Meeting Dr. Feelgood

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Meeting Dr. Feelgood Page 7

by Riley Baxter

  Kayla snapped out of the trance again. “Alright, alright stop talking about me like I’m not sitting here.”

  Reia pondering the conversation up to this point chimed in with, “Ok Kayla, tell us about Myles besides how gooey his dick makes your lady bits.”

  “As you know from his grandfather’s introduction, Myles is Dr. Myles Feelgood. What you don’t know is that he’s an orthopedic surgeon in Springfield. He’s thirty-five and the oldest of two kids. His parents have been married for thirty-four years. And I’m finding myself becoming ensnared by him. But you know me, my guard is still in place… just in case.”

  Staring at Kayla as if she was reciting her own brief bio, the women just looked on without uttering a word.

  Kayla found herself fidgeting from their reaction and kept ringing her hands together. “Girls, why are you looking at me with those intense faces?” Sitting back in her chair while taking a sip from her drink she waited for one of her four sisters to provide some type of explanation.


  After five minutes of no one talking, Kayla felt frustrated. “Is somebody going to say something, anything?”

  Jocelyn decided to be that person, “Sis, that sounds nice and all but where do you see this thing going between you two? Is this just a fling and once this trip is over you go back to your boring hardworking life? Based on your stargazing a few minutes ago, we can all see that you like this man more than you’re willing to admit. I think you owe it to yourself to talk with him to find out where his head is. We’ll even excuse you for a few hours to get this resolved, right girls?”

  Seeing nodding heads from all her sisters, Kayla decided that she would do just that, finishing her drink in one quick chug, she stood up and set off to find Myles,so they could talk. As she began searching for him, the questions were swirling around in her head. What are his intentions of this thing we stumbled into this week? Is this just a booty call or does he want more once this is over? Humph, I need to find out before we move further.

  Myles tried to think of something else, but he was missing Kayla. The time they spent together last night had been fantastic. Where is my Honey Bee? Coming around the corner, he plowed into a woman that favored the older woman he’d seen with Gramps. He reached out to prevent her from falling backward. “Excuse me, ma’am, I’m so sorry.”

  The woman looked up at Myles with an immediate blush on her cheeks. “It’s not a problem Mr. Hottie. If you want to be extra helpful, I could use some assistance in my room.”

  Before Myles could respond, he saw Kayla walking towards him giving him a watchful eye.

  Kayla walked faster to see what was being said between these two. “Hey, Dr. Feelgood, looks like you are offering some of your services,” she spoke in a sexy voice.

  Myles caught up in the sound of Kayla’s words, responded dropping his tone to match hers, “Ms. Banks believe me, the only person I’ll be giving my services to is you. I’ve been looking for you, babe.”

  The woman standing between the two of them must have felt like a fly with how they had swatted her out of the mix. “Uh, well looks like I’m out of options here, excuse me,” she said walking away.”

  A little breathless, Kayla said, “I’ve been looking for you too. We need to talk… Feelgood.”

  “Where do you want to have this discussion Ms. Banks? Although, I was looking for you to have a discussion of my own with you. In fact, I have arranged for the location to be out of order, let’s go before our spot is blown.”

  Following Myles, Kayla looked curious about where this spot was.

  He led her through the gym and to the entrance of the steam room.

  Sure enough, there was an “out of order” sign on the door. “Oh…” Kayla mumbled as she finally got what he meant by out of order.

  Putting his finger up to his lips, Myles ushered Kayla inside. “The day we boarded this ship, I stumbled in on you in this very room, Honey Bee. You were laying on your stomach sound asleep, and I want to recreate the scene as well as take it where I wanted it to go. Can you lay down on your stomach and get comfortable, better yet, pretend to be asleep like you were that day.”

  “Myles, I think your freak flag might be higher than mine.” Kayla smiled but felt excited by his idea nonetheless. She stripped off her clothes as he handed her a towel. Laying down on the bench, she got comfortable relaxing with the feel of the steam surrounding her and soothing her muscles. “Ah, this feels so nice.”

