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Karli's Resolve (The Black Ridge Wolf Pack Book 3)

Page 9

by Lilli Carlisle

  “He’s still behind bars at the palace,” Aldric informed them, but she could see the question in his eyes. “Could he have someone helping him?”

  “It’s always possible, but whoever it is would have to be as capable as Rocco to hire a reaper,” Rowl agreed.

  “But why would anyone go to this extent for revenge?” Karli couldn’t wrap her mind around the trouble these people would go through over one triad family. “He’s the one who tried to place a spell over me.”

  “And I’ve wondered why he would go to that extent ever since,” Aldric stated. “I understand how it feels to wait for an omega mate, but to risk everything trying to attain one seems beyond extreme.”

  “We need answers,” Joseph grumbled as he lifted Karli into his lap. It seemed to be a position that calmed both her mates.

  “I’ve sent out trackers and warriors to search for them. The king has said he will be dealing with Alpha Saxx himself. He will be able to get to the bottom of whether Saxx was involved. In the meantime, it’s best if we move your bonding ceremony up to tomorrow evening. The king will be arriving later tonight.” Aldric stopped and took a good hard look at the three of them. “That’s still the plan, correct?”

  Karli’s heart skipped a beat as she looked up at Joseph before the two turned to Rowl. After everything that’s happened, would their mate reject them?

  Rowl didn’t even hesitate. “Yes, the sooner the better.”

  “I agree. Once you three are mated, Karli’s powers will transfer to the two of you, giving you more protection against whoever it is that’s causing this,” Aldric confirmed.

  Rowl reached over and lifted Karli into his arms. “I wish we knew why.”

  “We’ll figure this out. In the meantime, rest and ready yourselves for the ceremony. Everything else will be taken care of,” Aldric assured with a smile before he stood and let himself out of the front door.

  Karli cupped Rowl’s face. “I don’t want you to feel as though you are rushed into this, Rowl. After the events of the past few days, we would understand if you need more time.” It was killing her to say this, but she loved him, and he deserved all the time he needed.

  “We’ve wasted enough time being apart already,” Rowl declared, before taking their hands. “I want to be with my mates.”

  The three embraced and remained entwined for several moments before Joseph came out with what she was thinking as well. “Rowl, babe, you need a shower. Two days in the forest and you’re a little ripe.”

  Rowl laughed and held them even closer.

  This was their family, and tomorrow it would become official.

  Her men left early the next morning and were replaced by an excited group of omegas. Laura, Lisa, and Gabrielle had come to help Karli prepare for her bonding ceremony. While it was true her pack was her extended family, and Rowl and Joseph her immediate family, Karli had no one to stand up with her. True, her parents had chosen their path, but it still hurt to know she had only ever been a bargaining chip to them. One that was now disposable.

  “Hey,” Laura called out as she sat in the chair beside Karli on the back deck. “I can feel your sorrow from all the way inside the house. Are you okay?”

  “You’ll think I’m crazy.” Hell, she thought she was. How could she miss something she never really had? Sure, they fed and clothed her, but that was always with the thought that it would pay off in the end. There was never any real love shared between them.

  “You miss your old family,” Laura guessed.

  “It’s odd, even after everything they’ve done. What’s wrong with me?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with you. It’s not crazy to wish for something you’ve dreamed of, even if it’s your parents’ love.”

  Karli thought about it for a moment. Perhaps Laura was right. Karli wasn’t necessarily missing Atilia and Ferone, but what they should have represented—the unconditional love of one’s parents. But she had that love. It was given to her every day by her mates. She truly had what she’d always dreamed of.

  “Thank you, my friend. I am fortunate to have so many people who care about my wellbeing and love me. It’s time to think of what I have and not what I haven’t.”

  Laura smiled wide and held out her hand as she stood. “There’s been a delivery for you while you’ve been outside, and you need to eat lunch to keep your energy high.”

  “Yes, mother.” Karli smiled wide, took her friend’s hand, and followed Laura into the house.

