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Going Down: A Collection of Erotic Stories for Aquaphiles

Page 2

by Alex River

  "So, what previously undiscovered island delight have you found today?" Johann asked as she led them through the palm trees.

  "A wet one," Dominic suggested, gesturing at Leila's slicked-back tresses. "And I heartily approve of your method of marking the trail, by the way," he added as she stooped to retrieve another article of clothing, left on the ground to mark her way back.

  "Here it is!" she said eventually, ducking through a gap in the foliage to reveal a steamy clearing with a hot spring.

  "Wow... not bad," Dominic said, taking in the irregularly shaped pool of warm, clear water before him.

  "Well, come on then... what're you waiting for?" She grinned, dropping the towel and paddinaked, to the jumble of rocks at one end of the small pool.

  Dominic was already shedding clothes as she settled on a low, flat rock near one edge of the spring, the warm, slightly salty water lapping at her neck as she leaned her head back against the smooth cliff face behind her.

  "I haven't seen anything like this on the island before," Johann said, looking around the place distractedly. "I thought I knew this area pretty well, too."

  She turned, looking up at him with a smile, and leaned back, the top of her breasts floating to the surface as she gazed at him through her eyelashes. "Ah, well... live and learn, eh?"

  She was distracted from his response by the soft sounds of Dominic, moving through the waist-deep water behind her. Leila shivered as his hands closed on her sides, turning her and easing her down to sit sideways on the rock she was using as a bench. One hand trailed up to cup her cheek with wet fingers, guiding her lips gently to his.

  The warm water lapped at the fine hair at the nape of her neck as he tilted her head back, deepening the kiss until she moaned softly against him. A few moments later, the moan turned into a gasp as a second pair of hands appeared, one tangling through the wet strands of her hair, the other sliding down to cup her left breast.

  Mouth curling into a smile against hers, Dominic broke the kiss, but before she could catch her breath he was replaced by Johann, his cool lips more demanding, but no less sensual than Dominic's languid, unhurried technique.

  Leila felt the unraveling, out-of-control feeling of being wanted by two men curl inside her belly as Johann's hand teased her breast and his tongue teased her mouth. After long moments, they parted, breathing heavily.

  Then, without warning, Johann ducked beneath the waterline. She felt him nuzzle down her chest, and squeaked in surprise as teeth grazed her nipple, the squeak turning into a moan as he blew bubbles across the turgid peak.

  She grabbed for Dominic's shoulder to steady herself as she was pulled roughly to the edge of the bench and her knees parted widely.

  "Oh, god," she breathed, as the lips of her vulva were gently parted, and another stream of bubbles rolled over her exposed clit, frictionless but nonetheless managing to wake each and every nerve. She collapsed sideways, resting her head against Dominic's shoulder and panting as the sensation stopped, her unseen tormenter relinquishing his position between her legs. A moment later, Dominic stiffened beside her.

  "Unh," he groaned, closing his eyes and throwing his head back. He squirmed against her for several seconds before relaxing back with a sigh.

  Johann burst to the surface with a deep but controlled breath, his grin cocky. Before he could catch his balance, Dominic was on him, and Leila settled back to watch them play. Their display was half wrestling and dunking, and half foreplay as they vied for dominance. She knew from experience that, among other things, they were determining which one of them would get first crack at her, and her hand moved almost involuntarily to tease the folds between her legs as a shiver of anticipation ran through her.

  Eventually, Dominic ended up bent helplessly backwards in a kiss, Johann's hand on the back of his neck supporting him just above the water's surface, his other hand sliding back and forth along Dominic's cock, hidden from view underwater. The effect on Dominic was obvious, however. Leila knew he was getting close when he began to tremble and groan against the lips covering his. Just when she thought he wouldn't be able to hold back any longer, Johann broke off, smiling as Dominic grunted in frustration and let out a heartfelt curse.

  "Don't be in such a hurry, kid," he said, letting the younger man cool off for a minute before helping him get his feet back under him in the waist-deep water. "We've got all the time in the world. Besides, I think someone's feeling left out, over there."

