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Eagle's Destiny

Page 20

by C. J. Corbin

  “Well when you’re done, come on over. I’ll leave the door unlocked.”

  “Oh?” He raised one eyebrow.

  “No. You can keep me company while I get ready. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  I went into the cabin and stripped off my uniform in the bathroom. The shower was hot against my skin. My body was sore from sleeping on the ground last night as well as, I was sure, from last night’s activities. The water pounding on me felt good. Steam filled the bathroom as I wiped off the mirror. My skin was pink from the hot water. I wrapped my hair in a towel and wrapped another towel around myself.

  A blast of cold air hit me when I open the bathroom door, but that wasn’t what made me gasp, Michael was lying on my bed. On his side, he propped his head up with one arm.

  “Oh, hi,” I said after I took a breath.

  He grinned at me. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “No, you didn’t scare me, just surprised me.”

  I was glad I had decided to wrap the towel around myself instead of walking out nude the way I usually did. Really, what difference it made I don’t know, he had already seen me naked. Michael sat up with his legs dangling over the edge. He reached out for me and grabbed the edge of the towel.

  “Come on over here.” He beckoned.

  Since he had a hold of the towel, it was either lose the towel or move over to him. The latter seemed like the best choice. He put his hands around my hips and looked up at me.

  “So are you going to show me what’s under the towel?” His eyes teased me.

  I put my arms on his shoulders and leaned down to whisper. “I think you already know what’s under the towel.”

  He grinned, “That I do.”

  Michael caught my face between his hands before I could straighten up and kissed me. When I straightened up, he took the opportunity to pull me closer in between his legs. I watched as his hands loosened the front of the towel and I let it drop to the floor.

  “Are you going to let me come over tonight and make love to you?” He looked up at my face.

  I smiled and softly answered, “Yes.” My knees started to go weak at the mentioned of tonight.

  “Good. In that case, then,” He paused to kiss my stomach while his hands reached around to caress the back of my thighs. “I can give you a little sugar now to tide us over.” He paused again and he bent to kiss me lower while his fingers trailed between my thighs.

  I closed my eyes as his words sank in. When I realized what he was going to do, I opened my eyes wide. I would have taken a step back but he was holding me too tightly. “No Michael. You don’t have to, I can wait for tonight. I know men think that’s icky, you don’t have to.”

  He stopped when I said no. He looked up at me with a puzzled face. “What is icky?” Michael looked at me and then smiled with understanding, “Oh you mean kissing you here,” He bent down and planted a noisy kiss low on my belly, “and using my tongue here.” He ran his tongue just below where he had kissed me.

  I was torn, but his hands moved further up my thighs, and I wanted to part my legs for him further, but how could I when I told him to stop?

  “You don’t have to Michael. I know guys think it’s…” I stopped. Was I repeating myself, had I already said that?

  Michael laughed and trailed his tongue and lips further and further down my belly. “Just because your ex-husband did not want to kiss you like this, that isn’t going to stop me.” He looked up at me. “I like to give you pleasure. I like to see which movement you like the best, which one makes you gasp, and which one will make you moan.” He stood up and removed the towel around my hair. My wet hair fell down around my shoulders and back. “Now I can’t make love to you both now and later, so I’ll wait for later for myself. But you’re not going to deny me this little delight I can have now by giving you enjoyment are you?” His voice was so silky smooth and so reasonable. Michael made perfect sense.

  His eyes engulfed me and suddenly the sky surrounded me. I shut my eyes and whispered “Yes.”

  “You are my little hellcat,” Michael softly spoke as I surrendered myself to him when he laid me on the bed.

  It was the first time I had ever had joy given without any expectations. He led me on a path that was slow, fast, exciting, teasing, and every moment with every movement, the momentum built in me. He took his time and did not rush the journey. When the surge finally racked through my body, Michael was there at the end holding me tightly against him. I could not talk or think clearly in the moments after and lying in Michael’s arms made me feel warm and protected.

