Book Read Free

Eagle's Destiny

Page 26

by C. J. Corbin

  “Give me your cell phone.” I held out my hand.

  Nancy hesitated, “You’re giving it back aren’t you?”

  I rolled my eyes, “Yes, I’m just going to call my family to let them know I don’t have my cell phone with me.”

  She handed it to me and I called Michael, Lisa, and my Dad. I left each one the same message about my cell phone. I felt naked without my cell.

  We made the flight in plenty of time and Nancy bought me the coffee as she promised. Since it was Sunday, first class was almost empty. We practically had the cabin to ourselves. Both of us pulled out our laptops and headsets to start working.

  The knowledge about the sales of the book was exciting. I was always amazed that people bought my books. This type of news made me feel more valued and talented. It was funny how a few dismal words from Kevin could bring me down and make me feel worthless.

  I shook my head at myself and sighed. Nancy looked over at me and raised her eyebrows. “Are you okay?” She mouthed in my direction.

  I nodded and turned my attention back to my laptop. The direct flight landed us into Miami in the late afternoon. My publishing company had a limousine waiting for us and we were quickly at the hotel in South Beach. The bellman showed us to my suite first and what a set of rooms! Called the terrace suite, overlooking the ocean, it was larger than my first apartment. The white on white décor in the rooms was stunning. I was almost afraid to touch anything for the fear of getting it dirty. A vase with eleven long stem pink roses and one long stem red rose sat in the middle of the table giving the room a splash of color.

  “How nice,” I said, “they sent me flowers.”

  Nancy plucked the small envelope from the holder in the vase. “There’s a card. The flowers are from somebody, these aren’t from the hotel.” She handed the card to me.

  I slid the small card out of the envelope. I read the card aloud, “I’ve got you under my skin. I miss you. M.”

  “Hmmm, a red rose in the middle of the pink ones. Not too difficult to read into that imagery.” She looked at the bellman, “You might as well show me my room. Elizabeth, dinner is at eight, I’ll be here at seven. We don’t want to be late.”

  I nodded not really acknowledging her. The door to my suite closed gently. I stood there in the middle of the room holding the card and rereading the words. Even though I was standing still, my mind was jumping around singing and a broad smile broke out on my face.

  “My teddy bear misses me.” I murmured to myself. The grin that had formed on my face wouldn’t leave me.

  Sitting down on the white couch carefully, I picked up the phone and dialed Michael’s number. Michael picked up his cell phone right away, “Hi Babe.”

  “How did you know it was me?” I asked surprised.

  “Caller ID, you’re the only one I know with a Miami area code.”

  “Oh, that makes sense. Thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful.”

  “I wanted to make sure you were still thinking about me Miss World Traveler.” He said.

  “I think of you all the time,” I said. “It’s hard not to.”

  Michael laughed his deep throaty laugh, “Good. That’s what I love about you Elizabeth. Your honesty is so refreshing. No games from you. How is your room?”

  I giggled, “It’s all white.”

  “What do you mean all white?”

  “I mean it is all white, carpet, chairs, bedspread, everything.” I laughed, “I’m afraid to touch anything.”

  Michael chuckled with me, “I think I’d be afraid too.”

  “The bathroom is beautiful too, not white though. Everything is marble, including the enormous tub. I’m going to treat myself to a bubble bath.”

  Michael groaned over the phone, “I wish I were there with you. I love bubble baths.”

  I giggled, “Do you really? I wondered about your big bath tub in your bathroom.” I smiled to myself, another Michael layer peeled away.

  “What are you doing tonight?” He asked.

  “Tonight is a dinner with my publishers. That was a last minute surprise.” I told Michael about the New York Times book review article.

  “Very impressive. You know I’ve been meeting quite a few people who know your books.”

  “Have you been talking about me to other people?” My heart leaped to think that maybe I was on his mind as much as he was on mine.

  Michael chuckled, “You know it. I’ve been bragging. That’s the perk of being your boyfriend isn’t it?”

