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Government Z (Book 1): The Beginning

Page 19

by Reid, Bryan D.

  Later the next night I got a call that both Alpha and Charlie teams arrived at the inn. Wait till nine in the morning, then take the inn tying up all the militia and have them lined up outside for when I arrive I ordered. The response was yes sir from all three teams. Rus, Don, and I woke at five in the morning packed up and had our weapons ready for the three hour drive from Cody to the inn. I received a call from the teams at half past eight asking if they had the green light to go. I looked at the map to realize we were five miles away and gave the green light to go informing the team no one was to be harmed. We pulled into the driveway of the inn as the agents were lining up a small group of people numbering about eight and a baby which the head of alpha team was holding. Don exited the van first from the back seat and opened the passenger door for me since we were still in our role of bodyguard to superior. I exited the vehicle and walked over to the head of alpha team. So this is the threat the Director was talking about I said with a smirk. I took the child and loaded it into a car seat that was in the van. I told the agents excellence work you will all be mentioned in my report to the Director and had them line up in a straight line at attention while I addressed the militia. Rus and Don stood behind the militia on each end. Slowly one by one while I was talking they walked up to the militia members whispered to them “the child is safe, we are here to help, and aim for their heads. Wait for his move to attack.” Then they proceeded to cut the zip ties used to bind their hands and placed the small derringer in their hands while I continued talking. Rus and Don stood on the outside of the militia and gave me a slight nod of their heads when I made eye contact with them. I proceeded to continue my speech and open my sports coat revealing my battle axes which I pulled out and had ready. I shifted my speech from the superior United States speech I had heard many times since infiltrating the FBI to a speech of hope while I was grabbing for my axes. “Wyoming militia your time here is over. There is a threat around here that will be stopped. It is time to rise up and take back what was taken. The time is trust in your fellow man is now. Believe in our goal to find a way, find hope, and find a cure.” As I said cure I turned and launched the axe in my right hand parallel to the ground decapitating one agent and I released the axe in my left hand end over end and it buried into the skull of another agent. As I was doing that Rus threw off his sport coat and pulled the two machetes from the sash he made. As my first axe released from my hand Rus was releasing the two machetes from his hand and before they went through the forehead of two agents he was pulling the two throwing knifes from his biceps and releasing them as well. Don was also moving as I released the first axe. Pulling his kamas out and releasing the chain from the fanny pack, Don threw and wrapped one of the kamas around the closest agent’s neck to him. By the time the agents head fell to the ground after being decapitated from my axe Don was pulling hard on the chain decapitating another agent. The militia jumped up and opened fire at the agents as well as myself reaching for my desert eagles that were stashed in my back belt loop. I pulled them out and aimed at the far end of the agents and fired every bullet moving my arms from the outside in until my arms were straight in front of me. It took less than two minutes for the front of the inn to be covered in death and carnage. Seventeen FBI agents laid dead at the hands of us and the militia. I holstered my desert eagles as Rus, Don, and I retrieved our melee weapons from the agent’s bodies. Two of the Wyoming militia approached us. A man and a woman named Mike and Lacy who identified themselves as second in charge, and then an elderly man approached who looked like the leader of the militia. I don’t know why you helped us but thank you for your help. They