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Government Z (Book 1): The Beginning

Page 15

by Reid, Bryan D.

  Around ten o’clock Don and Rus grabbed a bite to eat then headed upstairs to take a shower and clean up. Once that was done they got their black suits on, strapped there .45 ACP’s in there holsters, put there sunglasses in there breast pocket of their suit jacket, put there ear pieces in, and made their way down to the kitchen. Bruce can you hear us? Don asked. Loud and clear and be safe Bruce said. See any FBI agent vehicles around? Rus asked. Yes, it looks like there is some activity at the Department of Energy and I can see several black sedans and SUV’s there Bruce said. Alright keep the air waves clear we are heading out now Rus said. Rus and Don exited the hotel and had to make their way down the alleyways toward the Department of Energy. When they could see the entrance they saw seven vehicles parked along the street when suddenly the doors to the cars opened up and out came all the agents. Let’s hurry Rus said maybe we can blend in with those agents as they exit the cars. Rus and Don walked fast not to draw attention to themselves and got behind the last group of agents walking into the building. As they entered the building there was the agent with the scar giving orders. I wonder if he has seen us Rus thought to himself. You two there the scarred agent pointed at Rus and Don. You two head up to administration in the north building and sort the reports and files that are there the scarred agent said. Rus and Don started to walk toward the elevator. While standing there a hand grabbed both of them on the shoulder. It was the scarred agent. So where are you two heading? The agent asked. We are heading to the administration office to sort the reports like you told us to do Don answered. Well the administration office is three doors down that hallway on your right the agent said. Oh sorry we are new to the agency Don answered. I know since I haven’t seen you here before the agent answered. I am special agent Barry D Vaiddein and be in my office on Thanksgiving Day unless you are scheduled for vacation because I will be busy until then. No we are free that day Rus answered we will be in your office then. Rus and Don quickly headed down the hallway and to the administration office. Rus and Don closed the door and started filing all the folders that were lying around the office. Slowly looking thru the folders as they were being organized and digging a little in the file cabinets as they filed everything. During the first hour of organizing Rus and Don watched Barry walk by the door several times never stopping just walking past. Hey look at this Don said. It was a large file marked DuKoppus Nuclear Power Plant. We need to take this and check it out Don said. Rus shoved the file between his back and pants covering it with his jacket. Just then Barry came in the office. You all finished up in here? Barry asked. Yes sir, we just finished Don said. Ok Barry said as he tossed a set of keys at Don. Take a look around and get to know the staff. The first SUV will be yours and you will be on patrol here during the night shift until Thanksgiving Barry said. You start your first full shift tomorrow so arrive at half past ten and your shift starts at eleven Barry said as he turned around and walked out of the office. Alright I guess we are in, now let’s head back to the hotel Rus said.

  Rus and Don arrived back at the hotel and broke down the file they found. There is so much information here that points the FBI and DuKoppus have been working together for a while. The FBI has been ordering ten barrels of nuclear waste to be delivered to the Department of Energy every three months for the past two years. That’s eighty barrels in two years Don pointed out. Look at this signed document from the desk of Arnold Skinner. It informs the DuKoppus’ company to transport the toxic waste in the center of the garbage trucks when they take trips over to Michigan and the FBI will pick the load up. There is also a list of times, pick-ups, and a bank account showing an eight figure deposit each delivery that was made Rus said. Anything else of interest Don asked. Just some meetings that were set up between Skinner, DuKoppus, and someone called Big C Rus said. Also one of the meetings has ACT 75DDNPP circled next to it and the meeting was about a month before all the problems started or approved by congress. Man this is some heavy information and tomorrow when we start at the Department of Energy we need to mentally document what we see or get it to the car Don said. I am going to build a small safe box under the rear of the SUV and disguise it as the spare tire Don added. I’ll meet you in the alley after I grab some of those grates and we can fasten that inside the tire Rus said. Rus and Don went to work on the SUV, first by taking the spare tire from underneath the SUV and taking the rim out, then they cut out the floor board to have an opening. Once that was done they installed a grate in the middle of the tire to act as a holding spot for anything they may find. Rus reinstalled the spare tire while Don sawed out two small handles in the floor board. Once that was done and the board was back in place Rus and Don align the upholstery so the cut out was not noticeable. Alright let’s get some sleep for that shift tomorrow Rus said. While patrolling the building over the next two weeks proved to be very helpful. They discovered where the E.M.P.’s were built, the mystery vials that we found in the garbage truck back home were made, some of the connection between the FBI and DuKoppus nuclear power plant, and some documents of the testing subjects they did research on at the National Academy of Sciences. Rus and Don sat down to an early Thanksgiving dinner with the guys. Our meeting is tomorrow at eleven in the morning so we should get some sleep since they gave us Wednesday off Rus said. We need to be prepared for anything I really don’t trust that Barry guy Don said. Any news from the outpost Don asked. Everything has been running smoothly since we left, Chris finished that project you and Bryan gave him before you left, Abby and the baby are still going great and are on schedule still, and the only rough thing right now is the snow started falling early and they have seen about five inches so far Bruce reported. That’s great now everyone bow your heads Rus asked. Pastor Scott came over the CB and lead a Thanksgiving prayer since the outpost joined them in celebrating early. Tomorrow we will need to all be on our A game because I don’t know how this meeting is going to go. The guys carved their turkey, ate a delightful dinner and all headed to bed to be ready for whatever may come tomorrow.