  “Honey Bee, it’s about to get better than nice in just a minute.” Myles slowly yet quietly moved towards Kayla as she pretended to be sleeping peacefully on the bench. As he got closer, he decided to test out one of his many skills. Not touching her just yet, he decided to just go for it as it was open season between her legs and he couldn’t let this opportunity pass him by.

  Myles crouched down and slid her panties to the side. Stealthily, he got between her open legs and licked her pussy lips in a slow, steady stroke. The action caused her to moan, but she didn’t stir beyond that, giving him full clearance to continue. He needed another taste, so he licked her again.

  Hitting her at the right angle and pressure, Kayla jumped up so fast off the bench it caused him to fall to the floor and hit his head on the wall.

  He gazed up at her. “Uh, Kayla injuring my head will cause me to take it out on this sweet pussy. You gotta be still for me to continue my exploration.”

  Kayla’s cheeks were flushed as she lowered herself back to the bench, so she could allow Myles to get more of his pie.

  Myles both rubbing his sore head and savoring the flavor resting on his tongue from her sweet pussy, he gave her a minute to get comfortable again. “Baby, your pussy called me for an invitation immediately when I walked in this room that first day and I had to find out what this angle would do for us both. Now be still and let me remind you how my tongue game works.”

  Before Kayla could respond to his words, Myles parted her folds and licked her again. This time, he was able to suck on her pussy where the piercing met her lips.

  “Shiiiitttt,” Kayla cursed out.

  “Do I need to put something over your mouth to keep you quiet, Honey Bee? You’re going to blow my cover, and our playtime will be over.”

  Lifting her head up slightly, she whispered, “No baby, I’ll be quiet…keep going.”

  Needing no further encouragement, Myles began to suck her pussy like he was genuinely eating his favorite dessert.

  Needing to get closer, he lifted her leg up and burrowed his face further into her wetness. Alternately between licking, sucking and biting her folds and clit, he flattened his tongue and inserted it deep into her walls.

  Once he reached her g-spot, Kayla cried out, and the dam broke. She was coming in the moist steam surrounding her. Thoroughly soaking his face in the process. “Myles, oh Myles, babbyyyyyyyy!” she cried out totally forgetting about his request for her to keep quiet.

  With her loud outburst, a knock sounded at the door to the steam room. “I think someone is in there,” a voice said as if talking to someone else.

  “Damn, Honey Bee, let me get you out of here before somebody comes in. This sweet pussy can only be seen and explored by me.” Helping a dazed Kayla to her feet and fixing her clothes, he swung her up in his arms cradling her as if she were his most prized possession.

  Kayla, spent from what just took place was only able to lay her head on his shoulder looking as if she would drop off to sleep at any moment.

  Smirking down at her, he whispered, “Alright baby, let’s go to my room and we can take a nap. Going to your room will mean we’ll be disturbed by your sisters and I’m not quite ready to let you go yet,” Myles informed a dazed-looking Kayla.

  ~Chapter Nine~

  Even the best-laid plans have hiccups as Myles was stopped twice on his journey with Kayla to his cabin. First by, Reia and Jocelyn as they were coming from, Name that 80s Tune with their cruise director Dr. E. Giving him knowing looks, they stopped him long
enough to peer down at a sleeping and sated Kayla. Jocelyn, patted his shoulder and stepped to the side for him to continue.

  Just as he reached the elevator, Myles ran into his grandfather and this time, he would not escape comment.

  “Alright little Harte, what did on earth did you do to this girl? You rock her to sleep?” Grandpa Feelgood said in a thunderous and boisterous voice.

  Cautious of Kayla being able to hear even though she didn’t budge, Myles whispered, “Gramps, can we chat later? I’m kind of busy here.” Sidestepping his grandfather, he attempted to walk away, but his grandpa’s whispered words stopped him again.

  “Yeah, busy should have been your middle name cause you have that down to a science. This poor girl looks like you wore her out. From the looks of her, she could use a bed.” Shaking his head, grandpa walked away leaving Myles to stare after him.

