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Eagle's Destiny

Page 16

by C. J. Corbin

  I knew that was not the reason. What was it that she was so excited about when we drove over to the doctor’s office? It suddenly hit me.

  I stopped and turned to Michael. “You bribed her!” I said it with surprise in my voice. “You bribed her with a new car!”

  He chuckled, “Now Babe, it worked didn’t it? Besides I was going to get her a new car for school anyway, this was simply convenient.” He kissed me quickly and we continued to walk toward my front door.

  We walked up the steps to the front porch. “So do you want to come in for a while?” I turned around and rested against the door.

  Michael smiled, his arms were already around me, and his hands traveled lower to cup my butt. He leaned into me and started to kiss my lips. My hips pressed against him while my stomach started the flip-flops again.

  He broke the kiss, “I better not come in. I’m tired from the trip. I need to go home and take a cold shower too.”

  Michael lifted me up against him and I could feel the reason why he needed a cold shower. A need rushed through me straight to the area between my legs. He nibbled on my jaw and neck as I wrapped my arms around him tighter, running my hands over his back and shoulders. When he pulled back from me, I felt a strange aching void in my body and it made me struggle for a breath.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” he said.

  I just nodded. He hesitated just a moment and then turned around quickly. I wanted to reach out to him because the ache in my body was so strong. I wanted him to take the ache away.

  “Goodnight Elizabeth.” Michael walked down the steps. “Breathe Babe,” he called back to me.

  I just leaned back against the door, trying to remain upright, my mouth falling open, “Goodnight Michael,” I gulped for air, how was I ever going to make it through tomorrow night?

  I let myself into the cabin, Topper and Samantha greeted me eagerly by the door. “Oh boy, Mommy had quite the evening!”

  Michael’s embrace kept coming back to me in waves. He smelled so wonderful, a mixture of pizza, wine, and his aftershave as a lingering scent. When he kissed me I had not felt a beard, so he must have shaved that afternoon. The thought made me smile, he had prepared for my visit. His hands had been warm on my body and his lips so soft and tender. Crawling into bed I felt ready to swoon, my knees were not steady. Replaying the scene in my mind, my heart started racing. It looked like sleep would be difficult to find tonight.

  Topper and Samantha lay down next to me and I reached out and petted both of them, “Yes, Mommy has a very yummy man.”


  The alarm rang at seven the next morning. After my shower, I braided my wet hair in one long braid down my back. My hair was uncontrollable enough without having to worry about an overnight stay. Sitting down at my desk, I started up my laptop. I had to get some writing done. Robin, my editor had already emailed me twice about my book. She wanted to see the pages I had written before my visit to Southern California. The Hoffman’s were proving to be quite the distraction, especially Mr. Hoffman. Remembering the feel of his body next to mine, I shivered and could feel a blush creep up my face. Would the blushing every stop?

  After working several hours, I glanced up at the clock. I shut my computer down and stretched. The dogs started barking before I heard the light knock on the door.

  Tammy was at the door, “I’m not too early, am I?” she said bending over to pet the dogs.

  “Come on in, I’m just getting ready. Do you want a muffin? There’s some on the kitchen counter.”

  Tammy picked up a muffin and nibbled on the top as she stood at my open bedroom door while I sat on the bed putting on my socks and boots.

  “Dad has been up since 5:30, he seems a little excited about going on this shoot,” she said between bites.

  “Really?” I tried to sound nonchalant, attempting not to blush, “Why do you think?”

  She smirked while popping a piece of chocolate muffin in her mouth, “I can’t remember the last time he’s taken a date on location, especially overnight. That would be way too much trouble for him.” Tammy added, “Dad usually wants to concentrate on the photography.”

  “Maybe your dad feels I won’t be much of a distraction,” I offered. “Besides, I’m not a date. I am the next-door neighbor, another professional just like him. I want to go for the experience.” I finished tying my bootlaces.

