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Government Z (Book 1): The Beginning

Page 25

by Reid, Bryan D.

  Why are we in the command center and not headed to the armory to get weapons? Abby and Christi both asked. I pulled the closet doors in the master bedroom we converted into our main command center open to reveal all of our weapons we had since the beginning. I’ve been storing these up here for some time now in case we needed to grab them quick I said. Everyone strapped on their gear, but as we headed back for the wall I turned to Abby and Bruce. Sorry but I need you two to stay her I ordered. We need to be out there with you guys fighting for what we have built Bruce said. We are more than friends we are family Abby added. I know that but you both need to stay her and protect that little girl at all cost I asked. Leave the outside to us and barricade yourselves up here in the command center I again pleaded. There is a seven day supply of water and food hidden in the shower of the master bathroom I added. Stay safe I said as Abby hugged me goodbye and I nodded at Bruce. I walked out of the command center and could hear Abby and Bruce starting to move items in front of the doors. Christi walked up and handed me a protein bar. I know you; eat this you’ll need your strength Christi said. I gave her a huge kiss and hugged her for a good minute. No matter what happens I started to say before she put her index finger over my mouth to stop me from talking. Let’s just go kick some ass Christi said. I headed up to the southeast corner of the catwalk where I met Don, who was overseeing the zombies move toward us. Well how’s it going Don? I asked. There moving slowly across the field but haven’t reached the road that separates the two fields from where they came from and the field in front of the compound Don said. What do we do first some of our co-workers asked? I send two sets of two co-workers to the southwest and northeast corners of the catwalk, while I sent Christi and Chris to cover the northwest corner of the catwalk. You three teams will watch for any more hordes of zombies that don’t come from that southeast I said. I secretly put Christi in the farthest point away from the zombies we saw coming. Not because I didn’t think she could fight, but with the kids already turned I didn’t want to lose my love too. As my back was turned to the zombies giving directions we got surprised when we heard a voice shout up. Open the gate we are looking for Vaiddein a voice shouted. I looked down to see two men standing at our gate. One was short in height and thick from a natural muscle build with a buzzed head and thin beard. The other was tall and slim with a red strip going thru his black hair. Both had impressive looking weapons. The shorter man had a four foot crescent blade with handles on the curved end for holding with the other had a shiny silver sword and shield almost medieval look about them. I looked down at them and shout back at them “I am Vaiddein, who sent you and what do you want?” My name is Andrew the shorter man stated and this is Robert. I go by Stripe Robert added. We were asked to come and seek your help from Papa Martin from the Wyoming militia Andrew said. Open the gate I shouted. The gate was open to let our new friends enter and quickly resealed. I went down the steps to greet our new guests. Hi I am Vaiddein I said as I shook their hands, but you can just call me Bryan. We have come from the Las Vegas militia. We are bounty hunters of sorts Stripe said. We kill zombies in exchange for shelter, food, and weapons Andrew added. Las Vegas is our home and we return their often after searching cities in the surrounding states. Papa Martin had the feeling that danger was coming to us and wanted your help since you helped him back in Wyoming Andrew said. When Papa came to us we made him our leader, not having a plan we were just protecting two doctors and two scientists that were studying the zombies and looking for a way to cure them Andrew added. Were you located at the Sands Bar Casino Don asked? No, we made our base of operations at the Queen of Hearts Casino Stripe said. Didn’t Papa Martin mention the Sands Bar Casino ever? I asked. I’ve never heard of the Sands Bar Andrew added. I have Pastor Scott said in a low tone. Where in Las Vegas is it Don asked. Las Vegas? Pastor Scott said with a surprise sound. The Sands Bar Casino is in Miami Pastor Scott said. A loud explosion ended the conversation we were having as the first landmine was set off. I looked at Don as we ran back up the stairs. All hell is about to break loose I said.

