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Government Z (Book 1): The Beginning

Page 21

by Reid, Bryan D.

  Don and I headed back for the stairwell and made our way to the seventh floor. We opened the door with our guns drawn because after getting shot at by an Apache helicopter and the alarms going off we were not taking any chances now. We slowly crept out of the stairwell slowly going room by room as we searched and secured the area. So do you think that was Rus or someone else? Don asked. If I had to guess I would say Rus found some new weapons and you know he doesn’t know the statement of overkill. I said with a smirk on my face. Don and I started searching slowly room by room we could hear a door slam open across the floor we were on. We took guard and prepared for a shoot out when suddenly we saw Rus in a power walk sprint coming toward us. We got up from our cover and when Rus saw us his eyes got wide. Rus in his Olympic style power walk starting flapping his hands and pointing behind us and could only mutter out a few words. Turn now; go just, fucking go Rus screeched. We turned and headed for the stairwell and suddenly we heard a huge exploding sound. Move. Rus shouted. We got down two flights of stairs quickly and heard the door to the seventh floor blow open. We looked up to see a huge fireball coming down the steps. Don pulled out his kamas and sunk the blades into the wall and said to Rus and I. Grab the chain and hold on. We grabbed the chain and Don jumped thru the glass window as Rus and I followed. As we started falling downward we could see the fire pass by the window and then exploded thru all the other windows of the stairwell around us. As we started to fall back toward the building we all attempted to brace the impact feet first. Don and Rus were able to get their feet planted on the buildings outside wall but being at the bottom part of the long chain I lined up with the next floors window which had just been blown out by the fireball. I sling shot thru the open blown out window of the next floor lost my grip on the chain and plummeted down the half flight of stairs. Rus and Don climbed back up the chain and headed down to look for me. I sat against a wall in pain from the fall I just went thru. I looked up at Rus and Don. What the hell was that? I asked. I found some C4 and thought we should shutdown the FBI before we left Rus said. How much did you find and use I asked. A few blocks Rus said. One would have been enough so how many is a few I asked with an angry tone. Four Rus answered. My eyes got wide as Don helped me up. I stood face to face with Rus and shouted are you out of your fucking mind. Rus smirked and said a bit much. We need to move quickly now before everyone and their brother shows up I said. We made our way to the garage and got in the SUV. We exited the garage and made our way for the hotel to pick the guys and our gear. The streets were buzzing with people looking at the exploded remains of the FBI headquarters and the sounds of police and fire trucks racing to the scene. We casually drove onward as nothing was going on and made our way to the hotel. When we arrived at the hotel I asked Bruce to download what he could to a USB Drive I handed him and then we smashed all the electronic devices so there could be no trace of our location in Washington DC. Is everyone doing alright still? I asked. We are all fine but I have more information since we last talked Bruce said. We loaded up the gear and headed for the city limits. So what else did you find Bruce? Don asked. Well there have been a lot of reports in Las Vegas of a militia working underground in one of the abandoned casinos. They are several reports that they have been working on or may have found a cure. A cure? Don asked. Yes they believe the cure could restore all zombies and other creations back to their original state even healing all wounds unless they have been killed Bruce stated. Well I hope whoever is working on that hurries up before we have to fight for our lives. All right quiet down guys, we are approaching a blockade I said with concern in my voice. There were several army trucks and cement walls blocking the highway lanes. We showed our FBI badges to the soldier in charge. He said, I am very sorry sir but by order of the President of the United States no one is to leave the city all vehicles are ordered to return to their homes and off the highway. We looked at each other and turned the car around and made our way back to the hotel. As we approached the hotel we saw several vehicles parked outside. There was a mix of FBI agents and local police coming in and out of the hotel. We continued passing by without being noticed. We continued on down the street. So what do we do now? Rus asked. Head for the airport I said. We are going to have to try and fly out of here. We made our way to the airport hanger where there were two Blackhawk helicopters one of the helicopters had more guns and the other had less guns and more storage. Don please go and show Mike how the controls work so we can take both helicopters. We split the gear between the two helicopters while Don was showing Mike how all the controls worked. Bruce started showing Rus, Don, and I the information about Las Vegas. Unbeknownst to us that Jon was opening the hanger door. The helicopter was running on the one Mike was working with so he could have a feel for having the headset on and the noise of the helicopter none of us noticed the hanger door being opened. Suddenly the air picked up as we notice Mike was starting to hover the helicopter in the hanger with Jon aboard. Don got on the headset and asked what the hell Mike was doing. I am sorry my family comes first before any war to save everyone else Mike said. I have to save my wife and get away from all this madness. So why did you come with