  His voice had a magical effect on me and when he said boyfriend he caught me up in the thrill of the word again. Every time I spoke with Michael, my heart beat faster, my skin flushed, and my stomach, oh yes; my poor stomach did those now familiar flip-flops, and everything tightened south of the equator.

  After we hung up, I did as I promised. I took a long bubble bath. Without any windows, the bathroom was naturally dark. The hotel had placed candles around the tub area and even though it was still daylight, they created a soft glow in the bathroom when I lit them.

  The bath took away the tension of traveling. I was nervous about the dinner this evening and if I had a choice, I would have preferred to stay in the room. Social occasions always made me nervous, especially if I did not know anyone. I knew Nancy. She was good at being the social butterfly so I was glad she would be there.

  Nancy aside from being my agent was one of my dearest friends. It was not only business with us. Yes, she had my back on all the business dealings but she was more than that to me. During the worst times when I was divorcing Kevin, she had been there for me. We spent countless nights together on the phone when all the issues with Kevin had given me writers block. Nancy had encouraged me to go up to my cabin to get away from Kevin. She had realized before me that I was the happiest there.

  I slipped into a black sleeveless cocktail dress with a twisted ruching V-neck in the front and a plain V-back. The summer had tanned my legs enough so I could go without hose. The dress, longer than my usual dresses came to the top of my knees and had a playful back slit. Even though we were on the ocean, it had been a hot and humid day. I was used to the drier California climate. I put my hair up. I slipped on my three inch black strap sandals. Tall would be the word for the evening.

  Nancy and I met the group in the lobby of the hotel. I was well acquainted with both Samuel Wells, the president of the division, and Martha Cooper, the editor-in-chief. They had both been with the division for many years, and they would be attending Rom Com with us next week in Las Vegas. Nancy and I would stop for two days at the yearly convention for book signings and panel discussions on our final leg of the book tour.

  Sam looked like he could have been at home on a horse, roping cattle. I always expected him to show up in a cowboy hat and boots. It wasn’t only the Texan accent that made me think that way. Sam was big, the type of big that blotted out the sun when he stood next to you. He made me feel small.

  Where Sam was large, Martha was tiny. She barely cracked five feet, and was as round as she was tall. However, what she did not have in stature she more than made up in wit and wisdom. Martha was legendary in the publishing field for being able to discern a great book from a good book.

  The new division vice president, Luc Thierry transferred from their international offices in Paris. He appeared to be in his early forties and was the type of handsome that made women turn their heads with dark hair that had barely begun to gray. His height had surprised me, when he stood to greet us he was several inches taller than me, which put him at least Michael’s height.

  When he shook my hand, his face wore an expression of intrigue. He held my hand a bit longer than necessary. When I pulled my hand back, his fingers traced along my palm as if he did not want to let go.

  “I have heard so much about you Miss Sommars, and I can say that I am delighted to meet you finally.” His French accent was soft and there was almost a British ring to his words. It sounded like he had been educated in England or at the very
least with a British teacher.

  “Please call me Elizabeth.” I looked up at him and smiled.

  “And you must call me Luc.” He said looking down straight into my eyes while he gently took me by the elbow. “I believe the car is waiting for us in the front?” Luc asked as he turned to look at Sam, Martha, and Nancy. “Shall we?” He led me outside with the rest trailing after us.

  We drove to a private club and restaurant a short distance away. It was crowded when we walked in, but the restaurant portion was quiet. We sat at a large round table in the center of the room with Luc on my left side and Sam on my right. I guessed it was my turn to be the belle of the ball.

  I had made it a rule never to drink during business occasions. I plainly did not trust myself. Luc called for champagne and before I could protest, the entire table was toasting the new book and me. The champagne was good and it made me feel very warm. Where one glass of champagne went, others followed along with the appropriate wine for each course we ordered.

