Eagle's Destiny

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Eagle's Destiny Page 37

by C. J. Corbin

  Margaret was beautiful. She was everything that I had always longed to be. Her shoulder length hair was blond and framed around her face. I could see some resemblance to Katy but Michael’s influence in the girl’s features was stronger. Her figure was very trim and petite and I estimated that she was no taller than 5’ 4”. In addition, to top it off she had huge breasts and a tiny waist. I felt like an awkward monster towering over her with my gangly arms and legs.

  Margaret looked at me with sharp eyes almost the same as when a hawk eyes its prey. “Elizabeth, how nice to meet you,” she cracked a smirk, which made her face look pinched. “So you’re my competition?”

  I just stared at her blankly not sure how to respond to her comment. Michael handed me his unfinished wine and in a quick tip of the glass, I drank down the rest. His reaction somehow comforted me.

  “Come over and taste the sauce Elizabeth, let me know what you think. Tammy, could you get Elizabeth some wine?”

  He dipped a spoon into the rich red sauce and held it out for me to try. I held his hand steady and blew on the sauce while looking up at Michael through my lashes. He winked at me and smiled.

  “Mmm…,” I said after tasting the sauce. It was a chunky intensely flavored sauce with mushrooms, roasted zucchini and peppers, and garlic, “This is really good. I’m starved.”

  “Good, it’s ready to go.” He turned to Tammy and Margaret. “I’ll leave you two to do the garlic bread and pasta while Elizabeth and I enjoy the sunset on the front porch. Give us a shout when everything is ready.” Michael picked up the two wine glasses, the bottle of wine, and he then motioned to me to follow him.

  I didn’t look back but could feel Margaret’s eyes piercing my back. I’m sure I had a self-satisfied grin on my face because Michael had managed Margaret without me getting my hands dirty.

  He wrapped his arms around me from behind as we stood on the porch and rested his head on my shoulder. The sun was making a beautiful display over the lake. I had always loved autumn especially at the lake when the leaves on the trees started to change and the evenings cooled down quickly.

  “So, what is the state of affairs at the Hoffman house?” I asked settling back against Michael.

  He took a moment to reply. I could hear the sigh in his voice. “She’ll be here a couple of weeks. I told Tammy no more than that. Right now, she’s up in the spare room, but Katy and Paul will be here next Friday. So, I don’t know what’s going to happen on Friday. Maggie has gotten it into her head that she wants to stay in my room.”

  I stiffened and was sure Michael could feel my physical reaction because he tightened his arms around me. “Why would she ever get an idea like that? It doesn’t make sense.”

  “To her warped mind it does. She reasoned that we had been married at one point and we slept together all those years. I don’t know Elizabeth, she’s nuts. Katy and Tammy will have to stay together in a room, but the problem is they both have twin beds in their rooms.” Michael sighed again.

  “I have an idea,” I turned to face Michael, which wasn’t easy to do since he was holding me so closely, “Paul can stay in my guest room.”

  “Well, that is one possibility.” He answered.

  “You know I’m not going to be able to stay in your house with her here.”

  He closed his eyes and bent his head leaning it against my forehead. He whispered, “I was afraid you were going to say that.”

  I tipped his chin up with my hand and looked him directly in the eyes, “Michael, I just can’t.”

  “I know,” he turned me around again. “You’re missing the sunset.”

  I rested back against him. “That’s not the worst of it either.” He murmured into my hair.

  “What else?” I groaned.

  “I have to leave for several days. The whales have started their migration. I’m flying up to Alaska on Wednesday to catch up with the ship.”

  “Maybe that’s a good thing. Then Tammy and Katy can enjoy their mother all to themselves and you won’t have to be disturbed about it.”

  “I’m not disturbed.”

  “Yes you are I can feel it in you. Every time you mention her you stiffen up.”

  Michael laughed low in my ear, “You want to talk stiffening up?” He growled and nibbled on my earlobe.

