Meeting Dr. Feelgood

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Meeting Dr. Feelgood Page 6

by Riley Baxter

  He laid down on the bed while instructing her, “Climb on top of me but face down with your legs sprawled across me. Ok good, now scoot down and no, I don’t want you to suck me at least not yet. That’s it, keeping going, wait right there.” Right as he said, right there, he surged his hips up causing Kayla to yell out. “Tilt your pelvis up some Honey Bee. Oh yeah, your very flexible, aren’t you?”

  Feeling stuffed to the max, Kayla was reduced to murmurs and babbling. In this position, his thrusting increased which caused Kayla to become wetter with each thrust. She even started going back as he went up.

  “That’s it, help me please you baby.”

  Feeling confident in her ability to drive him crazy, Kayla tightened her pelvic area.

  This time, it was Myles who starting blustering. “D-damn Kayla, do that again…” He groaned.

  She repeated the movement to both of their delights as he went deep and felt her pussy squeeze him like a velvet vice. After several long, erotic, mind blowing minutes the pressure was building. Myles felt the need to bring them home. “Come on Kayla, come with me baby. Let’s end this like we started it, together.”

  Agreeing with him, Kayla came with a cry of his name bursting from her lips her body undulating above him. Her panting and gasping leaving her breathless.

  The sight, feel and sounds of her triggered his climax as well.

  He grabbed her up and pulled her along the bed. Then spooning her body with his from behind, he held her tightly.

  Within minutes, their breathing calmed as Myles and Kayla drifted off in a comfortable, blissful sleep.

  ~Chapter Seven~

  Late afternoon the next day, Myles woke up and peered down to see Kayla under him. He memorized her beautiful face at this moment and leaned down to kiss her forehead. Easing his arm from under her, he backed out of bed to go to the bathroom trying not to wake her.

  But as soon as he hit the bathroom door, her eyes popped open.

  “Good morning Honey Bee, how’d you sleep?”

  “Good morning Myles, very well thanks for asking. How’d you sleep?”

  Shooting for honesty, he replied, “Better than I have since arriving.”

  Slightly blushing, Kayla smiled and stretched on the bed.

  Myles walked into the bathroom to relieve himself and heard a knock at the door as he was washing his hands. He figured one of her sisters would come looking for her after he saw that it was two o’clock. Slipping on the other robe on the back of the door, he exited the bathroom.

  “Should I answer that?” he asked.

  Heading toward the bathroom to also relieve herself, she nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure it’s one of my sisters wondering why I haven’t left my room yet or checked in with them. Thankfully, you’re decent.” She smirked and shut the bathroom door to handle her business.

  Smiling, Myles opened the door to stunned faces with four sets of rounding eyes looking back at him.

  With knowing looks, the sisters winked at him and backed up while Rachel said to the group, “I told you guys she was under him and hadn’t fallen overboard.”

  Jocelyn smiling at Myles said, “Sorry to bother you guys, honey, we’ll leave you to it. But can you tell Kayla to call us when she gets done riding your dick? Thanks.”

  With that, the women turned and headed back down the hall whooping, smacking high fives, and laughing.

  Closing the door and chuckling, Myles met Kayla as she exited the bathroom. “Uh Honey Bee, your sisters wanted me to tell you to call them when you’ve finished… riding my dick.”

  Scandalized, Kayla retorted, “Rachel, plays too much. I’m going to slap her when I see her.”

  Still laughing, Myles informed her, “This time, it wasn’t Rachel who made the comment, it was Jocelyn.”

  Kayla’s mouth dropped open so broad a group of flies could enter with no resistance. “No way, you’re going to convince me that my prude Sister Jocelyn said such a thing Myles, stop lying!”

  Making a cross sign across his heart he nodded. “She definitely said it and without an ounce of hesitation or pause.”

  Deciding to move on, Kayla walked up to Myles and untied his robe then she proceeded to push it off his shoulders. “How about we forget about everyone and everything outside of this room? I think we need a shower.” Taking his hand, she opened the bathroom door making her way to the shower with Myles following close behind.

