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Meeting Dr. Feelgood

Page 14

by Riley Baxter

  She’d also forgotten that her dad was well versed in the language of ‘Kayla,’ so he initiated the conversation with her, “Baby girl, I have watched you go through twenty different conversations with yourself. What do you need to tell us? And whatever you do, please tell me that I’m not going to be a grandfather before I have even given you away.”

  “Daddy!” she whined.

  “Oh Lord, she’s whining, it must really be something big. What’s going on Kay?” her mother asked freezing her in her seat with an icy look.

  “Mommy, Daddy, I met someone when me and the girls took our vacation cruise this year. Um, he’s a doctor, an orthopedic surgeon. And uh, he’s white,” she said looking down into her lap. She knew that her parents didn’t have a problem with race, but she wasn’t sure how they would feel about their daughter dating outside their race. Myles wasn’t her first interracial relationship, but he was the first one she was discussing with them. She was in love with him, and it felt different than her relationship with Rick. And she’d only informed them of her dating status at the time and his name that was all. But this relationship with Myles could lead to forever, so they needed to be aware of more than just his name.

  “So, I’m guessing this relationship is getting serious because you never tell us much about your boyfriends,” her mother said looking at her with a knowing smirk.

  “Now, Gina don’t you stir up anything and be marrying her off just yet. I haven’t met this joker yet. And Baby Girl, I could care less about him being white, but he better come correct, or I’ll bust his ass,” her dad said.

  “Daddy, Myles is awesome and treats me just how you’d want someone to treat your baby girl. Trust me you’re going to love him just like I—uh, Mommy what’s for dinner?” Kayla quickly changed the subject before she let her feelings for Myles slip out.

  “Kayla Michelle, don’t think I didn’t hear your near slip of the tongue we need to have a sidebar conversation without your father present. Now let’s move on with dinner, I made your favorite,” her mother said winking at her.

  “Lasagna? You know I love lasagna, you rock Mommy,” Kayla said shimming in her seat.

  “Alright, alright baby girl, let’s get started. Bow your heads and let’s thank God for this meal and time spent with the people we love,” her dad said as he led them in prayer.

  After the prayer, Kayla wondered just what her father would say when he met Myles and how he would treat him. Goodness, I hope Myles is ready for meet the family night.

  ~Chapter Twenty-Five~

  Two weeks had flown past and Kayla had just walked into her house, she was exhausted. But she was also missing Myles, he’d been traveling for the last two weeks for some medical conference, and she hadn’t seen him. I’m going to just surprise him with lunch.

  Two hours later, Kayla was entering Elite Orthopedics excited about seeing Myles after two weeks. Her excitement carried her up to the receptionist desk where she asked if Myles was in his office or with a patient. The receptionist informed her that he had just finished with a patient and should be in his office. Then she buzzed her in and pointed toward his office after confirming her name.

  Myles told her he’d spoken about her often around the office, and so the receptionist knew that they were dating and allowed her access without incident.

  Opening his door, she quickly closed and locked it behind her never taking her eyes from him. “Dr. Feelgood, I believe I have an ache that only a surgeon can ease,” she purred.

  Looking up from his computer, he smiled. “Honey Bee, whatever you need I’ve got it for you. Come over here and let me examine you,” he said stepping from around his desk but stopping in front of it. As she approached, he began removing his lab coat and unbuttoning his shirt.

  She watched him remove his shirt and admired his abs as he did so. He was so well defined, and she loved looking at his physique. “Babe, I just came to see if you wanted to join me for lunch. And we need to set up our meetings with our parents. Your traveling has thrown that off, and I’m sure my dad is thinking that you’re running scared,” she informed him. She reached him and slow-walked her hands up and down his body excited for the opportunity to touch him. “I was heading home after lunch to take a midday nap, any chance I can entice you to join me?” she asked with her hands planted on the bulge in his pants.

  Myles needed to feel her, so he lowered his head and took possession of her lips. Hearing her moan low in her throat, he deepened the kiss as he brought her body closer to him. But that wasn’t enough contact for him, so he lifted her dress, happy she’d worn it for the easy access it provided.