us Don said with a demanding tone. I needed you to find a vehicle that will get us around quickly Mike said. Mike took off flying out the hanger and up in the sky. All we could do was stand in shock as we watched him start to fly away. Suddenly we heard a loud launching sound and looked in the distance to see a large cloud of smoke at the end of the runway. Launching toward Mike’s helicopter was the rocket that had just cleared the smoke heading toward him. We watched from the distance as Mike tried to evade the incoming rocket with the helicopter. When just before the rocket hit the helicopter we saw two figures jump from the helicopter. All we could do was watch in shock as their bodies fell to ground from at least five hundred plus feet in the air, then the helicopter explode and crash on top of Mike and Jon’s bodies where they fell from the helicopter. We closed the doors to the hanger allowing only the light from the upper half of the hanger which made entirely out of glass shined in. We need to move cause they are going to be coming to the hanger Rus said. We loaded the helicopter up Don took the pilot seat with Bruce and I taking the guns by both the port and starboard doors and Rus left the cargo door and ramp open. Don started the helicopter and began hovering inside the hanger. We could hear a faint voice barking orders over a megaphone. As we looked down at the floor of the hanger from the thirty feet we were hovering the door began to get riddled with bullets. Brace yourselves Don commanded over the headsets. Down moved the controls to the left and we went smashing threw the glass windows of the top of the hanger and we were suddenly outside overlooking several army vehicles and a few dozen soldiers shooting at the hanger. As we cleared the hanger, I opened fire from the starboard gun sending the soldiers covering behind their vehicles. Alright Donnie get us the hell out of here I said. Don turned and headed northwest toward Michigan to take us home for the first time in over five months. The inside of the helicopter filled with smoke as Rus launched a rocket toward the soldiers before they could try to take us out like they did Mike and Jon. As we started heading home Don alerted us that the helicopter hadn’t been fully refueled yet and we only had enough gas to get to Ohio or maybe just into Michigan. Well keep a look out for a vehicle when we get closer to our destination and land the helicopter before we have to go in for a crash landing I said. We hit the Ohio boarder just as the sun started to set over the horizon. We need to find a ride and fast before we can’t see what is on the ground anymore. Over there, that car dealership should have a vehicle for us Rus shouted over the headsets. Don took the helicopter down for a safe landing in the middle of the dealership. Ok, Bruce and I will man the guns while Don and Rus search the office and find keys for some of vehicles. Rus and Don headed for the office while Bruce and I surveyed the lot. Don and Rus entered the office with their handguns drawn looking for keys to the vehicles on the car lot. They found the manager’s office and kicked the door down. On the wall was a locked b
ox marked “Main Lot”. Do you see a key to open this box Don asked? Rus walked up the box, raised his handgun and fired a shot through the lock. Rus shaking gun looked at Don. This key worked Rus said. The shot echoed across the parking lot causing Bruce and I to be on the lookout until car alarms around us started going off. Looking down the main street headed toward the car dealership we could see the streets fill with undead zombies. Bruce jumped on his gun as I ran for the office to hurry Don and Rus up before it was too late. I entered the front door to find Rus and Don arguing over what car to take. Hey you two, I shouted. You guys set off all the car alarms in the dealership and have alerted all zombies within a ear shot of this place, so grab a set of keys so we can get the hell out of here I said. Don grabbed a set of keys and we headed out the door. When we opened the door we could hear the gun from Bruce’s turret. Bruce was firing across the front of the lot where the zombies had started to enter. Don hurry up and figure out what car you grabbed keys for while Rus and I help Bruce with some cover fire. Rus and I each took one end of the helicopter and gave cover fire to the areas the turret couldn’t cover. While firing and trying to continue to give Don time to find the car. We suddenly heard a loud horn continuously blaring. This one sounded different then the alarms where going off. Bruce looked behind him pass the other turret and saw a blue full-size F150 with Don behind the steering wheel. Bruce shouted for us to get in the truck. I jumped in the passenger side door while Rus detached the other turret from its mount and jumped in the bed of the truck. Don drove pass the helicopter and reversed the truck to where Bruce was. Rus started opening fire with other turret so Bruce jumped in the bed of the truck with Rus. Rus continued firing the turret until he had exhausted all the ammunition, but opened a lane which Don put the gas pedal to the floor. What about the supplies Bruce asked? Do you have the USB still I asked? Yes Bruce answered. Then we are good still I added. We kept firing until we cleared the zombies, then Don pulled over so Rus and Bruce could get inside the truck. We followed the same highway we took to Washington DC and traveled non-stop for seven hours until we final reached home. We arrived to a large celebration. Meats, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, breads, and wines covered a huge table. Followed by music and dancing. We celebrated until the sun came up the following morning and then slumbered with our loved ones. Resting from our long journey and preparing for our upcoming battle.