  Freshly showered an hour later, Myles carried a worn-out Kayla from the bathroom. Lowering her to the bed, he began licking the additional water from her body.

  The loud growling sound coming from Myles caused Kayla to clench her thighs tight. “Myles, while I love how much you love my body, I need a minute, no… two hours to recover.”

  “Point well-made babe, just let me get you moisturized up and dressed then I’ll head down to my room to get dressed. I also need to make sure my Gramps is good and hasn’t caused too many catastrophes. Where’s your lotion?”

  Pointing to the vanity, Kayla laid back on the bed and closed her eyes needing just a moment to catch her breath. Myles carefully rubbed lotion on her body and by the time he was done, she looked as if she could drop off to sleep at any moment. Keeping his promise, he covered her up, kissed her cheek, then her lips. “How about I come back at seven thirty and escort you to dinner? Its Elegant Night and we can take pictures together,” he asked heading towards the door.

  “That sounds like a plan, I’ll see you at seven thirty,” she said as she snuggled deeper into the blankets.

  Feeling excited about their dinner plans, Myles headed out of the room giving Kayla an opportunity to regroup from their tryst. As he headed to his grandfather’s room for a quick check-in, he moved with a little more pep, feeling as if he was heading in the right direction with tearing down Kayla’s walls. Just before getting to his grandfather’s room, he saw him heading toward the elevator. Rushing his steps to catch up with him, he called, “Hey Gramps, wait up.”

  Grandpa Feelgood stopped at the elevator just as the doors opened. “Come on boy. I thought you forgot all about me. I went to your room a couple of times today and no peep from you.”

  “I’m fine as you can see Gramps. Where are you off to?” Myles followed up ignoring the direct inquiry.

  Laughing, Grandpa patted him on the back. “I’m heading to the casino, how about you join me. I’m on a roll.”

  Rolling his eyes, Myles wondered if he’d spent most of his money on gambling. “Gramps, how much money have you lost in that damn casino?”

  Laughing, he replied, “That’s for me to know and you to guess at. You coming or not?” he asked stepping into the elevator that opened up.

  “I can only join you for a little while, I have dinner plans,” he said entering the elevator behind his grandfather.

  After waking from her nap, Kayla left her room in search of her sisters. Closing her door, she turned around to find herself cornered by all four women. “Hey Sisters, what’s up? Do anything exciting today?”

  Deer in highlights expressions came from the four women and one by one, they glanced at each other to see if they were the ones with the problem.

  “I know this heifer ain’t playing at nonchalance after being booed up for half of the damn day,” Reia said looking astonished. “Somebody check her head for a temperature maybe all that sexing she’s been doing has caused a sudden fever!”

  “Right?” Caressa agreed with a deadpan expression. “Her ass done went crazy after clearing out the mounting cobwebs that were beginning to form on her neglected ass pussy.”

  “Now Sisters, let’s cut her some slack, obviously he fucked the rational sense out of her,” Jocelyn attempted to come to her defense slightly.

  “Humph, I call bullshit on it all.” Rachel, filled with annoyance huffed. “While she’s been practicing as an extra for H-Town’s Knockin’ Boots video, we have been fighting off unwanted advances from the geriatric team. I’m not about to let her ass off the hook.”

At this, Kayla was unable to help it as she threw her head back, letting loose a hoot of laughter. “What do you mean y’all have been fighting off unwanted advances from the geriatric team, where have y’all been? And before we get too far, I need y’all to help me pick out something to wear to dinner tonight. Myles is picking me up at seven thirty, so we can go to dinner together after we take pictures, its Elegant Night.”

  With a collective eye roll, all four women slapped her in various places.

  Kayla laughed and let out a yell of, “OWW!”

  Then, Caressa opted to retell the experience that would haunt them for years to come. “Fine, but let us catch you up first. We decided to check out the adult pool in the back of the ship. But it appears we were in the dark about the shenanigans that occur back there. The first thing we noticed was a club of senior men resting in lounge chairs two rows from the pool. To the untrained eye, they were having a conversation amongst themselves. Little did we know that it was a conference meeting of sorts where they commenced to discussing the babes in suits. Well, after being in the water for about fifteen minutes, we learned why this pool was unoccupied. These dirty old men put a whole new spin on ogling and caused us to feel as if we were being picked off one at a time. And do you know WHO was leading this geriatric club of geezers?”

