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Eagle's Destiny

Page 43

by C. J. Corbin

  “You think he’s really coming as James Bond?” Debi asked.

  “His note said ‘Shaken not stirred.’ I can only guess that’s what it means.” I replied.

  We arrived at the party shortly after eight and the party was already in full swing. I looked around and did not see Michael. Don dressed as a pirate had saved us a few seats at the bar and the bartender made us drinks.

  I was always surprised how Annie and Joe could transform the barn. They constructed a large dance floor in the middle of the barn. Throughout the entire structure, there were strings of colorful lights and small tables and chairs surrounded the dance floor. The band up on a raised pedestal played requests.

  I drank my first drink quickly and Don ordered me another. “Slow down a bit Elizabeth, I don’t want to pick you up from the floor.”

  “I’m nervous.” I replied.

  Debi bumped my shoulder, “No reason for you to be. You are beautiful and incredibly sexy tonight.” She had turned to face the dance floor while I faced the bar. “In fact I would say there are a couple of men making some circles around you, but I think Don is scaring them off.”

  Don laughed, “As it should be, Michael is my buddy.”

  The band had started to play disco music and the dance floor was crowded. I still sat with my back to the entrance nursing my second drink. Debi elbowed me in the side.

  “Ow!” I said complaining.

  “Oh my!” Debi exclaimed elbowing me again, “James Bond has just arrived.”

  “Really?” I said excitedly. I move to turn around.

  “No, don’t turn around. He’s looking around for you. He’s spotted me,” Debi laughed, “but, I don’t think he’s recognized you yet. Oh, man is he sexy. He’s wearing a tuxedo.” Debi leaned over to get the bartenders attention and ordered a vodka martini. “Don’t turn around, he is on his way over here, Michael has figured out that it’s you. Oh the ladies in this place are on the prowl.” She giggled, “Women’s heads are turning like whiplash! Wait he’s being stopped by one. No,” she paused, “okay, it appears he’s safe. Do not turn around, Elizabeth.”

  The bartender put the martini down in front of me. At first, I was going to say that I didn’t want a martini but then I understood why Debi had ordered it.

  I felt Michael’s presence behind me. He didn’t speak.

  I could tell he nodded at Debi and Debi answered him, “Hi Michael.”

  I picked up the martini and swiveled my barstool around. Michael seemed to be trying to capture the entire picture in front of him from my crossed legs to my short skirt, halter, and finally my eyes.

  I handed the martini to him, “Hi Michael, shaken not stirred, I think is how you ordered it.”

  He smiled but still didn’t speak. I thought I heard a hitch in his breathing.

  “Elizabeth you look,” his voice growled low, “ah, you look.” He stopped again and blinked. Michael looked around him as if he was searching for someone to help him.

  Don laughed and took Debi’s hand, “You are on your own. Come on baby let’s dance.” They left us alone.

  Michael’s eyes went back to me. “Babe, you are so hot. Your eyes are like fire.”

  I stood up, and my shoes made me the same height as Michael. I was close enough to him that I could almost brush against him and was glad that I had the extra cocktail in me because my knees felt weak. I touched his hand and felt a jolt run through him as if I had stunned him.

  “Dance with me.” I whispered so quietly that he had to lean over to hear me.

  When he did, my breasts brushed lightly against him and it was as if I had sucked the wind out of him. I didn’t wait for his reply. While I took his hand, he drank the martini down in one gulp and followed me out to the dance floor. We started dancing and I turned around and rubbed my back against his front. His groan was quiet but it was there. His hands pulled my hips against him and we stood dancing while I my hips gyrated against him.

  He whispered in my ear, “I don’t think I should be dancing with the devil. Oh Elizabeth, what are you doing to me?”

  I laughed a deep throaty laugh while turning around in his arms. My leg went up between his legs, and I shimmied down his leg and then back up again.

  “It’s not what I’m doing to you now; it’s what I’m going to do with you later.” I whispered back in his ear.

  He gave me the intense look again, “Really?”

  I laughed again throwing my head back, “Be very afraid Michael.”