  I pressed myself into him and wriggling my hips against him. “Behave,” I said laughing low, “and stop changing the subject.”

  “Can you hold the fort down while I’m gone? You know with Katy, Paul and Tammy. I’m installing a lock on my bedroom door tomorrow before I leave. I’ll give you a key.”

  I laughed, “Yes, I can hold the fort down. I can imagine what type of trouble your ex-wife can get into alone, in your house with Tammy in school.”

  “Don’t laugh. You don’t know her.” Michael said, “By the way I have your Monterey dress with my tux, and Tammy will drop it off at the cleaners for us.”

  Tammy called us in for dinner and we sat around the table, one large happy family. Tammy appeared to be enthralled with her mother being there. I tried to be nice, but Margaret kept throwing barely veiled insults my way any time she could.

  First, she discounted romance novels as trash reading, and was surprised at the taste of the American public. Then she asked me if I had any children. When I said no she launched into her next discussion about how important children were to her and Michael’s life. Moreover, she couldn’t really see Michael with anyone who didn’t want children.

  Even though Michael was trying to avert her barbs, they just kept coming. When she finally told me that my dogs were fat, well that did it. I scooted my chair away from the table.

  “I’m sorry. I need to get back home.” I said standing.

  “Oh, Elizabeth, yes, that’s probably a good idea.” She smirked at me.

  I almost told her that when she did that with her mouth she didn’t look sexy at all, if that was what she was going for; instead, it caused wrinkles around her lips. I bit my tongue since she probably would not take my constructive criticism very well.

  Michael sprang to his feet, “Elizabeth, wait. I’ll walk you back to your house.”

  Margaret looked peeved, “Michael, are you coming back?”

  He looked at Tammy. “Don’t wait up for me, and help your mother with the dishes, okay?”

  I felt bad after we left the house because Tammy had looked so disappointed.

  Michael chuckled. “Damn that woman is a piece of work. I’m sorry Elizabeth that you had to go through all of that.”

  I squeezed his hand before I put my arm around his waist as we walked toward my cabin. I hadn’t left the lights on which was unusual for me and Michael insisted on going in first to make sure everything was okay.

  I sighed when he came back and reported that all was in order. “Guess in my haste to get over to your house and protect you, I forgot.”

  He laughed as he wrapped me in his arms, “Protect me huh?” His lips brushed the tip of my nose before moving down to my lips.

  “Are you going to stay the night?” My voice sounded hopeful.

  He leaned back from me, “Babe, I can’t.”

  I frowned, “I know. Will you wait until I fall asleep?”

  Michael smiled and embraced me again. He rubbed my back, his hands moving underneath my sweatshirt. He whispered in a rough tone, “No bra, I like that.” He grasped the bottom of my sweatshirt and pulled it over my head. I smiled, took his hand in mine, and led him to my bedroom.

  When I awoke, it was very early dawn. I was alone, except for the dogs. It was too early to jog, and I lay in bed thinking of Michael. I knew where that path was going to lead. Knowing he was always happy to see me in the morning, I wondered if he’d like some early morning company. Especially since, he was leaving for his trip soon. Besides, I needed to retrieve my laptop, which was still in his bedroom.

  I crept into the house, it was quiet and dark, and no one was up yet. Waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, I slowly made
my way to Michael’s bedroom without running into the furniture. I was surprised the dogs didn’t hear me, but then they had grown accustomed to my presence in the house.

  I opened his door slowly and went into the room. My mouth opened wide when I saw the display in front of me. There was Michael lying nude on his side facing toward the opposite wall. Spooned up against him, equally naked was his ex-wife. I couldn’t believe my eyes and my brain was not processing the information quick enough for me. The scene in front of me burned into my conscious for a very long time.

  In my haste to exit the room quickly, the door slammed shut in front of me. The noise woke both Michael and Margaret. I still faced the door and heard Michael.

  “What the hell? Maggie, what the hell are you doing here and why for god’s sake are you naked, and…” he paused as he was trying to process the scene then he saw me. “Elizabeth?”