  Kayla, fighting another bout of laughter shook her head no, indicating that she had no clue.

  “Myles’ Grandpa, that’s who,” Caressa retorted. “He acted as if he was just sitting with them taking it all in, but I’m not convinced that he’s innocent. And one of those dirty old men had the nerve to point to Rachel and say she’d be riding his dick by nightfall!” she expressed the last part in the oldest geezer male voice she could muster.

  Unable to fight it any longer, Kayla threw her head back and hollered as moisture slid from her eyes.

  “That shit isn’t funny, Kayla,” Rachel griped still feeling dirty from the memory of his words. “You know I’m all for riding a dick, but damn I need to be able to feel that shit. I don’t think that old geezer could make me feel his dentures let alone his shriveled-up dick!”

  Entering the discussion, Reia reiterated, “This experience will make me go home and blow my husband for a solid month on the guise of missing him, but it will be my appreciation for having a big, strong, and active dick.”

  Another explosion of laughter came out of Kayla which prompted the four women to start walking away from her.

  “She thinks this is fun and games, but this is some bullshit,” Jocelyn grunted out. “I didn’t take this cruise to have to burn out my retinas two days before debarking from the image of riding a geriatric dick. I will never take Justin for granted again!”

  All of them laughed so hard, they had to hold their stomachs and wipe their eyes.

  At seven-thirty, Kayla heard a knock and headed to her door, she had just added the finishing touches to her makeup. As she opened the door, she greeted Myles who looked pleased by her presentation. The girls had suggested she wear her turquoise strapless evening gown with her silver heels. Watching Myles, he looked as if he was satisfied with the selection. “Good evening Dr. Feelgood, let’s go hit up the photographers. You look nice by the way,” she complimented him.

  Myles was wearing all white, and he looked dapper to her. He seemed to be trying to find words to express how beautiful Kayla was. “Uh thank you Honey Bee. You look breathtaking, and you should wear more things in turquoise it looks great on you. Damn, you took my breath away just now. Let’s go turn some heads and compliment some photographs. I have also made reservations at the steakhouse, so we can spend some time together outside of the bedroom that is,” he said smirking and extending his hand for her to take.

  Twenty minutes later, Kayla was all smiles and having fun taking pictures with Myles. They had done some serious ones, romantic ones, and funny ones. She was enjoying her time with him so far, and as they waited in their final portrait line, she thought about how he seemed to be into her. But so had Rick she briefly thought. The thought caused her to remember a time where she thought they would be together forever… that is until he decided that there was more for him than she could provide. The memory caused her mood and smile to slip.

  Myles leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Whatever you’re thinking is irrelevant Honey Bee. Enjoy this moment, enjoy this experience, enjoy me because I’m definitely enjoying everything about you.” With that, he kissed her on her cheek as he squeezed her hand.

  His words allowed her to return to her previous state of mind. And she was truly enjoying his company as well as him. Rick was in her past, and she didn’t want him coming into her present. “Ok Myles, let’s take this last picture and go eat. I’m hungry.” She smiled up at him.

  Having gotten the picture to be sent to his room later, Myles escorted Kayla to Fahrenheit 555 for their dinner reservation. “I’ve been looking forward to having dinner with you all day Kayla. I also want to discuss what made you said a little bit ago. Can you tell me what you were thinking about?” he inquired as they were seated at their table.

  “Umm, well, I was thinking about my past relationship and how things started off nicely until they weren’t. I’m enjoying our time together, but I can’t help but be leery of how well it's going. I’m a little nervous,” she finished lowering her head unable to look him in the eyes.

  “What’s his name?” Myles asked.

  “His name is Rick, and he and I dated for a long time. I thought we wanted the same things and had thought that we were heading to forever. But instead of forever, we headed to heartbreak and disappointment. He also cheated which further sealed our fate.”

