroys mine.

  Mom doesn’t have to know where the money is from. She doesn’t have to learn about the sacrifice I’m making. I’ll see her when I can, and lie to her the rest of the time.

  Walking away from her, I pull out my phone. Ben has tried calling at least a hundred times, but I’m finally ready to talk.

  Chapter 4


  “Don’t do this,” Ben whisper-scolds, pleading with me as he follows close behind.

  He spent the night trying to talk me out of this, even refused to call his father. That put the burden of talking to the devil on my shoulders, but I did it. I called hell, Satan answered, and I sold my soul for my family’s security in less than ten minutes.

  My steps don’t even slow as I make my way toward a smiling Benny. Ignoring the protest of my roiling stomach, I silently accept my fate. Then I turn to look at the sad eyes on the boy who doesn’t want to see me turn myself over to the hands of Hell’s king.

  I have no idea when—or if—I’ll get to see my family, or how often.

  “It’s okay, Ben,” I say to comfort him.

  “Please, Eve. Don’t.”

  I smile grimly as I turn away from him, ignoring the bite of anger in his tone. The only boy to ever have had me in his bed is being forced to turn me over to his twisted father to do things that will destroy me. Obviously he’s mad at me for my decision, but it is my decision.

  Taking a shaky breath, I face Benny, bringing myself as close as my feet will allow. Standing at least two feet away, Benny nods, smiling as though I’m the prey that just came willingly into his jaws.

  “Very nice, Eve. Although I wish you had worn something... sexier.”

  He throws a leg over his massive black beast of a bike, and tosses me a helmet that falls to my feet when my arms refuse to move. I stare down my jean-clad legs to my sandaled feet where the helmet rests beside.

  “Put it on. Drex is waiting.”


  Ben gasps behind me, and I turn to see his ashen face. With his mouth hanging that way and pure horror in his eyes, I’m assuming this is even worse than I thought.

  “You’re taking her to the Death Dealers?” Ben asks in a hushed whisper reserved for blasphemy. “You know you can’t do that. Her fath—”

  “Yeah. I can do it,” Benny interrupts. “Time to offer up some peace. They’ve been toying with me about something, and I want the info they have. Drex is taking her to his father. I’m sure Herrin is going to love her. It’s not too often sweet ones like this march their pretty little asses into the clubhouse and offer up their bodies.”

  My knees wobble, but I don’t fall, thankfully. Death Dealers? Drex isn’t a name I’ve heard, but Death Dealers definitely are a name I’ve heard. That’s even worse than Hell Breathers.

  “Get your ass in gear, sugar. Drex isn’t patient,” Benny prompts.

  Unsteady and trembling, I reach down for the helmet, ignoring the guys who grab my bags from Ben’s hands.

  The Death Dealers have a reputation… Ruthless. Depraved. Dirty. Most importantly, brutal. I’m really hoping it’s all just been hearsay stuff that doesn’t hold any real truth. Everything sounds worse than it actually is, right?

  I’m not sure how many girls offer themselves up, but I have a feeling I’m going to be just as regretful as the ones who do.

  Bearded men who barely groom whistle at me as I make my way to Benny and his bike. They all put on their helmets and sunglasses, looking just as scary as demons on wheels.

  “Hop on,” Benny says while making the beast between his legs roar to life, and startling me enough to jump.

  His taunting laughter is barely heard over the bike’s vicious engine. Maybe I’ll get lucky and Drex’s father won’t find me to be his type, therefore letting me go.

  Dreams are just for the foolish who refuse to accept reality. Especially when their reality just turned as dark as mine.

  Chapter 5


  Benny kills the engine just as we reach an old warehouse, one that seems to have been abandoned long ago. But there’s no sign of any other bikers.

  “Your mom should have received the money by now. You can call her if you want, but make it brief.”

  I decide to send a text instead, considering my voice seems to have run away with the logical half of my mind.

  Me: I’m going away for a while. Sorry about leaving you like this, but I got a job in LA. I’ll call when I can.

  I’m still in Texas—closer to the Mexican border than I was—but I’m far enough away from home that Mom won’t accidentally run into me. That is… if I even get to leave. I shudder just thinking about being turned into a sex slave.

  Almost immediately, my phone buzzes with a text.

  Mom: Don’t play games. You’re not going to believe what just happened, but we don’t have to worry about money right now. Hurry home so I can explain better.

  A small tear escapes my eye, reminding me this is all worth it. My family is taken care of. That’s all that really matters. I’m just collateral damage in the grand scheme of things.

  “Don’t go back on your word,” Benny warns, his lips twitching in sadistic amusement as he stands and looks at me.

  Clumsily, I clamber off the bike, pulling the helmet off without grace. I feel my hair wildly tousled around my head, but I don’t fix it. I’d rather be as unappealing as possible right now.

  “I have no intentions of going back on my word,” I say through emotional strain.

  His dark grin emerges, giving me a peek at the true devil beneath the flesh.

  “Good. I’d hate to carve up that pretty little face.”

  Chapter 6


  “They’re at the warehouse, and they have a girl, just like they promised,” Sledge says, looking at me before he resumes his place on his bike.

  I glance toward the road, still leery of this supposed peace offering.

  “Not sure why we need them to give us a girl. They’d pour in off the streets if we opened our doors,” I tell him, pissed off by this whole exchange.

  This is all too shady and bizarre. A fucking girl being presented as currency? We’ve sure as hell never done anything like this before, and I don’t trust a damn thing Benny Highland does.

  “We don’t deal in human trafficking,” I remind Sledge when he doesn’t say anything. “And that’s exactly what this sounds like.”

  Sledge grunts something in agreement, but Axle speaks as he walks up to us.

  “Supposedly this is all consensual. No trafficking involved. Why are we doing this? Beats the fuck outta me. It all sounds a little suspicious.”

  I abso-fuc
king-lutely agree with him on that last part. It’s suspicious as hell, and I don’t see the point in doing this shit.

  “Herrin just wants to see what they’re up to. More than likely she’s a spy that Benny and his guys want to insert into our crew. Benny has never had enough finesse to do something on the discreet side. Herrin wants to have some fun getting the truth out of her,” Sledge says, smirking.

  I nod, even though I’m still not sold on this idea. But Pop is the P. Not me. His word is final.

  “And if she’s not a spy?” I ask Sledge.

  “Then your dad gets a new toy that hasn’t been jaded by our world. Benny’s claiming the girl is as sweet and golden as anything he’s ever seen.”

  “Virgin?” I ask, laughing hysterically.

  Dad will destroy a girl that innocent.

  “No, but not far from a virgin.” Sledge grins as he finishes the statement, seeming as amused as I am.

  I shake my head, pitying the fool girl going through with this. She’ll be nothing more than a corpse if she’s working with Benny.

  “I think you should stay here and let us check this out.” Sledge surprises me with his abrupt shift in conversation.

  I just arch a brow at him. If he thinks I’m scared of a worm like Benny, he’s lost his mind.

  “If I don’t show up, it’ll look like I’m afraid of him. Just have our guys ready to take them out from the rooftops if it looks like they’re luring us into a trap.”

  “It won’t look weak,” he murmurs while putting his glasses back on. “Your father isn’t coming because he’s smart.”

  “Pop has a bigger target on his back than I do. He killed Benny’s brother five years ago. If Benny wants a shot at me, he’s dumber than he looks. Pop would gut him and make sure he got to watch his own intestines being pulled from his body.”


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