call me Papa Martin. We were more than happy to help Rus said. It’s what we planned on doing since we knew we were coming to Wyoming I said. We are from a militia in Michigan and we infiltrated the FBI to find a cure for this nuclear mutation that has transformed people into zombies I added. You have shown us that there is hope out there Papa said. I wish you the best in your journey Papa, the van is full of supplies to get you started Don said. So where will you go we asked. I’ve heard rumors of help and sanctuary in Las Vegas so I guess we will head that way Papa said. Where will you go from here Papa asked. We will return to Washington, gather more information, and continue to look for a cure I said. The militia loaded into the van and drove off. Looking at Rus and Don I said we didn’t think that through too well did we? What do mean Don asked? Well we drove here it that van and it’s a long walk back to Cody from here I said. No it won’t be Rus shouted as he pulled up on a snowmobile. Where did you find that Don asked? I noticed some tracks when we got closer to the inn and I knew exactly what they were from Rus said. There is one more sled so the two of you will have to share Rus said laughing as he started to drive away. Don and I jumped on the other snowmobile and followed Rus’s tracks back toward the clubhouse. We arrived back at clubhouse shortly before night fall just as the temperature started to drop below freezing. My phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Director Skinner. I clicked the end button and ignored the call. What are you going to tell him? Rus asked. Quiet while I call him back I said. I started running laps in the main lobby of the clubhouse and shouted for someone to open the front door. I called Director Skinner after running several laps and sounded extremely winded. Agent Vaiddein report Director Skinner barked. “Sir we need an air strike on the Inn. It’s an ambush sir. The militia was waiting for us and complete annihilated the team. I am still on the run from the militia.” I ran over to the door that Rus opened and fired my desert eagle into the air. “Director we need this air strike to take down this militia. My team is dead. I am on foot if the air strike takes me down also then so be it. Mission is a failure. Over and out as I fired more shots into the air and hung up the phone. I set my phone on the ground and fired one more round into the phone destroying it. Don and I stood outside for a smoke with Rus joining us. I looked at my watch and started counting down from ten. Rus and Don looked at me and asked what are you counting down for? I continued counting and pointed toward the sky. When I got to one suddenly four jets went soaring over head and about fifteen seconds later you could hear huge explosion as bombs were being dropped on the inn and surrounding area. I threw my cigarette to the ground and stepped on it to put it out. Pack up I said, we are heading for the airport. We quickly packed up and as we were about to get into the SUV Rus pulled a pin on a hand grenade and threw it inside the club and as we drove away you could see the explosion in the rearview mirror. We drove through the night until we reached the airport where our helicopters were gassed up and awaiting our return. We parked next to the Blackhawk jumped out of the SUV and unloaded our supplies into the helicopter. Once we were ready to go Rus jumped in first and sat behind one of the gun seats. Don opened the cockpit door and pulled the pilot out and threw him to the ground. The pilot looked up and screamed with his talons opening up. Don pulled his gun and put a bullet in the pilots head. Rus noticed the other pilot also have talons open up as he was unbuckling his seat belt so Rus opened fire with the chain gun attached to the Blackhawk. Rus riddled the passenger helicopter with bullets as Don started to lift off and didn’t stop until the helicopter exploded. We flew out of Wyoming leaving a helicopter burning on the runway and me wondering what waited in Washington as I had to meet with the Director and the Vice President but only time would tell.