  I turned around to look at both of them. Michael’s look was one of confusion and Margaret looked like a cat with a bowl of cream in front of her. She looked at both of us, and stretched to make a show of it for him.

  Touching his chest, she purred, “Well, I don’t know why she’s here, but you invited me. You were wonderful last night.”

  Michael actually flinched away from her with a stare of pure disgust. He grabbed the quilt at the bottom of the bed, wrapped it around himself, and stood up.

  “Good lord Maggie, have some decency and cover yourself.” He pulled the sheet over her.

  I stood at the door fighting back the tears that were welling in my eyes. Margaret looked at me and then at Michael. She kneeled up on the bed and reached for him.

  “Michael honey, after what we shared last night, I wouldn’t think you’d react like this. You told me you were ready to try again with me.” She put on the same pouty lip face I had seen before and then a thought struck me that made me laugh.

  Both of them looked at me as I stood in the doorway. Laughing, I clapped my hands together in applause.

  “Brava, Margaret. Well done, you almost had me going.” I walked over to Michael and leaned up to kiss him. “Good morning my love, nice quilt you’ve got there.”

  Michael greeted me with a quizzical expression.

  I turned back to Margaret who still had the pouty expression on her face. “Be careful Margaret, you wouldn’t want your face to freeze that way, it’s most unattractive.”

  “Babe, I didn’t. I swear I didn’t.” He looked at me in earnest.

  I smiled and patted his stomach and then kissed him again. “I know you didn’t sweetheart.” I turned to look at her. “Margaret you look confused that your little game didn’t work on me. You see it has been a long time since you’ve actually been with Michael. I know certain things about him now that you don’t, and you really overplayed your hand. You see,” I looked at Michael, “I’m sorry if this hurts your feelings hon.” I looked back at Margaret, “Michael made love to me last night, for a very long time. In fact, he made me scream at least three times if I recall correctly.” Michael smiled and nodded his head in affirmation. “He was quite busy and thoroughly exhausted when we finished, thank you babe.” I kissed him again. “So, Margaret, physically,” I shook my head, “it could not happen with you last night. It might have been even doubtful this early in the morning too.”

  The anger on Margaret’s face made her look like she was about to explode. Thankfully, Michael took over for me, “Maggie, I suggest that you retrieve whatever dignity you still have and leave my room. You are not welcome in here and if it happens again, I will forcibly remove you from my house. That goes whether I am here or not. You may continue to stay here because of Tammy and Katy, but let me remind you, you are a guest in my house, and I would expect you to behave in that manner. Am I clear?”

  Margaret gathered the sheets around her and did indeed muster her decorum. She moved past us in a huff, “Well, I never.”

  Michael called after her as she was leaving, “Yes you have.”

  Michael put his arms around me, “You are amazing.”

  I smiled, “Being in love will do that to a person. Now, we need to talk. But, it will not be in here, at least not until those sheets are run through the washer a couple of times with hot water.” I shuddered with the remembrance of her body. If I had thought yesterday that she was beautiful, I was ready to revise that opinion.

  Michael nodded, “Come with me to see the eagles today.”

  I nodded. “Okay, come and get me when you’re ready.” I walked over and picked up my laptop. “Oh yeah, that is after you’ve changed the lock on the bedroom door and taken a hot shower with a lot of soap.”

  I could hear him chuckle as I left the room.


  On our drive up to the eagles nest, I finally felt relaxed for the first time since we arrived home from Monterey.

  “Tell me the boobs are not hers.” I said turning to Michael while he drove the jeep.

  He laughed and nodded his head, “No, I think she bought and paid for them after we were divorced.

  “And, she’s not a natural blond, is she?”

  “I think you saw that for yourself today.”

  I giggled, “Yeah, I saw far more that I would have liked to.”

  Michael turned the jeep off the road. The barriers blocking the access to the road were no longer there.

