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Karli's Resolve (The Black Ridge Wolf Pack Book 3)

Page 6

by Lilli Carlisle

  “Come here, love,” Rowl rasped as he opened his arms wide, and Karli was quick to fill them.

  Joseph’s arms wrapped around her from behind and she felt complete, sandwiched between her mates. These were her chosen mates and enough was enough. Then it hit her; she didn’t sense Laura’s presence in the room. To confirm her suspicions, she popped her head up and looked around, not sensing Laura anywhere in their home.

  “Where’s our chaperone?”

  “Gone back to the pack house with the alpha. It’s just us now,” Joseph explained with pride. “There will be no more courting alphas. We can be a family. Rowl and I have sworn to Alpha Aldric that we would not complete our mating with you until the king has a chance to get here and perform our bonding ceremony. Neither of us can bite you until then.”

  “You mean this mess is over? We can finally become mates?”

  “Yes, love,” Rowl answered softly. He may be awake, but his body was still recovering. Karli immediately felt guilty for thinking of anything other than Rowl’s condition. “How can I be so selfish? I should be thinking only of your wellbeing.”

  He cupped her face in his large hands and said, “I can’t think of anything that will help my recovery more than knowing we will soon be mated. The two of you are my family.”

  Karli turned to Joseph. “Have you told him what Ceva said about you being an alpha?” An alpha’s abilities came to the surface during high-stress situations, and Rowl’s near-death experience certainly qualified. Some alphas were never discovered. They were as rare as an omega, but unlike the omega, they weren’t born with a jewel to identify them. An alpha only received his alpha markings when he took possession of his territory.

  “Yeah, I have,” Joseph answered. “And Rowl’s going to be my beta.”

  “And I’m so proud of him,” Rowl said as he placed his hand on Joseph’s shoulder. Something passed between the two, but Karli was unsure what it was, yet she knew what she hoped.

  Rowl leaned down and kissed Karli passionately before saying, “We will be a family soon.”

  He raised his head and looked at Joseph with the same passion. Joseph leaned forward and took Rowl’s mouth in a deep kiss. Excitement raced through Karli’s body. They were so beautiful together. When they broke apart, Rowl looked unsure but Joseph looked confident. It wasn’t unusual in the shifter world that the three of them share the same love for each other. Sex was never an issue.

  Joseph reached over and cupped both Rowl’s and her cheeks. “I love both of you and want to share my life with the two of you. We’ll figure this out together.”

  Both men looked down at her. She could see the unasked question in their eyes. She would never let them agonize over how she felt. “I love the two of you, and the fact that the three of us are going to share that love emotionally and physically makes me even happier. Have you two ever kissed before?”

  “No, I was always afraid if I told Joseph how I felt I’d ruin our friendship if he didn’t feel the same way. But after being shot, I knew I had to come clean about how I feel.”

  “I’m glad you did,” Joseph confessed. “I’ve always felt the same way.”

  “We are a true triad. Three mates—alpha, beta, and omega.” Karli pulled her mates closer. “I love you two so much. We are truly blessed.” Even though they’d been put through hell the last couple days, Karli believed they were fortunate in a way few mates ever experienced.

  Karli noticed Rowl grimace in pain and immediately released him. “Where are you hurting?”

  “My leg,” Rowl replied as he reached down to rub his right leg. “It’s been progressively getting more painful since I regained consciousness.”

  “I’ll go and get Doc.” Joseph jumped out of their new extra-wide bed and ran out the door.

  Karli sat up, knelt beside Rowl’s right leg, and began to gently rub his calf. “Does this help, sweetheart?”

  “Yes, it feels wonderful. My muscles are all seized up,” Rowl groaned as he pushed his fingers into his thigh. Even though shifters could heal most wounds, if the damage had been serious enough, there might be lasting effects. She heard the front door open, and a few moments later, Doc and Joseph came walking into their bedroom.

  “Is it any better?” Joseph asked as he walked to the head of the bed. Karli crawled back up the mattress to take position on Rowl’s other side as the doctor began examining his leg.

