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Meeting Dr. Feelgood

Page 11

by Riley Baxter

  “Fine, come in,” Kayla said opening the door just wide enough to allow him entrance into her home. “Start talking Myles,” she stated as she made her way to the couch.

  Myles felt like he was in a trance from watching her ass move in the t-shirt and paused for a minute. “Uh, um, damn baby you are giving me all kinds of feels right now.”

  “Humph, I find that hard to believe. Now either you start talking, or I will escort you to the door. You choose,” Kayla stated aggravated.

  “No escort necessary Kayla. Let me first start off by asking what happened on the last day of the cruise? We were supposed to meet at 2:00 am, and you never showed. I figured you didn’t want to have anything else to do with me. Yet, you’re giving me all this attitude like I was the one who wronged you.” He then fired off more questions, “What’s up with that? I thought you and I had something. I thought we had agreed to date? What happened to your ankle and why did you leave that day in my office?”

  Kayla looked a bit taken aback, and surprised by his stance. “I will admit that the way that things were left off on the cruise was my fault. The day before debarking me and the girls had been drinking and reminiscing and time got away from me. As a result, I overslept and missed our meeting. For that, I’m sorry I really wanted to see you beyond that vacation. As far as my ankle, let’s just say it was a fluke accident. I left your practice that day because I couldn’t watch you flirt with Cathy.”

  Taking a deep sigh, Myles sat still trying to figure out how to proceed. “Kayla, nothing is going on between Cathy and me. I have no feelings for her at all. I understand that the way it looked, you could conclude that we were flirting but trust me when I tell you that there’s nothing between us. She is just my assistant, and nothing more, now can we move on to more important things? How about we start over again? I want to date you. I want an opportunity to learn more about you than I already know. Seven days isn’t long enough to get to know someone, and I want to find out who you are as a person. I know how to make you come, but I need to know how to make you smile,” he finished with a wicked grin.

  Kayla tried to fight the blush from Myles’ words. She had been thinking about him since coming home from vacation. She felt a little hesitant due to his interaction with his assistant, and she wasn’t sure if their relationship would cause problems for what they would attempt to build. Then oh, how she’d missed him. She let out a sigh. Yes, she was willing to give it a shot. “Ok Myles, I will trust that what you’re telling me about your relationship with Cathy is on the up and up. But please don’t mistake my kindness, if there’s more to your relationship than boss and employee, you will regret lying to me. So, let’s date. Also, if you’re serious about learning about more than my ability to come for you, then I think we should hold off on being intimate for a while. What do you say?”

  “I can hold off on intimacy if that’s what it takes to prove to you how serious I am Honey Bee. I haven’t slept with anyone since you and I were together. Despite what women believe, men can keep it in their pants. I am more than my dick. I’ll show you better than I can tell you, though I think you like learning my lessons,” he said winking at her reminding her of their after-club lesson.

  Laughing, Kayla shook her head remembering that particular lesson. “Myles, you are something else. I can’t believe we’re gonna try dating after our disastrous introduction. Then after losing touch and that scene in the clinic, I would never have guessed that we would be here. You were a real asshole, and you had the arrogance to match. Now you’re gonna be my man, humph. Damn, Cupid has a twisted sense of humor.” She kept laughing.

  Two days later, Kayla was laying in her bed smiling as she held the phone. She and Myles had been on the phone for a half hour. “Myles, I’ve been meaning to ask you why is your grandfather so with it, up on the slang, down with the lingo? No offense but some of the things he says makes most people pause and give him a thorough look. I mean baby really, what’s the deal?” She laughed.

  “I wondered if you would ask me about my Gramps. He had humble beginnings as he lived in a mixed raced working-class neighborhood. His mother was a widow who to her surprise found herself in love with a tell it like it is kind, family oriented black man. The two of them got married when my grandfather was in his late teens. After witnessing the relationship between his mother and stepfather, he soon learned that love is color blind. His stepfather taught him that color only has boundaries when people chose to make them. When he grew up, he valued the lessons that were instilled in him and even though he chose my grandmother as a mate, he made sure that he raised his children to see love instead of color. Those lessons were transferred down to my father who in turn, taught us the same philosophy. So yeah, that’s the history lesson on Gramps and his wannabe hip personality, he’s really just trying to imitate his stepfather,” he finished laughing.

