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Karli's Resolve (The Black Ridge Wolf Pack Book 3)

Page 12

by Lilli Carlisle

  Karli watched the scenery fly by from the front passenger seat of their SUV. Joseph was driving and Rowl sat in the back seat with his leg stretched out.

  “It will be fine, Karli,” Joseph reassured. She was still getting used to the fact that her mates could feel her emotions. The more they shared, the closer it brought them to a new, more intimate connection.

  “I know. Anxiety of the unknown, I guess. We have a long road ahead of us, mates,” Karli declared.

  “As long as we’re together, we can face whatever comes at us,” Rowl promised as he reached around her seat from behind and rubbed her shoulders. “It’ll be hard work, but it’ll be worth it if we gain their trust and make their lives better.”

  They were already on their new pack lands. The town proper was at the center of their territory, which spanned one thousand fifty square miles. They had passed a few farms that had seen better days, and drove by fields where no crops were planted. Even the livestock looked to be malnourished and weak. She knew that was due to the grain tax Saxx had imposed on the pack farmers. They couldn’t afford to buy it, and the rent on their lands had tripled in the past five years. No one but Saxx was allowed to own land; the rest of the pack had to rent it from him. In other packs, members owned the land they lived or worked on. It was customary to buy the land from the alpha, but Saxx forced the members of the pack to pay monthly rents, generation after generation.

  The town had a lumber mill, which had been owned by Saxx, an elementary school, and an almost abandoned main street of shops. Karli was told the rent was too high, so most of the shop owners tried to work from their home. There wasn’t a fire department or even a policing staff filled with warriors to serve the pack. So much to do.

  The three of them had talked extensively about what was needed and the steps they would need to take to achieve them, but that was only after they gained the pack’s trust. Sure, the pack would follow their new alpha and beta’s orders without question, but the three of them wanted more. They wanted to earn the pack’s respect and knew it would take time for them to prove themselves. That mission started today.

  Through the thick forest surrounding the main town, buildings began to come into view on the horizon. Evergreens stood tall and proud on either side of the road as if standing guard over the town itself. Faded houses lined the road and branched out into small tree-covered subdivisions. People began to come out of their homes. Groups were walking on the sidewalks, all heading to the same place: the alpha’s house and their new home.

  As they neared the enormous log cabin, the crowds got bigger and lined the road. “Looks like we have a welcoming committee,” she mumbled.

  “Seriously, the alpha and beta lived in that while others in the town were barely making it by? Wish I could get Saxx alone. He deserves to pay for all the damage he’s done.” Rowl didn’t even trying to suppress his growl.

  “Well, at least there’ll be enough room for all the people we brought with us. Until we manage to build them their own houses,” Karli ventured.

  “See, always finding the bright side of things.” Joseph laughed and reached over for her hand. “We’ll need plenty of that over the coming days.”

  Karli could see the king’s temporary staff waiting outside the cabin on the expansive front porch. There were nine in all, and she was thankful the king had provided the help while she and her mates prepared for the move. It was only a few minutes past noon. Lots of time to get settled, but first came introductions and the beginning of their plans.

  They pulled their vehicle into the long driveway beside the cabin, followed by the remainder of their group. Joseph turned to her and Rowl before taking their hands. “Ready to begin this new chapter of our lives, mates?”

  “Absolutely,” Karli answered.

  “Definitely,” Rowl agreed.

  “Thank you both. I could never do this without the two of you.” Joseph leaned over to kiss Karli and pulled Rowl forward to take his mouth. “Let’s go get acquainted with our pack.”

  Rowl opened Karli’s door and they walked to the front of the vehicle, where they took Joseph’s hands. Then the three turned to face hundreds of concerned faces.

  If they only knew what was in store for them.

