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Whatever You Like

Page 3

by Maureen Smith

  “Mmm,” the woman purred in delight. “You naughty boy, you.”

  Lena didn’t draw an easy breath until the couple’s footsteps had receded into the distance. Then she sprang out of Roderick’s arms before he could trap her again.

  “It’s time to return to the party,” she told him. “You’ve neglected your guests long enough.”

  He chuckled, the sound curling around her like a drift of smoke. “Did those two sound neglected to you?”

  They hadn’t, but that was beside the point.

  Pinning Roderick with a direct gaze, Lena said firmly, “Look, I’m not going to sleep with you. What we did tonight was a mistake. A huge mistake. I’m not blaming you. I take full responsibility for my own actions. Which is why I’m telling you that this—” she motioned to encompass both of them “—can’t happen again. Do you understand?”

  Roderick regarded her for a long, assessing moment.

  Defiantly she stared back at him, holding her ground.

  After what seemed an eternity, he heaved a deep, resigned breath. “Okay.”

  Lena blinked. “Okay?”

  He nodded. “I don’t want to pressure you into doing something you’re not comfortable with. That’d be selfish of me, not to mention barbaric—two things I generally try not to be when dealing with women.”

  Lena eyed him warily. She couldn’t believe he was giving up so easily. Correction: She didn’t believe it. He was up to something, she was sure of it.

  He stepped forward, brushing an almost brotherly kiss across her forehead. “Come on,” he murmured, gently taking her hand. “Let’s not keep our guests waiting any longer.”

  Lena’s insides warmed with pleasure at the words he’d used. Our guests.

  She shouldn’t have liked the way it sounded. But she did.

  And that’s when she knew she was in serious trouble.

  Chapter Three

  For Lena, getting through the rest of the night was an exercise in discipline. Trying to maintain her composure, trying to smile and make conversation with strangers, trying to erase the memory of Roderick’s fingers stroking deep inside her—all took sheer self-control.

  When they left the party after midnight, she didn’t know whether to be relieved or terrified at the prospect of being alone with him. Despite what he’d told her about backing off, she wasn’t entirely convinced of his sincerity. If he tried to seduce her during the ride home, she honestly didn’t know if she’d have the willpower to resist him.

  Once inside the plush dark cocoon of the limo, Roderick tugged off his tie and grabbed a bottle of Moët from the minibar. Lena watched as he poured each of them a drink and handed her a glass.

  “I’d like to propose a toast,” he said, smiling broadly. “The evening was a huge success, thanks to you.”


  “Yes, you. On Monday morning I have a meeting with Ichiro Kawamoto to discuss my acquisition of his energy company.”

  “That’s great news,” Lena exclaimed warmly. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks. As I told you earlier, I’ve been courting Kawamoto for weeks, with little success. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that after meeting you tonight, he’s suddenly more amenable to negotiating with me.”

  Lena chuckled, crossing her legs as she settled more comfortably into the plush seating. “I think you’re giving me too much credit. Maybe Mr. Kawamoto was just playing hardball,” she suggested, though she’d reached a different conclusion over dinner. “Or maybe he just needed more time to weigh the pros and cons of your business proposal before he reached a decision.”

  Roderick grinned. “I think you underestimate what an incredible impression you made on him, how thoroughly you charmed him.” He raised his glass to her. “A toast. To one of the most beautiful, fascinating women I’ve ever had the privilege of meeting.”

  Lena blushed with pleasure. They clinked glasses and sipped their champagne, never taking their eyes off each other.

  “Zandra was right,” Roderick murmured.


  “You. She said you’d be perfect for me. She was right.”

  Lena’s pulse did a weird fluttering thing. “Well, she told me that you preferred an escort who spoke Japanese. I happened to be the only one who met that qualification.”

  “I’m glad you were.” Roderick held her gaze. “But that’s not the only reason you’re perfect for me, Lena.”

  Her mouth went bone-dry. She gulped more champagne, needing something stronger to steady her nerves.

