Fuck the Rules
Page 8
Some members of the community feel RL Industries is overstepping their boundaries in an attempt to save the school and surrounding property. As many in the city know, New Harbor has suffered some financial losses recently and a Florida based development company has offered 3.4 million dollars to purchase the land and build a new school near the Packard Nuclear Power Plant. This plan seemed to upset most in the community when it was announced at the last city council meeting.
“This new option will help everyone involved,” replied Principal Markus Smith. “I don’t see how it could be detrimental to anyone. In addition to the new computers, and training facilities, I have been informed by R.E. Liles, Sr. that he will be opening up internships for qualified students as well as college scholarships for the top ten students from each class.”
“I am always looking for ways to give back to the community. When I heard about the problems with the school I knew I couldn’t sit idly by and let the building and property, where my son spent the happiest years of his life, be destroyed,” Liles said in a phone interview. “We are in talks with several computer companies to donate to the new communications laboratory. We have also hired a local architectural firm to identify any structural issues the building may have and ways to correct them. We are attempting to use local businesses and labor so everyone in the community benefits from this endeavor.”
The demolition and reconstruction of the gymnasium as well as the area around the football field should be complete by the start of the new school year.
RL Industries Interoffice Memorandum
To: Wadsworth Crenshaw, J.S. Ward
From: R.E. Liles, Sr.
Date: September 30, 1993
Subject: Direction
Gentlemen, we need to sever ties, at least temporarily, with our friends in Washington. There seems to be some backlash with the events in Idaho and Texas. During this break I feel we should concentrate on updating our mainframe and data consolidation.
J.S., the Cray supercomputer you advised me about should be here by the end of October and up and running by Christmas. I want you to oversee the installation and data transfer of this new system.
Wadsworth, make sure all loose ends with Washington are taken care of. Then I want you to set up a data analysis department and work with J.S. on getting all the information into an easy-to-read format.
One last thing; I want to send our current research on cell phones and internet web browsing to other companies. We will keep the shadow programs running and let the Cray process the information and have weekly reviews.
R.E. Liles, Sr.
Forbes Magazine, March 23, 1995
In an unsurprising business event, the small Virginia-based technology and information company RL Industries has managed to maintain their status as a leader in computer programming and communications technology advancement.
“We have been leaders in the advancement of communications worldwide for years,” Jonathan Scott Ward said in an interview. “We have recruited some of the brightest minds over the past ten years and have worked with some of the greatest companies, scientists and developers in the world. The results of our advancements speak for themselves in that over sixteen million people in America alone are using cell phones with our technology, and software used by anyone on the internet is based on our protocols and theorems developed in New Harbor, Virginia.”
While RL Industries has succeeded with their programming and development of what is now being called “Information Technologies,” other companies have struggled to maintain a foothold in the ever-growing industry. Some say RL Industries has used strongarm tactics, inside information and have also traded in on political favors in Washington. The lawsuits have been numerous but none have been fruitful.
Modern Computing, April 1995
Secure Online Transactions
By Steve Yates
In an unprecedented test of security measures, RL Industries held a thirty-day test of the best computer hackers and programmers in the world to attempt to break into their new security program. The program was designed to ensure the safety of internet purchasing, banking and stock market trading.
In a phone interview, R.E. Liles, Sr., founder of RL Industries, stated, “We are offering any person or group of people twenty million dollars if they successfully hack our system. We’ve had the best minds in the industry test it and now it’s time for the world to.”
The test will start on April 1 and will run through the end of the month.
Wall Street Journal, May 3, 1995
Another Success for RL Industries
By J. Kornick
The prize of twenty million dollars has gone unclaimed and the iron gates of the new internet security software from RL Industries remain intact. “I knew the system wouldn’t fail,” R.E. Liles, Sr. said confidently as he sat behind his desk. “We will be launching the software by the end of the week and offering a consumer version by the end of the month.”
Many banking institutions have already signed on for the new software and there have even been rumors that several government agencies are planning on implementing the program as well.
January 3, 1996
To: Mr. R.E. Liles, Sr.
From: Diane R. Vorhees
Subject: Class 86 reunion
Date: February 1, 1996
Dear Mr. Liles,
My name is Diane Vorhees and I was the class president of the New Harbor High School, Class of 1986. I am writing to request your presence as guest speaker for our reunion on June 22nd 1996.
