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Romance in Vegas - Showgirl!

Page 6

by Nancy Fornataro

  "You have a right to do that. I'm sorry you have this downside, though. You did a wonderful job tonight. I couldn't have been prouder of you." He paused and said softly, "What are you wearing right now?"

  "My robe." But she began feeling warm at his tone, which seemed to grow softer each time he spoke.

  "Do you ever go without it? Just walk around naked?"

  She didn't reply. She couldn't reply.

  "I liked seeing you the other day. Just sitting there, sleepy-eyed with your panties on. And nothing else."

  Her breath came out in a long sigh. "Charlene came today," she said in a shaky voice, trying to change the subject, "She gave me a massage."

  He laughed softly. "That could happen again. Would you like me to trade places with Charlene? Mmmm?"

  Dani didn't know what to say. Was this the man who was so formal with her backstage? He had her confused. "I...I think I'll turn in now, I'm really beat...Mr. Scaletti."

  She thought she heard him laugh again as he clicked the phone off.

  Al looked at the phone and smiled. She was so funny and sweet. He knew he'd ruffled her up a bit, but he thought that was part of the game. He always hedged his bets.

  In suite 310, Antonio strolled in with Lorali. She turned to kiss him, and he hugged her hard then, kissed her harder.

  They collapsed onto the bed. "Take your hair down," he said urgently, helping her. "I'd love to see you doing that wild routine. Just for me."

  "She just made it up," she told him sharply, shaking out her shoulder length blonde hair.

  He watched her. "Can't you make one up?"


  He sighed. "I've got this urgent need."

  "Now that, I understand," she said as she unzipped his pants.

  Dani screamed as the man grabbed her arm and twisted it hard. His hands were on her now, roughly prodding. She screamed again, then sat bolt upright in bed. Trembling and sweating from the dream, she made her way into the living room and sat on the chair. Such a long time ago, she thought, but still alive in her dreams.

  She needed to talk with someone.

  When she called Charlene, the woman sounded bright and alert. "Wow," she said, "I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon."

  Dani was silent, as her tears began.

  The woman continued. "I heard about your peppy dance routine last night. And the shoe thing."

  Blowing her nose, Dani said, "I kind of improvised."

  Charlene laughed. "I hear you turned on men in other counties with that one."

  Silent again, Dani dabbed at her eyes.

  "What's going on?" Charlene asked quietly.


  "Can you tell me about it? I've got nothing but time. I'm really hyper tonight."

  Slowly, Dani began. "Two years ago, they put me in a new foster home. I thought it would be better than the other ones. And it was, for a while. The man was a construction worker and his wife just stayed home."

  "Go on."

  "I started to notice he would drink beer a lot in the evening. Then he'd look at me, nasty you know? Look at my breasts all the time."


  "One night he came into my room. Sat on my bed. I told him to get out. But he was too strong. He kept twisting my arm telling me to be quiet. I was still yelling. When his wife came in they got in an argument. I punched him. He punched me back in the eye."

  Dani sniffed again. "Then they took me to the hospital because I couldn't move my arm. I got switched after that to a different family...if you could even call it that. They all just wanted the money they'd get for me."

  Charlene sighed. "Sweetie, what can I do to help you?" she asked, "What can I do?"

  But Dani's tears began again. "It's okay," she sobbed, "I'm sorry to bother you." And she rang off.

  Al's personal phone rang insistently, as he struggled to wake up. "'Lo?"

  "You need to go down to her suite."

  "What is it?"

  "A nightmare. And, trust me you don't want to know what it's about."

  Dani bent forward and held her head and sobbed as she sat on the sofa. The tears just kept coming and it was as if a dam had burst.

  He let himself in with his passkey, and sat next to her. "Dani?" Bringing his arm around her shoulders, he said soothingly, "Lean on me, Dani."

  She clutched at the front of his unbuttoned shirt, and he drew her in closer against his hard chest.

