Going Down: A Collection of Erotic Stories for Aquaphiles

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Going Down: A Collection of Erotic Stories for Aquaphiles Page 4

by Alex River

  Ignoring the dryness of her mouth, Sasha pulled herself up straight, and gathered all of her bravado around her. "Yes. That's right."

  Thomas frowned at her, forehead furrowing. "Sasha... are you sure--?"

  "Thomas," she interrupted. "I'll be leaving for the East Coast tomorrow, and you should know by now that I'm only after you two for your bodies. I want to do this. I want to know how it feels." A moment later, she added, "And, frankly, if I don't get off soon, I may explode-- and I guarantee you, the results will not be pretty."

  Jackie grinned. "See, Thomas? You didn't need to worry about me corrupting this one. She's already corrupted."

  "Oi! I am standing right here, you know!" Sasha said, half-amused and half-irritated.

  Jackie just shook his head at her. "Trust me, gorgeous, that was not an insult."

  Sasha looked back to Thomas, who had been silent for too long. She could see the subtle play of emotion on his face, down to the exact moment when he decided to indulge her desires.

  Apparently, Jackie saw it too. "Right," she said, rubbing her hands together. "This is going to take a little forward planning."

  "Quite so." Thomas stepped forward, invading her personal space in that delicious way that he had with almost everyone. "So, Sasha... how long can you hold your breath?"

  * * *

  As it turned out, a few test attempts showed that Sasha could hold her breath for about thirty-five seconds, though she did hit forty-two once. As she floated under the water the first couple of times, her companions' hands occasionally brushing against her shoulder or smoothing her hair back affectionately, she could just make out the low drone of their voices, though not what they were saying.

  Apparently, Jackie had been appointed "head planner for kinky sex" at some point during those unheard conversations... not really a surprise, Sasha supposed.

  "Okay," said Jackie when everyone was happy with their understanding of her lung capacity. She held Sasha's shoulders gently, keeping her attention focused while Thomas stood close behind her with his hands on her hips. "Here's what's going to happen to you. You'll put your arms behind your back. Grab your forearms with your opposite hand, and keep them there."

  "You're not going to tie them?" she asked.

  "No, Sasha," said Thomas, behind her. "Your hands are how we'll know if you're in trouble. If you move your hands, everything stops."

  She nodded, and Jackie continued. "Then, you float on your back, like before. Your ankles will be tied to the edge of the pool, high and wide. You'll be spread open, and you won't be able to stop me from doing whatever I want to you."

  Sasha shivered, caught between the desire to hear a detailed breakdown of everything Jackie had planned, and the desire to just get on with it.

  "So... if there's anything you don't want to happen, now's the time to say so," Jackie continued.

  Sasha shook her head. "Do your worst," she said.

  Thomas let out a low breath of laughter near her ear. "Dangerous words," he said, amusement obvious in his voice.

  "Oh, ho-- them's fightin' words," Jackie agreed with a smile, then sobered. "Right. You'll be on your back, arms held behind you, ankles tied. Thomas will control how often, and how much, you get to breathe. We're not going to increase the length of time you're underwater each time because, frankly, with no dive training, you'd drown before I got through half of the things I intend to do to you."

  "Can't have that," said Sasha faintly.

  Mmmph, contributed Sasha's libido.

  "Instead, you'll be held under for twenty-five seconds at a stretch, then allowed up for three breaths. Out, in; out, in; out, in... and then you're going under for another twenty-five seconds, ready or not. While you're trapped underwater, your entire body is fair game for whatever we want to do to you. While you're getting air, we won't touch you." Jackie smiled at her teasingly. "I saw how much you liked that part of it, earlier."

  Sasha swallowed hard, and Jackie's smile widened as she slipped to the side of the pool and retrieved the waterproof, vibrating strap-on sitting on the deck.

  "Now," Jackie said as she adjusted the fake penis and tightened the buckles around her hips. "I can't help but notice that your arms aren't behind your back yet."

  Thomas guided her arms into position so that she could wrap each hand around the other forearm, and she realized that it had begun.