  Myles stood in the same spot for a bit, replaying his grandfather’s words. But he couldn’t ponder too long as Kayla stirred in his arms. “Hang on Honey Bee, we’ll be in my room in a few minutes, and you can sleep more comfortably.” He continued to the elevator without further incident.

  As soon as Kayla’s body was gently spread out on the bed, she stirred awake from the familiar masculine smell embedded in the sheets. “Hi, I see you were successful in distracting me earlier, but we were supposed to be talking, Mister,” she groggily stated. “Is this just a week-long fling for you? What are your intentions toward me? I don’t want to leave any stones unturned. Especially, since you keep finding ways to distract me by either attacking my pussy with your tongue or with that Feelgood dick of yours.”

  Myles was indeed trying to distract her, but it was time to pay the piper as he prepared to answer her questions. “Ok Honey Bee, time to lay it all out on the proverbial table. As far as my intentions for you, I want us to enjoy each other’s company for the remainder of this trip. I also want us to end this trip as a couple and I want us to start dating. So, does that answer your inquiries?”

  “I’m not sure that you answered them. It seems like you just glossed over them. So, what are you not trying to say?” she asked growing aggravated.

  “I don’t want this to cause you to ease up on this thing we’re starting, so I hesitate with sharing but I’m going to anyway. Sometimes, it’s better just to lay your cards on the table. Anyway, I haven’t been able to have a relationship of any kind since I began my private practice four years ago. There are two reasons for this. The first is that I tend to be extremely busy with my patients and practice which causes me to not spend as much time with the woman I’m dating. It starts off with my undivided attention and the next minute I get busy, and forget to do the things to keep her interested. The second reason is that women and my personal assistant Cathy don’t tend to get along. She holds down my practice in a way that I could never repay.”

  Kayla watched Myles giving his explanation then noticed the way that his eyes lit up when he mentioned his personal assistant. She immediately wondered if there was more going on there than he was saying, but she wouldn’t press that subject yet. “So, again, what is it that you really want from this thing between us?”

  “I want to see where this can go from here. Meaning, I want to date you, exclusively, once this cruise ends. I just wanted you to understand a little bit of why I haven’t tried to have a relationship in the past as well some of the issues that have arisen. I want you to be fully prepared for the road ahead is all.”

  Kayla knew she needed some time to think without staring at his gorgeous face. “I think I need time apart to decide if this is what I want. I’ve told you before, that I’ve been hurt in the past, and I don’t want to start something up with you to later wind up with my heart broken again. I’ll find you when I have my answer, ok?”

  His expression was warm and understanding. “Ok, that’s fair enough, come find me when you know for sure. While I want to date you and see where we can go from here, I won’t force you into anything.” Myles kissed her on the cheek and walked her to his door.

  Kayla went to her room to try and sort out her thoughts. She’d done this before, and it had only led to heartache. Entering her room, she headed to her balcony with her earbuds and iPod. As she listened to the music, Kayla found herself getting sleepy. “Humph, I think I’ll shelve this for later,” she mumbled to herself walking back inside.

  ~Chapter Ten~

  The next morning, Kayla still couldn’t decide if she wanted to pursue a relationship with Myles. Her body was saying to just go for it, as she felt so attracted to him. Why wouldn’t she be? With that muscled body, that deep voice and those piercing blue eyes. She knew she wanted to see him beyond this week.

  When she got into the shower, she had a flashback of their time together after he spent the night bringing her to a pleasure that she hadn’t been prepared for. As she ran the washcloth down her body, she was reminded of the track Myles had taken with his tongue in this very shower. If her hormones had anything to do with it, she had her answer.

  But after the things she’d gone through with her ex, she just wasn’t sure if she was ready to date exclusively. You know good and damn well that you want to explore more of that man. Give this thing a try. Nobody says that you must fall in love with him. But hell, I need this, and it’ll be a fresh start. Deciding to just go with it and not allow her fear or past experience hinder her from progressing, she came to a foregone conclusion. “I’m going to date Myles Feelgood exclusively,” she stated out loud.

