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The Original de Wolfe Pack Complete Set: Including Sons of de Wolfe

Page 232

by Kathryn Le Veque

  Sable smiled into the woman’s face, sensing that there was more than simply wanting to please her husband behind her request. There was softness in her eyes as she spoke, suggesting to Sable that Troy may have already made a conquest of his new wife. Much as Sable had been astonished at Troy’s manner towards Rhoswyn, she was astonished at Rhoswyn’s behavior towards Troy. Was it possible that the two of them had already found attraction and even affection with one another? Truly, it was something to marvel.

  “I will teach you all that I can, I promise,” Sable assured her. “The first thing you should learn is that it is important to groom yourself for your husband. No man wants to live with a slovenly woman, so you will brush your hair every day and you will wash at least your hands and face. You can wash your entire body once a week, but no less. I will tell Troy that he must buy you soaps and oils so you can keep your skin from cracking and also so that you may smell pleasant. Men like women who smell pleasant.”

  Rhoswyn was digesting everything eagerly. “They do?”

  Sable nodded firmly. “They do,” she said. Then, she turned Rhoswyn around on the stool so that the woman was facing the fire again. She gathered the woman’s damp hair in her hands and began to plait it into a thick braid. “And your clothing; you must not wear your tunics or breeches any longer. It is unseemly for a woman to do so and Troy would appreciate a wife who did not dress as a man. I think I have two dresses that will fit you, as you are taller than I am and the hem of the skirts are longer, but I will tell Troy that he must go to town this very day to purchase fabric for you. You must have your own clothing.”

  These were vital lessons that Rhoswyn had missed and she knew it. She was most eager to go along with it all, for Troy’s sake. She could feel Sable tugging at her hair before finally wrapping it at the base of her neck and using big iron pins to secure it into a bun. Standing back, Sable surveyed her handiwork.

  “Perfect,” she declared. “Your hair must be combed and secured daily. Do you wish for me to show you how?”

  Rhoswyn nodded. “I… I do.”

  Sable smiled. “I will show you tonight when you let your hair out,” she said. Then, she spun around to the trunks that were lined up against the wall. “For now, we must find you something to wear.”

  Still wrapped in the big drying linen, Rhoswyn stood up and went to peer over Sable’s shoulder as the woman dug through three big trunks against the wall. She would pull forth something, look at it, and either cast it aside or put it in a neat pile on the floor. Rhoswyn continued to watch curiously as Sable finally set aside two long cotes, laying them out on her mattress to get a look at them.

  One cote was a shade of dark green, long of sleeve and with a square neckline, while the other one was a pale shade, a faded red. It was very lovely. Both of the garments were made of wool and when Sable was finished inspecting them, she pulled the drying cloth off of Rhoswyn and went to work.

  A shift went on first, soft as a butterfly’s wing, followed by the green cote. It was all one piece – sleeves, bodice, and skirt, and it was secured by a series of stays up the back. Sable closed up the stays and handed Rhoswyn a pair of leather slippers for her feet. When Rhoswyn looked at them curiously, not really knowing what they were, Sable showed her the slippers on her own feet so Rhoswyn knew what to do. She slipped them right on. They were a little tight, but they fit, and she marveled at her feet.

  “So simple?” she asked in awe. “I always wear me boots, but these shoes are so simple!”

  Sable smiled as Rhoswyn’s focus was on her feet. “They will be durable, at least until you can have a tanner make you a pair of your own,” she said. Then, she stood back to admire her handiwork. She had to admit that Rhoswyn was one of the more beautiful women she’d ever seen – auburn hair, pale skin, slender torso. She suspected that Troy would be very pleased. “You will be able to work easily in this. How do you feel?”

  Rhoswyn looked at the gown, warm and comfortable, and put her hands up to gingerly touch her pinned hair. “I… I dunna know,” she said. Then, she grinned. “I suppose I feel like a lady.”

  Sable laughed softly. “You look like one, too,” she said. “I have a feeling your husband will be very pleased.”

