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Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer)

Page 39

by Larry Roberts

  Pan’s face was blank for a few seconds staring at him. Then she turned to Krump. “You saved our lives Chumpac…..” Using his full Dumont name that Jack could not even pronounce or understand except he suddenly could at least understand it as it referred to his birth place, relatives and ancestor’s and the time he was born. Unlike humans that had a social security number for perfect identification. All they had was a name.

  Turning to Pan. “Get that lieutenant’s blouse in the bedroom. I think it is this crewman’s and see if you can find her pants.”

  Jack pulled Chump and his can upright and started dragging him across the deck which wasn’t that hard with the gravity can supporting him. Then over his shoulder. “Come on Red. Time to go. Captain Glenn, we will be back as soon as we check out the Wardroom down the passageway.”

  Pan came into the living room with the lieutenant’s blouse as Red picked up her blade to follow Jack. Commander Glenn was talking to the woman on the couch that was starting to pull herself together.

  As soon as the woman saw the Lieutenant’s blouse, her face changed. She stared at the blouse for a few seconds as Jack and Chump disappeared out the hatch with Red following close behind and then pushed herself off the couch and grabbed the blouse and ran barefoot after Jack as she pulled it on. Commander Glenn and Pan looking on baffled. “Hey wait up! You aren’t going anyplace without me.” The blouse barely covering her butt as she fastened the lower part of the front across her waist leaving her breasts half exposed as they bounced. “You are going to need me to get in.”

  Pan hesitated then followed while Commander Glenn shook her head as she stepped into the bedroom and jerked the blanket off the hiding women. “Get dressed and then get your god damn butts down to the sickbay.” Then she turned around and left.

  Jack took a few steps down the passageway to follow the half-naked lieutenant but then turned back and jerked the still catatonic Chump around placing his face in front of him. “Chump! Look at me!” Chump’s eyes finally focused on Jack’s face only inches away. “You need to buck it up man before you get us all killed. Without your help we are all dead so pull it together now.”

  “I just killed that woman.”

  Jack pushed him against the bulkhead making him hit the back of his head against it. “Ya and you are going to have to do it again if you want us to stay alive as well as yourself. Now get with the program.” Jack stared into his eyes. He had seen it before when good men that could hit a practice target at a thousand yards killed their first enemy. The Turner Joy had been boarded several times by pirates both in space and on the out of the way planets the Trampship often had to land on as he grew up. “You can do it. Just think about staying alive and concentrate on what we have to do next and forget the fucking past.” Jack let go of him and started down the passageway.

  “It’s just that I have never felt so much hate and pure evil before.” Taking a breath he followed, taking his blowgun off his back and loading a pellet from his bag into it.

  Jack passed the lieutenant that was starting to stagger from the exertion and then slowed to look around with his visor closed as he approached the Wardroom.

  The Lieutenant padded up to Jack trying to catch her breath. “Let me go into the Wardroom first Captain.”

  Jack glanced around at the lieutenant as he retracted his helmet, spotting the name plate on her right breast of the blouse. “Why Lt. Shepperd?”

  “If anyone is in there I can distract them long enough for you to kill them.”

  “And what if they aren’t bad guys but officers just trying to stay alive?”

  “Only the King’s cronies are allowed in the Wardroom Captain. Only the ones that prove themselves by beating, raping or killing a crewman get into the Clubhouse. Even damn recruits get in once they prove themselves and then even a lieutenant not willing to call him King has to obey their every wish.”

  “So now you are just going to waltz in and do what?”

  She looked over at Jack. “There is only going to be one person in the ward room, the rest are all down getting ready to assault the other ship to take out that beacon. He knows he does not have enough manpower to take the damn ship yet with most of the crew recovering from past battles until they all recover. He just has to keep the other ship from calling for help. I just have a score to settle with Mr. Big shot in the Ward Room. He is always there.”

  “Well I hate to disappoint you but there is no one in the ward room right now. But can you get into the emergency weapons locker there?”