  Rowl knew he was stronger and more capable than ever before in his life, but he still limped as they approached the porch. The longer this went on, the more he realized he was going to have to learn to live with it. He was done with his pity party. They had work to do. The king’s men and women waited as the three of them made their way through the crowd, stopping here and there to say hello. The pack seemed confused by their informality, but they carried on until they reached the porch and climbed the stairs. An older woman approached them, the royal seal emblazoned on her uniform. Rowl looked back to find Theron and Tofa following them, but General Jensgar and their warriors remained off to the side.

  “Alpha Joseph, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” The woman stuck her hand out in greeting. “I am Simone, one of the king’s advisors.”

  Joseph took her hand and shook it. “Nice to meet you, and thank you for watching over things for us. Of course, you know of my mates.”

  “Yes, Beta Rowl and Omega Karli, it’s an honor to meet the three of you.” She shook their hands before continuing. “We have much to discuss, alpha.”

  Yeah, they did. There were serious problems within the pack. They already knew that. Rowl hoped they weren’t beyond repair.

  “First, I’d like to address our new pack,” Joseph said to Simone.

  “Of course, Alpha Joseph.”

  The three turned to face the gathering. “Eagle’s Cove pack, can I have your attention?” People quieted almost instantly; many now looked fearful. “I am Alpha Joseph, and this is my beta, Rowl, and our omega, Karli, whom some of you might recognize. We are a mated triad and have been given the honor and privilege of leading this pack. I understand there is a lot to be dealt with and resolved before we can move forward as a pack. We intend to work together, side by side with you to make this pack and this town something you can be proud of. I’m not asking you to accept my word on this. What I am asking you for is your patience so that we can earn that trust.

  “I have been informed that supplies are low. We have brought two truckloads of perishable and nonperishable goods to help everyone get by until the rest of our supplies arrive in a few days.”

  That got the crowd talking, and Rowl noticed a few members glancing happily at the trucks in the laneway. Still, others looked suspicious. It would take a long while to win these people over, but they would.

  Joseph turned and motioned toward the warriors. “This is General Jensgar and our pack’s warriors. They are here to protect and assist all members of our pack. We will be training new warriors to join their ranks, and anyone is welcome to try out. If you need help, seek them out, and for any reason, please feel free to approach the three of us.”

  Karli, which ones are the McNaught family? Joseph asked through their three-way link. She had told them about the family being the caretakers of the alpha’s home. Good, honest people who snuck food to the pack when they could.

  Karli nodded toward the far side of the porch. Joseph turned his head and said, “Would the McNaught family please come forward?”

  Rowl watched as the look of terror washed over the five family members’ faces, but they still stepped forward, stopping when they were only a few feet away from them. Rowl and his mates released their hands and stepped forward to shake the family members’ hands. He was last to step up and shake their hands before saying, “I understand that your family is responsible for helping a lot of members of this pack. We wish your family to stay on at the main house and to help us with the needs of the pack. These extra responsibilities will mean an increase in your salaries. Your first duty would be to help make sure each family gets an appropriate food bundle from those trucks. Our warriors will assist you in handing them out. Do you accept?”

  The McNaught family
stood in silence, either from shock or fear; he wasn’t sure which. Karli stepped up to his side, a warm smile on her face. “We’re here to help. This isn’t Alpha Saxx’s pack any longer.”

  That seemed to do the trick as the family snapped out of it, and the elderly woman standing at the center of the group answered, “Yes, Beta Rowl. We would be honored to help. But you should know we’ve never received payment, room and board only.”

  “Well that ends now. You will continue to have room and board but will be paid an honest wage for your duties,” Rowl explained.

  “Thank you, Beta,” she whispered and Rowl could see a bit of their fear lessen.

  “Wonderful,” Rowl smiled before turning to the pack. “The McNaught family have agreed to assist us with concerns from the pack and will be helping hand out supplies. Again, you are free to approach any of us without fear of reprisal.”

  Joseph stood to Rowl’s left side. He could feel his mate’s love fill him before Joseph spoke. “We will have a meeting with the heads of each family tomorrow at one in the afternoon in the main house conference room.”

