Going Down: A Collection of Erotic Stories for Aquaphiles

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Going Down: A Collection of Erotic Stories for Aquaphiles Page 3

by Alex River

  Slipping her fingers free, she kneels and swallows him whole, steadying his hips as he tries to thrust into her mouth. When he stills, she sets up a rhythm, sucking and licking, one hand rolling his sac while the other grips his hip, fingernails digging in slightly. When she feels his body stiffen, she stops everything and sits back, leaving him with only the pouring water for company as he jerks his tightly bound arms in frustration.

  Four times she repeats this, bringing him to the brink, pushing him a hairsbreadth further each time, reveling as his struggles grow more desperate and his penis more swollen, pre-cum dripping from the tip to mix with the water. After leaving him for the fourth time, she slides up his body and takes her time sucking water off of his puckered nipples, nipping along his neck and jaw under the flow, and stroking the area along his ribcage that she knows is ticklish. Then... she unties him.

  It's liking opening the cage door to release a hungry tiger. In a flash, she is on her back on the bathroom floor, fortunately cushioned by a shaggy bath mat as her frustrated lover pins her arms over her head and shoves her knees apart with one strong thigh. Water droplets from the open shower door pepper her left side as one very large, hard body part thrusts violently into her, and begins a deliciously bruising pace that rolls her clit against her pelvis with every thrust. Teasing him has so excited her that she feels her orgasm building almost immediately, and being held on the edge for so long causes him to explode as soon her walls began to pulse around him.

  They lie tangled and limp for an undetermined amount of time afterward, water dripping on the floor. When she gets enough muscle control back, she lifts her head enough to catch his eye.

  “Whew, I need a shower.”


  Sasha floated on her back in the private swimming pool, eyes closed, soaking in the sound of watery silence broken only by her own slightly elevated heartbeat pounding in her ears. Thomas and his girlfriend Jackie were proving to be something of a revelation-- and, if she was honest, a bit of a balm to Sasha's wounded ego after her own recent breakup.

  Sasha shivered as Jackie's tongue ran up the inside of her partially submerged thigh, and smiled when Jackie paused to blow bubbles between her legs, all thoughts of her ex temporarily forgotten. Thomas was conspicuous by his absence, but Jackie had assured her that everything was fine, and he didn’t mind what the two of them got up to. Sasha wasn’t used to that kind of an open relationship, really, but she was enjoying herself too much to worry about it at the moment.

  When it came to sex, Sasha had always been a "you... here, in me... now" kind of girl, but Jackie wasn't having any of that. Earlier, after peeling Sasha away from her firmly, Jackie had pressed her down by the side of the pool with unexpected strength, both wrists trapped above her head in one strong, slender hand, her muscular thigh draped across Sasha's legs.

  "Ah-ah-ah," Jackie had tutted. "None of that. Look around you Sasha-- nobody else is around. We've got all the time in the world." Sasha had lain there, pinned helplessly, feeling a surge of wetness between her legs as Jackie stared down at her with a half smile.

  Hello, kink that I never knew I had, she thought, now floating serenely in the private pool as Thomas's girlfriend slowly and patiently ate her out.

  At that moment, Jackie did something with her tongue, just so, that made Sasha lose her train of thought entirely as she scaled a new plateau, inches short of release. Her tormenter backed off the intensity and she whimpered, earning a soothing stroke of Jackie's fingers along her hips and belly. The whimper turned into a small cry of frustration when the touch disappeared completely, and Sasha righted herself with a sharp movement of her arms, feet finding the pool bottom.

  Jackie's expression was cryptic, eyes locked on a point beyond her right shoulder. The water dragged at Sasha's body as she turned, fairly sure of what-- who-- she would see.

  Thomas was by the side of the pool, hands clasped loosely behind his back, as startlingly handsome as the first time she'd seen him. His jacket was absent and he stood before them in his dress shirt and suspenders, shirtsleeves rolled up, tie hanging undone, two shirt buttons open at the top. Sasha felt the blush crawl up her neck and onto her cheeks. She was briefly torn between the desire to cover herself, the desire not to cover herself, and the desire to grab Jackie's head and shove it back between her legs, right there and then. After an uncoordinated flutter of her hands, she settled on doing nothing.