  The mere thought made Rhoswyn’s belly quiver. “Will we show him, then?”

  Sable reached out and took her hand. “Of course we will,” she said. “You clean up very nicely. Now, promise me something.”

  “Anythin’, if I can.”

  “No more tunics and leather breeches.”

  Rhoswyn struggled not to giggle. “Nay, no more. I promise.”

  “And wash the dirt from your face and hands daily.”

  “I promise.”

  “And comb your hair!”

  It was a command and Rhoswyn started to laugh. “If I must.”

  “You must! If you do not, I will chase you down and do it for you!”

  She was grinning as she said it and Rhoswyn continued laughing as they headed to the door. “With the trouble ye’ve gone to today, I wouldna dare disappoint ye, m’lady.”

  Sable opened the door, but her focus was on Rhoswyn. “We are friends now,” she said. “You will call me Sable.”

  It was difficult to describe how Rhoswyn felt at that moment. From a woman who had grown up having no one to talk to, and no friends to speak of, to now having a friend all her very own, and a pushy little English lass at that. But it didn’t matter; Rhoswyn felt as if someone cared for her, for the first time in her life. She felt as if she mattered.

  “And ye’ll call me Rhoswyn,” she said softly.

  “I would be happy to.”

  Sable squeezed Rhoswyn’s hand and led her out of the chamber, down to the hall where Troy was lingering with Cassius, Audric, and a few other men.

  Rhoswyn would never forget the look on Troy’s face when he saw her. Surely the faces of all of the angels in heaven had never shone so happily.



  Troy couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off of her.

  They were nearing the outskirts of Jedburgh on a bright autumn morning, having left Monteviot not two hours earlier at the command of Sable who instructed Troy to take his wife to town and buy the woman things she needed. Sable got no argument from Troy, who was more than delighted to take the beautiful creature he’d married into town to buy her things. He wanted to buy her things.

  But he wanted to stare at her more. He couldn’t seem to stop staring at her.

  Rhoswyn rode next to him on her big black horse, astride in her borrowed dress because she had no experience in riding sidesaddle as women did. Because of that, Sable allowed her to put her leather breeches back on but they were concealed beneath the big skirt of the cote so no one could see them. Riding her excited horse on this glorious morning, Rhoswyn couldn’t remember ever having been so happy.

  For certain, she was coming to realize there was much to be happy for.

  A husband who seemed very attentive and a newfound friend who had made her feel like a true lady. Aye, there was a good deal to be happy for amongst these Sassenach and as the Troy, Rhoswyn, Audric, and twenty English soldiers approached the outskirts of Jedburgh, Rhoswyn kept glancing at her husband only to find him looking at her. She would flush and grin coyly, looking away from him, which made the man chuckle. She could hear him.

  “So, my lady,” Troy finally said as they crossed over into the city limits. “According to Lady Sable, you may spend my money freely as long as it is on fabric for clothing and any number of things that a proper lady needs. I asked her to come with us but she felt that her presence was better served at Monteviot. Personally, I think she wanted us to be alone.”

  Rhoswyn turned to look behind them, at the soldiers and the priest that were following them to town. “We are not alone, laddie,” she said. “We’ve an entire contingent of men followin’ us.”

  Troy turned to glance at his men. He was dressed in full battle regalia, looking the
same as he did the day Rhoswyn kicked him in the groin and smashed him in the face with her shield. But she looked markedly different from that day; groomed, smelling sweet, and dressed in a garment that fit her rather snuggly considering she was taller and heavier than little Sable, Rhoswyn had never felt so light of heart. They were here in Jedburgh to buy her whatever she wished, and she was giddy with excitement. But she was even more giddy to be with Troy.

  “Do not pay attention to my men,” he told her. “Pretend they do not exist. Pretend it is only you and me and my fat purse.”

  Rhoswyn laughed softly as she looked around the town as they entered. Since they were on the outskirts, it was residential buildings surrounding them, lining the street with stone houses and thatched rooves, and then little alleyways where children were playing. She could hear them calling to each other, running up and down the muddy alleys with dogs chasing after them.