  Tammy looked straight at me and frowned, “Elizabeth don’t try to feed that to me anymore. I know how Dad feels about you and it is obvious how you feel about him. He asked me to stay out of it, but I know better. He doesn’t kiss all the neighbors like that either.”

  I laughed, “I certainly hope not. Okay, honest?” I stood up from the bed, and put my arm around her shoulders. “I really like your dad and I’m glad that he wants to spend time with me.”

  Tammy grinned, “Okay, that’s much better.” She squeezed me around my waist.

  “I heard about your car,” I said as walked out to the kitchen together.

  “Isn’t that totally cool?” Tammy said excitedly. “I’m trying to talk him into a truck. We’ll see how far I get.”

  Together we reviewed the feeding routine for the dogs. Topper and Samantha already loved Tammy so they would be just fine in her care. I put a dark blue sweatshirt on over my tank top and jeans since the weather was unpredictable this time of year. Michael’s jeep pulled up to the back door,

  “Tammy, grab the back door while I get my jacket.”

  I went back into my bedroom and pulled my leather jacket from the closet. I tucked my digital camera, a pen, and a pad of paper into a little bag with a hairbrush, toothbrush, and a spare pair of panties.

  Hugging the dogs and kissing Tammy, I said, “You three take care of each other!”

  I walked out to the porch where Michael was standing and handed him my little bag. The roof was on the Jeep and the back was loaded with equipment. Michael looked great as usual, his jeans hung low on his hips, and his black t-shirt made him look especially rugged today. Looking at him made my knees go weak again. He tipped his sunglasses down on the bridge of his nose and the look was complete. I hoped I was not drooling. I was sure he knew the effect he had on me.

  “Ready?” he asked. I nodded and he helped me into the passenger seat of the Jeep. As he slid into the driver seat, he called out to Tammy, “Behave yourself and take good care of the dogs.”

  Tammy just nodded with a broad grin on her face and made the okay sign with her fingers. We backed out of the driveway and I waved madly at Tammy, who was waving back at us.

  I glanced at the storage area of the Jeep and said, “That’s a lot of stuff.”

  Michael looked at me through his sunglasses and it was disconcerting that I could not see his eyes, “Don’t worry, the girls were teasing yesterday, the stand is only a fifteen minute hike from the road.”

  My curiosity got the best of me, “Why the overnight stay?”

  Michael kept his eyes on the road, “I like to get shots during different times of the day because the lighting is different. These are not zoo animals you and can’t predict when they will be in the nest. Sometimes it can be mind-numbing sitting there hour after hour hoping your subject will come home.” While waiting at the stop light, Michael turned to grin at me “Besides, you’re not scared of being alone with me are you?”

  “Oh don’t be silly!” I laughed, and turned away pretending there was a very interesting scene going on across the street. I could feel the redness creeping up my face. Michael reached over and tugged at my braid chuckling softly.

  The trip through Mintock took about twenty minutes.

  He stopped in front of the café, “Let’s have some lunch first, this will be out last real meal. I can’t promise you’re going to rave over dinner.”

  “Did you make it? I’m sure it will be fine. But lunch is a good idea.”

  Michael opened the restaurant door and followed me in. Karen, who was on Mintocks’s other baseball team w
as behind the counter. She wore a look of surprise on her face when she saw the two of us enter together.

  “Hi Karen,” I gave her a small nod.

  “Hey Liz, Michael” She grabbed two menus and led us to a booth.

  I slid in and Michael sat next to me. Karen raised her eyebrow to me while Michael’s head was turned. I pretended not to notice.

  “I’ll be right back for your orders, what would you like to drink?”

  We both responded, “Just water please,” in unison.

  Karen walked away from the table. I was not going to let Karen bother me. After my visit with Doctor Helga, I understood it was common knowledge in town that Michael and I were dating.

  I already knew what I wanted but I opened the menu anyway. I was always hopeful there would be a surprise inside the menu. There never was.

  Karen came back with our waters and took our order. After she left, I leaned back into the corner of the booth. “You know we’re going to be all the gossip at the baseball game tomorrow.”

