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Soul of the Wolves

Page 6

by Lizzie Lynn Lee

  Her gaze found him. A tiny defiance. Uncertainty. Compliance. “Okay,” she said. “You always this bossy?”

  He tapped the tip of her nose. “Do you forget who I am?”

  “How could I? With you constantly reminding me of it.”

  She had spunk. He liked it.

  “Hmm. You got a little sass in you. Tell me, what kind of drink did I have that night?”

  “Bourbon on the rocks. It’s your favorite drink,” she answered without a pause.

  Ethan smiled. She guessed fast as if she’d recited it from a script.

  “What’s my favorite color?”


  “My favorite food?”

  “Steaks. Medium rare.”

  “My favorite movies?”

  “Silent movies. Buster Keaton. Laurel and Hardy.”

  “You know an awful lot about me, considering we only spent a night together. I find that rather curious. Judging from what you told me, I thought we were busy doing the deed all night long.”

  A blush colored her face. “We had some ‘Hallmark moments’ together. You were quite chatty that night.”

  “Was I?”


  Little liar. Ethan growled triumphantly. He pulled the robe free and feasted his eyes on the sumptuous banquet that was her body. But what he found made him frown. He saw bruises on her lower torso and upper thighs. Some of them yellowed, as if those cruel beatings had been inflicted over some period of times. She couldn’t claim that she fell from the stairs or walked into a door or something.

  “Who did this to you, Susan?” Ethan asked, his anger rising.

  She didn’t answer. She averted his gaze and stayed mum.


  She startled. “It was nothing, really.” She tried to pull the robe up to cover her nakedness. It was a vain attempt.

  “Who hurt you?”

  She continued to refuse to answer.

  “Cain did this, didn’t he?”

  She flinched. Ethan got what he needed.

  Damn. Damn him. Ethan held back his anger. The last piece of the puzzle fell into place. Susan wasn’t just Cain’s accomplice—she was forced into it. Unwillingly.

  This revelation changed everything.

  “I never had amnesia. I pretended to have it so I could buy some time to find the son of a bitch who tried to smoke me. And what do you know, Cain came forward the day after the rescuers called off the search. He announced that I had been survived by my young wife—you. A wife that I allegedly married the night before my accident. Very convenient isn’t it? But Cain miscalculated my survival. Imagine his surprise when Graystone fished me out of the lake. Barely alive, but alive nevertheless. Even then, Cain kept playing his charade. I must admire his guts, though. Ballsy.”

  Ethan studied her expression. She couldn’t be more pale if she tried.

  “Susan, he played you to lose. Do you think he would contact you when the last domino piece of his game fell?”

  She looked terrified. Absolutely terrified. “Are you going to kill me?”

  The jig was up and she knew that. “If I want to do that, I would have already done it.”

  “I guess you want some dirt on your cousin.”

  “I couldn’t care less about that. His days are numbered, and so are those who betrayed me. You’re by my side because you are my mate.”

  “Say again?”

  “You, my dear, are my mate.” Ethan stroked her hair fondly. “Unlike humans who can spend their entire lives with several partners, we wolves only bond with one—our mates. The moment I laid my eyes on you for the very first time, I knew you were the one. My mate—the only woman for me. Once we establish the bond between us, you will not want any other men for the rest of your life. You will go crazy for me. You will crave my touch when you spend the night out of my bed.” Ethan lowered his head as he whispered in a throaty, husky voice. The beast within him was overly excited. “You can’t live without me, Susan, because you and I are bound together.”

  She looked puzzled and blinked in disbelief. Then a little shake of her head. “You’re wrong...”

  “So this is how you’re going to be...”

  He held her face and kissed her hungrily.

  At that very moment, Ethan felt as if he had been enlightened about the biggest mystery of his life. His instinct was correct. This woman was his true mate—the only one who would make his life complete. And this first kiss between them acted as a sealing bond. If somehow, along the way, they chose to forsake it, they would be forever cursed, languishing in unhappiness until they day they died.