  Chapter 23

  I slept for twenty four straight hours and when I woke up I felt like the previous year was just a horrible nightmare. But upon seeing the sun rise up over the east wall of the compound I knew this nightmare was real. I washed up and called for a meeting in the command center. Have all task been completed since we left I asked. Yes everything has been completed Christi reported. What else do we need to do in preparation for this attack? Abby asked. We need to prepare all the magazines with ammo, set up the sniper rifles, grenade launchers, and rocket launchers across the south and east walls, and plant the landmines to the south in the open field. We also need to send a team out for food and supplies that will last the next four months, so that means the big trucks should go out and get more refrigerators and freezers too. Cause after we get our supplies we will go on lockdown because we need everyone here to defend the compound. I said. Bruce did you find any more information about the so called “CURE” I asked. Only that there is believed to be a militia somewhere on the strip in Las Vegas using one of the casinos as a base of operation and that they may be working on a cure or have found one that will help both zombie and super-zombies Bruce said, but other than that there is not much to go off of Bruce added. The Wyoming militia mentioned the Sands Bar casino I added Rus stood up and said I have an announcement. We all turned to Rus and listened to what he had to say. I am leaving for Las Vegas tonight in search of this cure and I will return with whatever information I can get before the attack on our home Rus announced. Bev stood up and said I am going with you. I nodded at Rus knowing I couldn’t stop him either way. Rus and Bev headed for supplies as I headed out on the balcony for a cigarette. After lighting it and taking a long drag I was joined by the rest of the committee. Don go hook up a radio to Rus’s motorcycle, Christi please get a small first aid kit ready for them too, and Bruce go and spend time with Abby and that new baby we start working tomorrow I said as I blew smoke from my nose and mouth. I put my head down and said a small prayer.” It’s been a while since we talked. Please guide Rus on his journey and give us a small piece of hope”. I flicked the cigarette butt from my hand and off the balcony as I headed back to the conference room to review maps of where we needed to head for supplies.

  Rus headed for the armory to get shells for his shotgun and sharpen his machete and hook swords. Meanwhile Don was in the garage installing one of the CB satellite radios to Rus’s Ural motorcycle and modifying the weapons installed on the motorcycle. Rus came walking in with a supply of weapons he pulled from the armory and Bev had protein bars to feed them for a day or two. So what do we have going on here? Rus asked. Well I just installed a radio and tuned up your weapons, plus I added a hitch to the sidecar and rear of the bike to pull this small trailer Don said. Rus looked at the small three foot by three foot trailer Don added on. This will be perfect to hold all the extra supplies Rus said. Don shook Rus’s hand as Bev jumped in the side car and Rus mounted the bike. Hurry back Don said. Rus smirked while he revved his engine and took off for the gate. Christi handed Bev the first aid kit as the doors slowly opened. I could hear the motorcycle from the conference room and glanced out the window to see Rus looking back and as he gunned it through the gate I could hear a loud Ooooo Woooo as he drove west heading for the expressway. I continued to look at the map and planned a two day trip to the west side of the state to raid for food and supplies to last us the next four months in anticipation of an attack. That night after we readied one of the semi and freezer trucks I poured a double shot of scotch light a cigarette and tried to reach Rus on the CB satellite. Rus come in; this is the outpost commander I said. I could hear static and suddenly a crackle voice came in over the radio. Outpost this is Rus. We have reached the outskirts of Indianapolis, Indiana and have taking refuge in an abandoned apartment complex. The city is also on lockdown and has blockades surrounding the roads in so Bev and I will have to find a way around the city. We will be riding tomorrow until we reach Wichita, Kansas Rus out. The air waves went silent again as I downed the last of the scotch. I got up and returned to my room and crawled into bed next to my wife. I fell asleep wondering what the future had in store for us.