  Knowing that I had to break apart from him to get dressed made me miss him already. “When are you leaving for Louisiana tomorrow?” I asked while I was still in his embrace.

  Michael kissed the top of my head. “I’m leaving at seven in the morning. Katy and the boys are coming with me to the airport. Their school starts next week. When do you leave on your book tour?”

  I rose up on my elbows and looked at him. “I thought you had forgotten about my tour?”

  He shook his head. “No I’m very much aware that tonight is all we have for the next three weeks.”

  “I wish I could change it. I’m flying down to Los Angeles on Thursday. I have to take care of some business things first. Nancy and I are leaving for Miami on Sunday. I didn’t realize it would be three weeks.” I said as I nuzzled up to him again and kissed his neck and shoulders.

  Michael cleared his throat. “Babe, you better get up and get dressed, otherwise I’m going to make you stay in this bed with me.”

  I giggled, “I wouldn’t mind that you know.”

  He squeezed me, “Yeah, but I can just imagine the fit that Katy would throw.”

  I giggled again, “That would be bad.”

  He agreed, “That would be very bad.”

  Michael watched while I dried my hair. I did it in the nude and when I flipped my hair back over and it cascaded down my back my hair had never felt so sensual before. While I dressed, I tried not to be self-conscious. Dressing in front of someone is far more an intimate act than I had realized. I put on a matching set of grey silk panties and bra. Then I added a pair of black thigh high hose. Michael studied my every movement and when I slipped my black cocktail dress over my head, he was behind me in an instant to zip up the dress.

  He pulled me back against him and almost growled in my ear, “I get to remove those panties tonight, but we’re leaving on the thigh highs and the shoes.”

  He stepped back as I slipped into black four-inch stiletto heels. The sleeveless cocktail dress was very plain with v cut out in the back and the front had a rounded neckline. It was tight and very short.

  Michael pulled his black shirt back on and tucked it inside his black pants. “You are all legs in that dress. I like it a lot.” He said appreciatively.

  I blushed when he had me pirouette for him. When he started the wolf whistling, I pushed him out of the bedroom. “You’re going to make me late!”

  We stepped outside and I was touched to see the Mustang parked at the back of my cabin. “We’re riding in style.” I flashed a smile at him.

  Michael opened the door. I sat on the seat, keeping my legs together, and slid them into the car. “Very nice, you’ve done this before.” He commented.

  I laughed and shook my head when he joined me in the car. “You’re a silly boy.” I leaned over and kissed him.

  “You know I’m not going to be able to keep my hands off of you at the restaurant.” His eyes gleamed at me while he ran his hands up my legs under my dress.

  “Hey, that’s enough of the pawing.” I protested. “How would you like me to paw you?”

  I ran my hand as he had done to me, up his thigh and then I rested it in his crotch. I was surprised to find him hard under my fingers. I smiled and squeezed him through his pants.

  He flashed me a grin and held my hand against him. “You are an evil and wicked woman, Elizabeth.”

  Michael let my hand go and
I reached up to kiss him again.

  “You bet. Let’s go,” I said, “I don’t want to be late!”

  It was dark by the time we arrived at the restaurant. Debi had saved us seats at their table. Katy and the boys were due on the stage shortly. They were still setting up their instruments on the small stage. She let me know that they would play a few songs on their own and then finish their set with me singing. I walked back to the table amid a few whistles. Jason and Tammy had joined the table while I was speaking with Katy.

  “Wow, Aunt Elizabeth, you look great!” He said.

  Debi laughed, “Down boy.”

  Jason face turned red. Tammy gave me a look of jealousy. I sighed and sat down next to Michael, crossing my legs. He immediately wrapped his arm around me possessively. It was amazing the responses I received when I wore a short skirt and high heels.

  The band started with Katy’s newest piece. When Katy introduced me, I walked up to the stage amid a lot of hooting and whistling. I tried not to let it get to me but I’m sure my face showed blushes, especially under the lights. I sat on the stool and crossed my legs and the wolf whistling started up again.