  By the middle of the meal, Luc and Sam had me giggling with their stories of publishing nightmares. Nancy kept flashing me looks of warning across the table but I paid her and the looks no heed.

  After dinner, our party went into the nightclub. It was crowded and the music was loud. We had a special table close to the dance floor reserved for us. It was not evident to me at the time but both Sam and Martha allowed Luc to monopolize me. I danced with Luc three times with the last time being a slow song. He was not shy to hold me close either.

  While we danced, I was not sure if what I felt was from him holding me so close or the alcohol in my system. My head started to swim and I definitely needed some air. We finished the dance and I was glad to be able to go back to the table. This time when we sat however, he did not release my hand.

  I tried to pull my hand back discreetly, but he did not take the hint and just held on to my hand. The spinning in my head did not clear and I started to feel ill. I was definitely going to need some air.

  I leaned over to Luc and whispered, “Luc, I need some air. I’m not feeling well.”

  He looked at me intently and nodded. He stood up finally releasing my hand and announced to our little group, “Elizabeth is not feeling well. I will escort her back to the hotel and send the limousine back to the club.”

  “Elizabeth, why don’t you let me take you back to the hotel?” Nancy flashed a look at me.

  “Nonsense,” Luc answered immediately. “Elizabeth wouldn’t want to ruin your fun. It is no problem for me to take her.”

  “No, I don’t mind at all.” Nancy moved to get up. Luc put his hand on her should and pressed her back into her chair.

  I didn’t care who was going to take me back to the hotel. “Nancy, I’ll be okay once I get some fresh air. I’m going right to my room. I probably just need some sleep. You enjoy yourself.”

  Martha patted me on the shoulder. “I’m sure you’re tired from the traveling today. I hope you feel better.”

  Sam reached over and squeezed my hand. “Get some sleep Elizabeth. We have a big night tomorrow night. Have a massage tomorrow or spend some time on the beach it will make you feel better. We’ll make sure Nancy gets back to the hotel safely.” Sam looked at Luc and Luc just smiled. “Take care of our little lady here.”

  While we waited outside for the limousine, I started to feel better. The fresh air even though it was still warm and humid was welcome. I smiled up at Luc, “Thank you. I’m sorry to end your evening so early.”

  “It is my pleasure to have even spent part of the evening with you.” He smiled a smile that I am sure would have knocked many women off their feet.

  Luc was definitely flirting with me. I am sure that three months ago his smiled would have thrilled me, and I would be drooling over him. Now I just wondered if he was married, which he probably was because most executives didn’t get to their positions without a dutiful wife at home.

  When we arrived at the hotel, Luc suggested a drink in the lounge. I shook my head and replied that I was tired and needed to rest. He insisted on taking me up to my room and I let him not sure on how to stop him anyway. As we reached the door to my room, I turned around to thank him for his kindness one more time. Luc leaned down and kissed me before my brain had a chance to process his movements. I pulled back as soon as I registered what had happened. I could see in Luc’s eyes that he expected me to let him into my room. I put my hand on his chest to put some space between us.

  “Luc, that shouldn’t have happened.” I said with finality.

  He replied in his charming French accent, “I can feel the connection between us.”

  I smiled thinking of Michael, “I have someone in my life.” What a wonderful sentence. It made my heart sing.

  Luc smiled lazily, “I understand Elizabeth. I am married. However, it should not be so complicated.”

  Bingo! I thought to myself. I was tired of trying to be nice. “Luc, your kiss did not arouse anything in me,” I smiled, “nothing. No flip-flops.”

  “What are these flip-flops?” he asked.

  I laughed, “It doesn’t matter. Thank you for bringing me back to my room. Goodnight Luc, it was interesting meeting you.” I opened the door and closed it behind me.

  Michael’s flowers were the first thing I saw after walking into the room. All I wanted was to hear his voice. His cell phone went to voice mail and I asked him to call me no matter how late he received the message.

  I changed into my nightgown and sat out on the terrace watching the ocean. The temperature was still very mild and it was so peaceful I almost didn’t hear the phone ringing.