  Now stroking her hair, his lips came against her neck softly then roved to her cheek. His breath was warm and minty and the scent of his aftershave was in the air. "Don't be sad, Miss Troubix," he breathed, as he smiled.

  She pulled back and looked up at him with tears glistening in her eyes.

  His thumbs came up and brushed them away. He smoothed her hair back from her face. "Would it help if I stayed until you are asleep?" he asked gently.

  Watching her face, with her lips just inches from his, he saw her eyes close sleepily, while her mouth slightly parted now, full lips so inviting. So much for the game, he thought, as his lips crushed hers. She doesn't play fair.

  Breaking the kiss slightly, as his mouth hovered above hers, he whispered, "Don't cry. Please don't cry." He just couldn't resist her. Softly this time, his lips met hers, and he felt her relax, as her arm came around his waist. He sucked gently on her tongue before he pulled back and realized this was a situation. He was rock hard and ready for her. But, she wasn't ready for him. She needed his help.

  He picked her up easily, set her on the bed and pulled up the covers. Looking up at him gratefully, she didn't say a word, as her eyes closed.

  Running a hand through his hair, he sat on the chaise and just watched her. Flaming hair, alabaster skin, pink cheeks, white cotton nightgown. Exotic dancer. She was an enigma, and he wanted to solve the puzzle.

  When the pull was almost over, Robert peered at the surveillance camera. "Hey, get a load of this." The camera showed Scaletti exiting the suite, combing his hair. "Isn't that Red's suite?"

  Jerry and Les laughed, as Jerry said, "He doesn't follow his own rules very well, does he? Never saw him without a suit on, either."

  And they all went back to their monitors.

  A few minutes after Al arrived at the penthouse den, Lefty came in with several newspapers.

  "You're up early today," Al said with a smile as he sat behind his desk.

  Slapping the papers on the desk, Lefty said, "My contact called me on this. Thought you might want to prepare."

  "Okay. Share it with me then."

  "A hundred says you can't guess."

  Al sat back. "It must have to do with our lovely Miss Troubix."

  Lefty sighed. "Damn, I should know better than to bet with you. I always lose."

  "So what do they say?" He picked up a pen and held it with both hands.

  "Vegas Tribune: 'Our socks were collectively knocked off last night with the introduction of Las Vegas newest dancer named Dani. She's queen of the primal lust running under the surface of this fair city. And to think it all started with a simple wardrobe malfunction at Winner Takes All Casino.'"

  Al smiled. "Primal lust. I like that."

  "Hey boss, did you sleep in that shirt or what? You look like shit warmed over."

  "Actually I did sleep in it. And not to worry, I clean up good. Continue."

  "Las Vegas Tattler: 'Dani, a brand new dancer at Winner Takes All Casino, let it all hang out during a chance wardrobe malfunction last night. Women were screaming in the aisles and men couldn't keep their eyes off her as she shimmied and hair-danced her way through a song. Who cares which song, as long as she remains on the dancing team at WTA Casino.'"

  Lefty continued, "There's more, boss."

  Grinning now, Al said, "That's okay. Just leave them here. And get a copy for Angie over in PR. Guess we'd better keep Miss Troubix happy then, eh Lefty?"

  "You got that right boss."

  After Lefty went downstairs, Al made a call to a friend. "Doc, it's Scaletti. Yeah
, I'm fine thanks. Hey what would make a person have nightmares?"

  "Well," the man said, "it could be any number of things, Al. If they reoccur, I would think of PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a reliving of an event."

  "Yes. Always thought that was a military thing for some reason."

  "Oh, ordinary citizens have it too. Another stressor would be stress itself. Did the person have any stressors the day of or day before?"

  Then Al felt guilty having looked at the rave reviews in the newspapers. "You could say that."

  "Well the only thing I can suggest is that you have your friend write the dreams down. Also, no coffee or large meals before bedtime. Maybe a relaxing bath would help. Also, there is something called Imagery Reversal Therapy, where the person rehearses a new ending to the situation in the nightmare. But, if it gets to be a problem, you know I'm always here. Is she a girlfriend?"