  He studied her face as if he saw her for the very first time. Her lips were soft, a blooming petal, fragile and divine. She tasted so indelibly sweet, like ripened honeydew before the frost where its nectar was exquisite, ambrosial, and yet, fleeting. Suddenly, he found himself ravenous. Lust–filled blood rushed in his every vein as his own alpha-beast demanded that he claim his mate properly. She was his from here to eternity.

  Judging from her reaction, she was also surprised. Shocked even. Her eyes were wide, a soft gasp frozen in her throat. He couldn’t tear his eyes from her. He noticed that her thick, long lashes were actually natural, beautiful perfection without the aid of mascara or false lashes women usually wore. She was a natural beauty. Her mouth opened, calling his name, but the word was only a faint mewl, curling out her throat like a bride’s gentlest whisper.

  Ethan ran his tongue along her inner lip as they gazed into each other’s eyes. The window of their souls spoke louder than words could ever do. With his thumb, he caressed that soft alabaster skin of her cheek.

  “Do you feel it?” His voice was nothing but a growl. The wolf-beast of his shimmied to the surface. “Our bond?”

  She blinked. She looked as if she tried to deny it but couldn’t.

  “I know it’s hard to comprehend with the mere logic you humans are accustomed to, but this is a gift. A gift that can only be explained by feeling it. Experiencing it.” Ethan closed his eyes and kissed her slowly, tongue sweeping inside her, feasting on the sweet dew-frost of her mouth. She responded to his kiss. Only briefly though. It was as if she had been caught doing something she shouldn’t.

  Ethan’s eyes snapped open. “I don’t know how many lovers you’ve had in the past but let me assure you, they can’t compete with me, nor will they be able to give you what you crave most. You belong to me, Susan, and me to you. And don’t you forget that I’m the only one who can protect you from Cain.”

  Her expression began to change. She went from a dreamy princess awakened from a thousand-year slumber to a maiden who just found out that she was about to be married off to an evil ogre.

  Ethan pulled himself back, examining her reaction. The spell had been broken and now it forced her to face the harsh reality. “Choose a side, Susan. Choose wisely. War is coming to the underworld and no one will be spared. I’m sorry that you were caught as a pawn, but at the same time, I’m glad that I got to meet you. Now, it is time for you to decide.”

  He got up from the bed then smoothed the front of his clothes. His inner wolf protested with the sudden change of events. His dick tented the front of his trousers. He willed himself to ignore his second brain. He wouldn’t be dictated by the state of his testicles. A man’s leading cause of downfall that had been documented over and over throughout the history.

  She wouldn’t reject him. He was sure of it. He needed to give her time to decide. Fuck. His erection was so hard it gave him major discomfort. He ignored it and headed toward the door. “Choose well, Susan,” he said one more time before he quietly closed the door.

  Chapter Four

  Sookie sprawled on the bed, unmoving. She was in a daze. What the hell just happened? She wasn’t concerned about Ethan admitting the truth. It was about the kiss. Oh my freaking God, the kiss! She had never been kissed like that in her life. It was mind-blowing.

  It was magica…

she traced that lingering warmth on her lips with her fingertips. How is it possible to feel like this just from being kissed? This is…insane!

  Ethan. She sighed. What did you do to me?

  If someone told her about soulmates before Ethan kissed her she would have laughed out loud. How stupid it sounded. How freaking cheesy.

  But now, she was a true believer.

  How else could she explain the burst of raw emotion when he kissed her? Her heart never lied. All the fear she had of Ethan disappeared. She could trust him.

  He would never let her down. He would protect her until the end of time. There was a hope. A hope to save Jesse.

  All wasn’t lost yet…

  She pushed herself out of bed and stalked toward the door. Never mind her robe or her clothes. She didn’t care about them one bit. There was one thing she needed to confirm and modesty was the last thing in her mind.

  She opened the door.

  She found him at the corner of the cabin where he set up his office. Ethan was sitting behind his desk, poring over a stack of letters. The fire-licked logs in the fireplace painted the cabin with a warm glow. Wind howled outside, screeching against the window panes, promising nothing but cold.