  They passed by residents who were dumping chamber pots into the street or hanging clothing up to dry, residents who looked at them with suspicion as they passed into town. One old woman gave Rhoswyn a rather hostile expression and Rhoswyn glared back.

  “I canna remember when I last came tae Jedburgh,” Rhoswyn said as the nasty old woman passed from her sight. “Me pa dinna like tae leave Sibbald’s, although he did send his men intae town for the cattle market.”

  Jedburgh was a big cattle town, with one of the largest cattle markets on the borders. Troy turned to the priest. “The cattle market is to the north of town, is it not?” he asked.

  Audric spurred his little palfrey forward, putting himself between Troy and Rhoswyn. “Aye,” he said, pointing up the avenue. “It is at the edge of town, every sixth day except durin’ the winter time. But if ye’re lookin’ for merchants, then they’ll be near the square. All of the merchants gather there to sell their wares.”

  Troy was straining to catch a glimpse of the merchant district up ahead. It was nearing noon and the streets were very busy as people went about their business. The road they were on had come up from the south, but it was a main road that went straight into the middle of the city. By traveling upon it, they had bypassed the castle, which was to the south and staffed by men from the Earl of Carlisle. It was an English-manned castle, given over to the English for the time being in one of the many times it had changed hands between the English and the Scots.

  Troy knew the garrison commander, a man by the name of Allerley, and he’d had limited contact with him because the de Wolfe lands ran to the south. He knew he didn’t like the man because he was a pompous ass who made the decisions and sat in his castle while his men did all of the work. Therefore, he had no intention of paying the man his respects for entering his city, although that would have been good manners. Troy simply wanted to get in, accomplish his business, and get out. As they headed into the middle of the village, Troy turned to the men behind him.

  “Hartrigge, Lanton,” he said to the two soldiers in front of the others. “Find a place for the men to settle somewhere around here where I can easily find them if necessary. Then, I want you two to head to the north where the cattle market is and see if there is anything to purchase right now. They may have some that have come in early for the next sale. If they do, find out how many and the price. Come find me after that. We will need cattle for the men at Monteviot, so we may as well look into it while we are here.”

  The soldiers nodded smartly and moved swiftly to do his bidding. Meanwhile, Troy began hunting for a livery and he found one at the edge of the village center, just off the main road. He could see the corral. Knowing that was their destination, he took his wife and Audric over to the livery and paid the livery keep handsomely to feed and water the animals.

  Dismounting his steed, he moved to help Rhoswyn off of her bulky horse but she dismounted quite ably, her skirts flipping up and showing her leather breeches underneath as she did. She didn’t even notice about the skirts, unused to them as she was, so Troy flipped them back down as he came close. Rhoswyn, realizing what had happened, looked at him with some chagrin.

  “Och,” she said, smoothing her skirts down. “I dinna think.”

  A smile played on his lips as he looked at her. “I know.”

  She sighed sharply. “Can ye even stand yerself, having tae mother me every second?” she said. “I’m a driggle-draggle!”

  He tried not to laugh. “Not for long,” he said. “You are well on your way to being a proper lady. I have every confidence that you will learn quickly.”

  She pursed her lips wryly. “If I can manage to keep me skirts down.”

  He did laugh, then, and took her by the elbow. “That is why you have me here, to remind you,” he said as he pulled her out of the livery. “Do you think I want men seeing what belongs only to me? Absolutely not. What is under that skirt is for my eyes only.”

  Rhoswyn’s cheeks flushed a shade of pink; she knew what he meant. That her body was reserved only for him and, so far, he’d taken advantage of that. But she had to admit that she’d quickly come to like it.

  Crave it, even.

  As they walked together out onto the road, even now, she could feel his body beside hers and her body was immediately drawn to him, tingling with the anticipation of his touch even though they were in a public place. Everything about him made her tingle.

  But it wouldn’t do to talk about things like that, especially with the priest around, so she shifted the focus away from what lay beneath her skirts.