  Sasha swallowed nervously and tried to focus on taking deep, regular breaths as her companions guided her to lean back, letting the water support her. Thomas placed a hand under her head to steady her as Jackie ran a hand down her leg and lifted her ankle. Something soft wrapped around it snugly-- presumably half of her bikini again-- and Jackie fastened it to the edge of the pool.

  She wriggled a bit as Jackie lifted her other ankle out of the water, and Thomas's hand was all that kept her face from slipping under the surface. Jackie slowly stretched her leg out to the side, farther than she had expected, and she could feel the lips of her vulva part, letting the cool water in. A moment later, both ankles were secured, and she clasped her hands tightly around her forearms as an odd sense of vertigo swept over her.

  "O-kay... this is weird," she said shakily, and felt herself lifted higher in Thomas's arms, water draining out of her ears enough that she could hear what was going on around her.

  "All right, Sasha?" Thomas asked, holding her securely.

  "Yeah. Yeah, 'm okay," she said after a moment.

  Jackie approached her from the other side, smoothing her hair back. "Ready?" she asked.

  No, she thought.

  "Yeah," she said.

  "All right, then," said Jackie. "Three breaths. Out... in... out... in... out... and in..."

  She breathed deeply in time to Jackie's voice, holding the final breath.

  "... and... down."

  The hands supporting her lowered her down into the waiting water, which flooded her ears and slipped over her closed eyes before closing over her mouth and nose. It started to go wrong almost immediately-- lying on her back, the water ran up her nose, stinging as it ran deeper, filling her sinuses. All thoughts of hot, kinky sex fled as she tried to blow air through her nose to clear it, but that just made her feel like she was out of oxygen and needed to breathe in.

  Letting go of her arms, she flailed for the surface and was instantly pushed up to the air and supported by strong hands as she coughed and snorted water out of her nose.

  "Easy there, beautiful," Thomas said, cutting through her panic.

  Feeling like the least sexy thing in the universe, Sasha wiped her hair out of her eyes, and let her head fall back against Thomas's chest.

  "Shit," she said profoundly.

  Jackie was there, too, watching her closely to make sure she was okay. "Not quite everything you hoped it would be?" she asked kindly.

  She looked away, embarrassed. "Sorry. Sorry. The water ran up my nose, and I wasn't expecting it. It stings like crazy!"

  Jackie stroked the side of her face. "Don't apologize, Sasha. We should have thought to have you go under on your back before you were restrained. It does kind of suck at first, but once it fills up your sinuses, it doesn't really go any further. The stinging goes away after a minute or so." She moved back toward Sasha's ankles. "Here, let me get you untied."

  "No!" Sasha said quickly. "Don't, Jackie. I'm not beaten yet. Let me have another shot and see if I can get used to it."

  "All right," said Thomas. "Nod when you're ready to go under. When you want to come up, just raise your hand. And remember--" He smiled at her. "We can stop anytime."

  She nodded gratefully, touched and reassured by the pair's consideration.

  "Right. Here we go..." She breathed deeply, nose still stinging a bit, and then closed her eyes and nodded. The water closed over her once more, focusing on what Jackie had said-- it'll only be bad for a little bit.

  Once again, the water entered her nose. This time, since her sinuses were still stinging from last time, it wasn't such a sudden shock.
Let it happen, she thought. Let the water come in. You won't drown. It's just one more hole that's going to get filled up tonight, if things go well.

  She'd meant it as a humorous thought, but the idea of being penetrated so thoroughly caused a faint pulse of arousal. Her earlier desire had fled with its tail between its legs during her freak-out session a minute ago, but now she started to feel the water swirling in her ears, flowing up her nose, and washing coolly against her open and exposed pussy in a different way. Consciously relaxing her tight muscles, she let go of the last of her panicky fear and drifted.

  Jackie had been right; the pain in her sinuses had faded to an annoyance-- one that would hopefully be forgotten completely once the fun began. It was, however, quickly being replaced with a burning in her chest, and she raised a hand. An instant later, she was on the surface, where she exhaled through her nose, clearing the water, and inhaled gratefully.