  Chapter 17

  Rus and Don awoke around eight the next morning and headed for the coffee maker down in the kitchen. After taking a big sip Rus had that bitter look on his face. I see you made the coffee today Don, Rus said. Yeah how did you know? Don asked. Because my spoon can stand straight up inside my cup Rus chuckled. Sorry I like very strong coffee to wake me up in the morning Don said. What’s for breakfast Bruce asked as he came thru the kitchen doors. I made pancakes and bacon Rus said ending his sentence with a high pitch laugh. Everyone sat down and enjoyed breakfast. What’s discussing the plan for the day Mike asked. Well Bruce was going to listen in thru the ear piece from the second suite while Jon and I follow your movement from the rooftops Mike said. Ok we will go start getting ready and dress warm if you’re going to be on the roof because is suppose to very brisk today Rus warned Mike and Jon. Rus and Don went to their rooms and got ready for their meeting. Jon and Mike filled a container with hot coffee and bundled themselves up for their stakeout on the roof. Bruce grabbed what he needed and headed for the top floor suite and positioned himself near the large bay window so he would have a clear signal to hear through the headset. Rus and Don checked their headset with Bruce from the kitchen. You read us Bruce? Don asked. Loud and clear guys, good luck Bruce said. Don and Rus got in the SUV and made their way to the J Edgar Hoover building which is the FBI headquarters. When they arrived at the building they parked the car and went into the building. They approached the front desk, scanned their ID cards, and checked their weapons with the security guard at the desk. The security guard had to wait for the clearance to come back once it did he returned the guns to Rus and Don. We are here to meet with special agent Vaiddien Rus said. His office is on the third floor take the service elevator on the left the security pointed down the hall. Rus and Don walked to the elevator and got in headed for the third floor. They arrived on the third floor exited the elevator and looked for Vaiddien’s office. The floor was empty so we had to look everywhere unt
il we came across Barry’s office. We knocked on the door and heard enter screamed at us so we opened the door to find Barry sitting behind a large oak desk. Good afternoon gentlemen, please have a seat Barry said. Rus and Don sat down and Barry stood up and starting pacing in front of the large window in his office. Gentlemen do you know why I have asked you here today? Barry asked. No we don’t sir Don said. Well I am sure you are aware two weeks ago my team was heading into the Department of Energy when I suddenly had two extra agents. I was unaware who these agents were but I gave them an assignment and I have decided to have them work with me personally. You two are those agents and I have personally picked the two of you to assist me Barry said. Well thank you sir we are honored Rus said. First thing I need you to do is take those boxes and put them in your SUV, then return to my office Barry said. Don and Rus picked up four boxes and took them down to the SUV, loaded them, and headed back to Barry’s office. What else to you need sir? Don asked. I also need you to take this duffle back and be careful it has my laptop in it Barry said. After you load those items pull your vehicle to the back entrance and I will meet you there Barry said. Rus and Don loaded the duffle back and pulled the SUV to the back entrance where Barry was waiting holding what looked like a computer. Don jumped out and opened the back of the SUV. Why do you have your office computer? Don asked. I have had threats on my life so I will be working from an abandoned hotel the three of us will build a small command center in Barry said. Where is the hotel at? Rus asked. It is near the harbor Barry informed them, but before we head there we need to stop and perform the autopsy on the man we believe is to be the leader of the militia at the Department of Science Barry said. Rus and Don gave each other a glance and then Rus put the car in drive and drove to the National Academy of Sciences.