You have been a true patron and have done more for our school than any other person. I hope you take this request into consideration. Please feel free to contact me at:
Diane R. Vorhees
P.O. Box 214
New Harbor, Virginia 23700
To: Ms. Diane R. Vorhees
From: R.E. Liles, Sr.
Subject: Guest Speaker
Date: February 7, 1996
Dear Ms. Vorhees,
Indeed I would be more than honored to speak at the ten year class reunion. Although my schedule is normally quite hectic I am going to rearrange some things so that I can be there. I can only give you thirty minutes of my time, so if it is ok, I will be there from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Are you not the young lady that once dated my son Rodger in 1983? Enclosed please use this gift of Ten Thousand dollars to help make this the best ten year reunion.
R.E. Liles, Sr.
P.S. If you have an email account feel free to submit your request to email address LilesRE@RLINDUSTRIES.COM.
Subject: Reunion
Date: February 8, 1996, 1:43 p.m.
Sir, after going through the upcoming travel itinerary I find this guest appearance for the ten year class reunion to be ill-advised, especially with the death threats you have been receiving, I am completely against you going. Can’t you send Wadsworth or one of your VP’s?
On a business note, our old friends from northern Virginia have been in contact once again. They want the same thing – training and modern surveillance systems equipment. I know we severed ties with them not too long ago, but I feel that we should rebuild our relationship.
J.S. Ward
Subject: RE. Reunion
Date: February 9, 1996, 7:15 a.m.
Jonathan, I am going to speak at the reunion. Hell, we own the damn building and land. No one gets in or out of there without us knowing about it. I will be perfectly safe. I will have Crenshaw send in a sweeper team before the party starts just to make sure.
As for the relationship with our old
friends, I don’t see what harm it can do.
R.E. Liles, Sr.
From: DRVorhees@Weblink.com
To: LilesRE@RLIndustries.com
Subject: RE.RE. Reunion
Date: February 10, 1996, 9:55 p.m.
Dear Mr. Liles,
I can’t thank you enough for agreeing to be the guest speaker at our reunion. As for the check, I am at a loss for words and will make sure every penny is spent on making this the best reunion possible. Once I get the schedule of events solidified, I will send it to you via email.
Forever in your gratitude,
Diane R. Vorhees
Handwritten on a postcard to Diane Vorhees, from Madison, Wisconsin. The postcard is unsigned and has no return address; postal date March 1, 1996:
Diane, I know what you are planning and I only want to say nothing good can come of it.
Torn from the underground newspaper The Orwell-Huxley Picayune, March 1996
Call to Arms
By Winston Marx
To all my readers and subscribers, the time is coming! We shall not just make a strike at the hydra of corporate greed and control but we shall slay it! Plans are in place now and I expect every one of you to join in the cause! This is your call to ARMS! You know what to do! Look for the signs, they are all in place!
From: WCrenshaw@RLIndustries.com
To: LilesRE@RLIndustries.com
CC: JSWard@RLIndustries.com
Subject: Loose ends
Date: March 28, 1996, 10:48 a.m.
Everything is in place for our next merger with our old friends. Advanced payments for services rendered have been received and I have placed six of our best technicians on standby to begin training our oldest client. I’ve been informed we will start training the new recruits at the Langley camp in July.
As for the work on the new computer trace technology, our tests have proven to be one hundred percent accurate in deciphering up to 164 characters of encryption. This is good news and our database is growing. We are now planning on attempting to integrate this data into a predictability program that monitors people’s habits.
Wadsworth Crenshaw
From: JSWard@RLIndutries.com
To: LilesRE@RLIndustries.com
CC: WCrenshaw@RLIndustries.com
Subject: Infection
Date: April 11, 1996, 2:43 p.m.
It has been brought to my attention by one of the programmers that there is an unauthorized sub-routine running on our Cray. So far we don’t know how long it’s been running or what it is “looking” for. We have attempted to extract it but it is quite difficult to pinpoint the exact location on the hard-drives. Several members of my team feel if we are too hasty in extracting it, irreparable damage may be caused to our systems.
As it stands now there appears to be no security breach and all firewalls are still in place. One programmer seems to think the Cray came from the factory with the sub-routine already installed on the system. We have installed several monitoring programs just for this particular sub-routine which has been dubbed “Soma”.
I will keep you posted on any changes.
J.S. Ward
From: LilesRE@RLIndustries.com
To: JSWard@RLIndutries.com
CC: WCrenshaw@RLIndustries.com
Subject: Soma
Date: April 11, 1996, 3:13 p.m.