  The more of her beautiful body he revealed, the less restrained he became. “Baby, let me ease your ache for you,” he said taking her nipple into his mouth. He sucked her nipple hard as if he were a man cursed with a thirst he just couldn’t quench. “I need for you to be quiet if we’re gonna continue here Honey Bee,” he quickly breathed out before turning his attention to the other nipple to give it equal attention.

  Needing to take it further, he traded positions which caused Kayla to be up against the desk. Parting her legs, he began loosening his belt to remove his pants. Finally getting them loose, Myles dropped them to his ankles and lifted Kayla up on the desk. But before he could go any further, Cathy buzzed his phone telling him that he had an unscheduled patient in the lobby requesting to see him.

  “Damn babe, I totally forgot where we were,” Kayla said. “You and your Feelgood magic, got me forgetting my surroundings. I’ll let you get back to work, you know where to find me.” She winked while lowering her dress back in place. Once she felt confident that she was put back together, she headed toward the door.

  As she eased the door open, she came face to face with Cathy who was outside the door for him. Deciding to make sure she sent the nosey assistant a, back off, he’s mine message, she turned, stalking back to Myles. “Where are my manners? I forgot to give you a proper goodbye.” So, before he could utter a word, she landed a kiss on him that left him panting and reaching for her to give him more.

  Before leaving his office, she said with full confidence in her feminine purr, “When you’re free, you know where to find me Dr. Feelgood, see you later.” She blew him a kiss and left.

  Forty-five minutes later Myles was in his car and heading to Kayla’s house in Powell. There was no way he was gonna put off spending time with her. With the way she left him after that kiss, it had him hard enough to hammer nails into a wall. So, he had just the walls in mind to punish. The little minx had forgotten that he was shirtless, and his pants were lowered to his ankles. But she had sent a clear message to Cathy as she avoided him for the rest of the time he was there. He quickly addressed his patient’s concerns and told her he was leaving for the day.

  His Honey Bee had challenged him without realizing it. When he pulled into her driveway, he was grateful there’d been no police on the highway, as Myles would undoubtedly have gotten a ticket with how fast he drove to get here. He stepped out of the car and strode to her front door ringing the doorbell somewhat impatiently.

  “Who the fuck is it and why are you ringing my damn doorbell like that?” Kayla spat out opening the door then she said, “Myles, looks like you’ve come to take a nap with me or is it something else? Is everything ok?”

  “No Honey Bee, everything is not okay after the way you left me, don’t play coy. I too, have an ache that needs to be eased. You see, I haven’t gotten a taste of my honey in two weeks, and I think I’m going mad.” He walked her back enough to close the door. Once that task was completed, he picked her up and carried her to her room. Sitting her on the bed with, “Don’t move baby,” he unbuckled and lowered his pants. Then he proceeded in removing her panties as she still wore the dress he loved since it was easily removed from her delectable body. Quickly grabbing a condom from his wallet, he sheathed himself and rammed into her. “Sorry baby, this isn’t going to be anything but quick. We’ve got time for slow and easy later.�
�� He moved so quick in her that she lost count of his thrusts. He did make sure she came twice.

  Twenty minutes later, he picked her up and carried her to the shower. Once he washed the both of them, he carried her back to her bed, crawled in behind her, and said, “Now you can rest baby.” He hugged her to his body as they settled in for a nap.

  Around 5:30 pm that evening, someone was ringing Kayla’s doorbell. She was sleeping sounding, so Myles pulled on his boxers but left his shirt off, not feeling like going through the trouble as he was coming back to bed with her. “Coming,” he said walking up to open the door.

  On the other side, stood two people who were the perfect mix of his Honey Bee. At first, he just stared at them, unsure how to approach this conversation. “Uh, I’m sorry, you must be Honey Bee’s parents,” he said finally getting his brain back.

  “I take it Honey Bee is my Kayla? And you must be Myles? You think you can put some clothes on? And where is Kayla?” the man he assumed was Kayla’s dad inquired.