  Twenty minutes later, Kayla and the girls were sitting by the main pool enjoying the sun and each other’s company. They were due to hit their next port in a few hours, so relaxation was their agenda until then.

  Kayla was lounging in her lounge chair, her thoughts drifting to Myles, of course, as all she could think about was him. She wondered how she would tell him that she wanted to date him. But before she could get any more profound, Rachel broke through with ideas of her own.

  “Oh my, what in the ENTIRE HELL is going on? Anybody else notice that the main floor has suddenly been overcrowded with hairy chests and protruding bellies?” she asked outraged.

  Laughing, Jocelyn informed the group, “Well, I guess I’m the only one who read her Fun Times. It’s time for the Hairy Chest contest.”

  And as soon as she made that statement, the entertainment crew stepped on the deck led by their excellent cruise director, Dr. E. “Whose ready to be entertained until we arrive in port? I need all the contestants to come forward. It’s time to strut your stuff men, and bare those hairy chests. Aw, come on don’t be shy you’ll never see these people again. Any of you lovely ladies out there want to be judges. I need some willing volunteers.”

  “Come on Sisters,” Reia urged while standing up. “Let’s have some fun and go judge these hairy beasts.”

  “What the HELL?” Kayla exclaimed as all five women made their way center stage to judge the Hairy Chest contest.

  Two hours later, the girls were still laughing as they made their way off the ship. They had just arrived in Ocho Rios, Jamaica and wanted to see what this island had to offer.

  “How about we explore the island a little bit instead of jumping in a cab?” Caressa suggested.

  “Yeah, let’s explore.” Rachel nodded. “It looks like there’s lots of things in this central area and we can go back to the ship when we get tired.”

  Heading past the cruise port, the girls were checking out the things in the area. It did seem to be quite populated though and busy. They stopped in the various stores to do some souvenir shopping. As they exited one of the shops, they were approached by a guy offering them some ‘smoke.’

  Before any of them to could answer, Myles stepped directly in front of Kayla who happened to be in the man’s direct path. “The ladies aren’t looking to score with anything you’re offering man, keep moving,” he growled.

  “Alright Mon,” the man said backing away.

  Turning to face the ladies, Myles greeted them,
“Afternoon ladies, how’s your day going so far? Honey Bee, you are a breath of fresh air. Have you made a decision yet?” he inquired never taking his eyes off Kayla.

  Licking her lips she hesitated, “Uh, hey Myles. Yes, I have.”

  He smirked. “If you keep licking your lips like that you’re going to find me carting you back to the ship for a private conversation,” he said leaning closer to her lips.

  “Anybody else feeling more than the Jamaican heat?” Reia asked fanning herself. “Shit!”

  Kayla had almost forgotten that they were one—in public and two—not alone. Taking a small step back, she gave him her answer, “My answer is yes, I want to date you exclusively once this week ends.”

  Looking like he’d won the lottery, Myles stepped closer and kissed her till she required air. Finally, he pulled his lips from hers. “I look forward to it, Honey Bee. Enjoy the rest of the island and be careful.” Grinning, he turned and walked away leaving more than just Kayla watching his retreat.

  “You better buckle up your seat belt cause it’s about to be a bumpy ride Kayla,” Caressa informed her.

  “Damn, did you see that kiss though?” Rachel asked.

  “Shit, I’m still shocked that Kayla was left standing on her own two legs. A smokin’ kiss!” Jocelyn added while laughing. “I thought her ass was going to melt to a puddle on the ground with that one!”

  Later that evening, Kayla sat relaxing on her balcony listening to Tamia sing So into You. She considered how real the lyrics were for her as she remembered her explosive sexual tryst with Myles. His words were still replaying in her mind as she visualized how well he’d handled her body. As she pursued these hot memories, she thought she heard a distinct sound like somebody was trying to join the ‘seaside voyeur balcony club.’


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