  “Lady Sable said that we must find a merchant with all manner of goods such as fabric, soaps, and oils,” she said. “She says tae find a merchant who has Spanish soap.”

  Troy’s brow furrowed. “Spanish soap?”

  Rhoswyn nodded confidently. “I am sure the merchant will know what I mean,” she said. Then, she turned to Audric, who was trailing along behind them. “This is yer town, Audric. Do ye know where we can find a merchant who has Spanish soap?”

  Audric wandered up beside them as they walked, noting that Rhoswyn had looped her hand through Troy’s elbow, so naturally it was as if she’d always been doing it. They looked quite comfortable together.

  “Ye mean castile soap,” he said. “I’ve heard of such things. We have a rich parishioner who is fond tae confess her love of spendin’ money. She buys sweet almonds from the holy land and soap from Spain. The woman buys things she doesna even need!”

  Both Troy and Rhoswyn looked at him in surprise. “You are not supposed to speak of confessionals,” Troy said, amused. “God would frown upon such things.”

  Audric cocked an eyebrow. “I dinna tell ye the name of the woman, so God has no cause tae be cross with me,” he said, watching Troy grin. “I know who ye need tae visit – a merchant at the end of the square who has goods from all over. Ye can smell his shop as ye come close because he has many mysterious potions and perfumes.”

  Rhoswyn was very interested. “Truly?” she asked, looking out to the square as they started to head north, through the bustle of people. “Where is he?”

  Audric pointed in a general northerly direction. “Over there,” he said. “Look for the busiest shop and ye’ll find him.”

  Troy couldn’t help but notice that Rhoswyn was pulling on him as she walked. He had to walk faster to keep up with her. She was singularly focused on finding the merchant shop that Audric had described and, to be certain, they could soon smell exotic and mysterious scents upon the wind. Like the lure of sirens, pulling shoppers to their financial doom, the scents grew stronger as they approached what seemed to be a very popular stall. People were moving in and out of it with their shopping baskets in-hand.

  Surprisingly, Rhoswyn wasn’t intimidated by the sight of shopping women even though she’d never visited such a stall in her life. This was a first. But her morning spent with Sable had made her more comfortable – and curious – about the things that made ladies’ skin so soft or smell good, and she was eager to look at all of the wondrous items.

  Troy took her up to
the threshold of the shop but he would go no further, as he explained, because it wasn’t a fitting place for men. It was strictly for women. Rhoswyn was preparing to go it alone but Troy emitted a sharp whistle between his teeth and called over the merchant who owned the shop, standing just inside the door and speaking with another customer. As the man approached, irritated that he’d been whistled at by the big knight, Troy spoke with authority.

  “I am Troy de Wolfe,” he said. “My father is William de Wolfe and unless you are an imbecile, you have heard of my family. This lovely creature is my wife and she is in need of anything and everything a well-dressed lady needs. You will personally escort her through your stall and make sure she has all that is required. You will be handsomely paid for your efforts.”

  The name de Wolfe meant something on the borders. The merchant’s eyes widened at the mention of the name and, suddenly, he wasn’t so irritated. In fact, he nodded eagerly and turned to Rhoswyn.

  “Of course, Lady de Wolfe,” he said; he spoke with a decidedly northern English accent. “Come inside. What do you wish to see first?”

  Rhoswyn had no idea what she should shop for first, but rather than appear uncertain by his question, she thought back to what Sable had told her. Fabric. Soaps. Oils.

  “I would see fabrics, soaps, and oils,” she said firmly. “I want Spanish soap.”

  The merchant seemed perplexed by her answer, but quickly, he figured out what she meant. “Ah!” he said. “Soap from Castile! Aye, I have it!”

  With that, he took her by the elbow to guide her into the stall, but Rhoswyn didn’t take kindly to the man putting a polite hand on her so she pulled her elbow free. That didn’t seem to deter the man, who was chatting up a storm as he told her of all of the wonderful products he had in his stall, and he grasped her again by the elbow.


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