  “Well damn, you certainly are Myles. You are exactly how she described you. We are indeed Kayla’s parents. I’m Regina, and this is Anthony,” Kayla’s mom said extending her hand as if he wasn’t standing at the door in his boxers.

  “Gina, don’t you have any shame? Let him put some clothes on. And young man, we’ll be waiting in the living room. Bring Kayla back with you,” Anthony said stepping to the side of him, pulling Regina into the house as he headed to the living room.

  “Shit, I think I just made the absolute worse first impression,” Myles said heading back to wake up Kayla. All the way there, he wondered how to tell Kayla her parents were not only in the living room but had also seen him in just his boxers. “Uh, Honey Bee? You need to get up your parents are here. Baby, come on nap time is over your parents are here. And uh, they kind of seen me in just my boxers. And we didn’t get to have the conversation about how our conversations went.”

  Kayla was still groggy, but if she heard him correctly, Myles just told her that her parents were here. “Ok babe, I’m getting up. Why are you looking so panicked? We never got to discuss it, but I already told my parents about you. They’re fine with our dating,” she said moving to get out of the bed.

  “Baby, that may have been the case before they seen me in just my boxers answering your door. Your dad didn’t look very happy about it. Actually, I think your dad wanted to kill me just now,” he expressed with concern.

  Laughing, Kayla informed him, “Myles, my dad is just ruffling your feathers. He has seen me with men before and you answering my door in your boxers isn’t as big a deal as you’re making it. What did my mom say?”

  “Well, I’m not sure that she had a problem at all with either occurrence,” he replied while grinning. “She introduced them and offered her hand before your dad ushered her along. She almost made it bearable. I wanted to laugh at her acting as if I weren’t in an awkward position.”

  “Trust me, my mom and I had a very candid discussion about you. She isn’t the shy type at all. My dad will be fine too. Come on let’s not keep them waiting any longer,” she said after putting on sweats and a t-shirt.

  “Uh, give me a minute to throw on some clothes. I’ll be right out,” Myles said kissing her as she walked out of her room.

  Walking in the living room, Kayla smirked at her mom and greeted them both by hugging them. She hugged her dad longer and whispered, “Be nice Daddy, I really like him and to be honest with you, I’m in love him.” With that, she moved to the other couch and waited for Myles to join them.

  A few minutes later, Myles joined Kayla on the couch and to ease his mind a little, she leaned over and kissed him.

  “So, Myles, we’ve been waiting to meet you since Kayla told us you two were dating. Not that I wanted to meet my daughter’s man in his underwear. But uh, how about we go to dinner and have a little icebreaker,” Anthony suggested.

  Smirking Kayla, replied, “Daddy, you realize I’m not a little girl anymore right? And yes, let’s go to dinner and break some ice.”

  Later that night, Kayla and Myles were lying in her bed snuggling. Myles felt pleased with how dinner with her parents had gone. After spending time with them, he found that he and Anthony had some similar attributes. And it was confirmed that both wanted what was best for Kayla. Myles had also realized Kayla and her mom were cut from the same cloth. Mrs. Regina knew how to keep Anthony from bulldozing him.

  The evening had gone very well, and he and Anthony even came to some common ground before the end of the night. Anthony also joked with him saying that he would start calling before coming over to make sure that if he were there, he was dressed correctly. The two of them had scheduled their first outing as Myles agreed to go to a Cleveland Browns game with her dad. He didn’t have much time for sports, so he was looking forward to bonding with Anthony over a game of football. And Myles would have a heart to heart with him on their way to the game. He had heard that the Browns record was terrible this year and they had yet to win a game, so he figured the before conversation would go much better than any after game conversation they had.

  “Baby, I think that went very well. You were a hit with my parents. Now we just need to set something up, so I can meet your parents. When do you think that’ll be?” she inquired.

  “My parents have been waiting to meet you ever since Gramps mentioned you, once we returned from the cruise. I had no idea they were already familiar with you but yeah, Gramps snitched on me. But how about we go over for dinner the following Saturday since your dad and I are going to the game on Sunday,” he said laughing.