  “No.” Rowl lay back against the headboard and reached for both hers and Joseph’s hands. Doc pulled a syringe and bottle from his bag, and Rowl squeezed tighter on their hands.

  “What is that?” Joseph asked.

  “It’s a muscle relaxer. It will help reduce the pain.”

  “Can’t we call Laura or Helena to help heal him?” Karli asked.

  “An omega’s ability will be of no use. This is damage caused from such a severe injury and the length of time it took for him to shift,” Doc answered as he motioned for Rowl to turn over and then stuck the syringe in his butt cheek. Rowl flinched, and Joseph growled at the doctor.

  “But why his leg? He was shot in the chest,” Karli prompted.

  “Extensive blood loss could affect any part of his body.”

  “Is it treatable?” Rowl asked. “I haven’t tried to walk yet. What if I can’t?

  “Yes, with physical therapy, it can be treated. I don’t want you to try to walk for a few days. You need more time to recover.”

  “We’ll take care of him,” Karli was quick to say. “Show us what to do.”

  Rowl pulled her closer and tucked her into the side of his body. She couldn’t help but shake slightly at the thought of her mate in pain and suffering. She would do anything to take that away from him, and she would do whatever it took to support Rowl through this. He tightened his hold and buried his face into her hair. Joseph stood guard over them both, watching everything the doctor did.

  Her happiness over Rowl regaining consciousness and her men expressing their love for each other had now been dampened by fear for Rowl’s complete recovery. What if his leg got worse and he lost the use of other parts of his body? Nothing could ever change her love for him, but she worried how Rowl would take it.

  The doctor gave Rowl another shot, and Joseph was talking to him, but all she could concentrate on was the man in her arms. Rowl still had his face in her hair, and after a few minutes, she felt his body relax until his breathing evened out. Karli looked up at Joseph, needing his reassurance, and he didn’t disappoint.

  He knelt down beside the bed and ran his fingers through both hers and Rowl’s hair. “Rowl will recover, Karli. We’ll make sure he does. Whatever it takes.”

  “Yes, whatever it takes,” she swore before wrapping Rowl in her protective embrace.

  Everything would work out.

  It had to.

  Chapter Five

  Rowl carefully placed both of his feet on the floor beside the bed. He’d had enough of lying around and recovering. He needed to get out of their bedroom before his thoughts drove him nuts. He’d had enough time to think, and he didn’t like the direction his thoughts were taking.

  Karli was in the kitchen making lunch for them, while Joseph had gone to the training field. It had been three days since Rowl had been shot, and he’d had to force Joseph to go back to training the warriors. He’d been hovering over Rowl alongside Karli, and Rowl needed to get back on his own two feet.

  The pain in his right leg had subsided somewhat, but its strength had yet to be tested. He had to know how bad it was. Doc had left a pair of crutches and a cane for him to use if needed. He hoped it wouldn’t be necessary to use either. Rowl knew he should wait until Joseph was here to catch him if he fell, but for some reason, Rowl couldn’t stand for Karli and Joseph to view him as weak.

  With one hand holding onto the bedside table and the other braced on the bed, he pushed up, keeping all of his weight on his left leg. Once he felt stable, he put weight on his injured leg and it immediately buckled. Rowl crashed onto
the hardwood floor and let out a deep groan of pain.

  He heard footsteps running toward the bedroom and knew Karli was on her way. He tried to stand but was unable to get his weak leg underneath him. Karli came into view, her face covered in concern. She reached down and with her shifter strength helped him sit back on the bed.

  “Why would you try to stand without help?” Karli scolded. “I was in the kitchen, sweetheart. You could have called me. Are you hurt?”

  “I’m fine,” Rowl growled, and he saw the hurt in Karli’s eyes. Shit, I can’t take my frustration out on my loving mate. None of this is her fault. He opened his arms wide and rasped, “Come here, love. I’m sorry. I’m just frustrated.”

  Karli moved into his body and held him tight. “I understand. How can I help?”

  Rowl wasn’t ready to give up on his dream of getting out of their master bedroom. “Can you help me stand while I get used to the crutches? I’d love to go sit out on the front porch for lunch.”