  A spike of arousal shot through her as two pairs of hungry eyes settled on her. Then Johann held out his hand, and she pushed away from the wall, gliding through the water towards him as if mesmerized. His hand closed over hers, and he lifted it to his lips, kissing the knuckles as Dominic moved to her other side and trailed his fingers up the side of her neck to rest in the sensitive space behind her earlobe. Johann ghosted around behind her, leaning down to whisper in her other ear, lips barely brushing.

  “Close your eyes. Just lie back and float. Relax. Let every muscle go slack, all right? Doesn’t matter what we do, you’re not to tense up or react. Got that?”

  His voice lowered even further. "We're going to break you into a thousand pieces. And when you think we're finished? Well, if you're still coherent enough to think in complete sentences like that... we're not finished."

  Leila swallowed involuntarily, shuddering. She closed her eyes as hands eased her onto her back, her feet leaving the bottom of the pool as she floated in the warm, mineral-rich pool. Water ran into her ears, making her think of other places she wanted filled. Her pulse pounded back at her, clearly audible as she deliberately let all her muscles go limp.

  She could just make out the rumbling of voices above her, but not the words, and wondered what plans they were laying for her. Then the voices ceased, and cool lips-- Johann's-- brushed her own, pressing softly. The gentle pressure caused her head to sink a tiny bit, water running over her closed eyes, and her body instinctively jerked, trying to escape the position of complete vulnerability.

  Instantly, the lips retreated and a hand-- Dominic's?-- appeared at the back of her head, supporting her nose and mouth above the water. Remembering the rules, she forced herself to relax again, chiding herself for thinking that these two would ever deliberately let her be harmed.

  When she had calmed herself once more, the hand retreated-- only inches away, she was willing to bet-- and the lips returned. She concentrated on just letting it happen, and on feeling. The water washed up to the edges of her lips and nostrils as he pressed down, then retreated as he gently nipped and sucked on her lower lip. The sensation was bizarre, but amazing-- she was reminded of the time in school, on the playground, when they'd all taken turns falling backwards into someone else's arms... a trust game.

  It was like the feeling she'd had as she toppled back, the moment before her friend Darla caught her, except instead of a fleeting instant it just went on and on.

  Af a bit, the kiss ended, and a finger gently traced her features, brushing over her closed eyes, following the line of her brow, sliding down her cheek to rub across her lips. The finger paused, and she allowed it to slide into her mouth, pressing her down into the water again until she met Dominic's supporting hand, preventing her from slipping under, just barely. She licked and sucked the digit languidly as it slid in and out, mimicking what she so desperately wanted elsewhere, and soon it was joined by a second finger; then a third.

  Eventually, the hand's owner tired of the game, and the saliva-moistened fingers trailed over her chin and down her neck, again highlighting her vulnerable position as her pulse throbbed against the faint pressure sliding down the length of her carotid artery. The hand traced her collarbone, then circled the swell of her breast, describing a decreasing spiral toward her aching nipple. She felt the difference in sensation as the fingers reached the part of her breast that jutted up above the waterline, and then that nipple was pinched and rolled firmly just as lips and teeth closed over the other one.

  Forgetting hersel
f momentarily, she moaned and squirmed. Dominic's hand again kept her face above water as Johann withdrew, waiting for her to relax.

  With some difficulty, she forced her muscles back into soft compliance, and Dominic let her float freely once more. Lips closed around her nipple once again, suckling and tonguing it firmly. This time, she managed to stay quiet, letting the pleasure roll over her without resistance even when fingers pinched the other nipple, kneading and plucking at it.

  As the delicious torture continued, she became more aware of her body's responses. It felt different, being relaxed and passive like this... as if the sensations were able to flow through her entire body instead of being focused solely on her breasts. With each nip and pinch, little sparks of electricity ran up and down her spine, until her scalp tingled and her fingers and toes began to twitch imperceptibly.