  "How did you know I was talking about a woman?"

  He laughed. "Just never heard you talk in that tone of voice before."

  "Okay, doc. Thanks."

  Tony Barrelli woke early, and slid next to her curvy back. She sighed softly, as he massaged her large breasts, first one then the other. He was hard, and rubbed himself against her long legs.

  His finger found her closely shaved mound, delved in, stroked her expertly, and she gasped with pleasure.

  This is what he loved, this early morning thing, probably better than the nighttime thing, he thought.

  He manipulated her to orgasm then entered her, turning her on her stomach. Stretching his arms out, he rode her to another orgasm. And, he thought, this woman was a noisy one. And tight as hell. But, he loved that too.

  After it was over, he lay against her, nuzzling her neck, making her giggle. She loved it. He loved it. So, they did it again. And again.

  Dani heard the house phone ringing from a distance. Shaking her head, trying to wake up, she was finally able to answer.

  "Sugar, I need to talk to you." It was Kim, very excited.

  "Okay," she answered, yawning, "what is your suite number again?"

  "410. Coffee is on."

  Trying to wake up, Dani stood under the steaming shower. She thought about the events of last night, and realized there was confusion in her brain. Did she have a nightmare? Was Al really in her room, kissing her?

  Toweling herself, she wondered about it, but pushed it to the back of her mind. Today was her day off and tomorrow too. Maybe Kim would have some ideas of what to do in Vegas besides gambling.

  Her friend opened the door immediately, and drew her inside. Dani was struck by the homey feel of the suite. Her friend had put her own pictures and posters on the walls, had some throw pillows and furry blankets around. There were plenty of house plants and even an African violet.

  "This is so nice," she said softly.

  But Kim looked like she was about to burst, so Dani finally asked her, "What gives?"

  Kim poured them both coffee in brightly colored coffee mugs. "I slept with someone last night."

  "You?" Dani stared at her in disbelief.

  Laughing now, Kim said, "Yes, contrary to popular belief, I DO have a sex life."

  "Um, can I ask who it was?"

  Kim got comfortable and crossed her legs on the chair. "Remember Tony? You met him yesterday."

  "Sure. He's very nice looking. Nice build."

  "Girl, you're right about that. Well, I was talking to Teeny in the bar last night around one o'clock. He came up and we had this great conversation. One thing led to another..."

  "So, how is he?"

  She fanned her face. "Hot, baby, hot. What a stud-muffin. He knew how to push ALL my buttons, if you know what I mean."

  Dani laughed at that, although she really didn't know. "But, isn't he going back to Atlantic City?"

  "Yeah. That's the bummer. He promises he'll keep in touch. But, we're getting together tonight. Why don't you and Al join us?"

  "Wouldn't he need to ask me first? I can't just call him and say 'go out with me.'"

  "Why not?"

  "It just doesn't seem right."

  "How many guys have you dated, Dani?"

  She didn't want to look like a fool. She didn't know what to say. "Not many."

  "Okay," Kim laughed, "let me handle it."

  "Hey, what are those books for?" She pointed to some textbooks on the end table.

  "Oh, I take online classes for college. I'm trying to get a BA in Criminology."

  "Wow. Was it hard getting started in that?" Dani also didn't want to tell Kim she hadn't finished high school. Not enough credits.

  "I'll give you the website. Do you have a computer yet?"

  "No. I haven't gotten a paycheck. And I'm not very good with computers."

  "Hell with that," she said, lighting a cigarette, "Al pays for our computers. We'll get you one today and have the IT guys hook it up in your room. Oh, that reminds me of something rather unpleasant, but true."

  Dani thought of the night before, and grew nervous. Did he really come to her room? And, was she in trouble now because of it? "What's that?" she asked anxiously.

  "We need to get mammograms. Al's insisting on it. His wife, Clarice, was only twenty-five when she died of breast cancer. He's paying for it all, don't worry about that."

  "I've never had one."

  "Oh, Sugar, you'll hate it. Trust me."