  Chapter 21

  We arrived back in Washington D.C. on March 3rd around ten in the morning. We had been away from home for just over four months and still searching for answers for the past eleven months events. When we landed the Blackhawk at the airport there was a black SUV waiting for us when we arrived. When we exited the helicopter two agents exited the SUV and approached us. Agent Vaiddein we have been ordered to take you directly to Director Skinner upon your arrival one of the agents said. They stood on each side of me and escorted me to the SUV. It felt like I was a prisoner in there custody. I looked back at Rus and Don telling them to take our supplies to the hotel and meet me at the headq
uarters. We headed in the direction of the FBI headquarters but suddenly the agents sped up cutting in and out of traffic heading now away from the FBI headquarters. Where are we going? I asked with a demanding voice. The driver said that’s classified sir and suddenly a window blocking the front and back seats similar to a limousine went up. Now I was driving blind as these agents were still driving fast across what I believe was still Washington D.C. The SUV finally came to a stop and then the agents opened the door to the back seat. I exited the vehicle and realized I was standing at Georgetown University. Where do we go from here I asked the agents. Follow us Agent Vaiddein; we will take you to Director Skinner. The agents escorted me toward the dean’s office with one in front and the other behind me. Once we reached the Dean’s office one of the agents knocked on the door and then opened it for me. I walked in to see Director Skinner sitting behind a large desk with a file folder under his folded hands resting on the desk. Sit down Vaiddein Director Skinner said. I am disappointed with the outcome of your mission but I have already sent two more teams in search of the militia Director Skinner said. Sir? I said with a concern. After the air strike the scanners picked up only seventeen bodies that were in a small group and after one of the jets landed the pilot discovered they were all federal agents Director Skinner said. Can you explain why my best agents were dead before the air strike Vaiddein? Director Skinner asked. Two of the teams were ambushed in the mountains two days away from the inn and the third team was killed at the inn after they had lured me to the inn with one of the agents checking in I said. “When my bodyguards and I arrived at the inn one of the agents was waiting for me. When we exited the SUV shots were fired and took out the tires on the SUV. We walked up to the agent, as we approached the agent he was assassinated in front of me. When I walked up to the agent I stumbled over a snow pile and as I did I kicked up an arm. So I uncovered the arm to reveal another one of the agents I had sent out in search of the militia. I looked around and noticed fifteen other piles assuming that the other agents were buried in the snow. When I realized the teams were all dead and I was being shot at with the bullets hitting right in front of me. My bodyguards and I took off running on foot and that’s when you called my cell and I asked for the air strike. That is my official report for you sir” I said. Director Skinner handed me the file folder that was sitting on the desk. Do not read this yet Vaiddein, you are to report to the Smithsonian Natural History Museum tomorrow at 0900 to meet with the Vice President and he will discuss the contents in this folder with your next mission Director Skinner said. With how the mission in Wyoming turned out I am satisfied with your work so far Vaiddein Director Skinner said. Thank You- I started to say as Director Skinner backhanded a fist across my face. Director Skinner got next to my face standing to the right of me. His talons opened up and stuck into my cheek. If you fail me again and do not bring a child back to me I will tear out your heart and eat it in front of you before you die, am I clear Vaiddein? Director Skinner asked. Crystal sir I answered. I got up and exited the building where the agents took me back to the hotel and I prepared for meeting the Vice President since he was my “in” to the FBI and I had never met him.