  But it was warm inside. There was fire within her that Ethan had lit.

  He turned his head in her direction. An arrogant smirk curled at the corner of his lips. He didn’t seem surprised at the state of her nakedness.

  Sookie swallowed hard. “I have a question.”


  “It’s more like…I need to confirm something.”

  He furrowed his eyebrows.

  Sookie counted to three and trudged toward him. She rounded the desk and casually settled on his lap. Without breaking eye contact, she drew his face with her hands and kissed him.

  On the lips.

  She closed her eyes.

  That sensation returned. That deep, drawing feeling, an enlightenment and salvation cocooned together, swept over her. She trembled. Excitement with a dash of a deep, forgotten longing, stirred together within her. She could taste the liquor he partook of recently, along with spicy cinnamon in his mouth.

  Ethan made a happy sound in his throat. He flung the pen in his hand and grabbed her ass. He growled against her lips and kissed her back lustfully. He pried her mouth open with his tongue and sucked it.

  Sookie was lost. Fire burned in her veins. Lust coursed in her blood. Her heartbeat quickened. She needed more…

  More than this.

  Ethan grabbed a handful of her hair and fisted it. “What made you change your mind?”

  She panted. “That kiss. I felt it.”

  “You feel our bond?”

  “Is that what you call it?”

  “That’s what we call it. And that’s how we know we’re true mates.”

  “I…I have never felt like this before. Or ever.” She caught herself and became self-conscious. “Oh God. I usually don’t do stuff like this either.” What was she thinking? Coming to him naked and ambushing him for a kiss. Dude, that was so brazen. Wanton.

  Ethan looked amused. “What kind of stuff?”

  “You know…”

  “No, I don’t know. You have to explain it to me.”

  “Sorry. I’m…” Sookie faltered. She started to withdraw from him. Ethan quickly pulled her back against his hard body. “What do you think you’re doing? I don’t like playing hot and cold. Finish what you started, woman.”

  Sookie stared at him. She never wanted a man in her life as badly as she wanted him right now. Slowly, she ran her hand on his shirt and pulled his collar toward her. She kissed him. Unhurriedly this time. But Ethan made it impossible to not get crazy with the primal side of her. He was a very good kisser and the way he touched her made her beyond horny. All she could think about was ripping off his clothes and jumping his bones.

  She kissed him open-mouthed as his hands roamed everywhere. Her heart beat faster. He slid his hand between her thighs and stroked her wetness there. She cried.

  “I guess you want me after all.” He sounded delighted.

  Her body tensed as he circled the sensitive nub on her pussy. Pleasure sang like a divine chorus and she found herself a few notes from climax. “Ethan…”

  “Good?” He inquired solicitously.

  She nodded like the good girl she was.

  “How about now?” Ethan slipped a finger into her entrance. Past his knuckle until it hit the pad of his palm. Her pussy contracted around his finger, gripping it tightly. Her sex ached even more. Especially when he started to slide his finger in and out. The friction of it gave her unbelievable pleasure.

  God, oh God. Sookie closed her eyes to savor the sensation but Ethan had another idea.

  “Open your eyes, Susan, look at me.”

  She snapped them open at his command.

  “Keep looking at me and tell me how you feel.”

  She swallowed hard. She wasn’t the chatty type during intimacy. Her former boyfriend like talked during sex even though it was distracting.

  “Susan?” he pressed.


  “Amazing?” A naughty idea glided across his face. “Then we must double the stakes.” He inserted a second finger into her pussy.

  Sookie gasped. “Fuck.”

  “Hmm. That’s the idea. Fucking.”

  She snorted, laughing, but her laugh turned into a low moan when he hit her special spot. “Ethan…”

  He smiled indulgently. “This is your special spot, isn’t? I can feel your body trembling. I wonder what would happen if I rub this particular area a little bit longer…”

  The pleasure multiplied by a thousandfold. “Ethan!”

  “No, you can’t come yet, beautiful.”

  “What?” He was being cruel.