  Behind her, the water splashed gently as Jackie slippo the side of the pool and levered herself out, sleek and graceful as a seal. Sasha watched, wide-eyed, as she padded over to Thomas, completely unselfconscious in her nudity.

  "Well, hello," said Jackie, looking Thomas slowly up and down, voice laden with innuendo. "I was wondering if you'd come down to play with us or not."

  "Jackie..." Disapproval dripped from the drawled name, but Jackie only grinned, cheeky.

  "Come on, Mister High-and-Mighty. You know we talked about this," she replied with injured innocence... and pushed Thomas into the water.

  Sasha's hands flew to her mouth as Thomas tumbled gracelessly into the pool, flinching as water splashed her face and chest. Thomas surfaced with a splutter, only to be blindsided by Jackie, who dived in neatly after him.

  Sasha stared, transfixed, as the pair wrestled for position. Jackie, obviously the more athletic wrestler of the two even though she was smaller, quickly managed to get Thomas's wrists behind his back. Sasha saw Jackie grab for Thomas's suspenders before the splashing water obscured the action once more. Several long moments passed, and Thomas suddenly broke free, stumbling backwards through the chest-deep water, arms held unnaturally behind him.

  "Jackie, you did not just tie me up with my own suspenders..." said Thomas incredulously, his voice achieving a sort of high-pitched outrage that made Sasha choke back a hysterical giggle.

  Jackie just smiled, grabbed Sasha's discarded bikini top from the poolside, and dolphin-kicked under the surface.

  "Oi, come back up here!" Thomas snapped, still firmly in "outraged" mode. "What do you think you're doing--"

  The question was cut off with a burble as he was pulled underwater without warning. A second later, Jackie surfaced, holding Thomas's legs and struggling to bind his ankles with Sasha's bikini. Satisfied with her impromptu bondage job, she towed her submerged and wriggling boyfriend to the ladder at the side of the pool and tied the free ends of the bikini to the first rung.

  Sasha's heart was pounding, though she wasn't quite sure why.

  "Jackie, what are you doing?" she squeaked, hurrying across the distance separating them. Jackie reached under the water and lifted Thomas's head up until his nose and mouth broke the surface. He spat pool water and dragged in a large breath, and Jackie let him sink below the surface once more.

  Jackie's attention never wavered from her bound "victim' as she answered. "The short answer is, 'bypassing the protestations of virginal innocence and outrage at the prospect of having wild, unrestrained sex with two highly attractive people'. The long answer is... well... a bit more than I really want to get into right now."

  Fighting a knot of conflicting feelings, Sasha blurted, "But it doesn't look safe!"

  It was true. With his ankles tied above the water line and his arms bound behind his back, there was no way for Thomas to reach the surface without help.

  "He's an experienced free diver, Sasha," Jackie said. "He makes hundred-foot dives on a single bath in the open ocean for fun. There's no real danger of him drowning-- honestly, it's mostly just a convenient way to shut him up."

  She lifted Thomas to the surface again. Without drawing a breath, the bound man began, "Jackie, I'd expect something like this from you... but I leave you alone for thirty minutes-- thirty minutes!-- and you're corrupting an innocent bystander--"

  Jackie's eye flicked up, meeting Sasha's. "See what I mean?"

  Sasha covered her mouth, choking on a laugh that seemed wholly inappropriate under the circumstances as Jackie let Thomas slip below
the water again. Gaining control of herself, she said, "I dunno-- he sounds pretty angry."

  Jackie just smiled briefly. "Oh... d'you think?" With that, he reached across for Sasha's hand and guided it unhesitatingly to Thomas's trousers. Surprised, Sasha let her hand be pressed against the stiff bulge beneath the black jeans. She might as well have been shocked with jump leads, as fresh desire buzzed and pooled between her legs.

  Jackie lifted Thomas back to the air, and Sasha jerked her hand away as he gasped, his previous tirade apparently forgotten.

  "Oh, god-- he's turned on by this?" she squeaked after Jackie let Thomas sink again.

  "Oh, I don't know if it's this, per se. It's more about having it done to him; having the repercussions of sex be someone else's responsibility. About having someone else be in charge of things, of course."

  Sasha had a flash of being pinned on the edge of the pool, helpless, by the naked woman in front of her, and shook her head to dislodge it. "So... you and he... have you, you know--"

  "Done this kind of thing before?"

  Sasha nodded.