  “I don’t have a problem with it, do you?” He looked at me earnestly.

  I melted within the puppy dog eyes.

  “Of course not,” I answered. “Though it makes me feel strange to be talked about.”

  He chuckled and moved closer to me. Michael caressed my cheek with his fingers and then kissed my lips. “Let’s give them something to talk about.”

  I giggled, “You always say the right thing.” I kissed him back.

  Our food arrived and Michael dug into his veggie burger and fries. He gave me a bite of his pretend burger and I wrinkled my nose. I ate the chicken on top of my Cobb salad. I was too nervous being so close to him to eat properly. I chewed on the cheese toast and Michael finished off the rest of my salad.

  He paid the bill on our way out.

  Karen called to us, “see you at baseball tomorrow?”

  We both turned and nodded. As we walked out, Michael wrapped his arm around my waist, nuzzling and kissing me on the neck. He whispered in my ear “Remember let’s give her something to talk about tomorrow.”

  As the door closed behind us, I laughed and whispered back, “You’re very bad!”

  Michael laughed with me and then drew me into his arms while we stood by the Jeep. He kissed me and looked at me seriously, “I want the whole town to know about us Elizabeth.”

  I smiled in response. As soon as I had the opportunity, I was certainly going to think about his statement.

  When we merged onto the highway, it became almost impossible to speak in a normal voice in the jeep. I looked around the car, and it had a comfortable well-worn look. I was not sure how old it was but the Jeep had been around the block a few times.

  “No radio?” I pointed to the empty area on the console.

  “I got tired of having to replace the radio, it kept getting ripped off.” Michael leaned over to tell me. “If I want music I use an IPod.”

  I nodded in agreement letting him know that I understood. He turned his eyes back to the road. “We’ll be getting off here in a bit, sorry it’s so noisy.”

  “That’s okay,” I shouted.

  Michael turned off the road about ten minutes later and the Jeep started to climb a small ancillary road that took us into the forest. The narrow utility road was not well traveled. The fir trees surrounded us and blocked out the sun. It was markedly cooler in the shade and I was glad to have my sweatshirt on.

  After a few minutes, the road ended suddenly and he parked the jeep. “We’re walking from here. Are you okay?” He got out of the jeep.

  I nodded and opened the door. He was already in the back pulling equipment out.

  “It’s a short hike, about fifteen minutes.” Michael grabbed the little bag I had packed. He stuffed it inside a small backpack which had Tammy’s name embroidered on the outside. I guessed her sleeping bag was inside. Michael handed the backpack to me, “I’m going to make a couple of trips.”

  “I can carry more than this backpack,” I offered.

  He looked at me as if to size me up, “Okay,” he smiled, “you can carry my tripod, and some of the food.” Michael’s voice trailed off as he started pulling items out of the back. “Okay, my tripod,” he handed me the large tripod, “and the most important food item,” he grinned as he handed me a plastic bag.

  I could hear the clink of the two bottles and I peered inside the bag, “Wine?” I laughed, “I don’t think I know what I’m getting myself into.”

  He laughed with me, “Remember if anyone asks, they’re a housewarming gift for the eagles. The rangers would have a spasm if they knew.” The huge backpack Michael pulled out had to be at least twenty times the size of the backpack I carried. He leaned it against the floor of the Jeep and easily swung it on his back. Slamming the back door of the Jeep, he indicated to the path in front of him. “Are you ready?”

  I nodded, “Lead the way.”

  The pines in the forest were thick and the needles that covered the ground crunched under our feet. We walked about fifteen minutes and came into a clearing. I was astounded when I saw the lake far below us. I had not realized that we had climbed so high in the Jeep. Our walk had been relatively flat. “Wow! How far up are we?”

  “Only about 2,500 feet,” he pulled off his pack and leaned it against a tree. Michael took the tripod and my pack from me. I held onto the wine and he laughed, “You’re not going to give that one up are you?”

  “Hey as far as I know this is the only nutrition you brought.” I pulled the bag closer to me. “You’ll have to fight me for this.” As he stepped closer I thought better of my challenge, but he only leaned over to pull my braid again.