  Gabrielle and Lisa were busy making lunch in the kitchen as Laura led her to the living room, where she found Helena and a large box. Karli was so happy to see the princess. They’d grown close during the time Karli had lived in the main house. With the events of the past few weeks, Karli hadn’t been able to spend time with her friend.

  “Helena, I’m glad you stopped by. I’ve missed you.” She plunked down on the couch beside Helena and hugged her.

  “We’ve missed you as well, and I come bearing gifts.” Helena laughed before nudging the box in front of her on the coffee table. It was a white box, three feet long and two feet wide with a beautiful red and gold bow wrapped around it.

  “You didn’t have to do this.”

  “Oh yes we did.”


  “Yes, the women of this pack,” Helena explained. “We all came together to make this for you. Open it.”

  Karli pulled the box until it was in front of her then yanked on the silk ribbon before removing the lid, and lifted the tissue paper. She was shocked by the sight before her. “W-why?”

  By now, Gabrielle and Lisa had joined them in the living room. “Because you deserve it,” they said in unison.

  “We thought we could modify the tradition of a mother helping fashion your bonding ceremony gown. Everyone wanted to be a part of it as a gift to you,” Helena told her.

  Karli was speechless. She had decided to wear a borrowed gown from Helena and leave it at that, since she no longer had a mother to speak of. She lifted her present from the box. She had never expected to be given a stunning, strapless emerald gown. Tiny, sparkling beads were sewn into the intricate bodice, while the remainder of the shimmering fabric flowed like water to the floor.

  “Do you like it?” Laura asked.

  Karli turned to look at her friends, their images blurred by tears. “I love it, thank you. Thank you to everyone.” She held the dress up to herself and looked in the mirror on the far wall. It looked as though it would fit her perfectly, but how? She’d never had anyone take her measurements. “How did you guess my size?”

  “Well, your men had something to do with that.” Gabrielle winked.

  “They were in on it?”

  “From the beginning,” Helena replied.

  “But they haven’t seen the dress, yet,” Lisa was quick to say.

  “This is so amazing, and it’s exactly what I needed today,” Karli stated as she wiped the last few regrets about her mother from her mind and turned to her bedroom to try on the dress.

  Karli could hear the crowd talking beyond the closed doors of the garden house. Their ceremony would take place in the gardens as she had requested, and now she waited for the pack to take their seats. Of course, not all pack members could make the trip, but the ones who did numbered in the hundreds.

  The other omegas and Helena had already been seated, and it would soon be Karli’s moment to join her men in front of the king to link her life with theirs. She would be walking in alone; there would be no father walking her down the aisle. I can do this. A moment before she got herself geared up enough to walk through the doors, Ceva came into the room. Karli had been wondering where she had been. She hadn’t seen her all day.

  “I was beginning to wonder if I was going to even see you before the ceremony,” Karli commented as she hugged Ceva tight.

  “I’ve been in meetings with the king and Aldric, but I would never miss this. Especially since I have the honor of walking you to your mates.”

ou’re walking me down the aisle?”

  “Of course, considering I found and saved you that day. I consider you one of my own.”

  “Ceva, you’ve saved countless people over the years. How many do you continue to check in on?”

  “A few special cases,” Ceva admitted with a bit of a smirk, letting Karli know there were probably more than a few.

  “Ah, so I’m a special case, am I?”

  “Oh, you’re something, all right. Now, let’s get this show on the road. You have two mates who are waiting for you. Hold out your wrist, brat.” Karli automatically held her wrist up, and Ceva pulled out a delicate gold bracelet.

  “You know I haven’t had much luck with bracelets so far.”

  “Be quiet and accept the gift graciously, smart ass.”

  Karli smiled. She could feel the magic flowing through the gold, but it was good magic, full of protection spells. “You do remember magic doesn’t work on me unless I want it to, and protection against dark magic I already have.”

  “I realize this, but it makes me feel better knowing you have my protection as well.”