  He pulled me against him hard and we slowly swayed to the beat of the music. One hand was cupping my bottom and the other pressed against my bare back. Tingles of excitement pulsed through me as we moved together. It felt wonderful to be in a room full of people yet have the sense we were alone. My hands rubbed his neck and shoulders, he felt so firm under my caresses. I also felt a very firm part of his body pressing against me. I exalted in the fact that I was responsible for his reaction to me. It made me feel powerful and very free.

  When the music stopped, Michael kissed me, the first of the evening. The kiss was a hot passionate one that made my knees weak. Annie and Frank danced by us.

  Frank looked over and smiled, “Am I going to have to pull the two of you apart?”

  We both laughed together and separated. Annie wrapped her arm around Michael’s waist, “Thank you my son for the wonderful pictures you took for me. The Smithsonian loved them and we’re sending my baskets.”

  “Wow, that’s great. I’m glad I could help.” Michael beamed down at Annie.

  “And what do you think of my dress creation? This is your thank you present. Although, I don’t think the dress does justice to our beautiful model. Do you?” Anne smiled stealthily.

  Michael’s eyes widened. “You made the dress Annie?” He asked with amazement in his voice.

  She simply nodded.

  Michael hugged her and almost lifted her off the floor. “Thank you!”

  She chuckled and grinned, “I’m sure you will be thanking me late into the night. Come sit with us when you’re tired of dancing.”

  We continued to dance to the next song. It was a slow song and we wrapped our arms around each other and slowly moved to the music. “I love the fact you’re as tall as me.” Michael murmured in my ear, “It’s much easier to talk to you.”

  “You want to talk?” I questioned with uncertainty in my voice.

  “No, I want to dance, but I love to whisper sweet things in your ear.”

  “You do? Like what?”

  “Like, do you forgive me for being the biggest jerk on this planet?” He whispered it so softly I had to look at him to make sure I heard what he had said. Michael nodded. “Babe, I’m so sorry I was blaming you for my insecurities. You are nothing like Margaret and it is stupid of me to keep treating you that way. Instead, I was an incredible idiot and then missed taking you down to San Diego to meet the cutest polar bears you have ever seen.”

  We had stopped dancing and stood looking at each other. Michael stopped speaking to search my face. “You’re going to make me cry and ruin my makeup.” I said softly.

  “Are they unhappy tears?” He asked.

  I shook my head, “No, but Michael you almost broke my heart.”

  He frowned and kissed me softly, “I’m such an ass. Please forgive me.”

  “I won’t be able to take it again,” I knew my words sounded intense, “do you understand?”

  “I promise Elizabeth. I’m trying very hard.”

  “Don’t leave me again like you did. We can work out anything okay?”

  Michael pressed his forehead against mine, “I’m sorry Babe.”

  “I forgive you.” I said it slowly with resolve in my voice.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Debi glided by with Don, “Sounds like a couple has made up. You two may want to vacate the dance floor if you’re just going to stand there.”

  All four of us laughed. Michael took my hand and led
me off the dance floor, “I need some air.” I nodded and when we left the barn, Michael put his arms around me again. “You know,” he said, “we can sit in the hay and make out for a little while, or we can go home and have makeup sex.”

  I wrinkled my nose at him, “It’s too early to go home, besides I have something else in mind for later.”

  “You do?” His voice sounded excited. “What is it?”

  “It’s a surprise for later.” We were standing in the dark away from the crowd gathered around the bonfire. I reached around, grabbed his butt, and squeezed it. I must have surprised him because he let out a yelp. I laughed.

  “Hey what is good for goose,” he paused and pulled my dress up in the back and groaned, “Oh god,” he said as he touched my naked bottom. “Are you wearing?” Michael paused as he felt the top of my satin thong. “Oh man, I am going to love taking these off of you.”

  I giggled, “Pull my dress down Michael, there are people around.”

  He righted my dress. Michael kissed me and by the action of his tongue, I knew he was gearing up for later tonight. I lifted my knee in between his legs and stroked his crotch. He groaned, “You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?”

  I giggled, “I’m the devil aren’t I?”