  The following Saturday, Kayla was riding with Myles headed to Trotwood, so she could meet his parents. They were just about to pull up, and she was very nervous, unsure of how it would go. Kayla knew her parents wouldn’t care about race but how would Myles’ parents react to her? She’d been fretting over this meeting all week long but masking her feelings as best she could in front of Myles. This would be the moment of truth to see if they could have a future together. The thought of this made her anxious, she was deeper in love with him, and she was pretty sure that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. Lord, what am I going to do if this doesn’t go well?

  “Honey Bee, I can feel your nerves way over here. Relax, everything is going to go well,” Myles said comfortingly.

  She took a deep breath blowing it out as he pulled into the driveway of his parents’ home. “Ok, babe it’s not like I can do anything about it now,” she said looking at the people who’d come outside to greet them.

  Laughing and briefly turning to see his parents, sister, and grandfather on the porch, he concluded, “Nope, you’re stuck now. Come on it won’t be bad, I promise,” he said getting out of the car and walking around to open her door.

  Before anybody could say anything, Grandpa Feelgood decided to be the icebreaker, “Hey Ms. Kayla, it’s good to see you again. And I see the sun is still kissing your skin nicely, any chance you have a single grandmother?” he asked winking at her.

  Myles, his parents, and sister all started shouting at Grandpa Feelgood appalled by his words.

  Kayla just stood there with her mouth open.

  Nudging her forward, Myles whispered, “Baby, please ignore my Gramps.”

  Instead of reacting, she burst out laughing; Grandpa Feelgood had definitely broken the ice and eased her fears a little bit. Walking to the porch, she stated, “Hi, my name is Kayla Banks. I am pleased to meet you all.”

  Myles’ dad stepped forward and picked Kayla up, giving her a bear hug while not saying a word. When he sat her down, Myles’ mom came forward and kissed her on the cheek also not saying anything.

  Then Myles’ sister seeing Kayla’s look of confusion, walked forward while extending her hand, “Hi I’m Monica, and it’s very nice to meet you as well. Ignore my parents they’re so happy that Myles is finally showing signs of settling down…” pointing to their father who was smiling broadly, “…that is our dad Keith, a
nd that sweet lady there is our mother, Catherine.”

  At that moment, Myles’ mom finally greeted Kayla, “We’re sorry to bombard you, Sweetheart. Dad has already told us about you, and we are happy to welcome you to our home. Come on in dinner is ready.”

  Myles hugged Kayla before stepping into the house, “I promise that they’re normal people Honey Bee,” he said laughing as he released her.

  Kayla now felt at ease with them. In their own way, they had wiped her fears away and provided their own version of an icebreaker. She was ready to see where she and Myles would go from here. She felt hopeful about their future. Both had met the other’s parents, and it went very well. “Alright Cupid, give it your best shot,” she said to herself walking behind Myles into the house.

  ~Chapter Twenty-Six~

  Two years later…

  Kayla had just arrived at the airport, she was heading to Tampa to see baby Parker who was no longer a baby. This time, she was traveling solo as Myles was busy with patients and Rachel was off with Dashawn somewhere. After confirming her flight at the desk and checking her bags, she headed to her gate but noticed someone who looked like Grandpa Feelgood. Shrugging it off, she kept walking, feeling sure that she hadn’t seen correctly.

  Arriving at her gate which happened to be right next to the gate where she had met Myles over two years ago, she sat down and put on her headphones. She made sure to turn the music down to a level low enough to hear the Delta representative once boarding began. Getting comfortable, she thought she heard a man who sounded like Myles talking to someone behind her. I must be losing it she thought as she listened to the man.

  “More than two years ago today, I realized my life would forever be changed. I met a woman who caused me to recognize the power of love in its truest form. This woman and I met by sheer determination initiated by Cupid’s arrow. This spot is where I met her. The week we spent together after our meeting caused me to realize that no other woman would compare. She compliments me in a way I can never express verbally. Meeting, spending time, and falling in love with her gave me God’s image of perfection made just for me. I am forever humbled to have found the woman that I will spend the rest of my life loving. She is God’s gift for me, now if she would just turn around I can show her what that means.”


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