  Karli was touched by the gift. Ceva was still trying to protect Karli in any way possible. “Thank you, my dear friend, for everything.”

  Tears came to her eyes when the two hugged again, and Karli got the distinct impression Ceva knew something she didn’t. Before she had the opportunity to ask, she was being ushered to the doors as they swung open.

  The pack stood and music began to play. This was it; this was what she’d been waiting for since she was a teenager. All questions fled her mind when she saw her mates standing up front, smiling wide. Rowl was using a cane and not his crutches. She was so happy about the strides he had made and how brave he was. Joseph stood at his side. Her mates. Her forever.

  Later, she would stop to notice the flowers and decorations. Right now her only concern was how long the ceremony would take. As Karli neared her mates, she knew her omega jewel was glowing red, unable to contain her love for them, and not wishing to. They came to a stop a few feet away from her soon-to-be mates and each took position on either side of her, Rowl to her right and Joseph to her left. Each took a hand and the three walked forward and up to the king.

  Typically, the alpha of the pack could perform the ceremony, but the king had made her a promise and, apparently, he would keep it. The pack sat down and she took a moment to look at both of her men. They stood tall and proud, both wearing their uniforms signifying their position as warriors. Waves of happiness poured from each of them as the king began the ceremony.

  “I’d like to welcome everyone to this joyous occasion. We are gathering here to witness the joining of three souls that have proved their love is stronger than any obstacle. They’ve waited a long time, and I won’t drag that out any further with long-winded speeches. Let’s get right down to business.” King Leonidas winked at Karli. Who knew the king has a playful side? “You’ll each take turns and repeat your sacred vows. Understood?”

  “Yes, your highness,” the three answered in unison.

  “The three of you join hands,” the king instructed, and they held tight to one another as the triad now stood in a circle. Joseph’s hand wrapped around the one Rowl had on his cane. “Karli, you may begin.”

  “Joseph, I take you as my mate and accept you for who you are and who you will become. Our lives intertwined and souls blended for all eternity. This I swear to you with all that I have and all that I am.”

  Joseph’s eyes shone with unshed tears and he swallowed deeply before he repeated the words back to her. His voice gruff with emotion, his hand held hers tight.

  She then turned to Rowl, his dark brown eyes full of emotion, and repeated her vows. “Rowl, I take you as my mate and accept you for who you are and who you will become. Our lives intertwined and souls blended for all eternity. This I swear to you with all that I have and all that I am.”

  Rowl repeated the words loud and clear, as if he wanted the world to hear him make his vows to her. When he was done, he raised her hand to his mouth and kissed it softly. Rowl then turned to Joseph, and her men spoke their vows to each other with the same reverence.

  “Release hands and turn to face me,” the king requested, and when they turned, she noted he was now holding the golden staff of Fenrir. The staff was used in all omega bonding ceremonies, as well as alpha confirmations. “With your left hands, grasp the staff and complete your vows.”

  The three gripped the staff and looked at one another before saying, “We pledge our lives to this bond for all eternity.”

  The staff began to heat and the warmth crawled up her arm, passed through her shoulder, and ended in her chest. Her arm began to tingle as she watched her mating tattoo appear before her eyes. Brilliant colors rose in stark contrast to her pale skin as crisp black lines twined through images of forests, gardens, battles, and victories. But the one image that paled the rest by comparison was of three wolves, one golden, one black, and one white, watching over five pups as they played in the fallen leaves.

  They released the staff and she was immediately lifted into Joseph’s arms and held between her two mates. He kissed her with everything he had and she felt it to her toes, and the moment he released her lips they were captured by Rowl. Then Joseph leaned forward and kissed Rowl deeply before the three embraced.

  “We’re officially a family. Now no one can separate us again,” Rowl crowed as he and Joseph both examined her mating tattoo. “Five pups. We’ll be blessed with five children.”