  She looked at Jack skeptically. “Don’t be ridiculous. The Exec. Practically lives there holding court. They have probably changed the code to the weapons locker but I am sure we can talk the Exec into giving it to us. I am looking forward to earning the Bastard Kings approval. He just isn’t going to like how I do it.”

  “No you are not Lieutenant. But you are welcome to go first.” Jack said as he stepped aside from the wardroom’s hatch. She did not even have a weapon.

  Lieutenant Shepperd practically ran into the wardroom and promptly screamed.

  Jack burst through the hatch drawing his pistol to find the Lieutenant looking around the empty tables and counters as she screamed. “That fucker’s not here!” As tears started running down her face.

  Jack put his arm around the Lieutenant’s shoulder as Red and Chump ran through the hatch behind them weapons ready.

  Captain Glenn walked in and headed for the weapons locker. Trying her code she frowned. “They changed the universal back door code somehow.” Turning to the lieutenant. “Try your code just in case they are stupid.”

  Jack did not think that the King would be that stupid as Shepperd walked toward the locker’s hatch. Jack tapped his helmet up and closed the visor darkening it down to total black as he took a few steps closer to the hatch.

  It took a few minutes as he heard the lieutenant curse after trying her code for the third time and watch her body heat image pound the hatch with one closed fist and then turn away.

  With no power on inside the Weapons locker, there was not much energy coming off the basic power cables that ran through the small compartment. Jack could not see a thing inside it.

  Red stepped up. “Ok ladies stand back and let an expert show you how to cut their way into the locker.” Brandishing the long shimmering blade.

  Jack shook his head as the contents of the locker came into view as the micronic blade pierced the hatch. The blade sending off a mass of frequency waves all up and down the spectrum. “Don’t waste your time Red. The locker is empty except for a few knives I think. Useless to us.”

  “Well. Speak for yourself Captain. There are a few of us who would love to have anything including a knife right now.” Commander Glenn said. “Go for it big girl.” Nodding and swinging her hand toward the hatch.

  Red continued slicing the Micronic blade down the steel face if the hatch. Three more times she plunged the blade into and slicing the steel created a rectangular opening inside the hatch’s frame.

  As the plate in the hatch fell to the deck with a crash, Jack slid his helmet back over into his collar as the stink of melting metal and plastic assaulted his nose making him wish he had waited a little longer.

  Commander Glenn carefully stepped through the hole in the hatch staying away from the still red hot edges.

  “The knives are over in the back right hand corner top drawer.”

  A few seconds later she started handing out the knives through the hatch. Shepperd lined the knives along the counter top next to the hatch until the Commander ran out of knives and Shepperd started picking them back up one at a time keeping several she liked off to one side for a closer look.

  Commander Glenn finally reappeared with a satchel thrown over her shoulder as she climbed back through the hole.

  “What is in the satchel Commander?”

  “You hit the knives dead on. You have X-ray vision or something?”

  “Only in the dark away from the bright lights for most
things. Did I miss something?”

  “Ya the box of Grenades in the front corner. The lieutenant must have told you about the drawer of knives and didn’t know about the Grenades. Nice Joke Captain.”

  Jack smiled. “Thank you Captain.” Watching the lieutenant trying to find places to put knives in her blouse after strapping a couple to her bare legs already. “You find any more satchels, bags or grenades for the rest of you girls.” And then to the rest. “Anyone find something for the Lieutenant to cover her butt yet.”

  The lieutenant turned around to Jack and smiled as she wiggled her butt toward him then straightening up. “I thought my butt was already covered Captain.” As she pulled the blouse farther down her legs checking with her hands to make sure the back was covering her butt. “Don’t you like my little mini dress?”

  “Ya until you bend over to strap the knives to your thighs.”

  “I guess we should stop by my cabin then.”