  "Yeah. A few times. Not recently."

  Jackie reached down to lift her charge, supporting his head above the water so that he could hear their conversation. "He trusts me more than anyone else in the world... he trusts me to keep him safe."

  "Jackie," breathed Thomas, drawing air slowly, but deeply.

  Jackie stroked Thomas's cheek with her free hand. "Sasha... come here and kiss him. When you're done, undo his trousers. I want his cock out."

  Heart racing, Sasha leaned over and touched Thomas's lips with hers, brushing softly and altering the angle until they fit together perfectly. A small noise escaped Thomas's throat, and Sasha took it as an invitation to deepen the kiss. She was vaguely aware of Jackie allowing the pressure of her lips on Thomas's to push him down... down... until the water lapped up around their joined lips. Holding her breath, she pressed him down further, submerging them both, ignoring the disconcerting feeling of water entering her nose and mouth in order to hold the kiss for another few precious moments before surfacing and flinging her wet hair over her shoulder. She looked up to find Jackie staring at her.

  "Okay," Jackie said. "That was hot."

  Sasha smiled shakily and moved to struggle with the wettoo-tight fastenings on Thomas's trousers. Buttons defeated, she unzipped him carefully and reached in, gently freeing him. The rippling water prevented her from getting a clear view, but touch told her that he was fairly long with a medium girth. His skin was cool and silky against her hand.

  Her appraisal was interrupted by Thomas gasping as he surfaced; the first real loss of control she'd seen from him.

  "Easy, there, big fella," Jackie said lightly, supporting him. "We've got a ways to go yet." She looked at Sasha and winked. "You know, Sasha... I've always thought it would be interesting to see if the desire to breathe could be overridden. I'm not sure what it would take to distract someone enough to forget about something as basic as breathing... but I've got a couple of ideas that might be fun to try."

  Thomas frowned as he looked up at the man holding him. "Jackie, what--"

  Jackie grinned at Sasha and pushed him under, cutting him off. "Sasha, I want you to pump him five times. Five strokes, nice and easy, then let him go."

  Sasha swallowed against the dryness in her throat. Yesterday, she would never have conceived of sex being like this. Now, though, she was absolutely desperate to see the man bound in the water beneath her lose control-- to know that she and Jackie were the cause of it. Eyes locked with Jackie, she slid her palm over the head of Thomas's cock, forming a loose fist and letting him squeeze into it, finger by finger, then sliding back up to the very tip. Twice... three times... four times… five times she repeated the slow slide, then released him and watched as Jackie lifted their captive just high enough to let his mouth and nose break the surface.

  "Sasha..." the bound man whispered, and Sasha felt a rush of sexual power unlike anything she'd known during the sticky, awkward clutches with her previous partners.

  Jackie allowed Thomas a handful of breaths, then pushed him roughly beneath the surface. "Ten strokes, Sasha. Take your time."

  Sasha took Thomas in hand and began to milk him slowly and firmly, counting silently, varying her grip and pressure. He was rock hard against her fingers, but didn't move or struggle in his bonds. After ten strokes, she slid her hand off of him with a final flick at his tip.

  Again, Jackie let him up only enough to grab a few quiet breaths with the water lapping at the edges of his nose and mouth, and pushed him back down quickly and firmly. "Fifteen this time."

  Seeing Jackie's pattern, Sasha nodded and set to work. Helpless and breathless, totally at another's mercy. Undergoing the most exquisite sexual torture, for longer and longer each time, she thought. Having it stop every time you get to breathe. How long before you get so desperate for release that you just want more of the torture, and screw the air?

  Sasha let go after the fifteenth stroke, and Thomas's first breath after breaking the surface had a hint of a sob. The sound went straight to Sasha's clit and stayed there as Jackie pushed him down and said, "Twenty."

  They were midway through a count of thirty when Sasha felt the slick shaft in her hand begin to swell and pulse. A small trail of bubbles broke the surface near Jackie, the first time that Thomas had lost air.

  She was at twenty-two strokes, and Jackie said, "Slower. Softer."

  Her heart pounding, Sasha slowed her movements, just trailing her fingers over his pulsing cock. The last eight strokes seemed to take forever as the bound man began to jerk, releasing intermittent plumes of bubbles as he struggled.

  "So much for self-control," said Jackie.