  I convinced Michael to go back to the party inside. We sat together with Annie and Frank at their table. Also seated around the large round table was our usual gang plus Joe. I caught Debi and Angel leaving the table to get food and joined them.

  Debi immediately started the conversation as we headed toward the buffet, “So what happened?”

  “He apologized.” I said simply not elaborating.

  Debi did not press for more information, which was like her. “He certainly appreciated your costume. I didn’t expect Mr. Cool to react that way. I thought we were going to have to roll his tongue up and put it back into his mouth.”

  I smiled, “Yeah, his response was gratifying, but he is always like that with me. He’s very sweet with his compliments.”

  Angel giggled, “From across the room it looked like he was going to have his way with you right there at the bar.”

  Debi giggled too, “Yeah, I could see that, Michael running his arm over the bar to clear all the drinks off and throwing you on the bar…”

  “Okay ladies, knock it off.” I said stopping Debi from continuing the comments.

  Debi rejoined, “What? You know we’re just jealous.”

  The three of us carried plates full of food back to our table. I sat my plate in front of Michael. “Sorry there wasn’t much in the way of vegetarian selections, but I brought what I could find.”

  “That’s okay Babe,” he said eyeing me hungrily, “I’m not very hungry for food right now. Maybe later after I burn off some of this excess energy I have.”

  “Oh, do you want to dance some more?” I solicited innocently.

  Michael pulled me down into his lap and whispered, “Now you know that is not the physical activity I am referring to,” he looked at me with intensity, “I’m thinking a bit more horizontal.”

  It wasn’t his comment that made me blush as much as my thoughts did. It was all I could do to wipe away the image of us making love especially since I was sitting in his lap and the evidence of his arousal for me was pressing against me. Michael loved it when I blushed, so for him this was entertaining.

  He reached over and picked up a bunch of grapes off the plate. “Want one?” He put it up to my lips and when I nodded, he dropped it inside my mouth.

  The grape was good and I picked up some cheese from the plate and waved it at him. “Want some?”

  We were lost in our own little world feeding each other the tidbits from the plate. No one was interrupting us or for that matter paying attention. The public display of affection was a little more difficult for me than Michael, who obviously had no problems with being demonstrative. I couldn’t remember a time that I would have sat on a boyfriend’s lap while we fed each other. With Michael, it was different, I wanted everyone to know how I felt about him, and certainly didn’t want to hide it.

  One of his hands was casually resting in my lap, but the other one was busy rubbing my back and playing with my hair. Michael pulled me forward to whisper, “Let’s go home.”

  I stared into his blue eyes, and the flood of desire was there so I smiled wickedly. ”So, Mr. Hoffman, you’re ready for your night of pleasure to begin?”

  He kissed me probing my mouth with his tongue. I met his kiss head on matching his exploration with my own. We both looked up suddenly when Joe taped Michael on the back.

  Joe stood above us smiling but he addressed Michael, “Get a room son.”

  I turned around and Michael looked beyond my shoulder everyone at the table looked back at us grinning. Michael grinned with them as if he was in on the big joke,

  “That was just what I was telling Elizabeth.” He lifted me off his lap so I was standing. Michael stood up and buttoned his tuxedo jacket, “We’re leaving now.”

  Everyone at the table applauded as we left. I blushed.

  The drive home was quiet. I had my head on Michael’s shoulder and he had his arm around mine. He pulled up in behind his house.

  “Drop me off at my house and after you’ve parked the car come over.”

  “Oh? Not my house?” Michael questioned with a spark in his eye and a grin on his face. He drove to the back of my house. “Elizabeth, what are you planning?”

  I squeezed his erection through his slacks gently, “I have to audition a new scene for my new book. Hurry.” I whispered in his ear.

  Michael visibly shuddered in response.

  I entered my house and turned off the lights. I lit the candles I had set up in the bedroom and drew the shades. Pulling back the comforter, I folded it at the bottom of the bed. The bedside drawer contained a box of chocolate covered cherries, which I unwrapped and left on the top of the table. Then I removed all the pillows from the bed except a large one, which leaned up against the headboard.