  Commander Glen came out of the locker with three bags and handed two of them to the ladies. “These are all flash bangs girls. I am not going to trust you with frags. You don’t have the training to keep form killing yourselves or us with them. Make sure you grab the spoon with your fingers and not your palm and hold on tight when you pull the pin and then throw them at least 30 feet. They only have a three second fuse for use aboard ship so their range is limited. The Captain or I can change the fuse setting if needed but don’t even try on your own or it could go off as soon as you let go of it. Just remember not to look at the flash and cover your ears or you won’t be doing anything for several minutes. And for God’s sake every time you throw one, yell Bang Out. So we can close and cover as well. And if you hear I or the Captain yell Grenade Out. You damn well better get under cover or you may be hit as well. Got that?”

  She handed the third bag to Jack. “These are all frags Captain. Tell the girls if you want a Flashbang thrown.”

  Red crossed her arms. “Don’t I get any grenades? The flash bangs look like fun.”

  Commander Glenn frowned. “A satchel will just get in your way with the blade, slowing you down and could just get you killed.” Reaching back through the still hot rimmed hole she brought out another pack and started to hand Red several Flashbangs out of it. “Tuck these away safe… No. Your hands are too big. You could easily drop one trying to pull the pin and that could get us all killed.” Dropping them back into the pack she handed the bag to Chump and climbed back into the locker and came out a few minutes later with a backpack and several belts. Handing the pack to Red. “Put this on. It will stay out of your way while swinging the blade. It is full of small demolition charges about the size of your hand. They are more versatile and can still be used as monster Flashbangs if we need them but remember anyone within 30 feet without a suit of armor will be killed from the concussion and much farther if the blast blows something up when they go off. As big as you are, you should be able to throw them clear across the holds or bays.” Handing her two web belts that had been hooked together with smoke cans attached most of the way around. “These are smoke grenades. Not a close in weapon either. Make sure you throw them only if the Captain or I tell you to and then where we tell you too. If they go off too close in a corridor they can do us more harm than good blinding us and not the enemy. They are for covering your ass so you can get close enough to use your blade or cove all our asses so we can back out of a corridor if the other end turns out to be heavily defended.”

  Red fastened the belt around her and had to hold it up to keep it from falling over her wide hips. “Really Captain, did you really think I was this fat?”

  The Captain quickly shortened the belt having to take off a couple of the Smoke canisters until it laid across Red’s hips at an angle. Then Red modeled it, turning around with a big smile. “How does it look?”

  “Like the latest thing out of Parris Red.” Jack said with a smile.

  Captain Glenn turned to Lt. Shepperd handing her the remaining web belt. “This will hold those knives you insist on wearing and help keep your blouse down over your butt.”

  With everyone finally at least looking like they were ready Jack walked out the Wardroom hatch. “Lead the way Shepperd. Let’s get you dressed.”

  Jack closed his helmet up again darkening the visor as they walked. He didn’t want any surprises. It only took them a couple of minutes to get to her cabin but they found it stripped bare except what was broken. Not even underwear or a bra.

  Though she did find a thin string bikini swim suit bottom. Looking at it she shook her head. “I never got the courage to wear it in public but it is better than nothing. At least it covers the important part even if it does leave my bare butt out in the open.” Pulling it on she frowned. Now I feel like I have a wedgy up my ass. How come I never noticed that all the times I tried it on?”

  “You’re not trying to be sexy now.” Commander Glenn said chuckling. “At least we don’t look so much like a side show trying to make a porno flick now.” Seeing the Lieutenant walking away. “Or maybe not.”


  Jack stopped the elevator on the crew deck above the sickbay getting looks from the others. Jacks voice came out of the speaker of the closed helmet. “There are a bunch of crewmen in there bunks on this deck I want to check out.”

  “Casualties.” Lt. Shepperd said as they trooped off the elevator. “The other ship has been very good at only trying to wound the attackers instead of killing them until recently.”

  The Commander turned to the lieutenant. “Ya we tried to keep from killing but when you tortured and killed that crewmen in front of our defense line on ship wide cameras, I finely said enough was enough.” Tonight my crew is going to kill as many of you as they can.”