  Pondering this, Myles decided to ease her current anxiety. “Before you get worked up, how about we enjoy each other and see how things between us go? And let me say that I’m not Rick, so please don’t allow him to dictate my actions. Also, you’re too beautiful to have your head down.” He raised her head, so she could look into his eyes. “Let’s enjoy tonight Honey Bee, and this steak meal that I’ve heard so much about.”

  “Yes, let’s. What are we going to do after dinner? If you don’t mind, I’d like to spend the night with you. But I just want you to hold me, no sex involved we can be more than just a sexual relationship, can’t we?” she asked him.

  “I would love to share a bed with you Honey Bee and yes, we are definitely more than our sexual nature. I look forward to holding you as we drift off to sleep in each other’s arms,” he finished while winking at her.

  Forty-five minutes later, Kayla walked into Myles’ room with a small carryon bag that she’d packed when they briefly went to her room to grab some essentials for tomorrow. “I’m going to take a shower and turn in. I’m exhausted now,” she stated.

  “Ok, do you mind if I join you in the shower? And before you get any ideas, I’m not going to do anything sexual. Remember, we already agreed that we could be more than our raging hormones.” He grinned at her.

  “In that case, come on.” She held out her hand as she turned towards the bathroom. Once they entered, she undressed not making eye contact with Myles. She was determined to get through this night without sex or sexual innuendos and with that body of his, she knew she’d better not look.

  Myles watched as Kayla undressed and proceeded to get undressed as well. Once they were finished, he took her hand and led her into the shower. He leaned into her wrapping his arms around her waist. “I could hold you like this forever Honey Bee.”

  She leaned back against his chest and closed her eyes enjoying the feel of his body pressed against her. Kayla must have gotten too relaxed in the hold as she felt herself dozing “Ok Myles I need to clean up and go to bed,” she stated reaching for a washcloth.

  “Here let me,” he said as he took the washcloth and began lathering with her body wash. Once he got it nice and soapy he proceeded to clean her and then cleaned himself.

  Kayla was trembling and gasping at the slow sensual feel of him washing her body. Damn, the
man knows how to take care of me, all right.

  After they finished, he stepped out, turned off the water and assisted Kayla out. He dried her off, picked her up and carried her to his bed. Climbing in behind her, he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her neck. “Goodnight Honey Bee, may you have the sweetest dreams possible.”

  “Goodnight Myles, same for you,” she replied as she got comfortable.

  ~Chapter Eight~

  The next afternoon, Kayla had finally caught up with her sisters and bribed them with two rounds of drinks on her. Letting bygones be bygones, the group settled into enjoying the last two days together. Kayla decided that maybe it was wrong of her to neglect them anymore during this trip. After all, the purpose of these trips was to spend time with her sisters not get under some man, even if he was hot as hell and knew how to work his magic Feelgood tongue and even more majestic dick. Mmmm, that man sure knows how to make me purr.

  “Kayla, what the hell are you thinking about over there gazing into my eyes like I’m like the steak from dinner last night.” Rachel shook her head. “Shit, I’m single but damn, this ain’t right. First the geriatrics, now the horny, desperate ass women.”

  Coming to as if she were waking from a dream, Kayla shook her head. “Rachel, what are you spewing out of your mouth over there? Horny, I may continually be. Desperate, I’m certainly not. Besides, you’ve seen Myles, him and Liam Hemsworth have an uncanny resemblance. Even if he stole Paul Walker’s eyes in the process,” Kayla trailed off as if Myles was standing right in front of her.

  “Damn, there she went again,” Jocelyn griped aggravation becoming evident by her rising tone. “Are we really wanting her to spend the last two days of this cruise with us? She can’t think beyond the imagery of Myles or his feelgood dick to even hold a conversation with us.”

  “Now come on sisters,” Caressa spoke up. “You guys remember when you first became acquainted with your man, and he first introduced you to his magic stick. Let’s cut her some slack, we all wanted this to happen for her one day. And it looks like payback may be on the horizon for us. So, let’s drink to Kayla and enjoy watching her fall victim to cupid’s power.’ Caressa held a wicked gleam in her eyes.


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