  She let go, eyes wide, and Jackie hauled Thomas to the surface, gasping raggedly and still struggling. "Please..." gasped Thomas. "Please..."

  She could tell that Jackie was timing it carefully, pushing him under almost violently just as Thomas dragged in a deep breath.

  Jackie looked like the cat who’d gotten the cream as she told Sasha, "Thirty-five. Finish him."

  Sasha practically pounced on the helpless man beneath her, riding a bizarre adrenaline high as she pumped and milked him. His hips jerked with each stroke, seeking a purchase that wasn't there; trying to thrust. At eighteen, he went rigid, before exploding an instant later into a massive orgasm. She could hear the bubbling cry that emptied his lungs, and Jackie hurriedly hauled him to the surface for breath before putting him under one last time, to ride out the aftershocks. After several seconds, he quieted, floating peacefully just under the surface. Sasha just watched him for a moment, her own sexual excitement put to the side while she appreciated the sight of her new lover, completely relaxed and content under the water.

  Then she saw Thomas twist his shoulders, arms moving deftly behind him, and realized that he'd slipped his bonds, just like that. Stroking upward, his head broke the surface as he supported himself with strong figure-eight movements of his now-free hands.

  "You cheeky bastard!" she exclaimed, as Jackie laughed quietly. "You could have gotten loose at any time!"

  "Sasha," said Thomas, "As bondage goes, elastic suspenders leave something to be desired when it comes to security."

  Jackie raised a sardonic eyebrow at him. "Which is why you escaped them so easily when you were struggling earlier."

  "All right, all right. To be fair, I might have been a bit... distracted... at that point."

  "A bit?" she echoed.

  He didn't answer, instead making a move toward his bound ankles, only to dunk himself inadvertently. He surfaced quickly, spitting water. "Yes. A bit. Actually, I could, uh, use a bit of help with the ankles..."

  Jackie winked at Sasha good-naturedly, and moved to help. She pulled one of the dangling ties on Sasha's bikini top, and the slipknot binding Thomas's ankles to the poolside ladder released smoothly. Freed, Thomas righted himself with the same odd, ungainly grace that he did everything else, then
lounged against the wall of the pool with his arms outstretched, resting on the edge of the deck.

  "Thanks," he told Jackie. "I think."

  "My... pleasure," Jackie replied, causing Sasha to giggle and Thomas to raise a sardonic eyebrow.

  "Not yet, surely," Thomas said, eyes sliding up and down Jackie's body so quickly that Sasha wasn't quite sure she'd really seen it.

  Jackie chuckled. "As I was telling our delightful new friend earlier, the night is young, and we have all the time in the world." She looked at Sasha. "So, Sasha, any thoughts on how to rectify the grave injustice of neither of us having gotten off yet?"

  Sasha had been hot and bothered for so long now that it was starting to feel like her default setting. Before she could over-think it, she met Thomas's eyes and blurted, "I want to know how it felt." For about the bazillionth time that night, she felt heat rush to her cheeks. "What was it like?"

  "Wet," Thomas replied.

  Jackie laughed, and threw Sasha's damp bikini top at Thomas, who snatched it out of the air before it could hit his face. "If you're looking for insightful introspection about interpersonal power dynamics during sex, Sasha, I'm afraid you're barking up the wrong tree."

  "You screamed," she told Thomas.

  "I did not!" he said indignantly.

  "Yeah, actually you did," Jackie said, continuing quickly to cut off Thomas's half-formed protest. "Though it was more of a manly, masculine shout, of course."

  Sasha took a moment to admire the way Jackie almost kept a straight face during that line, and forged ahead before her courage could desert her. "I want to do that," she said.

  "What," Thomas said, clearly teasing her now. "Have a manly, masculine shout?"

  Sasha gritted her teeth, but Jackie stepped in before she could do more than think briefly about tying the man back up and dumping him in the deep end.

  "Thomas," Jackie said. "I think Sasha is trying to say that she'd like to be tied up, held underwater, and fucked within an inch of her life with no way to prevent what's being done to her." Sasha's heart skipped a beat at hearing Jackie say it so casually, then hammered double time as she continued. "She was so enthusiastic earlier that I had to... " Jackie's eyes burned into hers. " ... restrain her. I think she liked it. I think she wants to feel what it's like when someone really has power over her."


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