  The next morning we headed to the Smithsonian where I was meeting the Vice President. As we approached the museum we noticed it was taped off to the public. We parked at the front of the museum, exited the car, than ascended the steps to the door with me leading the way and Don and Rus following me in their bodyguard mode. We entered the museum and we greeted by to secret service men. Follow us please one of the agents said. We were walked over to a dual set of staircases. Vice President MacDonald is waiting for you on the second floor and your guards will have to wait here with us the agent said. I gave Don and Rus a head nod as I turned and walked up the staircase on the right side. Rus and Don stayed close to the secret service agents not knowing what would happen while I was with the Vice President. When I got to the top of the stairs the Vice President was sitting at a small bench waiting for me. Good morning agent Vaiddein said Vice President MacDonald. Good morning Mr. Vice President, I hope I having kept you waiting I said. No your right on time and please call me Earl Vice President MacDonald said. Please walk with me Vaiddein Earl asked. We slowly started walking thru the second floor of the museum. Director Skinner has informed me of your successes so far and the miscues in Wyoming, Earl stated. Let me walk you through our mission here Vaiddein, Earl said. “When we were still senators President Cummings and I got to take a tour of the DuKoppus nuclear plant in Nunavut, Canada. Specifically on the Baffin Island southeast of Arctic Bay. Darren DuKoppus showed our group the work he was doing on nuclear power and weapons. He pulled us aside and showed us his vision to work in nuclear chemicals with Dr. Chen who was a native to the Baffin Islands. He showed us the remarkable work they had done and asked if we were interested in investing in his work and for helping him he would pay for a presidential campaign. It obviously was an offer we couldn’t pass. For the next three years we funded DuKoppus and his work as well as became subjects of the experiments. Once seeing firsthand the superior beings that could be created from the chemical testing and side effects, Dr. Chen worked on our special project since knew that the state the country was headed into a decline and we needed to work toward a way we would be able to protect our country. We also saw the down side to the chemical test results but the good results we did see and the fact the superior men and women could control the zombies that couldn’t bond with the chemical. Even though some did bond with the chemical, they two were considered zombies. Contacts covered the eyes that turned white, blood remained red, mutated the muscles giving them superior strength, and the jaw broke into four sections forming talons which were hidden by wax mask that way they could be undetected by anyone else. The doses President Cummins and I received advanced us into more than superior beings. It gave us control and command over all the beings that we tested but with a side effect. We had a slight mutation but it was able to be controlled so we still looked like normal human beings but when needed could transform. So we agreed to make a run for the presidency and continue the work throughout North America to make us both strong countries. So once we took office we started bringing the toxic waste over in the garbage trucks. We moved the nuclear chemicals from designated pick up spots to Washington where Dr. Chen moved and was given whatever he needed to mix the up the Chemical. The toxic waste was combined with the flu vaccine and sulfur to create our new chemical we codenamed MARCUS. EMP’s were set off in surrounding areas across the country knocking out power and communications. Unfortunately text messaging was only wiped out for a few days, but we were able to hack the GPS in all cell phones and hunt down those not affected. We disburse the chemical in the water supply around the country so all lakes, rivers, well, and city water supplies transferred the chemical for us. Some became superior, mostly everyone became zombies we have all read about growing up, and small amounts were not affected at all that was all due to blood type. We requested all top recruits to report to Washington to test them and the ones that had become superior became agents of the FBI and Secret Service. We expected survivors to unite but nothing like the threat we face now. The group in Wyoming you failed to capture was only the beginning. We have found information that a cure is being worked on in casino we believe is located in Las Vegas. Our Intel points to a casino named the Sands Bar Casino as where this cure could be being created. The key to this cure is the blood of a child born between an infected man and woman not turned into zombies or our new super race but we are not sure if any of them have mated. The child would be born uninfected and blood from this child could be used to make a cure. Since we heard of an uninfected child born in Wyoming we needed to see if it was a hybrid but since you failed to capture it we have to go with another area where we heard of a child being born. This is the largest and most dangerous militia we have faced yet. I believe they have tried to gain access into Washington but were blown up on the river.” But I only have one request to know from you
Vaiddein? Earl asked as he pulled out a small remote and pressed the button sending all security gates in the museum closing down, locking me on the second floor with him. Once the gate closed he pulled out a syringe filled with a lime green substance and injected it into his arm. How is it you moved into the FBI with my recommendation and I have never met you until today? Earl asked. I could hear bones breaking and dislocating as the Vice President’s clothes tore from his body and revealed his mutated body. His jaw opened to reveal the same talons all superior zombies had, then his arms seem to grow longer about six inches longer then they were, sharp talons grew on his elbows, muscles bulged from his body as he grew larger and larger. Now towering over me standing at nearly seven feet tall he swung his mighty arm and I went crashing into the Insect Gallery from the Plant gallery losing my axes with the hit. Rus and Don had their own problems as the two Secret Service agents also opened their talons and went on the attack when the gates started closing. Downstairs gun fire reigned throughout the entire museum as Rus and Don were pinned behind a statue of an elephant on the first floor of the Rotunda area. I arose after being knocked down and drew my desert eagles. Waiting for the Vice President to come thru the walkway I took cover behind a display case and aimed for the archway. As the Vice President entered the doorway I took aim with my desert eagle and as I was pulling the trigger the Vice President looked at me and spit this toxic green venom at me. I jumped out of the way and noticed the venom melted the display case. I took aim again only to have the Vice President cut my arm with the talon on his elbow as he was swinging his mighty arm toward me again. Knocking me back again toward the balcony I lost both my desert eagles and they fell over the edge and down to the first floor.


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