  The back door closed and Michael locked the door. “I’m in the bedroom.” I called to him.

  He leaned against the bedroom doorway still in his tuxedo. His eyes were dreamy and hooded. “Wow, you’re even more beautiful in candlelight.”

  I took both of his hands and pulled him into the room. Waiting a moment before I spoke, “Michael, this is your night, but my rules. So, your hands won’t be necessary tonight.”

  “They won’t?”

  I shook my head, “Let me tonight, okay?”

  “Are you going to torture me?”

  “There might be a little of that,” I giggled, hoping that I would be able to pull this off. It was always easier to write about it in a book then actually to perform the magic.

  Michael closed his eyes and held out his arms, “Do with me what you will my queen. I’m your servant.”

  I giggled again, “That’s good. I’m going to use it in the book.”

  I slipped his jacket off his shoulders and hung it on the chair. I untied his shoes and he slipped out of them easily. Next, I stood in front of him, untied his tie, and let it drop on his jacket. He reached up for the buttons on his shirt and I shook my head.

  “No, let me.” He nodded and lowered his arms. I kissed him on the jaw and trailed my lips over to his ear, “Thank you.” I whispered softly.

  Michael closed his eyes again as I slowly unbuttoned his shirt. When I got halfway down, I kissed the hollow of his throat trailing my tongue down his chest to the next button. His breathing became more rapid and he was straining not to help me finish unbuttoning his shirt. I pulled his shirt free from his pants and undid the remaining buttons. Smiling when I saw the cufflinks in his sleeves, it pleased me that he was old fashioned enough to wear them. I set them on my dresser then went back to removing his shirt.

  I walked around to his back and pulled his shirt down off his shoulders. When I exposed his back after dropping his shirt where I stood, it was my turn to shudder. His muscles
were firm and they flexed softly as I ran my hands over his back. I used my nails at the top of his shoulders and gently ran them down his back. The muscles rippled as my nails moved downward.

  Soft moans were coming from Michael. “Oh Babe, I want you.”

  I pressed myself against his back, “You’ll have me. You have to be patient.”

  I wrapped my arms around and my hands ran down his chest. I felt his nipples, and the muscles in his abdomen. I flexed my fingers and ran them under his waistband and I touched the tip of his erection. He took a sharp breath and reached out to hold onto the dresser.

  “Elizabeth, you’re torturing me for real.” He groaned his voice barely above a sigh.

  I moved to face him and my hands didn’t leave his body. Unbuckling his belt and the button to his slacks, I grinned at him, “I think you need to sit down. You look like you’re going to collapse.”

  I kneeled down and removed his socks. His hands moved to his zipper and I playfully swatted his hand away.

  “No hands.” I shook my head slowly. “Let me.”

  Still kneeling in front of him, I slowly pulled the zipper down. His pants fell quickly around his ankles and he stepped out of them. I picked them up and put them with his jacket while he stood by the bed. Coming back to him, I knelt down again. Everything was evident in his low-rise boxers. It thrilled me to see the outline of his excitement for me. Again, the effort not to touch me was creating great tension in his body.

  I kissed the area just underneath his naval while I slowly pulled his boxers down. I examined every detail of him and he watched me closely. I stood up and put my hands on his shoulders.

  “Lay down.” I whispered hoarsely. This was getting to me too.

  He smiled and obliged me by putting his head on the one pillow remaining on the bed and stretching his body out. I pulled the sheet up to his waist and tucked it firmly around him. If this move surprised him, he didn’t show it because he stretched out and folded his arms under his head. Michael’s expression was one of bemusement.

  I stepped away from the bed, pulled the headband out of my hair, and shook my hair loose. It fell around my shoulders and down my back. Michael’s eyes were twinkling and I knew he was itching to touch my hair. I untied the halter straps behind my neck and slowly let them down revealing my breasts. Closing my eyes, I ran my hands across my breasts and cupping them with my hands testing their weight. My nipples already were firm, and peeked out from between my fingers. My eyes opened and I stared directly at Michael who now was thoroughly enjoying the show I was displaying.


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