  “Hahahaha,” Kayla now knew why the man seemed so unusual. “Well, he certainly had my Sisters talking about him and his friends on the cruise. What is your mom, dad, and sister like? My mom is cool, laid back but she can be a spitfire if she has to be. But my dad still sees me as his baby girl, I’m not sure he’s willing to admit that I’m an adult. He has this mentality that nobody is good enough for his baby girl. He still has some harsh things to say about my ex, even though I have tried telling him that I’m better now.”

  “Well baby, there’s nothing wrong with a parent who has a fierce protective instinct regarding his child. I imagine that I’d be the same way with my kids when I have them. Anyway, my sister Monica is spontaneous and has an adventurous outlook on life. She decided to study abroad for the experience that would come with it. My mom can be dramatic and tends to be smothering if I let her. But my dad is even keel and laid back. I’m not sure that much bothers him to be honest. I rarely see him get upset, unless it has to do with my sister and me.”

  Kayla was enjoying the conversation with Myles, but she felt sleepy with her body still adjusting to the pain meds she was on for her ankle. She yawned. “I’m sorry Myles, you’re not boring me, it’s these pain meds. They’re making me sleepy, I’m really enjoying our conversation, but I guess my body is coming to a wall,” she apologized.

  “You don’t have to apologize Honey Bee, I know you’re still recovering, how about I let you get off this phone and get some rest. Don’t forget you agreed to be my woman, so this isn’t the only time we’ll talk. Get some rest, my sweet girl. Dream about me,” he said blowing her a kiss over the phone and ending the call.

  ~Chapter Twenty-One~

  The following week, Kayla was sitting in her office thinking about Myles and how she was now somebody’s girlfriend. Dr. Feelgood’s girlfriend. She blindly stared at the financial report that Rachel had created for the firm, but her mind remained miles away. Before she could get too caught up in her thoughts or the report, the door to her office opened and in walked the object of her affection.

  Standing in her doorway with a huge grin on his face and the most beautiful bundle of tulips ever—was Myles. “Good afternoon Honey Bee, I was thinking about you all morning and decided to treat you to lunch and since you’re here instead of at home resting, it will have to happen here. This will count as our first date, and I’m hoping that you’ll enjoy it. I know I will if for no other reason but my being able to be in your company.”

  Kayla sat in her chair smiling back at him, warmed by his words and sweet gesture. But before she could respond a ping on her computer caused her to remember that she had a meeting scheduled in five minutes. “Myles, I only came in for today as I had to grab a few things and I lost track of time. And I’m sorry, but I have a meeting in five minutes and I won’t be able to do lunch. Can I get a raincheck? I’m so sorry you drove all the way here to have my schedule foil your plans.”

  Laughing, Myles said, “Baby, I am your meeting. If you look at your calendar, you’ll see that your assistant set up the meeting with a potential client but didn’t provide a name.” He smirked and motione
d for her to look at the invite closely.

  Kayla opened that reminder and sure enough, what he said was true, how did she miss that when she accepted the invitation? Come to think of it she didn’t, the meeting just appeared on her calendar last week, ironically two days after she and Myles agreed to date. “Myles, I—uh….” She was at a loss for words on how he had convinced her tough as nails assistant to go along with his plan.

  His blue eyes sparkled as he grinned at her. “You’re wondering how I managed to get on your calendar without giving too many details to your assistant. Well sometimes, it pays to have friends in high places. Rachel helped me out. So now that we got that out of the way, come here,” he said as he sat the flowers on the mini table inside her office.

  Kayla stood up and walked to Myles as he slowly made his way to her. When they reached each other, she leaned up in search of his lips but instead of kissing her, he hugged her to him. For a second, she just stood there but after a few minutes, inhaling his scent and the strength of his arms her shock began to wear off and she allowed herself to be in the moment.