  “I’d like to see you again,” Roderick said quietly.

  Lena shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why? Because we’re attracted to each other?”

  She gave a short, humorless laugh. “That’s an understatement if I ever heard one.”

  Roderick smiled wryly. “So you’re refusing to see me again because we have such amazing chemistry. Is that what you’re telling me?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m telling you.”

  “And how would Zandra feel about you turning away a paying customer?”

  Lena shot him a narrow look. “She’s not my pimp.”

  Roderick frowned. “I wasn’t suggesting—”

  “I choose which clients I want to go out with. Zandra has never forced anyone on me. It doesn’t work that way.”

  A muscle clenched in Roderick’s jaw. He downed the rest of his drink, set aside the empty glass, then turned in the seat to face her. His gaze was piercingly direct. “I know I promised not to pressure you—”

  “Look how long that lasted.”

  He scowled. “Damn it, Lena. I’m trying to figure out a way to make this work.”

  “And I’m telling you that—”

  Without warning, the limo swerved sharply. Lena’s glass flew from her hand as she hurtled across the seat and slammed into Roderick, who was pinned against the door.

  “Shit!” he swore, catching her by the shoulders as horns blared furiously behind them. His concerned gaze swept over her face. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded jerkily.

  Straightening from the door, Roderick lowered the privacy glass and barked at the driver, “What the hell happened?”

  The man’s anxious gaze appeared in the rearview mirror. “Sorry about that, Mr. Brand. Some crazy asshole just cut me off. Are you two okay? Miss Morrison?”

  “I’m fine.” Lena was so shaken up that she barely registered that he’d used her last name.

  Roderick pulled her onto his lap, brushing her hair off her face, passing his hands over her body as if to check for broken bones. “Are you sure you aren’t hurt?” he demanded.

  “I’m okay,” she mumbled. “Just a little rattled, that’s all. And grateful.”


  She nodded, exhaling a shaky breath. “It could have been worse. If I hadn’t used your body as my landing pad, I might have gone headfirst through the window. And that wouldn’t have been a pretty sight.”

  Roderick wasn’t amused. Scowling ferociously, he growled at the driver, “Take it easy up there.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Though touched by Roderick’s concern for her, Lena felt compelled to defend her employer’s newest chauffeur. “It’s not his fault some Chicagoans are lousy drivers. No offense.”

  “None taken.” Roderick smiled wryly at her. “So you’re not from Chicago?”

  Lena hesitated, then answered truthfully, “No, I’m not.”

  “Am I allowed to ask where you’re from?”

  “You can ask. Doesn’t mean I’ll tell you.”

  “I’ll try anyway. Where are you from?”


  Roderick laughed. “Transylvania?”

  “That’s right.” She grinned.

  “I wouldn’t have guessed it. Especially since you don’t even have a Romanian accent.”

  “Oh, that.” Lena shrugged dismissively. “I’ve been living in
the States for so long that I lost my accent.”

  “I see.” Roderick nodded, playing along. “And what do you miss the most about, ah, Transylvania?”

  “Oh, that’s easy. The scenic mountains and legendary castles.”

  “Yeah? Ever visited Dracula’s castle?”

  “Of course. It’s a national monument and a popular tourist attraction.”

  Dropping his voice to a hushed whisper, Roderick asked, “Any sightings of the undead one?”

  “Now that you mention it,” Lena whispered back conspiratorially, “I did have a chance encounter with—”

  Roderick leaned closer.

  And she promptly lost her train of thought.

  “Well?” he prodded after several moments, his eyes glimmering with mischief. “You had a chance encounter with…?”

  “I, uh…” Lena floundered. She’d been enjoying their playful exchange so much that she’d completely forgotten she was draped across his lap. Until he moved, and the muscles in his thighs flexed beneath her butt. She tensed, even as heat bloomed between her legs.

  “Lena.” There was an unspoken question in Roderick’s husky voice.

  She stared at him.