  Chapter 8

  When she checked her wallet in the morning, Dani realized she had some money left from the thousand Al gave her the first night. So she and Kim spent the day shopping for clothes, and little items for Dani's suite, to make it more like a home.

  But now, she was flat broke after their shopping spree.

  She let herself into the suite, dropped her bags, and groaned as she realized she hadn't taken her phone. Checking her messages there were four messages, blank, with no voice. But they were all from the same phone number.

  Hesitantly, she phoned him back.

  "What?" he snapped as an answer.

  "I'm just checking in," she said cheerfully.

  He was silent for seconds then said, "I'd appreciate it if you'd carry your phone. I was worried about you."


  "This is Las Vegas," he said dryly. She heard rustling of papers in the background. "What did you do all day?"

  "Why?" she repeated.

  He sighed. "Because I'm interested."

  "We shopped."

  "We, who?"

  "Kim and I."

  "I see. And what did you buy?"

  "A few things for the suite, and some clothes."

  She didn't hear him fidgeting with the papers anymore. "Tell me about the clothes."

  "Well, a few t-shirts and some dresses."

  "What color are the t-shirts?"

  "One is pink and the other light green. One says welcome to Vegas."

  He chuckled. "And the dresses?"

  "Yes, you know, in case someone asks me out dancing, I'll need something to wear."

  "What a thing to do on your day off. Would you really want to dance? After all, you do that for a living now." She could hear the smile in his voice.

  "Yes, I would. Actually, I was going to call you when I got home anyway. Kim and I are going out, and we wanted to ask if you and Tony would like to go."

  "Is that right?" She heard his chair squeak. "And, are you two paying for this night on the town?"

  She hesitated. "I don't really know. When is payday?"

  He burst out laughing then. "You are so funny. Of course we can go out somewhere. All you have to do is ask. And you don't have to pay."

  She thought her first attempt at asking a man out had not gone well at all. He was still laughing as they rang off.

  Kim had given Dani her phone number, and Dani programmed it into her cell. "We're going to someplace called Chez Vous," she told her friend.

  "Oh, that's a happening place," Kim replied, "you'll love it."

  A few hours later, the two met up with the men
at the penthouse. Kim wore a white sequined mini dress and Dani had on a pink sequined mini dress; they both wore matching sandal heels.

  "Mama mia," Tony said under his breath as the two women entered the penthouse suite, "a double header."

  Then louder, he said, "Come to papa," and he walked to Kim, picked her up and swung her around as she squealed.

  Dani stood awkwardly, then moved to the floor to ceiling window which overlooked Vegas twinkling lights. Al came and stood in back of her, and she saw his reflection. It was the most relaxed she'd seen him dress, with a casual navy jacket, chino pants and his white shirt having a few buttons open.

  "The view so beautiful," she said, "I can't believe I didn't notice it the last time I was here."

  "You're the one who's beautiful." After trailing his hand down her hair, it rested on her back by her hip. She closed her eyes at the sensation his touch created.

  She turned and walked over to the shelves housing the stereo and big screen TV. Spotting him in a picture, she moved closer. It was Al with his wife. And Dani thought the woman had been stunning. Turning back to him, her eyes met his. How could he have said good-bye to her so soon in her life? she wondered. His gaze was impartial and she didn't find any answers there.

  They ate at The Broiler, a steak house twenty minutes from the casino. All the way there, she was intensely aware of him next to her. He wore the same light aftershave, and now his arm was draped over the seat back. The limo jostled at a pothole and he grabbed her shoulder and didn't let go as she felt his hard chest against hers.

  Kim and Tony clowned, threw verbal barbs at each other, and Dani was glad for their presence in the limo, then at the restaurant.

  "Don't you just love it here?" Kim asked her as the men ordered for them.

  "The rolls are delicious," Dani said with her mouth full.

  Al hailed the waiter and the man brought more rolls and bread. Then he watched her with amusement, as she polished off another two pieces of bread. "You won't pass inspection on Tuesday if you keep this up," he joked.


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