  “What happened?” I looked around. “Did they remove the barricade?”

  Michael sighed and nodded. “There was an argument whether it was necessary or not. We haven’t found anything around the area for several weeks. The parks department is thinking it may have been a tourist shooting at the eagles.”

  I frowned, “I hope they’re right.”

  We reached the end of the road and Michael loaded us both up. He carried his camera equipment and I carried the water and snacks he had made for us. The walk to the tree stand was enjoyable while we walked slowly and held hands.

  “I have something for you.” He said reaching into his backpack. He pulled out a small black camera with a lens attached and handed it to me. “This is your first real camera. I want to teach you how to use it.”

  “Oh Michael,” I clapped my hands together taking the camera from him. “This is so sweet.”

  He put the camera strap around my neck. “Turn it on this way. I set everything for automatic. Look through the viewfinder, and you won’t see an image on the screen until after you’ve taken the picture. Press this button here.” He moved my finger up to the button.

  I stepped away from him and took a picture of him. “Oh wow, my first picture.” I showed him the picture when it popped up on the screen.

  Michael laughed and could tell that I was pleased with his gift, “Later on, we’ll work on changing the settings, but first I just want you to get used to the camera.”

  “Thank you Michael.” I reached up and kissed him softly.

  We climbed up into the tree stand. It was a beautiful clear day, the rain we had on the previous day had washed everything down. The air was fresh and a slight breeze blew. I enjoyed this type of fall afternoon the most. The eagles were not in the area yet so we sat down in the stand and waited.

  He sat with his back up against the tree trunk with one leg propped up so that I could snuggle up against him and lay my head against his chest. We were quiet for a long time listening to the blowing leaves at the bottom of the tree.

  I finally broke the silence. “Has your ex-wife always been nuts?”

  Michael looked at me and he realized that I was not joking. “I’m beginning to think that maybe she does have some serious problems, especially after that stunt this morning.”

  “Well yes, that was just plain crazy. I don’t know what she thought she’d accomplish.”

  Michael drew a deep breath. He laid his arms on my hip as he adjusted his position slightly. “I think she’s out of money and she’s desperate. She’d do anything besides getting a job. I’d help her if she wanted to go back to school, but that would
mean she’d actually have to go to school and not fake it.”

  “How did the two of you ever get together?” I asked while I lifted his t-shirt up and started running my fingers along his flat stomach feeling his hard muscles.

  Michael smiled and caught my hand, “If you want me to tell you that story you have to stop that.”

  I grinned and nodded, “For now.”

  His story started while he was in college. They met during his last year and her first year. After his breakup with Nicki, he received a reputation of being a ladies’ man by dating a number of girls in quick succession.

  “I don’t think I deserved that reputation at all.” He said laughing.

  I just replied, “Tell me about it my stud muffin.” I kissed him on the stomach.

  Michael laughed in jest, “Now Elizabeth cut that out, or I won’t tell you the rest of the story.”

  I pursed my lips together in a contrite manner, “I’m sorry, go ahead. But, after you finish this one I want to hear about Nicki too.”

  He and Margaret dated for about six months, and he had already started working at the aquarium on the weekends, in addition to working as a lab assistant to Jennifer at the university during the week. He was also trying to do as much photography as his school schedule would allow. Shortly before graduation, Michael had started to pull away from Margaret and he was ready to end their relationship. She recognized the warning signs and announced that she was pregnant.

  They were married in a quick ceremony in Las Vegas much to the disappointment of his mother. But once he let his parents know she was pregnant, they understood and were thrilled to be expecting their first grandchild.

  I started to do the math in my head, “Wait a minute, that doesn’t add up. Katy is only 20, and you graduated 3 years earlier. Something happen didn’t it?”

  He nodded, “Yeah. She was about four and half months pregnant and miscarried.”

  “Oh Michael, I’m sorry.” I sat up and touched his face.

  “Babe, it was a long time ago.” He kissed my hand. “It wasn’t meant to be.”


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