  I flashed everyone a bright smile and nodded to the band to begin. Fortunately, the crowd quieted down and I was able to make it through the songs. The band and I sounded smooth together and they followed the rhythm I set.

  After the set, I sat back down with Michael. He laid his hand on my thigh and leaned over to whisper, “We’re waiting ten minutes, and then we’re leaving.”

  “Why?” I whispered back.

  He whispered back to me, “Because I need to remove that article of clothing I mentioned to you earlier.”

  I laughed and nodded my head. Looking into his eyes, I could see his desire for me floating on the surface.

  As soon as we could, Michael rose and explained that we needed to head for home because he was catching an early flight in the morning. He told Katy not to stay out too late and reminded her that they were leaving with him in the morning.

  I needed no urging from him to leave the restaurant. My level of excitement matched his. When he joined me in the car, I immediately put my arms around his neck and started to kiss him. He responded quickly to me and eagerly returned my kisses. His hands were roaming under my dress and he started to pull at my panties.

  Michael breathed out roughly, “I need to get you home, or I’m going to take you right here in the car.”

  I giggled and let my breath out slowly in his ear, “The car is okay.”

  “No, it’s not; I have something else in mind entirely.” He replied by setting me into my seat.

  I snapped the seatbelt on and he pulled out of the restaurant parking lot. His right hand continued to rest on my thigh under my dress and I casually laid my palm over his crotch.

  Michael looked over at me and grinned, “You’re really pushing it, aren’t you?”

  I turned in the seat to face him. I put my other arm around his shoulder and leaned over to nibble on his ear lobe while my hand made small massaging circles over the stiffness in his pants. He didn’t utter a word but his hand under my dress matched the motion of the circles I was making.

  Michael turned onto the road behind our houses. He abruptly removed his hand from me and put it on the steering wheel as he pulled up to the back of my house.

  “It appears that you have a visitor.” He said with a puzzled tone.

  My head turned to the front and I had a difficult time focusing at first. I had left the porch light on and Kevin was sitting in one of the chairs on the back porch.

  “What is he doing here?” I asked as I unbuckled my seat belt.

  I waited for Michael to come around and open the door for me. He helped me out of the seat and took my hand as we walked up the steps.

  Kevin rose from the chair. “Hey Liz, it’s great to see you.” His tone contradicted the words he spoke.

  He gave me a once over look and I know he was noticing the short dress and the four inch heels. Then he looked at Michael with an unwelcoming face. He was not pleased to see I was with someone.

  I introduced the two men. Kevin reached out his hand, and I knew he was happy that Michael was on a step below him. It made them almost even in height.

  “And you know Liz how?” Kevin asked with a sneer on is lips.

  The question did not faze Michael in the least. “Elizabeth is my girlfriend.”

  I smiled at Michael’s response. He could have introduced himself as the next-door neighbor or as a friend. The girlfriend answer was one I liked.

  Kevin barely acknowledged the answer. “Well Liz, I need to talk with you.” He glanced at Michael, “Privately.”

  Michael turned to look at me. I nodded and touched Michael’s arm, “Let me talk to Kevin, and I’ll call you as soon as he leaves, okay?”

  Michael leaned over and kissed me, “I’ll be waiting.” He turned and went back to his car.

  I unlocked the back door and let Kevin in behind me.


  “Wow, you’ve done some great things to our cabin.” Kevin commented as he walked around.

  I ignored his comment and petted the dogs. “Why are you here Kevin?”

  Kevin ignored my question. “So you wore this dress for him?”

  I straightened up. With the heels, I was taller than Kevin was. “Yes I did.”

  He laughed, “Maybe if you would have worn that with me it would have saved our marriage.”

  “No, Kevin, I don’t think a dress would have saved our marriage.” I slipped off my heels and stood in my stocking feet. The way he stared at me in my dress made me suddenly uncomfortable. “So, Kevin, why are you here?”

  He stood close to me and his voice became quiet. “I don’t have good news for you.”

  I looked at his face, and he was serious. I steeled myself, “Okay?”