  I awoke the next morning with a little hangover from the scotch I was drinking the night before. I went to the bathroom and filled the sink with cold water. I splashed three big handfuls into my face, popped some pills and headed for the command center. Don and Christi were there waiting for me when I arrived. No word from Rus since last night Don said as I sat down. We have lost so many people from camp last night as well Christi added. What do you mean? I asked. At breakfast this morning Jennifer never showed up so we took a plate but her room was also empty. But there was a note saying since we failed to bring her husband and son home she didn’t want to be saved by us either. So where did she go and did anyone check to make sure the door was still locked I asked. Bart was on patrol last night and said she was out walking by the kids’ cage and suddenly was gone. She walked into the cage locked the door and was eaten alive Christi explained. Well sorry to sound so cold hearted but we still have the rest of the compound to worry about I said. We have a major hall we will be doing across the state. We are going to hit the Superstore distribution center in Grand Rapids with the large semi and the cold storage trucks I said pointing to its location on the map. We have to manage it with only four people because we need as many people here preparing the guns and mounts along the southeast walls, plus maintain the compound. Don and I will lead this journey but who else will go with us. Christi interrupted me and said excuse me, you left for months and you think I am not going to be by your side. I am g
oing and I think Sam should go with us too Christi said. Don can go get the trucks ready, Christi will prepare a med kit and inform Sam for the trip, and I will grab some toys from the armory I said. We loaded up the trucks and made our way for Grand Rapids hoping for the best, but expecting the worst since it was a major city. The roads of the major highway were starting to become tore up due to no maintenance being completed on them. We felt it was safe to take back roads while staying near the highway for guidance.

  We made the five hour trip across state and arrived in the evening. We pulled into a small run down diner to figure everything out before proceeding to the distribution center. Well what are we doing first? Christi asked. First let’s see if any of these gas stations have any fuel and get the trucks filled for the trip home and then we will hit the distribution center I said. We all jumped back into the trucks and started trying the gas stations on both sides of the streets to see if any of them had any fuel left in the tanks for us to fill up. We stopped at a half dozen gas stations before we finally found one that still had tankers full of gas. We quickly filled the trucks and headed for an abandoned lot. We slept there overnight in shifts and headed for the distribution center at first daylight. Once daylight hit we headed for the distribution center and we pulled up to the main gate which was enclosed by a chain linked fence and locked with chains. Don and I got out and looked to see if there was a way to open the gate. After looking for a couple of minutes I just pulled my Desert Eagle out and shot the lock off. We pulled the trucks thru the main gate, stopped, and got out to reclose the gate. So how you going to lock it smart ass since you shot the lock off? Don asked. I climbed the gate and when I got to the top I pulled out several bungee cords and started wrapping them around the top portion of the gate, then we headed down a double wide driveway about a quarter mile before arriving at the distribution center. It was a large building at least three football fields in length and five wide. The warehouse was broken down into sections: can goods, produce, butcher shop, box goods, and a freezer department. We backed both trucks into the docking area and got out to survey the surrounding area. The building had several broken windows like other people trying to break into the warehouse. We came across a ladder leading to the roof. Alright I will head to the roof while you three make a walk around the perimeter and find the entrance Don said. Don made the climb to the top of the warehouse and could see the whole fence line that surrounded the property. While surveying the property Don could see small packs of zombies thru a few sections of the tree line that surrounded most of the fence. He eliminated them with a silenced sniper rifle to avoid sending signals out.


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