  “That sounds wonderful. Here, we’ll stand up together. Let me reach over to get them,” Karli stretched for the crutches and handed them to him. She placed herself under his right arm to brace him as they stood.

  Once he got the crutches under his arms, he steadied himself as Karli let go and went to open the bedroom door. Slowly, he took a small hop forward and brought the crutches forward, bracing himself before taking another hop. By the time he reached the doorway, he was starting to get the hang of it. He reached the living room for the first time in days and immediately felt better.

  Karli opened the front door and Rowl stepped outside. He took a deep breath of warm air and could feel his body relax even further. He moved over to one of the cushioned chairs and sat down, leaning his crutches against the wall.

  “I’ll be back with lunch in a tick, mate.” Karli leaned over and kissed him softly.

  “Now that’s a sight I love to see.” Joseph’s voice came from somewhere behind Karli.

  When she moved to Rowl’s side, he could see Joseph walking up the steps toward them. He stopped in front of Karli and kissed her deeply before leaning over, bracing his hands on the armrests of his chair and taking Rowl’s mouth in a deep, wet kiss. Rowl could feel himself hardening having his two mates lavishing him with love. The intense quiet between them was broken by whistles coming from the footpath running alongside their home. Rowl continued the kiss until they were both gasping for breath before looking up to see a few of their warriors standing only a few feet away.

  “If you guys have nothing better to do than stand around, I could always find something for you to do,” Joseph instructed with a chuckle.

  Rowl smiled at the sight of them. It had been days since he’d been to the training field and he missed it.

  “Nope, thanks. No need,” Jerome called out. “We’re headed to the pool to swim some laps. We’re happy to see Rowl. Are you feeling better?”

  “Nothing can keep me down for long. You should know me better than that,” Rowl joked while taking hold of both Karli’s and Joseph’s hands. “I’ll be back to full strength in no time.” He felt a pang of guilt knowing he was lying to them. He wasn’t ready to admit how long it might take for him to regain full strength.

  “That’s great. We can’t wait to have you back,” Jerome declared before the warriors half-waved, half-saluted, and then turned to continue down the path.

  “I’ll go get our lunch,” Karli murmured before kissing Rowl on his forehead and walking back inside the house.

  Joseph took the seat beside him without breaking the hold he had on Rowl’s hand. The three had been inseparable since the shooting, until Rowl finally made Joseph go back to training. They’d slept surrounding Karli and holding one another close. They’d stood by their word about not mating Karli until they were bonded, but it was getting harder every day. He wanted them to be mated; they’d waited so long already.

  “Truth. How are you truly feeling?”

  Rowl thought about playing down how weak his leg was but couldn’t bring himself to lie to one of his mates. It was still new, considering Joseph as his mate and not only his best friend. But he’d never been happier.

  “My leg gave out when I tried to put weight on it. I can’t get around without the crutches,” Rowl admitted softly, afraid someone else might hear.

  Joseph squeezed his hand tighter. “We will get through this together, the three of us. Doc said we could start physical therapy when you’re ready.”

  “I think sooner would be best. I need to be able to take my position as your beta,” Rowl muttered. Will I ever be able to be his beta?

  “You are my beta. I will never accept a territory without you and Karli by my side,” Joseph declared as if hearing Rowl’s thoughts.

  “By your side for what?” Karli asked as she joined them on the porch with a tray in her hands.

  Before he realized what he was doing, Rowl attempted to stand to take the tray from Karli. Joseph was quick to grab him under the arm as his leg gave way, and helped him to sit back down. Rowl could feel his face heating up, embarrassed that he couldn’t even help his mate with a tray of food.

  “Easy, I’ve got you,” Joseph whispered.

  “Right, and I’m supposed to be your beta. How do you see that happening?” Rowl vented his frustration at Joseph and instantly regretted it. “I’m sorry. I’m not acting like myself today.”

  “Don’t worry. We understand. No matter what, we’re a family,” Karli reiterated as she sat down beside him and took his other hand. “And you will be an amazing beta.”