  “I wanted you to know that my dad passed away.” He turned his face away from me.

  “Oh, Kevin, I’m sorry.” In the old days, I would have wrapped my arms around him to try to take some of the pain away. Tonight I didn’t want to hug him, but I did take his hand. “Let’s sit down.”

  I caught Kevin by surprise, and I knew that he expected me to hug him, but he followed me to the couch and sat down. I took a seat at the other end of the couch. I had not liked his father, he had always called me Liz even though he knew I hated the name, and he was continuously pinching my bottom. I had put up with him only because he was my father-in-law and I had not seen him since the divorce.

  “Will there be a funeral?”

  “Oh we already had the funeral last week.” He said matter-of-factly. “I knew you probably wouldn’t want to come anyway since most of my family doesn’t like you since you divorced me.”

  Now I was confused. “Okay Kevin, why did you come up here? You certainly could have called me about your father.”

  “Well, I thought, that since my dad was gone now, we could see about getting back together again.” Kevin put on his sincere face.

  I looked at Kevin incredulously, “What difference could that possibly make? Kevin you are not making any sense.”

  He inched closer to me on the couch. “Look I know you and my dad didn’t get along. I thought that maybe now that he was gone, we could rekindle our relationship.”

  I stood up, “Kevin, it wasn’t that your dad and I didn’t get along. You and I didn’t get along. We are over. Period. Finished.”

  Kevin moved closer on the couch to where I was standing. “Come on Liz, you know what we once had, we were great together.” He took my hand.

  I shook his hand off but he seized it again roughly and pulled me down on the couch. “Ow! Kevin, you are hurting me. Look, I think you need to leave.”

  He quickly let go of my hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He was almost sitting on top of me. I had my back squeezed up against the armrest of the couch. “Don’t throw me out. I’ll be good. I don’t have anywhere to go.” He p
leaded and looked at me with his large brown eyes.

  “I’m sure you can find a hotel room.” I retorted.

  “Not on a holiday week.”

  He looked at me again this time with the look that had worked on me many times. Complete innocence and non-culpability spread all over his face. He had my number and he was correct, he would never find a hotel room tonight. Damn.

  I squeezed myself out and stood up again. I held up my hands, “Okay. Okay.” I surrendered. “Sleep in the guest room. But, I want you out of here the first thing in the morning.” I did not know how I was going to explain to Michael that my ex-husband now ruined our wonderfully planned evening. “I have to make a phone call.” I walked toward my bedroom.

  Kevin called out to me, “Are you going to call your boyfriend next door to let him know I’m staying and we’re spending the night together?” A dark look passed through his eyes and it gave me a chill.

  “Don’t push it or you will find yourself out on your ass.” I called back as I angrily slammed the bedroom door. The dogs had run into the bedroom ahead of me, they were not great fans of Kevin either. I paced for a moment and then picked up the phone to call Michael’s number.

  He picked up the phone on the first ring. “He’s not gone yet.” His tone was tight and clipped.

  “No. He is spending the night in the guest room. All the hotels in the area will be full. It’s still the Labor Day holiday week.” I explained.

  His voice turned very low, his anger was evident. “I can’t believe this.”

  “Michael, I can’t just throw him out. He came up here to let me know his dad passed away.”

  “Couldn’t he have phoned you with the news?” He sneered.

  I could not believe I had to deal with two moody men tonight. “I’m just as disappointed as you are. I’ll talk to you tomorrow morning before you leave.”

  After we said goodnight I hung up the phone. I was furious with Kevin and I was not very happy with Michael at that moment either. I changed into a long nightgown. I opened my bedroom door a crack and stuck my head out. The living room was empty. I snuck quietly out to the kitchen. I made a snack for the dogs and myself. Just as I turned to go back into my bedroom, Kevin was leaning up against the wall by the guest bathroom. He stood there in only his briefs with his arms crossed over his chest. He had not lost any of his physique. I knew what I had first seen in him, and then well, he opened his mouth.


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