  The throbbing between her legs grew stronger and stronger, and then, without warning, a small wave of ecstasy crested over her, dragging an incoherent noise from the back of her throat.

  Holy crap, did she just come from having her breasts played with?

  It wasn't like a normal orgasm, exactly... not as powerful, and not really a full release, because she sure as hell wasn't ready to call it quits for the day.

  But still... bloody hell.

  She was dragged back to reality by movement next to her. Apparently satisfied with his work on her chest, Johann was trailing a hand down her side, over her hip and along the outside of her leg as he moved to stand near her trailing feet. Running his thumb firmly over her instep, he began to knead his way up her calf, digging his fingers deep into the muscle. He paused to pay special attention to the back of her knee, and again the little tingling shocks rushed through her. Working his way further up, he pushed mercilessly into the muscles of her inner thigh.

  "God..." she moaned involuntarily as he dug into a knot of tension she hadn't even been aware of, right at the junction of her thigh and pelvis, and about two inches to the right of where she ached for him to be.

  She stifled a groan as he moved to the other foot, repeating the entire process unhurriedly. By the time he was back between her thighs, sliding talented fingers deep into her hip flexors, her body felt so soft and heavy that she was amazed she still floated.

  The needy throbbing between her legs had retreated deep into her womb, stronger than ever. It was almost a surprise when Johann moved from massaging her hips to gripping them, and smoothly sheathed himself inside her, sliding in to the hilt without resistance. In her deeply relaxed state, it felt like a completion with a missing piece of herself, not an intrusion from outside, and she sighed blissfully as Dominic gently supported and steadied her.

  With his free hand, Dominic kneaded her breasts as Johann began to move, sliding in and out with an unhurried pace, hands tilting her hips until each thrust stroked-- oh, god, yes... right there.

  Before long, she was once again floating in a sea of sensation as much as she was floating in a pool of water. The pleasure ebbed and flowed, building with maddening slowness until Dominic, still supporting her head, moved his other hand from her breasts to the juncture of her thighs and began to rub softly back and forth across her swollen clit, in time with Johann's smooth thrusts.

  Once... twice... three times, and another of the strange almost-orgasms washed over her-- stronger than the first-- and dragged a low moan from her lips. She might as well have stayed mute for all the effect it had on the two men-- both continued what they were doing without slackening, or changing the rhythm in the slightest.

  The wave crested and ebbed, then gradually began to build again, higher than before. Helplessly, Leila rode the swell for a second time, then a third, before Johann's rhythm faltered and he toppled over the edge, gripping her soft hips tightly as he released into her.

  Dominic continued to gently tease her clit, even when Johann stilled, his hands trembling where he held her. He rested against her only for a moment, then carefully disengaged and stepped around to her side. As if choreographed, he slipped his hand under her head to support her as Dominic moved into the cradle of her thighs. Cool lips covered hers in a soft caress, and she gasped into Johann's mouth as Dominic's hands grasped low on her buttocks, spreading them and pushing his length into her unresisting body.

  He started moving slowly, with a clever little twist of his hips at the end of each smooth thrust. Sparks began to flash behind her eyes when he stretched a long finger in between her cheeks, teasing and stroking the puckered little hole there. When other fingers burrowed between her legs and began to pluck at her little bundle of nerves over and over, she gradually became aware of a strange, low keening sound that seemed to go on and on.

  It took some time to realize that it was coming from her.

  Again the waves of sensation built and built, washing over her, each one higher and stronger than the last. The muscles of her thighs and arms started to tremble as if she was shivering, as Dominic's thrusting increased in speed and depth. Without warning, the fingers pulling and kneading her clit pressed down, rolling the little bud hard against her pelvic bone, back and forth... back and forth.

  The keening grew into a scream as a tsunami of pleasure crashed over her and she thrashed, relaxaton forgotten. A strong arm cradled her safely on the surface as Dominic cried out his release, and they both jerked under the white-hot sensations, riding out spasms of pleasure.

  Aftershocks chased Leila down into the warm, comfortable darkness, and for a while, she stayed there, enjoying the aftermath.