  As she laid her head on his chest, she decided that this hug was unlike any she’d ever received from a man in the past. This embrace caressed and comforted her. It removed the stress from the day. It made her feel loved and protected. And just when she felt as if he would step back, he squeezed her tighter as if he knew she just needed to be held a little while longer. With a deep sigh, Kayla welcomed this sweet embrace from the man she had the pleasure of calling her own.

  “Sometimes, a hug can give you more intimacy than a kiss, and I want you to know that I’m more than able to give you everything that you need, Honey Bee.” He leaned down and kissed her softly on her lips. Stepping back he said, “Are you ready for lunch now?”

  Kayla had gotten lost in the embrace, the feelings it gave her, and the words he’d spoken to her. She’d never had anybody give her a simple hug that felt so intimate. “Uh, yeah…I’m ready for lunch.”

  Grinning, Myles took her hand and walked towards the door. “Well, let’s get you fed.”

  Kayla’s mind was all over the place as she wondered where he was taking her. As they walked out of her office, she didn’t see her assistant and wondered where she was hiding. But as they continued walking, she noticed that the floor was eerily quiet which was unusual for this time of day. “Myles, did you tie up my employees in some dark room or something? Where is everybody?”

  Myles laughed hard. “I’m not sure where your employees are,” he said winking at her.

  As they turned the corner heading to the conference room, a group of people stood around the double doors gaping into the room.

  Kayla was getting antsy and seeing a group of her employees that also included her assistant and Rachel, she wondered what was going on. “Marsha, Rachel, you two have some explaining to do!”

  Rachel winked at Myles. “Well, Ms. Banks, some things are worth the explaining. Enjoy your lunch. Show’s over people, back to work everyone.” She ushered the crowd back to their designated areas.

  Just outside the conference room, Kayla heard soft jazz playing. “Myles, what did you do?”

  Letting her hand go, he waved at the doorway. “I wanted our first date to be unconventional as well as different. Since we both have such demanding schedules, I wanted you to have a reminder of me every time you enter your workspace. Follow me.”

  Kayla’s steps halted as soon as she entered the conference room. This particular room was for small meetings and typically contained a round table with six chairs. But right now, the roundtable was set up like a restaurant with a two-person table setting. The centerpiece was more tulips, but there were other flowers mixed in. It was a beautiful arrangement. She walked to the chair that Myles stood at, waiting for her to approach and sit down. Before she got to the chair, she noticed a guy with a saxophone in the corner playing soft jazz. And next to the saxophonist was a waiter who stood beside a food and beverage cart. Kayla’s mouth opened and closed twice before she could form words. “Myles, when did you plan this? I-I can’t believe you p-planned this f-for me,” she stuttered out.

  “Honey Bee, all I needed was a yes from you that you’d be mine. Once I had it, I began making plans to show you that I can be bigger than my uh…you get the drift and definitely no pun intended. I wanted you to know that I meant every word I said last week. Now can you come here and sit, so we can share a meal together?” He held his hand out for her. Once she reached the chair and sat down, he leaned down and kissed her before going to his seat.

  Later that evening, Kayla laid in her bed feeling tingly and almost giddy as she replayed the day’s events. Myles had spared no expense with their lunch date. They dined on an Italian feast that was amazing. There was a selection of chicken parmesan, lasagna, chicken and shrimp Alfredo, salad, and breadsticks. Instead of wine, they sipped on strawberry lemonade because Myles didn’t want her employees to think she was anything but professional in the workplace. Once they had finished their meal, he took her in his arms where they slow danced to the soft jazz melody being played by the talented saxophonist.

  Remembering how it felt to be wrapped in his arms as they swayed to the music, her phone rang. Smiling, she answered, “How’d you know you were on my mind? You really made my day wonderful. I appreciate everything that you did Myles.”