  That got the group talking again, and Rowl wasn’t sure what was wrong until Karli spoke through their link again. No one from the general pack was ever allowed inside the alpha’s house, she communicated. Now their confusion made sense, but the pack would have to get used to changes, because they’d be coming pretty quickly. However, the three of them would have to remember there were generations of families involved and some had never lived any other way but under Saxx’s cruel thumb.

  “We look forward to meeting each and every one of you,” Joseph called out to their pack before taking Rowl’s hand. Rowl reached for Karli, but she wasn’t there. Suddenly, the tree above them broke out into thousands of small white blooms. Rowl looked over to find her leaning her hand against the trunk, bringing the withering tree back to life.

  They collected their mate, and the three walked into the house that would become their home, where they would watch over their pack and raise their children together.

  The future looked bright.

  Joseph lay awake in bed, watching his mates sleep. It had been a long, exhausting day, and he thought he’d pass out when his head hit the pillows. No such luck; it was past one o’clock in the morning and he was no closer to sleep than he’d been hours ago.

  The news they’d received from the king’s advisor wasn’t encouraging. He’d been given a large list of the buildings in town in need of immediate attention and a smaller list of the ones that could wait. There was no infrastructure management or public works department to take care of the town. No council or public officials, and the pack books were all out of date. There wasn’t even a recent census of the pack members.

  Theron and Tofa had taken over deciphering the books, both financial and the pack statistics, while he, Rowl, and Karli concentrated on building good relations with the pack, and restoring the town and the mill. The lumber mill was the major source of income for the pack, and it held many lucrative contracts providing lumber and milling services across the kingdom. Most of the pack worked in various positions at the mill, but they didn’t seem to have benefitted from its success. Where was all the money going?

  “Still awake, love?” Karli whispered in her soft voice while turning over to face him, her green eyes sparkling in the moonlight.

  “I think we should make a surprise visit to the mill tomorrow. As one of our holdings, we should have a good look around. You said one of the Haleybrook brothers manages it for me, right?”

  “Yes, Renfrew Haleybrook. It has always been managed by one of their family members, according to the McNaught’s.”

  “Then we go in search of the second set of books,” Joseph stated.

  “Second set of books?”

  “The one that holds the real numbers and account information,” Rowl answered as he opened his dark eyes. “They must have it stashed away somewhere.”

  “How long have you been awake?” Karli wondered.

  “Not long. I agree with Joseph. After the contracts we’ve seen, there should be much more money in the pack accounts.”

  “It makes sense. We should take Theron and Tofa with us, as well as a few warriors. If you’re right, this isn’t going to end well,” Karli cautioned as her soft hands began to wander over his chest. “Now, I think it’s time for you to stop worrying and get some rest. I’m more than willing to help distract you.”

  Joseph loved it when his mate teased him. Karli could bring light into the darkest of places. Gently, she pushed him onto his back, swung her leg over his torso, and straddled him. Joseph hardened so quickly it was almost painful, and he couldn’t help but groan when she began sucking on the mating bite she’d given him on his shoulder.

  A second set of hands joined Karli’s as Rowl began exploring as well. Rowl cupped Joseph’s chin and turned his head so that his mate could kiss him. Their tongues tangled until Rowl took over the kiss and plundered Joseph’s mouth. Karli slowly worked her way down his body, kissing and licking as she went, until she reached his hard cock. In one quick move, she sucked him down. His cry was muffled by Rowl’s mouth.

  Karli’s warm lips teased and tormented him. Her tongue travelled down to his sensitive balls, where she sucked one into her mouth and then the other. Rowl had abandoned Joseph’s mouth to venture farther down his body until he wrapped his lips around the head of Joseph’s cock. He was lost in a world of sensations as his mates continued to lavish him with such intimate attention. Unintelligible sounds poured from his lips as he surrendered control to his mates, safe in a place where he didn’t have to lead. Free from his responsibilities and worries, if only for a short time.