  We got back to the catwalk to see a small black mushroom cloud heading toward the overcast sky. What’s going on I asked? The zombies are starting to approach the landmines, but I can see some huge looking creatures scattered in between the hordes of zombies. I looked thru the binoculars and saw several huge creatures similar to the ones we had encountered in Washington D.C. All the super soldiers heading toward us were tall like the Vice President grew with the same arm talons, some had four arms looking like the Greek god Atlas, and others were still in a normal human look without transforming. All the super soldiers stopped when the first landmine went off and proceeded to take a few steps back and let the army of zombies walk thru the landmines. We continued to watch over the next hour as the zombies walked across the field set off the landmines destroying small groups at a time, while clearing a path for the super soldiers. All we could do was watch since the soldiers were out of range of the missiles and sniper rifles for an accurate hit. The zombies were only two hundred yards from the southeast corner of the compound after an hour and a half since we spotted them coming from the tree line. Don I need you to get everyone firing whatever RPG’s we have I shouted. Don manned up everyone and had them unload everything we had into the huge group of zombies still moving across the field toward us. Everyone check in I shouted over a walkie talkie. Southwest clear, northwest clear, northeast clear, and command center clear everyone shouted back. The landmines had all been set off by the three thousand zombies headed toward us but only managed to take out around a thousand of them, so that leaves about two thousand still plus the soldiers in waiting Don informed me. I watched the rockets launch one after another some hitting their targets and others were missing badly. Come on you have to make every shot count Don shouted. Don and I watched did two rockets get fired and travel directly south of the compound miss the zombies by a hundred yards. Holy shit; you motherfuckers couldn’t hit water if you fell out of a boat Don screamed as he grabbed the rocket launcher from a couple of nervous shooters. Don proceeded to fire two consecutive rockets into the middle of the zombies hit two groups of at least ten each time. Don threw the rocket launcher back at the nervous shooter. Aim for the middle to take out what you can or jump over the wall and get eaten Don said in his sarcastic humor. We are fighting to live we have to make every shot matter I added. Don, Andrew, and Stripe get the sniper rifles ready some of the soldiers are started to advance I said. I looked thru the binoculars at the advance continuing toward us and saw the zombies were only fifty feet from the trench we dug around the compound and filled with sharp spikes. Chris when I give the signal I need you to open the gas valve to fill the trench with gas I said over the walkie talkie. Once I got off the walkie the sound of thunder could be heard as a huge storm seemed to be rolling in. Looks like one last storm for the end of September Don said looking at the dark clouds rolling in fast. Don and our two newest fighters started to line up the advancing soldiers, while I manned the chain gun mounted to the wall. As we continued our onslaught the zombies arrived at the trench where they mindlessly walked into the pit spearing themselves on the spikes below. The huge number of zombies continued walking into the pit with some ending their afterlife on the spears, others still trying to move once impaled, while continuing to pile on top of one another filling in the void in the trench making a bridge of bodies. I raised my arm in the air to signal Chris, who was rushing over to open the values he made from the gas tanker in the ground. You need to wait until I shut the valve back off or the backfire could travel and blow the tanker Chris shouted over the walkie talkie. Everyone continued firing at the zombies as they crossed the body bridge that was made in the trench. Clear! Chris shouted over the walkie as the down pour of the storm started. I stopped firing the chain gun to pull and light one of the Molotov cocktail that Christi had made. I looked down in the trench and could see the foot deep swamp of gas that now filled the trench. Everyone get down behind the wall I shou
ted. Everyone stopped firing and took cover either behind the catwalk wall or headed down the stairs away from the wall. Once everyone had taken cover I threw the flaming cocktail into the trench and took cover behind the wall. BOOM! A huge explosion wrapped all around the compound with a thirty foot high flame blazing out of the trench. All the zombies that were speared in the trench, walking on the zombie made bridge, or continuing to fall into the trench became engulfed into a fireball. Everyone jumped back up and took down the zombies that had made it across the trench. Don, Andrew, Stripe, and I grabbed sniper rifles and took aim toward the super zombies advancing. I looked through my scope toward the super zombies when a sparkle behind them caught my eye. I looked away from my scope to see what the sparkle was with the binoculars, but got distracted by the sniper rifles going off next to me as we were trying to stop the super zombies from advancing. I grabbed the binoculars and looked were I thought the sparkle came from. I pulled the binoculars away in disbelief and quickly returned them to my eyes.