  “Will you be okay?” Michael asked. “I’m going back to the Jeep for one more pack.”

  “I wish I could help more, but I’ll be a good girl and sit right down and wait.” I sat down and waved as he left.

  Michael started toward the path, “Watch out for the rattlesnakes” he called out over his shoulder.

  “What?” I jumped up from the dirt, found the nearest boulder, and stood up on it. I could hear him laughing. I sat gingerly down on the boulder looking around the ground.

  The scenery was exhilarating, the air was fresh, and the sun felt good on my face. This was a great opportunity to think about how crazy all this was. I questioned my sanity for being here. The last thing I wanted was to get into relationship. I was too busy. I had a book to write. On the other hand, I admitted to myself, I was very attracted to Michael. Who would not be? His face was perfect, his body was yummy, he liked to cuddle, he was smart, he was sensitive, and most of all he was waiting for me. No woman in her right mind would give a gift away like that. Passion or maybe lust was definitely brewing between us, especially after our kiss from last night.

  Did I need passion in my life? I thought I was doing okay the way I was, of course, all of my friends disagreed.

  It was getting very warm sitting on the rock. I pulled my sweatshirt off over my head. Retrieving my notebook and pen out of my jacket pocket, I started to take notes about my surroundings. I liked to capture different places on paper and then later when I needed some scenery for a book I could check my notes and remember my impressions. There were mixtures of trees on the edge of the clearing. At the tree where Michael had left his backpack, hung a rope ladder. Halfway up the huge tree, a platform stood on the sturdier looking branches. The platform was small but it looked like it could fit two people. I gathered this was the eagle stand.

  The sky was very blue with large white puffy clouds. I stared up at them imagining different shapes. Then I saw the bird. It was closer to the lake and its wide wingspan was unmistakable. I took a sharp intake of breath. Soaring over the lake, the eagle was magnificent. As I watched it fly, I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. The view touched me deeply; its flight looked effortless, as the wings beat and then it gracefully floated over the lake. The eagle dipped down and then flew upward again finally flying out of my line of vision.

p; The sound of Michael setting down his backpack startled me. I stood up and turned around. He looked at me and saw the tears.

  Alarm showed immediately on his face as he took my hand, “Are you okay, what happened?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, no I’m okay, I just saw an eagle flying.” I wiped my eyes with my hand.

  His smile was bright, “They are glorious aren’t they?”

  “It was so unexpected, and it was so beautiful. I don’t know, I guess I got caught up in the moment.”

  He still held my hand, pulled me toward him, and gave me a half a hug. He looked down at me with his sparkling blue eyes, “Babe, you are just a softy.”

  As Michael held me, my stomach started fluttering. Every time he used his new nickname for me, my body heated. I was sure that I was going to pass out as his other arm came up around me. His hands moved down my back and came to rest around my waist. My arms wrapped around him.

  He whispered, “I like softies.” Michael bent and kissed my eyelids gently. He moved down to my lips, gave me a tender kiss, and then he very gently released me. “Breathe Elizabeth,” he touched my nose and then my lips.

  I just stood there speechless. He pointed up to the trees right across from the clearing that were coming out of a deep ravine. “While I’m setting up our camp, look across there for what looks like little white golf balls in the trees.”

  “White golf balls?” I asked looking confused.

  “Yeah, the eagle’s head is white, when they are in their nest all you see from down here is what looks like a golf ball.” He explained.

  I turned to scan the trees but nothing was visible. “Are you sure I can’t help? I hate to have you do everything.”

  He teased, “You’re enough of a distraction already.”

  Michael was very efficient in his camp set up routine. The small tent went up quickly. He stuffed his very large sleeping bag inside followed by Tammy’s small thin fluffy pink sleeping bag, which looked like it would not provide much protection from the cold. Next, he set up a table and two chairs. Then a small cook stove went on the table. When he finished the setup, he pulled out several camera bodies out of his bags, and proceeded to check them.


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