  “Hold it. I want you to come on my cock.”

  “I can’t…” Sookie grabbed his hand and forced it to stop. She was so close, she’d explode if he stroked her once more.

  Ethan kissed her on the neck. “You’re so tight, baby. I’m not sure if you can take me. My cock is much bigger than my fingers.”

  “Are you bragging?”

  His laser-focus gaze skewered her in amused surprise. “It’s the truth.”

  “Then prove it.”

  “Little minx. I’m going to make you eat your words.”

  She heard a nervous laughter but it was coming from her.

  He pulled his fingers; his arrogant smirk never left his handsome face. He licked his juice-coated fingers clean. “Mmm…I knew you’d taste as good as you look.”

  She didn’t know about that but that compliment was flattering nevertheless.

  “Don’t believe me?” Ethan seemed to read her mind. “Here, suck it.”

  She obeyed before her mind registered what her body did. He thrust his fingers into her mouth and ordered her to taste her own juice. Tear-tasted flavor filled her mouth. So, this is what it tasted like, she marveled. Not like she ever was morbidly curious about the taste of her own femininity. She didn’t even own a sex toy. Her sex life of late was as not-gonna-happen as a blizzard in the Sahara.

  That predatory gaze of his studied her reaction. “Good girl. Suck it harder. Just like that. More.”

  Something weird blossomed in her chest. She didn’t know why that praise made her happy. Here she was, naked on Ethan’s lap, sucking on his fingers like a new pup trying to please its master.

  Ethan fumbled with his belt and zipper with his free hand. When Sookie wanted to help him, he barked at her, “Eyes front, Susan. Don’t look anywhere but my face.”

  “Mmm…” she replied. His fingers were still in her mouth. She guessed he didn’t want her to see his dick or something. But she still could touch him, yes?

  But before she could do anything else, Ethan pulled out his fingers from her mouth and lifted her from his lap to his desk. With a sweep of his arm, he cleared the surface of clutter where he was working. Papers, books and writing para
phernalia hit the floor with a heavy thud.

  Sookie wrapped her arms around him. Her lips were a hairbreadth away from his. She could feel his heart beating thunder-fast, matching her own. Heat and musk permeated from him—a signature male scent. It made her heady with anticipation of what delicious, salacious things he’d do to her.

  He brushed his lips against hers but didn’t kiss. Then, she felt it. A blunt tip against her pussy lips. She instinctively unwound her arms to reach it to say hello, but Ethan told her to stay still.

  “Look into my eyes and feel it,” he said.

  She settled with clutching his shoulders. He teased his cocktip against the seam of her sex and onto her wet opening. He seemed to have no intention of penetrating her soon. He was just…teasing. Teasing. And more teasing. Soon she got so frustrated she had to beg.

  “Ethan, please…”

  He only grunted. “Are you sure you ready?”

  “I am, please. Ethan, please.”


  He held his cock in such a way she could only feel but not participate—the wicked game he was playing on her at this very moment. The crown of his cock glided around her opening, the folds of her sex and the nub of her clit. Sookie shivered. She couldn’t stand being teased there. It was her weakness—her kryptonite. She became even wetter. And freaking frustrated.


  The bastard only laughed. “Kiss me, beautiful.”

  She cupped his face and kissed him open-mouthed. And he kissed her back. Somewhere in the middle, she felt pressure. He was penetrating her. Her pussy stretched open. She gasped. He pushed another inch. Then another. And another. More… She threw her head back, baring her throat to him. Her mind swam.

  She couldn’t possibly… He was too… She took another sharp inhalation. He kept pushing in. Tears swam in her eyes. Oh God it hurt but hurt so good. His cock was hard, steel encased in velvet, and slicked with her cream. It throbbed hotly and felt so god damn huge, plowing inside her like nobody business.

  Fuck, fuck. She panted. Pain and unbelievable pleasure danced together. She couldn’t believe the sensation. She couldn’t take it anymore but at the same time, she didn’t want it to stop. No way. She had bitten off more than she could chew.


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