Gentlemen, I am going to be blunt.
A receipt from Gamez’s Farm Supply in Smithfield, Virginia:
gamez’s farm supply
Smithfield, va
fertilizer @ $2.43/pound
x 200 pounds $486.00
cash: $500.00
change: $14.00
may 16, 1996
A receipt from Weems Fuel Oil Service in Wakefield, Virginia:
weems fuel oil service
wakefield, va
fuel oil @ $1.03/gallon
x 200 gallons $206.00
cash: $220.00
change: $14.00
may 24, 1996
New Harbor Ledger, May 30, 1996
Homegrown Terrorists Caught
By Jodi Muellar
NEW HARBOR – The community of New Harbor was stunned to find that four United States citizens have been arrested six miles from the city line. The four men in question were driving a van filled with a large quantity of fertilizer, fuel oil, fuses and other bomb-making materials.
As many of you know, in April 1995, Timothy McVeigh bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 646 people.
“We received an anonymous tip from a concerned citizen that he saw four suspicious individuals at the Nite Owl Motel out on Route 364. Upon our initial investigation we discovered the vehicle filled with the explosive material,” Sheriff Skelton said in an interview. “After that, we contacted the ATF and FBI for them to take over the case. Our small-town department isn’t equipped to handle terrorist activities.”
“We were fortunate that Sheriff Skelton contacted us right away,” said an ATF spokesman. “Who knows what would have happened had he not acted quickly.”
The community is stunned at the events of the past two days and an emergency City Council meeting has been called into session on Tuesday, June 3 at 6:30 p.m. All those wishing to attend, please arrive early.
From: JSWard@RLIndutries.com
To: LilesRE@RLIndustries.com
CC: WCrenshaw@RLIndustries.com
Subject: Reunion part two
Date: May 30, 1996, 6:30 a.m.
R.E., in light of recent events, I beg you to rethink your position on being the guest speaker at the High School Reunion. I don’t think anyone would blame you if you didn’t go.
There have been endless threats on your life and these four nut jobs seem to be the tip of the iceberg.
J.S. Ward
From: LilesRE@RLIndustries.com
To: JSWard@RLIndutries.com
CC: WCrenshaw@RLIndustries.com
Subject: Re. Reunion part two
Date: May 30, 1996, 6:52 a.m.
I said I was going and that means I am going. End of discussion. Crenshaw, have security doubled. I refuse to be a goddamn hostage in my own city. Ward, I want you by my side at all times that day.
R.E. Liles Sr.
From: WCrenshaw@RLIndustries.com
To: LilesRE@RLIndustries.com
CC: JSWard@RLIndutries.com
Subject: Re. Reunion part two
Date: June 12, 1996, 1:02 p.m.
Gentlemen, all security protocols have been put in place at the high school. I’ve also had our security department run extensive background checks on all the attendees, janitors, caterers, musicians and valets.
Everyone comes back relatively clean and all their whereabouts for the past five years have been well-documented by our system.
Wadsworth Crenshaw
From the security audio tape of RL Industries at the New Harbor High School on June 22, 1996 at 7:20 p.m.:
Base 1: “There seems to be a problem with some of the portable cameras in the gym. Mobile two, please check them.”
Mobile 2: “Roger that, Base.”
Mobile 3: “Base, this is Mobile 3. There seems to be something wrong with the sprinkler system. The pipes are making a noise.”
Base 1: “Mobile 8, check the sprinkler system. Make sure no one has triggered anything.”
Mobile 8: “Roger that, Base.”
Screams from the crowd drown out the rest of the transmission.
/> Base 1: “What’s going on? Get Senior to the roof exit. Stay away from ground level exits! EVACUATE NOW!”
Garbled transmissions and screams fill the radio broadcast.
New Harbor Ledger June 24, 1996
253 Dead in High School Mass Murder
By Jodi Muellar
NEW HABOR – In what is being considered one of the largest, single attacks on one generation of people in the United States, all 253 attendees of the Class of 1986 reunion were killed along with their spouses, guest speaker R.E. Liles, Sr., security officers, caterers and the band.
It appears that a “homegrown” terrorist replaced the water in the school’s sprinkler system with a mixture of hydrogen cyanide, ammonia and an as yet undetermined acid compound. The chemical agent was released by a remote detonation device found in the sprinkler control room by federal agents.
The community of New Harbor is in a state of shock and mourning. A memorial is being held at 12:00 noon on July 1 at New Harbor City Park.