  “Hey. Captain Glenn. That wasn’t us. That was that ass hole King Commodore Robinson.” Lieutenant Shepperd said.

  Jack walked through the hatch taking down his helmet and again he wished he hadn’t with the smell hitting him in the face. He stared at the middle waist high bunks of the 3 high sets of racks filled with bandaged men and women. The moans and cries of pain washing over him even though the Birthing compartment was mostly quiet.

  A women came running up in a white blood stained smock wiping her hands on a towel. “Who are you?” She said to Jack and then she spotted Lt. Shepperd. “I thought they had killed you. The King said you had committed treason against him.”

  “Well I am still alive and the Toad is not.”

  A smile crossed the woman’s face. “The Toad is dead? Thank God for little miracles.” She looked around the group with her gaze finally stopping on Commander Glenn. “I take it the trap the king had planned didn’t work since you are here. Did you kill the bastard?”

  “Not yet. These others are from off the ship and are trying to find out what is going on. What is this about a trap?”

  The woman turned white. “No he would kill me. Go away. Talk to the Doctor just go away if you have not killed him yet. Go away. Leave before he kills everyone in this compartment. GO!” The woman started crying as she turned and ran back through the rows of bunks.

  The Lieutenant started to follow. “Wait come back here!”

  Jack held out his arm stopping her. “Let her go. She is too scared to help us. Let’s head for the Sickbay. The Ship’s Doctor would be a better source of information anyway.”

  Red who had been crouching just outside the hatch with her hand on the top lip with her head stuck through watching what was going on, backed out. The others started to follow.

  Jack suddenly found it hard to move with so much pain and sorrow flooding over him from everyone in the compartment.

  Pan put her arm across his shoulder and the pain and suffering faded away. Then Pan’s voice started talking in his head. “You are going to have to learn to tune it out Jack.”

  Jack tried to ignore the voice forcing himself to stare straight ahead but finally had to ask. ‘How do you put up with this every day?”

; “This sadness and despair is rare. In time I will teach you how to block it out but just remember Jack you have a gift that no Dumont has ever had in recorded history. Even know with little training I feel how powerful your mind can someday be especially after stopping me from telling Krump that he murdered that woman. Your will stopped me cold and then made me fear for him at the thought of telling him. Something even I could not have done to another Dumont let alone another race. Now with so much sorrow and pain around us I feel your anguish and I can help you get past it so you can function as if you were a Dumont, if you let me.” Taking a breath even though she was not speaking aloud. “I can teach you how to handle the feelings flooding into you and even tell you about the legends of the greats from the past that legends say had your powers. They may hold clues to what you can do and how to control it.” She felt some fear from Jack as he turned his head and looked at her out of the corner of his eye. “You need not fear me Jack, I only want to help. Let me help you.”

  “Ya you say that now but I have been beat up to many times for doing things my brother could not to believe you. Fact is I don’t have a clue what is happening to me and why and it scares me to no end.” Jack said without speaking. “If I am as powerfull as you say, you will grow to hate and hurt me just like my brother.”

  “No I will not Jack. Let me help you Jack. I will never hurt you. Hate is not in me and you know it. Our legends say that an all Seeing Mind Bender of an unknown people will one day set all people free and I believe that is you and I get the privilege and honor of helping you.” Taking another breath. “You need not fear trusting me as you can see my mind has no hate Mind Bender.”

  “What the hell do you mean Mind Bender?”

  “I have read that you humans have what you call hypnotists that can bend minds to believe things for short periods of time that are not true as long as it is not against their nature. Change their behaviors simply by suggestions when the subjects are in a trance. I believe you can do that with your mind without a trance by simply making focused suggestions in their minds the way you stopped me from telling Krump even though I believe that he should know the truth and with time and help, he would recover. I still believe that but I still cannot tell him though the fear of telling him is starting to wear off. Though I think I understand the reasons why. I find it repulsive to continue the lie.”


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