  He stared back.

  She didn’t know who moved first.

  The next thing she knew their mouths were fused, tongues tangling frantically. Roderick stabbed a button on the armrest, raising the tinted privacy glass that shielded them from the driver’s view.

  And then his hands were sliding up Lena’s thighs, deftly removing her panties. Her dress rode up as she straddled his lap, a leg on each side of his waist. He ripped off his tuxedo jacket and she clawed at his shirt, desperate to get at his skin, frustrated because she couldn’t wait long enough.

  He gripped the straps of her dress and yanked them down, releasing her breasts with a soft bounce. She groaned at the heat of his mouth on her nipples, the wet lash of his tongue.

  He unzipped his pants and reached inside, freeing himself. Lena’s breath quickened at the sight of his long, dark penis jutting straight into the air. He dug into his pocket, pulled out a condom and tore open the foil packet with his teeth. He’d barely covered himself before he was reaching for her again, grabbing her hips and guiding her down onto his thick erection.

  She moaned with pleasure as he filled her, stretching her all the way. Her muscles convulsed and tightened around him.

  He groaned, a rough, masculine sound that made her walls clench again. Already on the verge of coming, she lifted off him with a shudder, then slowly eased back down, taking him back inside her dripping wetness.

  His hands gripped her butt as he began moving with deep, steady strokes. She held on to his big shoulders, her fingers digging into the hard, springy muscles beneath his shirt. Her head fell back as his greedy mouth raked over her exposed throat.

  When he reached between their joined bodies and pressed his thumb against her clit, she cried out. He rubbed her in slow, sensual circles, spreading heat from her belly to her trembling thighs down to her curling toes.

  All her fears and misgivings had dissolved. Nothing else mattered but her insatiable desire for Roderick and his for her. Although she was on top, he dictated the pace, pounding into her with a desperate fury that sent her breasts bouncing up and down. With every thrust, her clit grazed the short black curls surrounding his shaft, the friction unbearably tantalizing.

  Their breathing grew heavier, a loud, harsh sound in the insulated confines of the limo. The tinted windows were soon covered with steam.

  Heart thundering, Lena leaned down to kiss Roderick’s jaw and throat, then his lips. They kissed each other hard, bruisingly. Lena broke away, panting, and leaned back on his thighs, giving him a deeper angle of penetration. He plunged faster, every stroke hitting her harder, stronger. Driving her over the edge.

  She came with a broken sob, spasms of ecstasy rocketing through her body, wrenching Roderick’s name from her throat.

  Without missing a beat, he surged off the seat and bore her down to the floor. Her legs tightened around his waist, her ankles locked behind his broad back. She thrust her hips at him and he thrust his hips at her—again and again, deeper and harder and faster, until white-hot pleasure exploded, ricocheting from her body to his. They climaxed together, shuddering violently and clutching each other.

  Their ragged breathing was the only sound that penetrated the ensuing silence. Neither of them moved a muscle.

  Within moments, the inevitable recriminations flooded Lena’s conscience like water gushing from a breached levee. She closed her eyes, channeling her thoughts outward. She focused on the gliding motion of the limo, the sound of her discarded champagne glass rolling across the floor as the driver turned a corner, the thin shards of light from the minibar that seeped through her eyelids.

  She focused on anything but what she and Roderick had just done.

  She didn’t know how much time passed before he lifted his head and looked down at her. Their eyes met. His were gentle, hers guarded. As he lowered his mouth to hers, Lena averted her face so that he only caught a corner of her lips. He gazed at her a moment longer, then slowly rolled away from her and sat up.

  Lena didn’t look at him as he disposed of the condom and zipped up his pants. Even when he handed her panties to her, she avoided eye contact with him.

  Returning to the seat, she went through the motions of slipping on her underwear, adjusting her stockings, straightening her dress and making a halfhearted attempt to repair her wrecked hairdo. She couldn’t possibly look any worse than she felt.