  "Forty seconds," said Jackie, smiling at her with a look of pride. "You go, girl."

  "You were right," Sasha told her. "It's not so bad once you get used to it." She craned around to meet Thomas's eyes with a smile. "Thanks for being patient with me."

  "Nonsense," he said. "No point in kinky sex unless everyone's having fun."

  Jackie nodded agreement, catching eye once more. "So, are we good?"

  Sasha nodded. "We are good. Let's do it."

  "Hmm," said Thomas. "I distinctly remember 'tying' your arms earlier. Perhaps this time, they'll stay tied."

  "If I didn't know better, I'd think our victim was trying to make her punishment even worse," Jackie added.

  Sasha shivered, and quickly placed her arms behind her back.

  "Better," said Thomas. "Now, Sasha, my dear... on the count of three. One... two... three."

  The hands fell away, letting her sink down into the water.

  After a moment, she was distracted from the water-in-the-sinuses routine by hands smoothing her billowing hair away from her face. Then one hand-- Thomas's?-- slid down to the end of the gathered ponytail before smoothly wrapping the thick length around his palm once... twice... and grasping it firmly near her scalp. Her heart immediately went into overdrive at the feeling of being trapped, held firmly but painlessly under the water by her long, dark hair.

  It didn't make a blind bit of difference that her arms weren't tied, she realized. She could claw at the water all she wanted and it wouldn't get her an inch closer to the surface if the hand didn't want to let her up.

  How long had it been? Oh, god-- how much longer until she was brought up? She was still okay, but the way her heart was pounding--

  And why weren't they doing anything else to her? Weren't they supposed to be doing things to her? Trapped and helpless as she was, would she be able to stand it if they did? And now her chest was starting to ache with the need to breathe--

  The hand tangled in her hair pushed her up until her nose and mouth broke the surface, and she gasped, remembering just in time that she was only allowed three breaths.

  Make them count, make them count...

  It didn't feel like enough, but after the third gasp she was tugged down by the hair, and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. Sasha flinched, surprised, when a hand rested over her exposed throat. She floated, completely vulnerable as the fingers firmly traced the tendons in her neck and paused over the flutter of her racing pulse before sliding down to follow her left collarbone. Her breast ached with the hand's nearness, but it slid down her ribcage to rest on her stomach, feeling the flutter of muscles as the need to breathe began to grow. One finger explored her navel, sliding in and out suggestively before brushing down through her dark curls.

  She could have screamed with frustration when it disappeared-- in fact, a few bubbles of precious air did leak out, trailing to the surface. But, of course, the hand's disappearance was simply the signal that she would get another few seconds at the surface.

  It was hard to control her breathing to get the most out of the meager three breaths. Again, it wasn't quite enough-- but, again, she didn't have any choice in the matter when she was quickly and firmly pulled under.

  This time, with no warning, a finger flicked the very tip of her pebbled nipple She could feel the slight catch of the fingernail with each touch, every nerve stretched to the breaking point. After five flicks, the finger moved to the other nipple, leaving the first burning and tingling. Five more flicks, and it disappeared, leaving her to wonder if it was time to breathe. It wasn't; a hand moved to her inner thigh, fingers digging into the tight muscle and kneading inches from where she really wanted them. The hand pressed into the flesh at the juncture of her hips and thighs, wringing an ill-advised moan from her. Half her air gone, she began to writhe as the heedless hands continued to hold her down and dig into her soft flesh.

  Her first gasp was desperate as she was finally brought to the surface, and she forced as much air as she could from her lungs on each exhale, then dragged in air until it felt like her ribcage would crack. The hand pulled her relentlessly down again, and she felt a body-- Jackie-- slip under her and resurface, caged by her spread legs. Jackie resumed her attack on Sasha's inner thighs, sliding closer and closer to where Sasha really wanted her without ever actually getting there.

  The tension in her muscles began to melt under Jackie's hands, making her feel heavy under the water and causing the need which had been centered in her throbbing clit to spread through her stomach and up her spine until even her scalp was tingling with want. After her close call last time, she was surprised when the hand in her hair pushed her up to the surface.