  I dropped the binoculars turning toward everyone. Missile! I screamed. Everyone looked to a helicopter hovering over the field launching a rocket toward the southeast wall. Everyone started to jump off the catwalk as the rocket propelled toward us. As I was about to jump off the catwalk I was caught off guard as a rocket came toward me from inside the compound. I looked to see Bruce standing on the roof of the command center with a RPG firing at the helicopter. As I turned to watch Bruce’s rocket headed for the helicopter the other rocket was approaching its target. The rocket hit the wall ten feet to the right of my location and sent my flying from the explosion off my perch on the catwalk. I crashed to the ground off the fifteen foot high catwalk I was standing on and twenty feet from where I was standing. Don ran to where I landed. Jesus Don said looking at me. Blood was coming from my left ear and black soot on my back from the explosion. Bryan, are you ok Don asked? I started to stir my head and open my eyes. Everything is blurry and I have nothing but ringing in my ear I shouted not knowing how loud I was talking. Don grabbed my face and pointed it upward into the rain coming down. The water hit my opened eyes and cleared away the blurry vision. What happen to the helicopter I asked? It’s gone, Bruce got them Don said. I looked over to see the super zombies entering through the huge hole that was made by the rocket that hit the southeast wall. Don grabbed my arm and I was a little wobbly coming to my feet but there was no time to for that I needed to fight through my injuries. Don grab your kamas I said as I pulled my battle axes out of there holster on my back. As everyone continued shooting at the zombies now walking thru the demolished wall a huge four armed zombie came thru the hole grabbing one of our co-workers lifting him over his head. Don took off running toward the super zombie doing a baseball slide between legs as the zombie was ripping our co-worker in half at the waist. Don came up behind the super zombie wrapping his kamas around the lower arms and as his attention was on Don I sprinted toward them jumping into the air with my axes raised above my head. As I came down I swung the axes hard and chopped off the two upper arms, while Don pulled his kamas and cut off the lower arms too. As Don was pulling on his kamas I made a 360 degree spin and lopped off the zombies head as his lower arms fell to the ground. The large group of allies in the compound had stopped firing to watch as Don and I quickly and effectively take down this monster of a zombie. Our fight seemed to inspire the compound to fight with everything they had.

  Some members took back to the catwalk while others tried to hold off the zombies at the hole in the wall. The rain was pouring as the battle continued on. The zombies and super zombies continued to enter the compound thru the huge gaping hole as we fought with our melee weapons while others fired into the crowd from the catwalk. Don and I were each battling a super zombie when I finally got to see how insane these bounty hunters really are. I watched as Andrew and Robert jump off the catwalk on top of about twenty zombies taking them all down to the ground. They had obviously been working together for a while because all of their moves were synchronized to each other. Andrew was swinging his crescent blade slashing and decapitating the zombies around him. At one point Andrew was striking two zombies to his left followed with one smooth motion transferred the blade from his left hand and rolling the non-sharp crescent part of the his weapon over his shoulders behind his head catching the blade handle in his right hand and cutting another zombies head in two. Stripe was quick with his sword and used his shield to his advantage as well. Once Stripe got up from jumping off the catwalk he threw his shield point first into an advancing zombie that didn’t get taken down by the jump. The shield went half way thru the zombies head and as the zombie fell backwards to the ground the shield stood upward out of its face. Stripe ran over picking up his shield out of the zombies face then lunge his sword forward into another zombies face. As Stripe was crouched over from the lunge Andrew did a spinning back roll using Stripe’s back as a launching pad and attacking three more zombies that were trying to get back up after getting knocked down by their air attack. Andrew and Stripe were holding off the advance at the hole in the wall with other member still firing from the catwalk. As we battled on another exploding sound came from the north wall followed by another. I looked up to see a rocket leave the command center again headed in the north direction. I ran to see the north wall which to my fear had fallen and some of the sleeping quarters were destroyed with the other on fire from the explosion. I could see the super zombies coming thru the north wall hole that was just made. I glanced around the compound and saw our numbers were fading our community was down to twelve people fighting for their lives but the horde of zombies and super zombies was down to ten. The remaining ten super zombies seemed like the largest of the group in size and powers. Christi and Chris were fighting one on the northwest catwalk; Stripe was fighting one by the south west hole in the wall; Andrew was battling one up the stairs by the southwest corner; Pastor Scott was fighting another by the church and this one had four arms again; Bruce and Abby fired weapons from the command center trying to give aid when they could; Janelle, Blake, and Bart where in a gun fight with three more super soldiers who hadn’t transformed yet; Don and I were watching a group consisting of two super soldiers and a commander enter the hole to the north. As the three entered the north wall one of the super soldiers transformed into a seven foot beast then leaped into the air and crashed thru the roof of the hospital. Don started to rush to the hospital where you could hear a scream coming from “Dr. Li” who was still strapped to the gurney. As Don was about to enter the hospital another huge crashing sound came. Don looked to see the gurney be thrown at the command center and a huge blood explosion hit the wall since the gurney was thrown with “Dr. Li” going first. Don looked to the roof to see the super zombie standing on the roof next to the two holes he made entering and exiting the hospital. Don launched his kamas into the shingles on the roof and pulled himself onto the rooftop where Don started a battle with the super zombie. I continued heading toward the gaping hole in the north wall where the last two super soldiers stood.