  When awareness returned, she found herself back on the low rock at the edge of the pool, wrapped in Johann's arms and half in his lap, her head resting in the crook of his neck. Dominic's cheek rested heavily against her shoulder, one of his arms curled around her, the other stretched past her to drape possessively across Johann's stomach. Smiling, she pressed a kiss against Johann's neck while stroking her fingers up Dominic's forearm, and was rewarded by the tightening of both pairs of arms holding her.



  He leads her into the bathroom and turns on the shower, letting it warm up while they undress. As she unbraids her waist length hair, he retrieves a washcloth and a length of nylon rope, draping both over the top of the shower stall door.

  After a final check of the water temperature, he ushers her inside and squeezes in next to her, turning her so her back is to the plumbing. When they are both thoroughly soaked, he reaches over her head and twists the adjustable shower nozzle to the “off” position.

  “Give me your wrists,” he says, grabbing the length of rope.

  Positioning her hands a few inches apart, he quickly binds her, twisting the rope several times between her wrists. Pressing up against her, he raises her arms over her head and ties the loose ends of the binding to the nozzle with a sturdy quick release knot, enjoying the way his erection slides against her belly and her hard nipples brush his chest.

  Backing away in the tight space, he soaps the wet washcloth and runs it over her body, starting with her arms and neck and working his way down. Abandoning the cloth, he lets his hands slide over her frictionless skin, kneading her breasts and buttocks as she moans and writhes, working a soapy hand between her cheeks to slip over her perineum in a shockingly unexpected sensation.

  He presses against her once again and crushes her lips in a demanding kiss until she is breathless, then reaches up without warning and twists the shower head to its second position, letting the full water pressure pour down over their heads as if someone is pouring water onto them from a bucket. With a sputter, he backs away from the kiss and wipes his face clear, leaving her bound and trapped under the unremitting downpour, then settles back to enjoy the view. The heavy flow plasters her hair flat, and runs down over her tightly closed eyes and into her nose, lips, and ears as she gasps great, sputtering breaths through her wide-open mouth. It sheets across her small breasts, parting around the painfully hard, tight points of her nipples before flowing across her sto
mach and down her slightly spread legs, dribbling continuously from the small triangle of fur between her thighs.

  Grinning, he leans forward to finish her off.

  * * *

  She gasps helplessly as the water pours over her in an endless stream, loving the smothering feeling otop of her erotic excitement. Unable to see or to hear anything except the roar of the shower and her own pounding heart, the blood-warm water rushes to fill her mouth each time she sucks in elusive air. She knows he is watching her.

  With no warning, he attacks her pussy with his fingers, and she chokes and swallows water when the sensation unexpectedly adds to her combination of sensory deprivation and sensory overload. Pulling her own lubrication forward from her center, he mercilessly attacks her clitoris while simultaneously pinching and rolling her almost painfully aroused nipples. The dual sensations send her into another round of ineffectual struggling for freedom from the rope and the water and the hands, until the approaching cliff of orgasm pulls her rigid and silent as she holds the little breath she has left. The unrelenting hands push her over the edge and she comes with a gurgling scream, bucking her hips repeatedly before going limp in his supporting arms.

  He unties her and pulls her out of the stream, supporting her while she scrubs her face and gets her equilibrium back. Feeling his unattended erection pressing against her, she looks up through wet lashes and gives him an evil smile.

  “Think you can just get away with that, do you? Oh, no; you’re going to pay for that stunt.”

  She feels his penis twitch even further to attention as she pulls the rope from his grasp, and smiles wider.

  Quickly turning the tables on him, she ties him as she had been tied and readjusts the pouring water over his taller frame. Braving the downpour under which she had so recently been trapped, she kisses him aggressively, then backs away when the need for air became too great, immediately replacing her tongue with two fingers to let him feel the sensation of being penetrated. He sucks the digits like a penis, swallowing around them when the water fills his mouth and moaning when her free hand closes around his painfully hard and pulsing shaft.


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