  The cheer of the crowd gathered finally began to seep into her fog of happiness, and they turned to face their well-wishers. Karli was smiling so wide her cheeks hurt, but she couldn’t help herself. Her happiness was flowing over the crowd. Her men quickly shed their suit jackets and bared their left arms to display identical tattoos like her own.

  The rest of the day and into the evening flew by in a whirlwind of handshakes, hugs, food, drinks, and dancing. Before Karli realized it, it was time to say their goodnights as the three headed out of the gardens and made their way home. All night, her men had been by her side, touching her and telling her how beautiful she was. The bonding was almost complete. There was one final step left, and she was excited by the prospect of finally making love to her mates.

  They walked hand in hand down the path, across the courtyard, and to the front porch of their home. Karli raced through the door and immediately started undoing the buttons she could reach on the back of her gown. As she fumbled with each hook, she turned to find her mates watching her with undisguised desire.

  “Well, if one of you would help a lady out with these hooks, this would happen a lot sooner,” Karli scolded, and her men seemed to snap out of it and walked forward. They undid the final few clasps and the dress fell from her body and onto the floor. Carefully, she stepped out of the magnificent gown, and then Joseph gathered it up and draped it over the couch.

  Rowl swung Karli into his arms and began kissing his way down her neck. She arched her neck closer for his undivided attention. A second set of hands joined the first in exploring her body, heightening her desire and need. Soon, her underwear was being skimmed off of her legs and she stood naked between her fully clothed men, which felt exhilarating.

  Sure, they’d seen each other naked before, especially when shifting. But this time was different. They were free to explore and so much more without having to stop. They were mates fully and completely, and Karli wanted everything they had to offer.

  “Should I be the only one naked, or would you two like to join me?” She nudged Rowl’s shoulder as their hands continued to roam across her overheated body.

  “Let me fix that for you, love,” Rowl murmured as he released her and took a step back. She noticed he was bearing weight on his injured leg.

  “Oh, Rowl, you’re standing,” Karli whispered.

  “Yes, a little weight, but I’ll have to use the cane for any distance. Best Doc had by way of explanation was that those da
ys I stayed in wolf form further repaired my leg,” Rowl explained.

  Joseph wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against his chest as Rowl began taking off his clothes. He undid the buttons to his shirt and allowed the white silk to glide over his muscles and down his tanned body. Next came the belt and pants until all that was left were his boxer briefs bulging with the evidence of his need. Karli’s moan was followed by Joseph’s, both appreciating the sight before them.

  Rowl approached and took hold of Karli, gently spinning her around, and held her much the same as Joseph had. This time, it was Joseph’s turn. His blue eyes sparkled and that devilish grin creased his handsome face. But as it turned out, he wasn’t as patient as Rowl and stripped out of his clothes in record time, leaving him naked. Apparently, he wasn’t wearing underwear. His thick cock stood out straight, precum beading at the tip.

  “I’ve waited so long to have my mates, and I’m at the end of my patience. I need both of you.” Joseph walked forward, handed Rowl his cane, and then lifted Karli into his arms. “It’s time we move this into the bedroom.”

  Rowl stripped out of his underwear and led the way into their moonlit bedroom. An ethereal light bathed the room in its haunting glow. As soon as she felt her back being pressed into the soft mattress, Joseph hovered over her, kissing her neck and slowly moving lower until he was sucking one of her sensitive nipples into his mouth. At the same moment, Rowl took her lips in a deep, drugging kiss and explored her mouth thoroughly.

  A trail of heat followed Joseph’s lips as he continued lower until he spread her legs and licked her core. She cried out in ecstasy as his tongue delved deeper and Rowl’s warm, wet mouth drifted to her breasts. Karli’s body writhed under their attentive hands and mouths until she was begging them to make love to her. She felt a finger exploring her pussy seconds before it breached her. She couldn’t tell which of her mates was doing it, because their hands mingled over her body. Soon, a second finger joined the first, and she realized it was both of her mates. Each stretching her, bringing her higher and higher until her world shattered, and she screamed as she came.


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