  Breathing deeply and slowly, she refilled her lungs and the water washed over her once more. Hands covered her hips, cradling her firmly. A third hand covered her mouth unexpectedly, and she jerked, taken completely by surprise. For some reason, it was even more startling under the water than it would have been on land, and she was so focused on it that she nearly screamed when Jackie impaled her with the strap-on, filling her to the brim with the vibrating dildo.

  The hand kept her from losing all of her air and she lay trapped under the surface, frozen with shock and trembling with the dual sensation. She expected Jackie to thrust, but she didn't, merely holding Sasha there, motionless except for the buzz of the fake cock inside her.

  For long seconds they all stayed that way, Sasha's heart pounding like a jackhammer, and then Jackie withdrew, and the hand covering her mouth withdrew, and her mouth and nose broke the surface.

  "Oh, god," Sasha gasped on the exhale, "oh, god... oh, god..."

  And then she was underwater again, the hand clapping firmly over her mouth. Jackie plunged into her again; again she did not thrust. Jackie's hand slid between her buttocks, one finger circling her asshole for long seconds before popping inside to the first knuckle, then the second, then sliding in fully. The strap-on vibrated inside her while Jackie finger fucked her from behind, someone else's hand in her hair, holding her underwater, and another hand clamped over her mouth with a trail of desperate bubbles leaking out.

  It seemed like forever until the hands and cock withdrew, and she was practically sobbing as she surfaced.

  "Please..." she moaned, aware on some vague level that her hands were still firmly clamped behind her. "Please, no more... I can't..."

  The feeling when she was pulled under-- mid-begging-- was an indescribable tangle of terror, lust, and a stnge peace. It was almost easier to just stay underwater, where she had no choice about what happened. The hand clamped over her mouth, Jackie entered her forcefully once more and slid a finger into her ass. Jackie's other hand descended on her mound and gently trapped her clit between two fingers, rolling and kneading it. Her hips pulled back, and she began to pound the strap-on into Sasha, jerking her ankles against the restraints with each thrust.

  Sasha's back arched and she came, the waves of sensation rolling over her, prevented from screaming by the hand tightly covering her mouth, which now pinched her nose shut as well. Whenever she thou
ght it might stop, she was hit by a new spasm, and she bucked and struggled as the onslaught poured over her.

  At some point, she realized that she was on the surface and breathing. The sensory overload began to fade, leaving her ridiculously sensitive, and she squealed as Jackie withdrew and stumbled drunkenly back, catching herself with an arm slung onto the pool deck.

  She looks like I feel, Sasha thought giddily.

  "Damn," said Jackie, and reached over to free Sasha's ankles from their bindings. "That was pretty amazing."

  "You can let go of your forearms now, Sasha," Thomas said in her ear.

  With great dignity, Sasha got her feet under her and pried her fingers loose from where they'd been clamped behind her back. "I knew that," she said.

  Turning back to Jackie, she pouted prettily at the woman's apparent exhaustion. "Aww, what's the matter, Jackie? C'mon... is that all you've got for me?"

  With that, she fainted into Thomas's arms.

  * * *

  Sasha awoke to find herself wrapped in a fuzzy robe, curled up on a sofa in front of a fireplace in Thomas and Jackie's sitting room, her head resting in Jackie's lap and Thomas leaning against the front of the couch near her hip, legs crossed in front of him.

  "Sleeping beauty awakes," said Thomas.

  Jackie craned around to look at her. "Hello, sweetheart. Feeling better now?"

  Sasha took stock. "That depends... do I have to move?"

  Jackie smiled. "Not yet, no."

  "Then yes, I'm feeling better. Though I'm going to be sore in places I didn't know I had in the morning."

  "So," Jackie asked, "did you like it?"

  Sasha looked skyward, all innocence. "Oh... it was all right, I suppose..." Then she squealed when Jackie pinched her. "Okay-- fine, fine. It was the best sex I've ever had. Amazing. Mind-blowing. Incredible. Etcetera. Thank you, Jackie. Thank you, Thomas."


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