  I leapt out of the chair and ran to answer it breathlessly, “Hello?”

  “Hey, Babe.” Even though he was three hours behind me and it was only nine o’clock in California, Michael’s voice sounded tired. “How was your dinner?”

  “Oh as dinners go I guess it was the norm for me. I drank too much, became too silly, then I got sick.” I laughed.

  “Are you feeling okay now?” He asked the concern sounding in his voice.

  “Yeah, I didn’t lose anything this time.” I giggled. “Then, the new vice-president of the division made a pass at me.”

  Michael paused and then asked, “Should I be worried?”

  I giggled again, “Don’t be a silly boy. It was really quite funny. I think I may have insulted him.”

  “Better him than you.” Michael said dryly. “Do I have to fly there and defend your virtue?”

  “You know my virtue only needs defending against you.”

  This time it was Michael’s turn to laugh, “Or mine against you.”

  “Oh you stop it.” I giggled. “So, not to change the subject, but anyway, you sound very tired.”

  Michael let out a long sigh. I could hear him rustling around and wondered where he was. “I just got home. I’ve been at the eagle stand all afternoon and tonight. We found more shotgun shells and the eagles have been acting very agitated.”

  “I don’t understand Michael, why would someone shoot at an eagle?”

  “It’s a challenge to a hunter or they’re just ignorant. Death by gunshot is one of the top reasons for an eagle’s premature death. There is also a black market for eagle feathers.” He explained.

  “What are you going to do?”

  Michael sighed once more, “I don’t know Babe, but we’ve got an idiot out there trying to shoot the eagles. The park rangers don’t have enough staff to keep guards out there all the time so some of us are taking turns. The climate here is steady so this pair probably won’t migrate. I’m just hoping that we catch them soon.”

  “I can help when I get home. I’ll stay at the eagle stand. I can work on my book anywhere you know,” I offered.

  “Over my dead body Elizabeth,” Michael almost growled. “This guy is armed.”

  “You forget Michael, my dad was a cop. He taught both Lisa and I how to shoot.” I said.

  “You don’t have a gun now do you?” Michael

  “Well, no.” I said.

  “And, it is going to stay that way.” He said firmly. “Guns are dangerous.”

  “Now you just sound like my dad.” I protested. Michael was being very chauvinistic, but I would not argue with him now about the subject, it was far from over though.

  Michael stayed quiet on the other end of the phone.

  After a few seconds ticked by the silence got to me, “What? So are we fighting now?”

  He said quietly, “Elizabeth, I’m tired. I’m not going to quarrel with you. You need to go to bed and so do I. You have to be exhausted too.”

  I rolled my eyes mainly because he was right. I was tired too. I had not slept well the night before because of the altercation with Kevin. “You’re right. I am tired.”

  “Call me tomorrow after the party okay? I look forward to talking with you about it.” He said.

  “Okay. You go take your bubble bath.” I chuckled.

  He answered, “I will and I’ll be thinking of you.”

  “I hope so.” I hung up the phone.


  I awoke late the next morning. The sun was streaming through the window. I had forgotten to close the drapes and with all the white in the bedroom, it was very bright. I was still on California time and that meant it was really 5:30. I moaned, rolled out of bed, and shut the drapes. Flopping myself back into the bed I wondered if I would be able to go back to sleep. Just the barest of efforts brought the headache I was trying to ignore to the forefront.

  My head started pounding. I hated champagne hangovers. I should have known better. I stumbled into the bathroom to find my aspirin. I collapsed back onto the bed. No drinking for me tonight I promised myself.

  I laid there for fifteen minutes to wait for the headache to subside. I began to think about breakfast. Yes, only I could have a headache one moment and then think of breakfast in the next. My very favorite thing to do when I travelled was to order room service breakfast. I always ate breakfast and to have someone bring it to me, that was the height of decadence as far as I was concerned.


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