  “You don’t have to thank me Honey Bee. It was my absolute pleasure. Spending the afternoon with you was my greatest reward. How’s your ankle feeling, our dancing didn’t cause you any pain did it? I think your recovery is coming along nicely, but I can come over and give you a foot massage if you like?”

  Smiling from ear to ear, Kayla burrowed deeper in her bed and wiggled her ankle a little to test the feeling. “Um, it feels okay, but I certainly won’t turn down a foot massage. I just hate for you to drive all the way here. Aren’t you home?”

  “Actually, I’m already in route to your house. I was just giving you a slight heads up. I will be there in about thirty minutes. Head down to the living room, that way you’ll be down there when I arrive. See you in a bit baby.” He hung up.

  Twenty-five minutes later, Myles knocked at Kayla’s door, anxious to see her beautiful face. Five minutes passed, and she still hadn’t opened the door which caused him to worry. He pulled his phone out, dialed her number and knocked on the door again. About the fourth ring, Kayla picked up the phone sounding as if she was wrestling with Mr. Sandman. Laughing, he lowered his voice, “If you open the door Honey Bee, I can make you feel better than the dream you were having.”

  Finally, she opened the door apologizing. She only had on a sheer tank and boy shorts with the words “sexy” stitched in hot pink across her bottom. “I’m sorry babe, I must have fallen asleep. Hopefully, you weren’t waiting too long.”

  Myles had lost his tongue and the ability to talk as he gazed at her hard nipples through the sheer top and as his eyes traveled down, he almost drooled shamelessly. “Damn,” he muttered under his breath. “I realize you were sleeping, but you do realize you are wearing next to nothing right?” He quickly walked through, shutting the door, so no one would see her. How in the HELL am I going to get through this night without devouring her? Shit! To her, he said, “Come on, let me get your ankle situated.” He bent down and picked her up heading to her bedroom.

  Once he entered her room, he gently lowered her to the bed and proceeded to inspect her ankle. “It’s looking good baby and healing rather nicely.” With that, he began a slow but sensual foot message that had her moaning softly. The sounds she made reminded him of what happened when they had sex, and he was having trouble focusing. But he was determined to not break their agreed upon no sex rule.

  Kayla laid back and enjoyed the magic of Myles’ hands on her ankle and foot. Instead of just focusing on the injured ankle, he proceeded to massage the left foot and ankle as well. And she had dozed off, feeling relaxed and comfortable.

  Laughing to himself, Myles lowered Kayla’s lef
t foot and just stared at her sleeping form. She looked peaceful and almost angelic. He decided to stay over, so he wouldn’t have to wake or disturb her. He proceeded to remove his clothes and shoes. Climbing in behind her, he wrapped her in his arms hugging her to his chest. He felt a calm that he’d never had before and decided he could sleep like this for the rest of his life. With that last thought, he too, drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

  ~Chapter Twenty-Two~

  Roughly four months later…

  Kayla and Myles were at the airport heading to Orlando to see her girls and spoil Caressa’s new baby. They were also going to have the baby shower that never happened since Caressa delivered early throwing off their plans. She couldn’t believe that Caressa was now a mom. Nor could she believe that she and Myles had been dating for four months.

  Time was flying, and things were progressing well with them. In fact, she wondered when the other shoe would drop. They still hadn’t been intimate which was becoming difficult for her. But over the past four months, Myles had been showering her with his love in other ways. He was attentive to her and her needs. He’d even come to her house often during the remaining three weeks that her ankle healed. During that time, he gave her hands-on therapy, ankle massages. He’d waited on her with meals and goodies and did special things for her, like painting her toenails for her.

  Once she returned to work, he’d sent her “Welcome Back” flowers as well as had lunch delivered by Panera bread, so she wouldn’t have to go out. He was showing her that intimacy could be obtained by more than just sexual exploits. She was nervous about how he would fair with the other men, but she tried not to think about it. She wished Rachel had come on the flight with them, but they were unable to match schedules as Rachel was tending to some family business before flying out. As her head raced from topic to topic, she took a deep sigh and laid her head on Myles’ shoulder.


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