  After a short drive from the FBI headquarters they arrived at the National Academy of Sciences and parked at the parking structure that was build across the street. We exited the vehicle and took the small walkway bridge that connected the parking structure to the building. We entered a stairwell on the third floor and headed for the elevator. Barry swiped his security card in a small slot next to floor numbers and a small panel popped open. It showed additional buttons one marked up ,the other down and a small keypad next to those. Barry pushed the down button then typed in a code into the small keypad. We entered the elevator and watched the floors pass; second floor, first floor, basement, but it kept going security and then morgue. The doors opened to reveal a large room full of lab equipment, an autopsy table, and forty morgue refrigerator units. When we arrived there was a sheet covering a body laying on the table and a report on a clipboard hanging from the table. Barry walked over put on a white lab coat and latex gloves, so Rus and Don did the same. Barry looked over the report and started reading it aloud. Male, Caucasian, unexplained wound near left temple may have been debris from explosion, massive burn marks across stomach, legs, left side of face, and left arm due to explosion signed off by Dr. C.W. performing first autopsy and the date was over three weeks ago Barry said. Barry pulled the sheet down just above the pelvis region revealing the burned remains of Bryan. Lying on a table next to the body was Bryan’s two desert eagles and two battle axes. Barry started to explain “these desert eagles were found on the body they have been cleaned as well as these battle axes which looks like the spike end he drove into his own head instead of suffering is my guess.” As Barry was describing the weapons he snapped the clips back into the gun and set them on a small tray in front of Rus and Don. As he continued on the elevator dinged to notify us someone was coming. That is probably just the doctor running the morgue and he is also an undercover agent for the FBI. He has infiltrated three of these compounds over the past several months always dying when we need to get the information and then we move in to take the compound down. The doctor came out of the elevator and to Don and Rus’s shock but not showing it was Dr. Chen surprisingly alive and well. Dr. Chen looked up and looking surprised but trying not to show it said Barry sorry I didn’t know anyone was stopping by today. I am showing these two around since they will be working alongside me since the threats have started Barry said. Dr. Chen turned back to the elevator got in and said I’ll be right back I forgot something. The door closed and Barry went back to talking about the body on the table. “Dr. Chen was in the same compound as our friend here and got tons of information. This compound is the largest one the FBI has come across and is being well planned out before it will be attacked. You see the people of this compound are well equipped with weapons and are excellent in combat skills. There are surveillance pictures of this outpost we will discuss later, suddenly the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Out of the elevator came eight FBI agents with their guns drawn as well as Dr. Chen. The agents surrounded Rus and Don as Dr. Chen had pulled Barry aside and had a short conversation with him. Barry walked back over to the elevator scanned his security card and entered a code locking the elevator down then walked toward Rus and Don with Dr. Chen standing next to him. Well Rus and Don, I have been informed you know who Dr. Chen is and that you are leaders of this great militia that is trying to stop the FBI from making this country unstoppable again Barry said. Do you have anything to say? Barry asked. You have poisoned our children, you have poisoned our country, you have tried to shut down our towns and cities, you say this is for a better country yet hundreds of thousands of people now roam as zombies eating the survivors still left out there Rus said. Dr. Chen and the eight FBI agents holding their guns didn’t like what Rus was saying and all of them yelled aloud with their jaws opening up. Rus and Don looked around seeing that they we surrounded by these alleged super zombies. You have much still too understand about what is going on here and I know how great of warriors you two are Barry said. So with that said the only thing left to say is ooooo woooo Barry said winking at Rus and Don. In the middle of his wink Barry slammed his left fist on the tray on the table launching the desert eagles into the air and with his right hand he reached for one of the battle axes. The guns launched in the air meeting Rus and Don hands as they grabbed the guns and opened fire on the agents. Rus took out the three agents, one standing over Barry’s left shoulder and two to the right. Don took out four agents, the agent standing behind Rus and Don went down first followed by the two to their left. Barry grabbed the battle axe with his right hand and launched it end over end slicing thru the head on the agent standing over Barry’s right shoulder and as he started to turn he picked the other axe up with his left hand. After releasing the first axe Barry continued his motion swing the other axe with his left hand burying the spiked end thru the back of Dr. Chen’s head. Thank you Barry, I don’t know how we can repay you Don said. Will you join us in this fight to save our country? Rus asked. Barry was pulling the axes out of the heads of the bodies when Rus asked the question. Barry placed the axes on the table and reached his hands behind the back of his head and pulled his ponytail out revealing clips to Rus and Don. This is how I kept my hair in Barry said. Barry then put both hands on his forehead and proceeded to pull his skin off. Once the skin came off Don and Rus were in complete shock. Bruce finally spoke after not hearing anything for a minute. What the hell is going on you two? Bruce asked. Don and Rus both still in shock said at the same time BRYAN!?!


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