Never Too Late
Page 22
Her father’s prayer was beautiful and heartfelt. He gave thanks for all the blessings the family had seen through the year, for new loves and second chances, and especially for the miracle of their little girl’s return to them, after so many years of searching for her.
His voice broke a little at that point and he paused. Kate peeked under her eyelashes to find that tears seeped from both her parents’ closed eyes—and even Gage and Wyatt looked suspiciously teary.
She was weeping a little, too, she realized, and her tears dripped even more freely when in his deep, quiet voice Sam gave thanks for those who had cared for her while she was away from them, who had showed her love when her family couldn’t.
She thought of Maryanne and Tom, and at that moment she finally realized how truly blessed she was.
How many people had been gifted with two sets of loving parents? When she and Hunter married in a few months, she would have two kind, loving men to walk her down the aisle, two mothers to fuss over her gown and her veil. Even though Hunter’s parents were dead, their children would still have two sets of grandparents to love them and spoil them.
She had two sets of parents, two brothers who loved her, two new sisters-in-law she loved dearly, a pair of beautiful new nieces.
And Hunter by her side, with his strength and his goodness and his love.
She was the luckiest woman in the world.
ISBN: 978-1-4268-6281-6
Copyright © 2005 by RaeAnne Thayne
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*Outlaw Hartes
*Outlaw Hartes
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†The Searchers
†The Searchers