  Vaiddein the commander said as I approached grabbing my attention I met him in Washington D.C. Don’t you recognize me the commander asked? The commander proceeded to pull the collar of his shirt down to reveal a circular shaped scare in the side of his neck. I looked at the commander puzzled, trying to figure out who he was and how he knew me. You failed to kill me that day in the woods the commander said. My eyes lit up as I finally figured out that this commander was the FBI agent I shot in the neck when first investigated the coordinates from the army base. Did you think you were just allowed to walk around Washington that easily the commander asked? I raised my brow listening to what he was saying. We needed to see what this militia was capable of and you have not disappointed us the commander said. But I am here now to end this once and for all the commander said as he and the other soldier drew their guns and started to run to the left and right of the north wall. I drew my desert eagles a little faster and opened fire before they could get
a shot off. I caught the soldier that ran to my left stumble and fall down, so I focused my fire there putting six shots into his chest. I walked over to the spot where he fell, as he started to try to get to his feet I walked up and buried my axe into his forehead. I turned but lost site of the commander. Don had dispatched of the super zombie on the hospital roof and was helping Pastor Scott at the church now. Since I lost the commander assuming to a retreat I decided to see how my wife was holding up. I looked up to the northwest catwalk from next to the command center to see Christi taking a backhand from the super zombie and get knocked right off the catwalk. The super zombie then grabbed Chris by both wrists lifting him into the air, when the talons on his face opened up and the super zombie bit Chris’s head off in one bit. NO! I shouted as the super zombie turned and looked at me. Within a blink of an eye the super zombie was standing in front of me. Before I could react his mighty hand was around my throat and threw me onto of the roof of the command center. I jumped up as quickly as I could but before I could draw a weapon the super zombie was landing in front of me with a mighty jump. Again I was picked up by the throat but this time I saw over the soldiers shoulder. I saw a large seven foot four armed monster was charging toward the command center. As I heard the huge monster break through the command center I was getting thrown again but this time it was off the roof. Lying on my face I looked up to see the super zombie jump off the roof back to the ground, then the front of the command center exploded as this massive four armed creature landed next to the other super zombie. I saw something in it lower left arm. I got to my hands and knees when I heard the sound of a baby crying. Oh my god they got the baby I said to myself. I looked to see Bruce jump out of the command centers new door that the monster made. I looked closer at the four armed monster to see a circular scare on the neck area of the beast. The commander I said again to myself. I propped myself up to my knees as a dog went sprinting past me in full stride heading for the two super zombies. Then I heard the roar of a motorcycle and turned to see a single headlight speeding toward me. OOOOO WOOOO I heard screamed as the motorcycle flew past me. Rus I said out loud with a smile on my face. The dog jumped and latched onto the arm that was holding the baby. The commander dropped the baby but Bruce was there to catch her and run back toward the command center. The commander was waving his arm trying to free the dogs bite. Rus stood up on the motorcycles seat and leaped into the air as he approached the two super zombies. I watched as this ball and chain launched from Rus’s hand and went straight thru the commander’s face, then I saw a kamas wrap around the head of the other super zombie as Don pulled his kamas hard decapitating him. I pulled my desert eagles back out unloading them into the non transformed agents putting an end to the fight and battle. Pastor Scott, Blake, Bart, Andrew, Robert, and Christi walked over to where Don, Bruce, Rus and I were standing near the command center. Where is Janelle I asked Bart and Blake. She didn’t make it Bart said. We all embraced with a handshake or hug and leaned against the command center with a chance to rest with no more zombies advancing. Rus walked over to his motorcycle and pulled a small box out. Rus walked up to each surviving member of the compound and handed them a fine Cuban cigar. So what’s his name Christi asked petting the dog as Rus handed her a cigar. Bullseye Rus said with a smile. As I looked around at the damage inflicted to the compound; the command center was destroyed, along with the hospital and sleeping quarters, there were gaping holes in the south and north walls, but I also looked hard at the surviving groups around me. Christi was petting Bullseye, Abby was holding the baby with Bruce, and everyone else was circled around smoking a cigar with a look of accomplishment and fear of the future on their face. Well I guess we don’t have much of a choice now I said. Everyone looked up at me as I started to speak. Christi I need you to lead Bart, Blake, Pastor Scott, Abigail, Bruce, Andrew, and Stripe to the Sands Bar casino in Miami and find this cure. We will pack whatever supplies you will need and you will also have to transport the kids in the armored vehicle with you I said. As I was taking a big puff from my cigar Don and Rus leaned in. Where are we going Don asked? I looked at Rus, then back at Don. We are going for DuKoppus! I said.


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