  Simultaneously, his mates pulled away, and he opened his eyes to find Karli crawling up his body as Rowl moved up to the head of their bed. Without saying a word, their love and intentions were shared through their bond. She lowered herself onto his cock and took him into her body. Joseph threw his head back and howled, the pleasure intense. Moments later, he felt a nudge to his cheek, and he turned his head toward Rowl to find him holding his cock a few inches from Joseph’s mouth. Yes!

  Rowl and Karli chuckled, and that was when he realized they probably had heard him through their shared link. Not wasting another second, Joseph opened his mouth, eager to taste his mate. The moment the head of Rowl’s impressive cock passed Joseph’s lips, his tongue shot out to lick the tip, which caused Rowl to groan and flex his hips, pushing his cock farther down Joseph’s throat. He accepted it greedily.

  Karli’s tight body rippled around his cock, muscles squeezing him tight as she rocked her gorgeous form above his. His hands roamed over her soft skin, memorizing every inch of her, cupping her breasts and pinching her hard nipples. He couldn’t get enough. Joseph reached one hand around her back and pulled her down until they were face-to-face. He released Rowl’s cock, and Karli immediately dove in and took possession of it, making Rowl cry out, his head thrown back, mouth hanging open in ecstasy.

  “Gods, my mates, yes,” Rowl gasped between moans, spurring Joseph and Karli on as they both licked and sucked until he was begging them not to stop.

  Joseph could feel Rowl’s cock pulse seconds before Karli took him into her mouth and swallowed Rowl down as he came.

  “Greedy,” Joseph teased Karli.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll share,” she cooed before taking Joseph’s mouth in a fiery kiss and sharing the taste of Rowl with him. He felt Rowl collapse onto the bed beside them.

  Joseph sat up, taking Karli with him. She wrapped her legs around his back as they continued to kiss. He took hold of her hips and lifted Karli up until only the head of his cock was left inside her before slamming her back down, burying himself deep.

  “Yes,” she cried, her nails digging into his back, adding to the sensations racing through his body.

  He repeated the move over and over again until he could feel Karli’s body rippling around him seconds before she screamed her release. He
felt Rowl behind him just as both his mates buried their canines into the mating bites on his shoulders. That was all it took to tip him over the edge. His balls pulled tight to his body and fire raced down his spine. He thrust deep and came inside his mate, roaring toward the ceiling as he did.

  Joseph reclined back into Rowl’s waiting arms, Karli still lying on top of him. He rested his head on Rowl’s chest, both of his mates touching him gently, love flowing through their bond.

  The last thing he remembered was wondering how badly tomorrow would go before blessed sleep finally took him.

  Chapter Ten

  Early the next morning, Karli accompanied her mates to the mill along with Theron, Tofa, the king’s advisor, and four warriors. The day’s shift hadn’t started yet and many pack members stood outside of the building as they approached. The crowd parted to let them by, and before they walked through the front gates, the triad stopped and turned to the gathered pack members.

  “Who among you represent the workers?” Joseph asked, his voice booming out over the group.

  Slowly, one by one, the workers turned toward one man, an older shifter with graying hair. He stood forward without fear, and Karli liked him immediately. This man would tell them the truth and not sugarcoat it.

  “My name is John, Alpha Joseph, and I look after the workers.”

  “Excellent. John, would you come with us please? We have lots to do,” Joseph ordered before turning and walking through the gates. John looked confused but followed them inside. The office was on the second floor, and they wasted no time going up the stairs, always making sure to keep Karli in between her two mates. Overprotective much?

  They walked past the surprised secretary and straight into Renfrew’s opulent office. Karli was shocked by the size of the carved oak desk standing in the center of the room, the paintings on the walls, and the rows of books on every shelf, with delicate crystal figures displayed between sets. Plush rugs covered the gleaming wood floors that reflected the light from a chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. Renfrew, the mill boss, wasn’t in his office.


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