  Roderick moved to the minibar, poured himself a shot of vodka and downed it in one swallow. When he offered Lena a glass she shook her head, though a stiff drink might have done her a world of good right about then.

  As Roderick sat down beside her, she turned her head and stared out the window. Feeling his intent gaze on her, she braced herself, waiting for him to speak.

  She didn’t have to wait long.

  “I’m not going to apologize for what just happened,” he said quietly.

  “I don’t expect you to.” Her tone was self-deprecating. “You didn’t exactly force yourself on me.”

  He reached over and caught her hand, threading his strong fingers through hers. “I want to see you again, Lena.”

  Steeling her emotions, she pulled her hand free. “My answer hasn’t changed.”

  He sighed harshly and swore under his breath.

  The limo came to a stop. They had finally reached Roderick’s downtown residence.

  The driver got out, but he didn’t immediately open the backseat door. He stood with his back discreetly to the window, giving his passengers their privacy.

  Suddenly struck by the realization that she’d never see Roderick again, Lena blurted impulsively, “For what it’s worth, I had a wonderful time tonight. But I can’t go out with you again. I hope you understand.”

  He gave her a long, brooding look. Then—to her surprise—his mouth curved in a slow, lazy smile. As if he knew a secret she didn’t.

  “I meant what I told you earlier,” he murmured.

  Lena frowned, puzzled. “About what?”

  He leaned over and kissed her, a soft, tender kiss that left her aching for more. Drawing back, he winked at her. “I’ll let you think about it.”

  Frustrated, she glared at him. “I don’t know what—”

  But he’d already climbed out of the car.

  It was only as Lena watched him walk away that she remembered what he’d said to her on the ride to the party. The more I want something, the more relentlessly I pursue it.

  Closing her eyes, she leaned back against the seat and exhaled a deep, shaky breath.

  God help her if Roderick Brand ever decided to pursue her.

  God help both of them.

  Chapter Four

  “There she is! There’s my precious baby girl!”

  The sight of Cleveland Morrison’s broad, toothy grin did wonders for Lena’s moo
d the next afternoon. Her smile widened as she crossed the flagstone terrace to reach the table where he sat with a book on his lap, a magnifying glass resting over an open page.

  “Poppa.” She bent, planting an affectionate kiss on his upturned cheek. The rasp of his beard tickled her lips, making her smile. “Nurse Jacobs must be on vacation.”

  “How’d you know?” her grandfather asked in surprise.

  “Because you need a shave, and she’s the only one you let anywhere near you with a razor.”

  Grinning sheepishly, Cleveland rubbed his bristly chin with his good hand. “Not my fault she’s the only one who knows what she’s doing.”

  “Uh-huh.” Lena chuckled, joining him at the table.

  Everyone knew that her grandfather had a crush on Margaret Jacobs, one of his caregivers at the assisted-living facility he’d called home for the past three years. The woman had become a permanent fixture at his side while he underwent therapy for a massive stroke that had left him paralyzed on one side of his body. She’d been a godsend to Lena, who’d agonized over the decision to place her grandfather in a nursing home. She’d found fault with every establishment she’d visited until a coworker recommended Lakeview Manor, one of Chicago’s most expensive assisted-living residences. It boasted an elegant facility that overlooked a pretty lake and had a state-of-the-art rehabilitation center, beautifully landscaped grounds and caring, professional staff who catered to the residents’ every need. Moonlighting as a high-end escort was the only way Lena could afford such a place, but it was more than worth it. Her grandfather deserved nothing but the best.

  “When does Nurse Jacobs get back from vacation?” she asked him.


  “Good.” Lena grinned playfully. “You go another day without a shave, Poppa, and folks might start mistaking you for Wolfman Jack.”

  That earned her one of Cleveland’s hearty, barrel-chested laughs. When she was a little girl, she’d loved climbing into his lap and pressing her ear to his sturdy chest just to feel the deep vibration of his laughter. After his stroke, she’d feared she would never hear—or feel—that wonderful sound again.


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