  Rowl decided to let this discussion rest for now. There’d be plenty of time for worst-case scenarios. Now he wanted to rest and have lunch with his mates. Joseph handed out the sandwiches piled high with meat, exactly the way Rowl liked them. Karli had even put a pickle on his plate, because she knew how much he loved the tangy taste.

  He knew his family loved him. He was going to have to work hard to regain his mobility and strength. He wouldn’t let them down.

  He’d just finished his pickle when he heard a voice he’d hoped never to hear again. Atilia and Ferone came around the corner accompanied by three warriors. The moment she spotted the three of them sitting on their porch, her hate-filled eyes turned on them.

  “What are they doing out of their house?” Rowl growled.

  “They’re being taken to the pack house, where the alpha is preparing to escort them to the edge of the territory. They’re free to return to their original pack,” Joseph explained.

  Rowl looked over at Karli, trying to gauge her reaction, but before he had a chance to say a word, Atilia began shouting.

  “Well there’s the happy triad. You’re such a disappointment, and now you have one mate that can’t even walk. You could have had everything.”

  Joseph stood, but it was Karli who spoke. “I do have everything I’ve ever wanted, right here. I was never a daughter to either of you, merely a piece of property to be sold off to the highest bidder. My mates are my family now. I don’t want to see either of you ever again.”

  Rowl was so proud of his brave mate. This had to be heartbreaking for her, even if her parents deserved it. Joseph sat back down as the warriors pushed the two assholes forward and away from their home. What kind of people wouldn’t love their daughter? Especially one as special as Karli? With every fiber of his being, Rowl hoped this would be the last time they saw Karli’s parents.

  “Are you okay, love?” Rowl rubbed his thumb over her knuckles, needing the connection.

  “I will be, but I’m done hoping for more from them,” Karli answered before turning to face him. “I don’t want you to listen to anything they said. You will walk again.”

  “But we need to be prepared in case that doesn’t happen,” Rowl insisted, trying to be realistic, even if it was crushing him.

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First, we start physiotherapy, and then we go from there,” Joseph stated, always the logical one. Although, for some strange r
eason, his logic hurt Rowl this time, and he didn’t know why. Do I want him to break down alongside me?

  His conflicted emotions must have shown on his face, because in the next moment, he had a lap full of Karli. Thankfully he wasn’t still feeling the pain he had in his leg, but even if he did, he’d still want her right where she was.

  After a few moments, Joseph stood and held out his hand for Karli to take. “I’ll have to take Rowl away from you, love. It’s time for his shower before he needs to rest some more.”

  “Shower? How will I stand?”

  “With my help, of course. You think I would let you try to stand in a wet shower all by yourself?” Joseph asked with a smile. “I’ll take good care of you.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I can’t wait until we’re mated, ‘cause I’d be in that shower with the two of you. I know we swore not to mate fully until after the ceremony, but this is killing me,” Karli grumbled as she gathered the plates. “I expect some serious loving when that time comes.”

  Rowl grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back onto his lap. “I swear we will lavish you with all the love and attention you can handle,” he promised before taking her soft lips in a passionate kiss. As soon as their lips parted, she was lifted into Joseph’s arms and given the same treatment.

  When she was finally set on her feet, she wobbled a little before saying, “You two better deliver on that promise. Now go have your shower. I’m sure you two can find a way to reduce some of that stress.” She winked and walked back into the house.

  Rowl looked up at Joseph, whose eyes had begun to shine with his wolf close to the surface, and the desire was unmistakable. Rowl was still getting used to being able to show his true feelings in front of Joseph after years of hiding them, not wanting to ruin their friendship. Now knowing Joseph felt the same way opened Rowl’s world to everything he’d ever dreamt of. Having both Karli and Joseph as his true mates, sharing both a physical and emotional connection, made him feel complete.

  Joseph reached down to help Rowl stand. He grabbed his crutches and began the hop back into the house. He could hear Joseph softly growling behind him right before he slapped Rowl’s ass. Heat raced through his body and settled in his hardening cock. Karli smiled knowingly at them as they cut through the kitchen on their way to the master en suite.


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